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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • steffybhoy
    Free Member

    Can one o you clever peeps please explain?
    Why will vaccinated people be allowed to fly abroad get into bars, retaurants etc, as they still pose the same risk of catching and spreading the covid virus?

    Free Member

    (B R)
    I bought that Titan splitter from screwfix a couple of months ago.
    Got it for £135, absolute bargain!
    Splits some knotty crap that are normally back breakers with the maul no problem.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Could be the classic microscopic caliper leaking seal/ calipers is the only cure.
    Do they squeal like little piggies?

    Free Member

    Ffs Shimano!
    This has been going on for years now.
    It’s time they got their act together.

    Free Member

    Saltire ST2, it’s a belting bargain of a stove(search for reviews).

    Free Member


    Your bigotry and hate knows no boundaries.
    By all means keep showing your love for Sevco.
    But please, can you keep your nastiness off this forum?

    Free Member

    This is the classic ‘Shimano seeping calliper seal syndrome’. You need new callipers, forget new pads/discs. Although your discs need thoroughly cleaned before fitting new callipers(which come with new pads)

    Free Member

    These lights are best quality value for buck! Very small and very bright. Quality product.

    Free Member

    Placebo in December.

    Free Member

    ‘Kaesae’ showed me years ago how to extend the life of cartridge bearings. R-I-P ‘Kaesae. Top bloke.

    Free Member

    Use mine for car sat nav and merory map tracker. Its been excellent at doing both.

    Free Member

    Yes it has absorbed water, even though its a sealed system. Quick fix is to let out a little fluid, but generally will need a full bleed. Longer term get rid of them, poor brakes. IMO

    Free Member

    Great how to guide.

    Free Member

    Could be a fuse. Try and source someone close who has vagcom. Should throw up some codes.

    Free Member

    What nikk said.

    Must have sent back over 30 shimano calipers in the last few years. Never want to hear the sound of contaminated shitmanos again.

    Free Member

    Nice list there scotroutes.
    But the doubters on here think the lights would go out if Scotland were to go it alone

    Free Member

    Thanks PM, but the best thing about Dundee is that you have almost got to Carnoustie

    That’s the first straight answer you have given.
    If you could please get on with answering the rest that’d be great.

    Free Member

    Team hurt more is hurting more.

    You are not coming across very well, you shoulda been an mp, as they also fail to answer straight questions.

    And as for yer sidekick ‘jimbala’ there is a village in England missing an idiot.

    Free Member

    Still poor old Alex was rather confused on anything to do with money, banking and economics – or was that just an act to deceive?

    FFS it wasn’t about voting SNP.
    It was about the chance of getting independence.
    Only then would Scotland be a democratic country. And as for the banks don’t get me started.

    Do yourself a favour and watch ‘the money masters’

    You are an ‘I’M ALRIGHT JACK’ and I claim my £5

    Free Member

    unknown – Member
    THM can I ask why it upsets you so much that a large proportion of the Scottish people want independence for their country? You seem to be taking it very personally. Are there any other political views that you deem worthy of SingTFU? Perhaps if you just tell us what we are and aren’t allowed to think, campaign and vote for things would be a lot easier.

    That first question is genuine by the way, I’d love a straight answer rather than some childish rant about Alex Salmond, but I’ll not hold my breath.

    This question should apply to more than just THM ON HERE. I certainly won’t he holding my breath either.

    Free Member

    Love it how the ‘no brigade’ think Scotland would have sunk without trace if a majority yes had went through.

    Why the ‘silence’ over how well the sunken island of Iceland is doing?

    Free Member

    Moto G. Best sub £300 phone ever, and can be bought for just over £100

    Free Member

    From central scotland, I took an ’02 plate superb’ to disneyland then the alps, then spain and home again. Pulls like a train.

    As said before, leg room in front and back is amazing.

    Free Member

    That’s the beauty of being ‘ignorant’ thinking you live in a democracy.
    We are ruled by elitists, whom control the governments.
    You obviously haven’t done your homework.

