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  • Podcast: Racing, Reform, and Rumours
  • steffybhoy
    Free Member

    Gotta say the 05 66rc’s are the best fork I’ve ever used.

    Free Member

    Maybe if his daughter visited more, showed some loving care of her own she’d have got more?

    Sounds sneaky about the dog though, if she really cared for the old fella surely sh’d have given him the dog as a gift?

    Free Member

    Cold play? Don’t like them at all.
    But each to their own.

    Free Member

    The Brick? seconded!

    Free Member

    go to Kaesae like him or loathe him, he’ll fix it.

    Free Member


    Brand new frame? but shock needed rebuilt with upgrades? wtf?

    Free Member

    Ambrose, sorry for the delay. Could I please have some gpx files of the routes?
    Thanks Stephen.
    (stephenhamilton at

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies.

    Munge- how long/big is the climb from top of chavannes to col dejoux? looks a killer on the map.

    Free Member

    thanks euro, yes I think pointing it up a bit would be better.
    The camera was mounted on the handlebars, and some of the rough bits(not shown in video) were a little jumpy.
    I’m thinking a diy chest mount would make a big difference.

    Free Member

    When this Country goes to war, and the masses clear out the shelves of tesco, asda etc. Where will the masses then get their food?
    Farms? that have been depleted by insulting offers from the large supermarkets?
    Or will the boats full of imported food still be able to find a way ashore when our ports have been wiped out?

    Free Member

    Coalition Goverment formed at last election.
    Why is it, I keep thinking it’s a conservative government?
    Lib dems have shown themselves as having no balls.
    The conservatives are desperate to cut services to the core, and finally start killing off the ‘NHS’, an institution this country should be proud of.

    Free Member

    I’d take SLX over even SRAM X9 any day of the week.

    Seconded here, strayed from the big S after fraying rear cables on old downhill bike and rollamajig’s demise took me to x9 and SRAM; Never ever again. XT is light years ahead of that junk imho of course.

    Free Member

    Yes they still accomodate most drivetrain speeds.
    BUT they don’t accommodate all drive-speeds with quality components.
    eg, No deore range gets made for anything less than 10 speed now.

    Free Member

    Any pics of this drop?

    Free Member

    Wonderful stuff bb, I,ve done it twice(south to north over 3 days) can’t wait/love to go again sometime.

    Free Member

    Tiananmen Square?

    Free Member

    My lbs, does jagwire for £1.70 per meter

    Free Member

    This thread is fascinating!

    People on this forum I thought of as pains in the backside are coming across quite credulous.

    Where-as others I thought were ‘alright’ are coming across as Media believing fools.

    Why has there been no UN intervention in countries where this ‘supposedly’ killing of civilians has been reported.

    I’ll **** tell ye, “It is because they countries are too powerful, or have limited/little resources”

    Free Member

    You close the nipple to stop air being sucked up!

    Sometimes this happens with shimano brakes(especially with hoses void of min-oil)
    Best bet is fill a syringe, remove reservoir cap/diaphram, attach syringe to bleed nipple, open bleed nipple 1/4-1/2 turn. Use syringe to force oil into caliper, use old rag to soak up excess spillage at reservoir, have a pint/cup o tea.

    Free Member

    What gives the ‘singletrack police’ the right to decide what can/cannot occur naturally?

    Just personal opinion?
    or anti homophobia?

    Free Member

    Did it on cyclo-x a couple o years back, a little bumpy but very enjoyable.

    Free Member

    Clas-sick singletrack snobbery from the special one.

    Free Member

    I use a wood chisel on metal ones, could be worth a try…
    Though I’d give it very little pressure from the hammer to chisel technique.

    Free Member

    Mibbee thinking, she was thinking, I was someone else. Still reading that response’chalkboard/blackboard thing, bike repair/maintenance on the decking of the cafe/oil on seats etc? I know some people can be quite farward/take the piss, but I’d take it being gospel with a pinch of salt.

