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  • Bike Check: James Love’s Cotic Cascade
  • SteveBbrain
    Free Member

    Not had a ride today walking and golf day. Tomorrow we are having a walk up Snowdon (I may do Crib goch as well to get my adrenaline fix) Will try and have a crack at full Marin on Thursday….

    Free Member

    She does indeed Chip. God I’m unfit only did 13 (hilly) miles again today and it nearly wiped me out! Enjoying it though and I suppose it must be doing me good…..

    Free Member

    What a brilliant time to come, it’s red hot here. Went for first ride before breakfast this morning. Rode from riverside caravan park Betws-y-coed and up the forest road to where the marin trail crosses it, then followed trail as far as car park and returned via forest road and a cheeky bit. Quite hilly! Just 13 miles today. May try and do complete trail tomorrow. It’s a lot easier being able to ride from site which means the mrs can chill out – and have me brekky ready 😀

    Free Member

    Quite tame suits me just fine at the moment 😳

    Free Member

    Excellent, will look you up for a ride maybe Mon or Tues.

    Free Member

    I’m proper unfit at the moment but I’m sure I can manage 30km at a nice social pace with the odd comfort stop 😉 I’ll be on holiday so plenty of time to get round. Cheers Tony, will try that one.

    Highclimber, when are you gonna be around for a ride?

    Free Member

    Cheers, I’ve just googled it and located it on me map, nice and handy for the campsite too. A good one for starters.
    Anything not too hairy at Coed-y-brenin?

    Free Member

    Is the Marin at Coed-y-brenin ?

    Free Member

    Reading this whilst feeling really sorry for myself suffering with a severe bout of manflu….. suddenly I don’t feel so bad. Sorry to hear the news Tony, we must get together some time for a natter.

    Free Member

    If you’re bored, do something else. Theres loads of other fun things to do in life.
    I certainly would not risk injuring myself AGAIN if I found it boring, that would be really stupid!

    Free Member

    Loved the clip Pease. So much so that I posted it on a motorhome forum I frequent. Now I’m being lambasted by a few do goodie types saying dogs should not be made to run like that 🙄 God, theres some sad folk about!

    Free Member

    Going out for a nice long walk, bike is banned in this weather until my ribs are completely healed. Great weather to be out though! Bet my mates are having fun over Cut gate.

    Free Member

    Hi Rob, if you enjoy it a group from the club are going over cut gate to fairhomes cafe and back to Langsett sat am. if you want to do it twice in 2 days 😉

    Free Member

    I’m a bit hard of hearing but is this the sort of thing?

    Free Member

    I was thinking of having a go at one this year – until I smashed me ribs 😥 so decided to leave it a year and just concentrate on easy trail/road riding this year to let body fully recover. I’d say you’d do it no probs, the body don’t forget, all that experience is priceless.

    Free Member

    Can’t answer any of your questions, but can suggest you ask on Motorhome
    Lots of peeps on there that have done self builds etc. You are allowed 5 posts before you have to pay membership, so that should be enough to pick up a lot of tips and good advice.

    I’ve been a member for a few years now and the advice regarding all sorts of related subjects (campsites, routes, van probs, ferries, etc etc) has been priceless to me.

    Free Member

    Ibruprofen and Co-codamol(lower dose than at first) at present – Though thats more to do with the 6 ribs I broke before Xmas!
    Otherwise glucosomine and cod liver oil, because it seems to work for me. (late 50’s)

    Free Member

    Ribs again for me, 3rd time in 2 years, by far the worst this time hit tree with my back unfortunately just to the side of backpack. Forgot to take phone with me and had to push/ride 5 miles back home, by time I got there I could hardly breath the pain was so bad, had to get ambulance to get me.
    Nothing broken but god its painful, all my right side has seized up and walking nearly impossible. Small potatoes compared to others on here though!

    It is making me seriously think about easing right back on the riding I do, my 58 year old body just can’t take all these knocks. Think a different approach is needed, nice easy trails etc.

    Free Member

    Had no work this week so far so been out every day, just a pootle exploring localish woods for new bits today, great day for it.

    Free Member

    I can’t help taking it a little bit serious if I’ve entered a race/event. If I race I want to do as well as I can, comes from being a competitive runner in the past.
    Don’t do anywhere near as many races on bike as I used to do running races though.

    Thinking of doing a 24 hour solo next year and possibly Kielder again so lots of training will be needed for that, though when I say training I mean lots of long rides, which I like doing anyway 😀
    No point being too serious about it when your a 58 year old I suppose, but as mentioned by several here – the fitter I am the more I enjoy it.

    PS Would not dream of using a HR thingy or one of them turbo jobbees, maybe coz I was a not so hairy assed fell runner of the 80’s 😉

    Free Member

    mmmmm I like a whip over the table 😀

    oooops looks like a couple of whips for me tonight….

    Free Member

    mmmmm I like a whip over the table 😀

    Free Member

    Good ride today.
    Just a little heads up for anyone riding at Temple Newsam, someone has built a little kicker at the front of one of the table tops, nearly caught a few of us out, several near misses and one lad went over the bars. We’ve all ridden it before ( I rode it last week) so were not expecting it.
    No damage done though and a fun mornings riding.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hi-jack/ressurect this thread but…. I’m now thinking of mixing road and off road, and to spice it up a bit thought I may as well bike down to LE (on road) then LEJOG mainly off road with some swift (B) road bits linking good trails. Then ride back home mainly road with some fun trails thrown in. Making it a round britain type challenge.
    Anyone done anything similar?

