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  • Issue 156 – No place for science
  • SteveBbrain
    Free Member

    Cheers Rewski, all this fun makes me feel younger if not look it 😉

    Free Member

    58 actually –
    Never been up Cadair Idris, does sound like the sort of thing I’d do though –
    Medusa is the big rough bermy section down to High Staintondale (I think).
    I am looking forward to getting out on my local trails next week, got a couple of days in the dales before then though 😀

    Free Member

    58 year old here. Don’t have many aches and pains to speak of. Ride 100mm travel alum. HT. Used to be a fell runner but took up mtb as an easier option. Knees hardly grumble at all these days.
    As for all this diet/drinks malarky 😯 Tonight I shall be having a couple of beers then a curry with a nice bottle of white wine.

    Splash cold water on yer legs!!!!!! Good god, next thing you’ll be suggesting having an ice bath!!!


    Free Member

    Few years ago me and a mate did the challenge for Wakefield Hospice from Fort William. We ran the hills (do admit to bits of walking up em) and road biked between. Struggled with headwinds most of way but still managed it in 3 days. Wives followed us in camper van to support.

    Free Member

    Just the one bike till me and my son decided to swap bikes mid ride. Soon swapped back after I wrestled with a tree taking a bend too fast due to his crap brakes and he nearly went over bars due to my excellent ones 😆

    Free Member

    I’d give em a go, wonderfull part of the world and I would not be put off by the odd little hiccough. I would like the odd glass of vino tinto though 😀

    Free Member

    I’m in Methley as is my riding buddy ‘anotherstan’ the riding isn’t that bad if you are prepared to ride more than 10 miles! You could get yerself down to Bad brains MBC with us for all the Wakey/Morley trails and further afield.

    PS ton – do I know you? just spotted your post on another thread last night saying you thought your good lady knows me and Mrs B

    Free Member

    Ayup ton, sorry only just seen this. Aye I’m in Methley (it’s a camper van). Whereabouts are you? I’m intrigued to know who your good lady is — and you of course.
    I’ll pm you at some time.

    Free Member

    Cheers Stanley, As you know I’ve been riding mainly without specs (pink or otherwise) and had no problems so far. I am seeing the trail so much better, I truly am turning into a riding God 😆

    mmmmm look at the time – must be dreaming again zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Free Member

    I always know I’m getting fit when everyone tells me how poorly I look 😯

    Free Member

    Depends what you are training for…
    If just to get fit then ride ride and ride again, but if for a specific race or races it depends on distance terrain etc etc.

    I always had a training plan of sorts when I was a runner, based on what events I was doing at the time.
    EG. Sun Long run
    Mon easy 5 – 8 mile road run (7 min miles)
    Tues track session 10 x 400 in 70secs (min. rec)
    Wed 6 mile steady off road run (7 1/2 min miles)
    Thurs Club road run 8 – 10 miles (6 min miles ish)
    Fri very steady run or rest
    Sat race.
    That would prob be an early season week, weeks would change for tapering for races or sharpening up.

    Winter would be mainly steady mileage building up an endurance base.

    Not been biking long enough to advise on bike, but I would think the principals similar.

    Free Member

    Looks great, is it easy to find/signposted? Or has it been incorporated into red route?
    Must have a ride over there, not been this year yet.

    Free Member

    I wear lycra cos I’m an old git that don’t care less what I look like or what other people think I look like. And why should i put something baggy over the top to make me sweat even more than I do whilst flying along the trails?

    Free Member

    You rode up Dunmail raise? 😯

    Free Member

    Snotty, have tried to Email you…. bit pissed so let me know if not rec’d.

    Free Member

    I ride with a guy called Stan – who is actually called Alan – and goes by the name of ‘anotherstan’ on here
    he really is the king of bell end knobjockeroony mtbers
    Total ARse

    This really is a stupid thread

    Free Member

    I ride with ‘Bad Brains MBC’ Our policy is no lid no ride. No problem to me as my opinion is it makes total sense.

    Free Member

    I’m leading a ride from Mickletown Community Centre, Methley LS26 9JE in the morning RTR 8.30 am
    Anywhere between 18 and 30 miles depending on who’s riding.
    Route takes in Kippax, Garforth, (Aberford/Scholes poss) Temple Newsam etc. Not hugely tech but a few fun bits and all sorts of terrain.

    Free Member

    At Gisburn last year I made the decision while recceing the course to walk the tricky (in my mind) steppy section about 1/2 way round lap. I had ridden it but reasoned doing 10-12 laps or so I would more than likely crash once at least, which may have been the end of my race. I reckon it cost me at least 10 secs a lap, but over the 12 hours I could live with that. I did of course ensure I kept out of the way of better riders (some of whom I passed again on the next climb).

    Oldgit. I think your comment about age ie no bmx as a nipper, is a good one and explains why some of the jumpy type riding just don’t come naturally to me.

    Free Member

    The willy waving thing gets to me sometimes.
    It appears to me that blasting down a hill as fast as poss is greeted with acclaim and respect (quite rightly). But then someone like myself (who’s not right clever on the techy downhill stuff) that likes the physical challenge and hammers up a hill or hits a long flattish swoopy section as fast as poss. gets labelled as a willy waver?