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member

    That seems familiar… Hang on… <searches> You said much the same in the last thread about this, and Emma responded:

    “And as for chasing folk away that do TCL at the venue-rubbish-unless you were the guy that set up in my cafe with your flipchart and marker pens or the guy that started running a how to fix your bike on the decking and put your oily muddy wheels on my tables that folk have to eat off-yes then I probably did chase you away cos you never had the manners to even ask if you could use my cafe as your TCL venue-thats the cafe that I have to pay a rent for-and if you come into the venue and earn a pot of cash out of it and wear out the trails at the same time it would be nice if you put something back because it costs money to maintain those trails that sustain both our businesses. And if anyone is looking for a TCL provider try Brian Salvona-he’s a really nice guy that runs courses at Glentress.”

    But you didn’t respond at all then. Want to respond now? Northwind as I said in my previous post THE CLOSEST I got to using her facilities were my clients buying from the HUB.
    She’s so far off the mark and she knows it.

    Free Member

    TJ, no probs.

    Free Member

    Absolutely not TJ(taking offence you insinuating must be more 2 it), any facilities used were trails/skills area. Most of the group bought coffee/refreshments from the hub that day, and that’s as close to usuing any of her facilities as it got.

    Free Member


    Sorry for the offensive joke, but the rest is correct and true.

    Free Member

    I have a group of clients, whom I lease bikes to incl tcl/mbl instruction.
    One week they may want bikes at Aberfoyle, next week Callander, next week Mugdock park, next week Carron Valley.
    But one week they wanted Glentress.
    So there I was at Glentress emptying bikes from the van at the bottom car park, when emma(the guy woman) comes out ranting and raving accusing me of stealing her business etc etc.

    Now if I was selling bacon rolls/bike parts/public bike hire etc, she might have had a point.

    It may well be she’s ruffled more than my feathers? No sympathy here.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Gotta agree x9 are poor compared to shimano deore/xt.
    Currently having problems with these shifters on hire fleet.

    Free Member

    Not quite sure why you ruined it with bacon… (-:

    was only a little bit/s, didnae ruin it for me tho ;~)

    Chicken/pineapple/sweetcorn next time.

    anyone know of good mixture of toppings?

    Free Member

    Cougar – Member

    I love home-made pizza.

    Try adding a spoonful of honey to the pizza dough mix; tastes ace and it's party time for the yeast.

    Will try that next time, base turned out amazingly good, topped with 2tbspns of puree, tomatoes, bacon bits, red pepper, onion, jalapeno and cheese.

    Free Member

    1990's and mother & the addicts

    Free Member

    Thanks for pointing to this site.

    Free Member

    Good luck Sharki, I'm also sick and tired of the rat-race, the blatant greed of those that govern us.
    The rich getting richer etc.
    I wish the country had more people like yourself, rather than the middle class sheep who are happy with it, and their lot.

    Free Member

    ton – Member

    that bloke from scotland will be along soon to give his expert advice on this………………….
    actually ignore that…… could be him or cynic al who knows the best..

    He might be in Scotland, but he's not Scottish(Although I could be wrong 🙁 )
    Fully agree ton, the moronic educated fools will be along soon.

    Free Member

    Same as how long is a piece o string.
    I normally get through a set of sintered pads every 12months or so(incl odd trip to fort-bill etc.

    BUT! during the strathpuffer last Jan, I used 3 sets of sintered(crazy).

    Free Member

    How 'stretched' do you reckon the social work and welfare system is in Pakistan, even before a disaster like this?

    But this is not Pakistan, people here prioritise according to personal wealth.
    If I had a few bob I'd gladly hand some over(even if only 10p per £10 or so reached it's intended cause).
    It's the corruption that exists in how charitable donations gets to it's intended purpose.
    What about the lost millions in Icelandic bank accounts which were meant for the victims of the tsunami?
    Gone forever.

    Free Member


    eah because we are all starving to death here aren't we

    Some of us are, under priviliged children, etc.
    The Social work, welfare system is stretched beyond belief.
    Childrens homes are full, if it were not for the foster care system the problem would be much worse.

    It's probably alright for you financially, but for the majority of working classes in employment or otherwise, the prospect of making a charitable donation is not an option.

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