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  • Taiwan: A storm brewing for the bike industry?
  • stcolin
    Free Member

    Well it’s been almost a week now and it’s just as tough, as expected. If anything at least I have managed one good nights sleep. Bike light on charge so I will try and get out on the bike tonight. Changed my hub bearings yesterday and spent most of the time just staring at my tools.

    I have been in contact with her through text. We both miss each other.

    Free Member

    I know that I need to work on that. Perhaps this is now an opportunity to do that.

    Free Member

    I’d love to join up with some of you, but unfortunately I live in Belfast. I know there are a few on here though.

    Free Member

    I only really ride my bike. I do love photography which has taken a back seat over the last while, perhaps I should immerse myself in that for a while.

    I hate being on my own at the best of times, I don’t have much respect or love for myself, so I’m really struggling with that part of it. Just being me on my own.

    Free Member

    Hi all. Well, it’s been a pretty horrible holiday period for me. As I thought would happen, my girlfriend split up with me. I’m back to work today, I’m actually surprised I made it out of bed at all.

    I hope everyone had a better time off – if any – then I did.

    Good luck for this year.

    Free Member

    Hi all,

    I hope everyone is doing well. I’m not so good. With my relationship in the balance, and our contact is getting less and less by the day. We have seen each other 3 times since the beginning of December. I have honored her want of needing space and time. I am trying to hold back on contacting her etc, but it is very difficult.

    It couldn’t happen at a worse time of year, I feel so lonely. We do have stuff planned over Christmas, so I guess I should try and remain positive about it.

    Take care, and Merry Christmas to you all. Thanks for your contributions and I hope this thread can keep going.

    Free Member

    The fickle word of football continues to revolve. Harsh sacking, I think. The club is still in a strong enough position.

    Still, as an Arsenal fan I’m hardly welling up ;)

    Free Member

    I scored 34 on that C4 test.

    Free Member

    When are we likely to see the 2014 cars?

    Free Member


    Scuzz, I have spent my CBT so far doing exercises based on ‘thinking about thinking’ and handling my worries. My day is overcome with all sorts of thoughts and worries that I handle incorrectly. For example, my current life worry/thoughts are regarding the massive change in my relatiosnhip. Worrying that it is the beginning of the end, thinking that she doesn’t love me and wants to leave me. Of course, the reality is that none of those things are reality. So I try and learn to accept them as just thoughts and allow them to pass me by. That’s all they are, thoughts. So, maybe she has given me her thoughts on how she feels and I need to take that as reality. All these other ideas I have in my head may not be true, so why let them rule me?

    I hope that makes some sense. I understand that the normal process would be to worry somewhat, then get on with it, and base what you do on the here and now.

    But what I can tell you is that it is not easy for me. Especially when it comes to my relationship :(

    Free Member

    It’s an interesting way of describing what despression feels like. I am definitely that guy, minus the last minute.

    I feel this thread is dying out somewhat.

    Free Member

    Hi Yunki. That’s exactly what my CBT has been getting me to do. One small thing at a time. Identifying what areas are the porblems etc. For me, it’s worrying/ruminating that I need to work on. So I take each thought and work on it individually. You need to exercise the mind alongside taking the medication.

    Free Member

    My first 26″ wheeled MTB was a Raleigh Activator. I remember a kid from around the corner then got the Activator II which had underbar shifters and the most random rear ‘suspension’ design ever.

    Free Member

    What did you work on with the CBT Tom?

    Free Member

    Hi all,

    Have opened a reply box countless times but never been able to hit the send post button.

    Been back living with my parents now for around 2 weeks. Relationship is up in the air. My gf just wants to not think about things and try and enjoy ‘dating’ each other again. We have spent time together, but away from that I’m finding things really really tough. She has told me she has doubts, and for me that just means the beginning of the end. I don’t know how much longer I can go on for, not knowing if I have a future with her. My body confidence is at an all time low and my self-asteem is shattered. I try really hard when I’m with her to be happy and carefree like she wants.

    I’m running all sorts of things through my head. Is she talking or seeing someone else? Is she building up to ending it but doesn’t know how?

    I am trying to work on some exercises that I have got from CBT to help with this, but it’s so tough trying to make them work.

    Free Member

    I’m in my 4th year with my Meta 5 and still have doubts. It’s a capable bike for sure, but it’s still quite short for me. I haven’t ridden other bikes for long or in anger, so I don’t know what I’m missing out on.