    Free Member

    Spot on Chip.
    8.30 it is Rob, I’ve posted it up on club forum.
    Any body else fancies joining us meeting at Mickletown Community Centre Methley, LS26 9JE RTR 8.30 a.m.
    Will be passing through Garforth heading for the fly line round about 9.30 I guess.
    If anyone wants to meet up en-route pm me and we can make arrangements, would be good to pick peoples brains, the route is not set in stone.

    Free Member

    Wow that Bazzer is one clever fella, there seems to be no end to his talents. There seems to be loads of clever chaps on here that can turn their hands to anything bike related.
    Funny though, all that intelligence and they have yet to work out that there are others in the World that do not possess the practical sills they do.
    Oh hang on though, I may not just be thick, it could be I’m just a lazy b’stard. Thats ok then – I feel a little better now 🙄

    The arrogance of some people amazes me.
    PS My LBS is great, called in today, had a nice free cup of coffe, a natter and my bike fixed to boot, happy days.

    Free Member

    Theres singletrack all over in Tempy, good stuff either side of avenue, more bits before downhill track and a sweet section around edge of golf course that brings you out by motorway, join us next Sat if you like?

    Free Member

    Right Rob, will post a ride up for next Sat. Could meet at mine at Methley or could arrange to meet en-route or at Rothwell, Big boy James (jimc101) might even join us 😀 Like to start reasonably early if poss.

    Free Member

    ton – its a deal mate.
    Mary says your wife is really nice – but I guess you know that 😉
    Get well soon fella.

    Free Member

    I love riding on my own, especially when exploring new areas. I also love riding with 1 or 2 mates of similar abilities/sense of humour – always have a great laugh and a really good blast on the bikes.
    I also love riding with 1 or 2,3 or 4 mates of differing abilities – always have a great laugh and good blasts on bikes with a few more stops to talk bollox.
    I also love group rides (Bad brains mbc rock!) – always have a great laugh, learn loads of stuff off better riders and occasionally leave a few of em behind on hills, and loads of talking bollox stops – excellent.
    I think you guys that restrict yourselves to solo riding (whether intentionally or not) are missing so much – though I am a really old gimmer that loves talking bollox :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Hi Rob (and ton), yes I’m in Methley, been out riding this am with my son Ben, lots of good stuff around when you know where to find it. This morns ride took us over Kippax Garforth (fly line) way then over to Colton via a few good bits, then into Temple Newsam for more singletrack stuff, good fun at present as its just muddy enough to make it interesting. We then did a bit in Rothwell Country Park before heading over back of Rothwell Sports centre on a cheeky bit over to Hungate lane and back home across fields to Methley.

    I’m mainly riding at weekends at present as work is over in Lancs for now, though I still get out for club rides with Bad brains, details which you can find via tons link (cheers ton).
    Will probably be out next weekend, will post it up on here if I remember so you are welcome to join me/us.

    Ton – Have we met? Must have at least passed each other on the trails I suppose.

    Free Member

    Did the Dalby duathlon last month, that was 5k run – 28k bike – 5k run (actually runs were nearer 4k).
    Doing Hamsterley one in week or so, thats 4k run – 18k bike – 4k run.
    I was so crap on run at Dalby I’ve hired a sexy blond to do the run for me 🙂

    Free Member

    All I seem to have truly mastered is falling off

    Free Member

    Cheers mate, I was sorta hoping the course would be pretty severe. I used to be a fell runner so used to tough terrain and the steep uphills should slow the ‘faster’ runners down a bit. I’m strong enough to walk up hills quicker than I could run em but can’t run very fast (flat) these days after hardly doing any running for a few years.
    My strategy is similar to yours, though you are probably better than me on techy bits, my strength is being able to get up the hills ok.
    Hope you have a good un and we both survive!

    Free Member

    I think the only bits of red are the section where you cross the road after passing bike park as far as worry gill, then the short bit of fire road at bottom of Medusa to where you turn off towards little umpty back bridge.
    Then we get the pleasure of that long steep climb on the black route and work our way back to start next lap.

    What’s the run route like keavo?

    Free Member

    I’m doin the race, give me a cheer as you pass by 😀
    (old git on a red and white Cube)

    Free Member

    Good luck foxyrider and thanks for inspiration, I’ve already ran my thoughts by t’other half, she’s playing hard to get but there’s loads of time to talk her round 🙂
    She supported me years back when I ran the Pennine way for charity, and I know she enjoyed it – even though she broke her ankle in the process!

    Free Member

    Mmmmmm, this could be a good idea for my 60th (if I make it) in a couple of years time….
    If I could persuade the Mrs to follow in the motorhome could do it over 3 weeks if neccesary to see loads of good bits of Eng/Wales/Scot.
    If I start planning early enough could be mainly off road 💡 could even take in most trail centres too 😀 my god, I might just do this..

    Free Member

    Big John, Shiraz with a lamb/beef curry maybe – but with a nice fruity chicken curry the Macon Villages was just the ticket 😛

    Free Member

    Nice one, Steve the barbarian will do for me

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