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  • Red Bull Rampage: Dates Revealed For Men’s and Women’s Events
  • SteveBbrain
    Free Member

    Would anyone like to see a picture of my 26″ bell end?

    Free Member

    I used to be crap at concurrs until I had some coaching

    Free Member

    I don’t believe it!
    Pretty new to mountain biking (at mature age :wink:) got my first decent bike last year, Mrs astounded at the cost.
    She continued to be astonished at the regular ‘cost’ occasions my new hobby seemed littered with.
    Then out of the blue she coughs up a big wedge of money to buy me a voucher for a skills course for me birthday! This, while I’m still trying to negotiate funds for repairs/tyres/pads/fashion accessories etc etc.

    Still, am looking forward to the course though 😛

    Free Member

    Done, not been this year – mainly due to injuries!

    Free Member

    3 out of 3, my cube mtb, bianchi road, and old Scott mtb commuter.
    All in storage at present as I am suffering with sore ribs and shoulder after over stretching my limited skills at the weekend 😳

    Free Member

    Done the red route today. My god it was fast! Bone dry and hard, great fun, even the bits of forest road were knocked off in no time it was running that fast, so not in the least boring 😆

    Free Member

    Mate of mine from Bad Brains MBC is just setting up his new business at Morley, he has trued my wheels up fine and dandy.
    Google ‘garage bikes’
    sorry i’m no good at them clicky thingies 😳

    Free Member

    Felt good until the chain started slipping in middle ring when pushing hard uphill 🙁

    Free Member

    When I remember how to attach pic I will do so 😳

    Free Member

    I ride a Cube reaction RX ( the red and white one)
    I like it, no expert though as it’s the first ‘decent’ mtb I’ve had so I just followed lots of advice on what could suit my riding style, and what would be the best value for my budget at the time.
    Main prob I’ve had with it is bottom brackets – I’m on my third already and have had the bike 14 months! I have racked up a few miles though.

    Free Member

    The first race I did involving a bike was a mini triathlon. Not the best idea I’ve ever had, I’d been on a night out previously and imbibed far to much alcoholic beverage. The fact that I was and am a terrible swimmer did’nt help. Even though it was only twenty lengths it was a nightmare, shockingly slow (very nearly the slowest competitor!) and I was nearly sick a few times when getting a mouthfull of water.
    Things improved a bit on the (borrowed) bike, picked a a good few places, and then my strong suit (then) the run was great fun as I was passing all the way.
    I did prepare a bit more sensibly for my next race….

    Free Member

    I like it, maybe I’m just dull and boring.
    Give it a go mate and make your own mind up, have a good ride.

    Free Member

    The grassy descent from Hollins cross to Castleton was definately slippy surface mud, which caused much sideways fallyoffy riding. I thought Rushup edge was a lot more ridable than expected and the Chapel white water section certainly washed off most of the mud!
    There was alot of riders out yesterday enjoying these perfect conditions :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    We went for a couple of weeks about 3 years ago when our son was working over there, loved it. We had about 9 days at Treasure beach, was perfect for us as we like quiet relaxed hols with opportunities to explore on foot (not bikes on this occasion) and use local transport to visit surrounding area. T.B. has great little bars and restaurants and good local walks, the highlight for us was a boat trip along the coast and inland to see crocs etc.
    We had one night in Kingston (enough for us) then a few nights at Port Antonio, another beautiful spot where the highlight was yet again water based – a rafting trip down the river with rapids and a lunch at a riverside shack, wonderful.
    The trip ended with a spectacular helicopter transfer back to the airport, but that was a freebie organised by our son (friends in high places).
    I’m sure you’ll have a great time.

    Free Member

    Another tuba player here (spacecadet – maybe we could form a tuba playing sub forum?) :mrgreen:

    Oh yes – hardtail for me (and I sometimes wear an anorak 😈 )

    Free Member

    Could I get the Mrs to follow in motorhome for a bit of luxury?
    Sorry I’ve got soft in me old age 😳

    Free Member

    I’m going with some mates next Saturday (1st visit for me). I shall keep an open mind, but I know I’ll enjoy it coz I love riding my bike 😀

    Free Member

    If I’m climbing and see a rider descending fast I will try and keep to one side and make it clear to him verbally if poss.(eg. “I’ll keep left mate”) If it’s a steep tough climb where I will never get riding again if I stop, then I will press on regadless – I won’t shout and tell him this is as I will be too breathless to speak.

    If I am descending I will always slow to a safe speed when seeing anyone approaching on the trail, and if I see a rider working hard on a climb I will definately give way and encourage them in their endeavour.
    Not rules in my book, just common sense and courtesy.