    Free Member

    Mixed reports on Shimano brakes. Had 2008 Deore LX on the Meta which became a constant nightmare with sticky pistons. Then had basic Shimano M445, or something like that, on my Ridgeback Storm which ended up leaking after a light 18 months of use. Now on the Deore M596 on the Meta and so far so good. They are good value for money, I like how easy they are to bleed, and the are powerful, however I still think they feel quite wooden compared to other manufacturers brakes.

    Free Member

    It was last year.

    Free Member

    Jeez…where do I start with this one…

    I can empathise with so many posts on here. My sex drive is much higher than my partners and this has caused too many problems and a real block in any activity. My depression certainly does not help. I think there has to be compromise, if, both people love each other and want to have a good level of intimacy.

    I blame porn for my problems.

    Free Member

    How is everyone?

    I need some relationship advice, I don’t know where to turn.

    Free Member

    Ireland Gravity Enduro 2012, Rd2.

    Free Member

    Go ahead housecat. Shall I pick your toys up for you?

    Free Member

    Indeed, I believe this would be the extreme of emotions. The utter release of ending your pain and the devastation left behind for others.

    Take care and do what you need to do for your mate.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Okay…so I decided to order a Reverb from Merlin last week, a little earlier than planned. Rode with it for the first time yesterday and I was really impressed with it. There is a little play in the seat, but I think this is normal?

    My ride was a mixture of long fireroad climbs and a good mix of natural trails. Steep bits, flat pedally bits and everything in between.

    Next upgrade….2×9 to 1×10 :D

    Free Member

    I just don’t rise to it. Have had a few run ins with drivers. If I’m in the wrong, I’ll apologise. I’m too easy going to get angry at it. Same on the football pitch. Have been kicked up and down the pitch all day by the same player and the fact that I don’t react winds them up even more :D

    Free Member

    Were is my Tommy Lee Jones photo when I need it.

    Free Member

    Big camera buff here. I love the older film type cameras. Some of the modern rangefinder styles are quite nice too.

    I’m from the digital era, so my first camera was a Minolta E323. 3mp, 3x optical zoom. The freedom that it gave me was such a revelation.

    Free Member

    Getting out of bed.

    Free Member

    I’m treating myself to a Reverb in about 2 weeks time. Looking forward to seeing how I get on with it. Some decent deals about too.

    Free Member

    I enjoyed the first Ken Block video in the Impreza, but the rest I didn’t enjoy much.

    Didn’t Pastrana(sp?) have a blast at rally/WRC and not do very well? Not that I’m saying he was also ‘crap’, but just another example of real rallying being a different ballgame entirely.

    Free Member

    As a side question, how should we have handled the action against the 7/7 bombings, 9/11 etc, this modern war on terror?

    This is the point I brought up with my partner and friends. No-one gave me a valid answer other than ‘they killed people in our country’. A simplistic view yes, but not the right one?

    Free Member

    Snow storms in winter, who’d have thunk it.

    Free Member

    Put a cigarette to my lips.

    Free Member

    That’s good sbh. I’m really struggling to get motivated at work since yesterday. My concentration levels are really poor, my mind is wondering. I’m pretty useless being here to be honest.

    I’m meeting a few friends for a spin tonight, hopefully I can relax and enjoy it.

    Free Member

    Every year I always find it difficult to place my thoughts on this time of year. When I was younger only really thought that Remembrance Sunday was to remember the fallen and lost of WWI and WWII. Those wars have shaped what we live in far more than any other ‘war’ we (as in Great Britain) have been involved in and the loss of those wars would have surely changed how we are living today. That’s what I personally choose to remember. I have worn a poppy some years, just for a day or two, and I remember those fallen much more when I spend time reading or watching programs about those wars.

    However, being from Belfast I have read a few articles about Irelands involvement and the with in being at the time of the Easter Rising. There still seems to be a lot of hatred I guess, expressed in the opinions of people in regards to the Irish involvement in the Great War. I do find it slightly upsetting that people believe the British Empire ‘forced’ the Irish to go to war. Many, not all, Irish opinions seems to say that they had no other choice.

    Free Member

    It has certainly been a help for me. Being able to physically talk has always been a massive problem for me so coming on here to type has made expressing my feelings and thoughts much easier.

    Free Member

    Well, how is everyone doing?

    Not great this morning for me. Possible come down from the weekend.

    Free Member

    I find that people generally exaggerate distances/height :wink: Can manage doubles/gaps that are roughly a bike length or more between lip to lip and drop anything comfortably from my waist height. I’m 6 2″.

    Free Member

    I hate the procedure at the airports. I love the experience of flying. Being an aviation nut has been in me since I can remember and my little brain is on overdrive when I’m flying. I don’t see it as a means of transport really, hard to explain.

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