    Free Member

    I still can’t believe the amount of people on here who, still think Thatcher and Blair ran the country. And still affiliate themselves to the mainstream political parties.

    Watch ‘the money masters’ 3.5-hours of educational awareness

    Free Member

    I still can’t believe the amount of people on here who still affiliate themselves to the mainstream parties.
    Watch ‘the money masters’ 3.5-hours of educational awareness.

    After watching that, you might be more aware why ‘Scotland’ were manipulated using ‘mass mainstream media’ as a means to voting No.

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member

    , of course most Yes supporters would accept full devolution as it’s the best of both worlds, full political independence with the UK standing being Scotland financially if the Scots screw up.

    The Yes campaigners are welcome to keep pushing on, we would expect them to do that. However they need to accept that they had a chance and they could not carry the argument. They should also accept the UKs right to hold a referendum to decide whether the Scots should be permitted another vote

    The ‘impartial media’ lol, and the London machine. Done a good job of persuading/scaring voters.

    This was a massive opportunity for Scotland to be rid of big family corruption.
    But it’s that corruption that cost us a yes majority.

    Watch the money masters, then ye might learn something.

    Free Member

    Blah blah, **** blah. Watch the money masters, then u will ‘see’ it doesn’t matter who ‘YOU’ vote for.
    Stupid people.

    Free Member

    M’mm might get an ex-demo one on the cheap!

    Free Member

    Does’nt matter who you despise most.
    If it was’nt them it would have been some other puppet.

    Watch ‘our money masters’ on youtube, kinda tells it how it is(3.5 hrs long tho).

    Free Member

    Wowzers! wakey wakey, big business dictate policy no matter which party gets voted in, sigh.

    Free Member

    Pure Genious…breathtaking. Forget the rest, DM’s the Best

    Free Member

    If you know someone with vagcom, it should be an easy enough edit.

    Free Member

    Do you live in Scotland? If no then this topic is of absolutely no relevance to you, and that is me just echoing what your master ‘call me dave’ said to the people of Scotland less than a year ago.

    Trust me, you would have to be Scottish and a working class Scot, to know where I’m coming from.

    You should read the link to Irvine Welsh’s blog to gain a better idea.
    But I think your blind ignorance will see you OK.

    Some good stuff on this thread though, e.g give the Scots their independence and we all keep the money.
    Money what money? The 1400 billion£££ of debt owed?

    Free Member

    Well with 1 previous post in the last year – and like your fellow flouncer not a single previous post on the Scottish independence debate – it’s not really like you’re on this forum.

    Yes that is true, glad you took the time to check my history.
    I only really come on here to check out mostly MTB content.

    For what it’s worth, I am not an Alex salmond supporter. I believed in independence because I believe that Scottish people would have the right to self determination, without the Westminster circus.

    Free Member

    To my fellow scottish yes voters.

    You are on the wrong forum here. You need to focus your energy on the fight ahead e.g join a party who’s policies are more socially fair for all.
    You are banging yer heid against a brick wall here.
    This forum is made up of mainly middle class people who vote conservative.
    They are good people ‘who’ like us, enjoy riding their bikes.

    But because they are conservative, they enjoy having their lot and keeping it.
    That in itself does not make them bad people

    It’s one other factor why so many voted no(95-percent of tories in Scotland voted no).
    Too many people out there, happy with their lot, and unwilling to share, for a more socially fair society.
    The dream was almost a reality, but the fight goes on.

    Free Member

    Good for you, wish I worked there an all, then I would’nt have to bleed the darn things ever again.

    Free Member

    This is a VERY COMMON occurence with shimano calipers.
    This is not just confined to 1 particular caliper/brake, but across the full range
    The problem is microscopic amounts of brake fluid seep/escape through the piston seals.
    There are no user/dealer servicable parts i.e, no way of ordering replacement seals.
    You should replace the whole caliper, which comes with new pads/bolts.
    Be very careful when cleaning the brake disc as it is VERY difficult removing all contaminants of oil from it.

    I work in a LBS, and between our hire fleet/customer bikes, we must have returned over 100 contaminated shimano calipers over the past couple of years.

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