    Free Member

    I like to feel a bit kanackered after a ‘big’ ride, it proves I’ve got stuck in and given it some! I usually wallop down a couple of peanut butter and strawberry jam butties with a couple of mugs of tea then fall asleep in front of the telly 😆
    I am then fighting fit for the evenings serious carb replacement session (spag bol and beer/vino).
    Protein/carb recovery drinks? Pah! Get some beer and cake down you :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Excellent 35 miler yesterday with my mate Stan, from Methley (ar ‘ouse) over to Newmillerdam, lots of interesting stuff!
    Then today had a walk around Eccup res with the Mrs. then rode (once I’ve rode I will have ridden 😆 ) home via Harewood estate (few loops on the fun stuff) fair bit of road to get me to last bit of off road around Garforth/Kippax way. Good weekends riding.

    Free Member

    35 miles with anotherstan on the trails of Newmillerdam, Haw park woods, wintersett etc etc. started mild but got a bit cooler windier and wetter. Excellent ride.

    Free Member

    Stopped at camping El Berro for a few days during a 3 month trip in motorhome last year, only managed a couple of short rides, but would love to go back sometime and explore some more!

    Free Member

    I recently joined STW as there was lots of people posting about the Kielder 100 – I was after as much info/opinions as I could get.
    I had started a thread on BR (on Kielder) and got next to no response.
    I still go on BR but just check out the rides and routes forums mainly, STW does seem to suit me more – for now…
    Did do a BR forum ride though that was good fun.

    Free Member

    Good ride today, Tempy was a bit gloopy in places but good fun.
    Post up IGM if you fancy a ride out next weekend – or midweek if a spare light is available….

    Free Member

    Now thats a proper challenge! :mrgreen:
    I did the Bob Graham (many moons ago) and would not have fancied doing it after that swim (well I could’nt have done the swim 😳 ) and cycle!!!

    Free Member

    It’s gonna be fast mate, don’t bother with anything nobbly, slicks will do 😉
    If anyone else wants to join us we could meet up along the way, the route can be very flexible.

    Free Member

    7.30 then Stan?
    Meet you outside my caravan 😉
    We will be doing dis rlway to Garforth, fly line to Aberford, BW to A64, BW to Parlington, Barwick, Scholes, BW to Manston, Temple Newsam, loop to canal, return to Methley.

    Free Member

    Right. Saturday morning ride.
    How about if me and anotherstan set off early from Methley. We could then meet up with others en-route?
    If we left at 8.00am (or 7.30 if you prefer Stan) we could be at Garforth/Micklefield etc. well before 9.00
    Alternatively we could arrange a start/meeting point for all.
    If all goes well we could then arrange for another ride next week. Thoughts….

    Free Member

    Anyone fancy a weekend ride? Sat or sun morning. I’m at Methley (as is anotherstan) and also link up Garforth (fly line) Aberford, Parlington, Barwick, Scholes and Tempy. The bit arround golf course is good, plus we also go over the road towards canal where there is some interesting bits.
    Also into Rothwell country park where theres some nice loops.

    I say weekend as my lights knakt at present.

    Free Member

    Would’nt risk that for charity, would be a real sickener if you were timed out of 100 due to bad luck with punctures/mech problems etc.

    Free Member

    anotherstans Ingleborough adventure was extended by me rescuing him from the murky wilderness on the summit!

    Free Member

    Not for me next year I don’t think. Was really lucky this year, with weather, mech free ride etc. Will look for a new challenge for next year.
    Great event though.

    Free Member

    40 – 50 miles, lots of hills, nice fast rideable descents (no steps or big drops – I know, I’m a jessy), handicap system giving mins./hours start depending on how old and decrepit you are :lol:.
    Lashings of beer and cake to follow.

    Free Member

    Just got back from a saturated 4 hour ride, sliding all over the place, had to keep moving all the time to keep warm, my mate had to wait a few times for me when I was doing a bit of mincing 😳 But have to say it was blo0dy good fun!

    Odd bod.

    Free Member

    I’m deffo missing the point of this thread

    Free Member

    I am tempted by the ‘Raid Pyrenean’ Just doubt I could persuade the Mrs to give me permission 😳

    Free Member

    Ingleby incline/Cockayne/Blakey tomorra
    Rosedale circuit Sunday (I think)

    Free Member

    I wonder if he prefers natural trails or trail centres?

    Free Member

    Speed, laughs, thrills, embarrassment, lycra, ogling girlies in lycra, falling off (thats a lie!), staying on (thats a laugh!), getting all clarted up (mucky) and forgetting (briefly) that I’m an old gimma ….

    Free Member

    Hoping to have a first look at Hamsterley tomorra

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