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  • Georgia Astle: Finding Fun In The Process At Red Bull Rampage
  • SteveBbrain
    Free Member

    Jan = 15 miles
    Feb = 0 miles
    Totally lost mojo with weather

    Mojo return is imminent as the start of a 3 month trip around Spain and France is not far away.
    A modicum of fitness has been retained with plenty of walking/jogging and even slow running.

    Free Member

    Sparky ———- It took him 3 days to add all them pics 😆

    Mind you I’d still be here next year trying to add pics of my 2 bikes 😳

    Good effort Stan, PS surprised you call your bike Bella Emberg and not Richard aka :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Salt and vinegar are the most dangerous.

    Free Member

    No Alps for me…. April is Spain – Sierra de maria and sierra espuna followed by Calpe, Alcaniz area and Caspe… then Pyrenees in May/June Biesca on Spanish side and through tunnel to Francais and a week or so around Aspin, Tourmalet and the like 😀 before heading North for some gentle riding around the Loire region and onward for the Grand (Yorkshire) Depart.

    Free Member

    @Northwind forgot to mention running’s shit if you’ve had a lay off 😀

    Good way to get fitness back a little quicker though…. unless you are an old fu***r like me.

    Free Member

    You are going to be crap in the race 😀 so just do it and enjoy (?) it and aim for something further down the line to ‘race’ properly.

    Free Member

    We were in the f’ing taxi for hours Chip! Could not believe it Stan, she bought the story about you leading me astray.. even let me cuddle up and all that!

    That Kebab place was the pits though.

    You’ve gotta come to the next one Chip. Epic!

    Free Member

    Brilliant. What a barmy challenge! Great film too.

    Free Member

    Obsession appears in all sorts of guises.

    Free Member

    I’m a bell convert after our recent C2C ride, worked a treat and certainly speeded up progress. Yes you still get the odd knob – especially those with stupid long leads!!!! But on the whole give and take is the way to go. I also hate aggro and feel more chilled out with my new bell attachment 😀

    Free Member

    My sister lives in Surrey (Farnham), great place to visit once or twice a year, some lovely countryside etc. —- but I’m always glad to get back to Yorkshire 😀

    Free Member

    Did it last weekend, it’s signposted pretty well but map needed as backup, bell was very handy on BW sections. Sunderland section seemed ok for us – maybe it’s had a clean up?
    It’s a great route, have fun.

    Free Member

    Me and mtbben did Whitehaven-Sunderland Saturday. Didn’t do all the off road bits as were concerned about time, as it transpired we could have done most as we completed in 10 hours 45mins. Did have a nice following wind mind. Was going to do Rookhope incline but it was closed so had the bonus of doing Crawleyside 😀
    We did prepare well for this and are both fairly fit though.

    PS a bell was a godsend on the long BW sections at the beginning and end of the ride!

    Free Member

    Don’t know about proper expert ton :-), but yes I do it for a living. Been at it on and off for about 10 years including a fair bit of work on the Chatsworth estate. Currently doing a job up royd lane above Millhouse Green (Penistone) by the big windfarm. Always loads of cyclists going by so someone may have seen me grafting.

    Trying to concentrate on pretty garden walls these days as it is blo0dy hard work and my body’s creaking a bit :wink:.

    I’d post a picture of my work but I’m a techno numpty.

    Free Member

    Early start sat’day 5.45am. rode C2C with my lad Ben, fantastic days riding! No headwinds for us 😀

    Free Member

    Me and my son did it yesterday, had wives with us in one car and they supported us all the way. I suppose is there are more riders the a crew van would be best option.

    Free Member

    Well, as it turned out the Rookhope Incline was closed. Slight disappointment but the Stanhope option was ok on the day. Yes, I did hate the climb up Crawleyside but just got on with it in the knowledge that we’d be flying once on the Waskerley way.

    We had a great days riding, the following wind was a massive help. Set off at 5.45am. and got to Sunderland 4.30pm. So the worries about daylight were unfounded.

    Free Member

    I ended up fell running after having started on road, then country and track, picked up various injuries the worst being chronic back problems. My driving job at the time didn’t help. Got far less injuries when turning to fell running – apart from the odd twisted ankle. The back problems certainly eased off, mainly due to the less repetitive nature of the sport ie surface/camber/stride length etc.
    I think hard surfaces and high mileages contributed a great deal to my knee problems.

    Happy being able to keep active on the bike(s) these days.

    Free Member

    Ahh fell running… those were the days. A lot easier on the body I found as well.
    May have to dig my walshies out again…. well maybe not

    Free Member

    I started doing a bit of running again last winter/spring because the weather was so crap for biking, thought I was starting to feel more like a runner again so entered a local 5k canal race (towpath…) along with my son and daughter inlaw. Told myself I’d set off nice and steady and just try and keep decent pace up.
    Thing was – in my head or was it instinct? I still thought I was a good runner and set off much too fast, got slower and slower and ended up finishing just in front of D I L (phew) in 23 mins!
    At least legs (knees) held up though — so it’s worth a try, but be prepared to be slow. Can’t hold back old father time.