    I’m also from a running background having run competitively for a ‘club’ way back. The whole ethos of running clubs is totally different from mtb clubs, where the majority do it for ‘fun’ as opposed to viewing it as a ‘sport’. I’m quite happy to enjoy both sides nowadays, riding with a group taking lots of time riding not very far, playing about on interesting trails etc. But if I’m honest I get more enjoyment still when I’m pushing myself really hard on challenging (physically) terrain.
    I suppose I try and wave my willy in private now, or with another consenting adult :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    The good news is it goes on for years. I rode around Dalby red route with my 30 year old son on Monday and was really proud that he just about managed to keep up with me 😉

    Free Member

    In the spirit of this thread……….

    I think that so called ‘brass band’ that pays utter sHHite all the way through matches should be lined up and shot!!!!!

    Free Member

    Got my daily disposables yesterday, having bit of trouble getting them in and out but managing. Went for first ride with them in this morn with the mrs’ pink lensed glasses!
    Felt strange at first but soon got used to them and felt lot more confident – it’s so much better when you can see the trail 😀
    Last half of ride took specs off as steamed up a bit, and left them off as it started to drizzle. Looking forward to riding Dalby tomorrow in them, and then a night ride later in week.

    Free Member

    Hurrah, glad I gave it a miss this year

    Free Member

    Nice one tyredbiker, bit late this year for me to join you though 🙂
    Would need to sort out some better lights too for the longer night section!
    One to bear in mind though.
    My thought process at moment is mebbe to do a 12 hour early on in year then a 24 a month or 2 later….

    Free Member

    A hillier course would suit me as I’m a far better climber than descender, and I think a flatter course would be harder in a way – all that pedaling 🙂
    Another consideration for me would be somewhere to park my motorhome (I like a bit of comfort in my old age) would it be a problem at any of the courses?

    Free Member

    Would the Newcastleton course be on any of the Kielder route that went through there (ie red route). I did like that part of the Keilder even though I was starting to tire – though I did go over the bars on a steepish drop, fortunately landing on my head so no great damage!
    I’d be a bit worried if it was overly technical especially at night when concentration could waver occasionally.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, plenty of food for thought there. Will do more research and chat to mates about it and decide which one to do, then get entered asap. Once committed to an event like this should give the motivation to rack some miles up through the winter.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all replies chaps. I think I’ll give em a whirl for a while and just borra the Mrs’ glasses for a bit, make sure I can get used to lenses ok before spending dosh on specs.

    Free Member

    If you rest up until the pain is more or less gone you’ll be months!
    Excercise is good so long as not making condition worse. I’ve done my ribs twice in last couple of years and both times was back on bike after a week. Nothing to hard or bumpy, just nice and easy, and I felt better on bike than just walking about the house!
    I’m having physio at mo to rehab bad ankle injury and some of ex’s are painful, but I know I’ll recover quicker than sitting on my backside.
    Sleeping is difficult for a week or 2 and sneezing is orrible…
    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Read my post again. It was’nt me I was posessed!
    Maybe I should have added a smiley or something – did’nt realise this was a serious thread …..
    Get a life fella

    Free Member

    It’s a personality thing (maybe even an illness) no point in analyising it. Happens to me regularly, I’ll be tootling along merrily in my own little world on my mtb or occasionaly road bike, when all of a sudden I either get passed or spot a rider in the distance and up pops Mr Jekyll (or is it Hyde?) and I crank it up a few notches and the race is on, and even if I do end up ‘grunting and gurgling’ there is usually a big grin on my face.
    Oh and if in the process another victim / sorry rider has to brake sharply to avoid rear ending me (ooo err) then thats just a bonus :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Historically/strategically speaking Hills are easier to defend than attack.

    Free Member

    Older menfolk (nearly said guys then!) that call each other ‘dude’ !!
    Makes me chuckle inwardly every time I hear em.

    Oh and ‘at the end of the day’ I go to bed!

    Free Member

    I remember some pretty steep climbs at Kielder! And a fair amount of single track climbing as well! Not ridden Exmoor though so can’t compare.

    Free Member

    I didn’t have a problem with midges at all whilst riding. Best thing is not to hang around too long at feed stations. But do keep on taking fuel and liquid. I was struggling after about 25 miles last year and forced copious amounts of water and grub of all kinds down me, gradually recovered and was fine until about 70/80 miles when general fatigue kicked in. I did make sure I kept topped up with food and drink though after the early mistake.
    As others have said the last miles (well all miles really) are tough! And it is a kick in the nuts when you are toiling up another beast well after 100 miles!
    Great event though.

    Free Member

    I suppose some of us just have different priorities

    Free Member

    Peanut butter (crunchy) and strawberry jam butties after a long ride, and a nice cup of tea of course.

    Free Member

    Garage Bikes at Morley. Big Als yer man.

    Free Member

    Ayup Stan lad, I’m still hoping to be able to join you on this ride. I’ve done from Methley to 5 rise locks and back 3 times in last month or so (once with ‘anotherstan’ – bit slow that lad 😉 ) and I will certainly be doing it on mountain bike. it’s pretty bumpy in places and when I did it last Saturday with my son Ben in monsoon conditions anything other than a mtb would have been asking for trouble!
    PS I certainly won’t get a pass for 2 days (Mary in hosp at mo)but as I say will try and be there.

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