    Free Member

    Brilliant! Thanks neninja. We are both strong climbers so if we have to go the road route we’ll manage Crawleyside, but if we can save time it might help us find our way to the finish in daylight. Thanks again.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, we are on mtb’s so it seems like the best option for us.
    neninja, if the routes closed for shooting will it be signed at Rookhope? Would hate to trawl up the hill only to have to turn back.

    Free Member

    Great book, I bought it for my son for xmas — so I could then read it
    Cinnamon girl I could post it to you if you promise to send it back when read – it’s not mine.

    Free Member

    I’ve just turned 60 and ride like the biggest nancy of all time but don’t care (much). Had a few big offs in last few years, mainly bad luck…. but we all get lucky/have near misses as well, so occasionally it’s gonna go wrong.
    I’ve come to terms with enjoying ‘my riding’ which is tamer than all my riding mates, but I still get a buzz and I’m pretty fit for an old un 😀

    I still want to enjoy ‘my’ riding for a few years yet, so if in doubt I get off and walk – and take the stick that comes my way.

    Free Member

    Ah but edlong you could strike gold… my sister was a games maker and certainly struck it. Was driving a BMW for the duration shipping VIP’s about – including Pat McQuaid and Dave Brailsford. She also had a pass for all parts, she sat just behind the royal box in the velodrome for Chris Hoys gold ride. She rates it as one of the best times of her life.

    Lot’s more chance of being a big foam finger pointer though I suppose….

    Here’s hoping 😛

    Free Member

    Early Doors 1 & 2

    Free Member

    Great weekend doin C2C recce. Got some climbing miles into the legs for attempt at day trip at end of month.

    Free Member

    Me and MrsB also down as ‘Tour makers’

    Free Member

    Great weekends training/riding/recceing. A lot hillier than I expected but still a cracking ride. Total ride time was a bit under 12 hours, so I suppose the day ride is still on if I can keep a similar pace on tired legs. I’m sure the recce will help though, as there was a fair bit of head scratching going on at times especially around Consett way and nearer to Sunderland.

    PS Found the hill from Garrigill the toughest of em all, real plod!


    Free Member

    Mainly gone for Sunderland option for ease of getting back home after a long day in the saddle, also a bit more straightforward for support girls (?).

    Free Member

    Sat’day, 100 mile road ride on mtb’s with my son Ben as prep for our C to C in 4 weeks. From home (Methley) to Yorks Wolds via Fairburn, Gateforth, Selby by-pass, Bubwith and country lanes. Caff stop at Millington and back via Pock, Wheldrake and Sherburn.
    Felt great early on, flying with wind behind but paid for it on way back 😯 I was hanging on last 35 miles! Good training though 😀

    Free Member

    Fantastic comments from Chris Froome with Ned. Great achievement, great team. Great spectacle – not sure how the podium will compare to last year……

    Free Member

    I just have to see a pic of too tall sat on his bike!
    Highlight of the thread for me 😀

    Free Member

    Well, got to cafe at Langsett before it opened, didn’t need anything there as it happens as lucky with weather, nowhere near as hot today. In fact we managed as far as Penistone on return journey.
    Went as far as Bradfield then back via Bolderstone (tough climb), Midhopestones etc.
    Stuffed our faces at Penistone (Greggs) and topped bottles up. Excellent ride, was feeling it a bit last few miles.

    Free Member

    We’ve plumped for the Schwalbe City jets, giving them a test ride tomorrow. Got to say they look horrible on the bike though…

    Free Member

    I will be back next year, will ask again in a few months for best places to view 🙂 As for tomorrows ride I’ll make sure my lieutenant (son) carries plenty of emergency rations and try and keep him in sight.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, I think a caff stop at Langsett is in order then top up at Bradfield as suggested. May stop at Anglers if flagging towards end – Ta.

    Jim – if you are free at all through the week I’d be up for a little road ride :-). Can’t do this coming wed. though as blowing my big trumpet at Skeggy 😯 .

    Free Member

    I’m slightly pissed whilst reading this for the first time, not really digested it all properly but like the idea of tackling a 100 miler. My sister lives in Farnham… would that be near enough to start / finish? And would a 60 year old nancy boy be in with a chance – not having much local knowledge.. but reasonable endurance (if I can squeeze a few miles training in) to get round without getting lost. I did manage Kielder 3 years ago before senility set in…. maybe I’ll reconsider in a day or two when alcohol is not influencing my decision making.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all suggestions. I’ve got rocket ron/racing ralph if it’s wet, want to save them if dry conditions. Still using nobby nics at mo to make me work harder 😕

    Free Member

    I’ll be 60 in a wee while and have reluctantly given it up.
    Had 2 or 3 big offs in last few years and have realised they have left problems that aint gonna go away. Only took mtb’ing up at 56 ish so left it too late to be able to get too radical (for me).
    Will still ride the bike, but have come to terms with not attempting anything beyond my capabilities or that has the risk of shortening my enjoyment of sport into my later years.

    PS I fancy having a crack at the West Highland way this summer, is it possible for an aging wimp? 😀

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