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  • Mental Monday! Singletrack Weekly Crossword #2
  • stcolin
    Free Member

    It depends on your own level of riding. Falling off is part of the sport I guess. I usually ride with 20% of my limits most times I ride and that will ultimately involve a few spills. Knowing how to fall helps, but only when you know it’s coming. Enjoying it is the main thing, no matter your skill set.

    Free Member

    Nice one funkmaster. You’re doing a brilliant job. Talking is a massive help, I am living proof of that. Keep us updated fella and I really hope it all works out in the end 8)

    Free Member

    I’m about to install my 1×10 setup in the next few days. My reasons for changing are pretty simple. I rarely use the granny ring. I will be able to position my Reverb lever, I’ll save a bit of weight (not bothered), a lot quieter than my current 2×9 with roller tensioner, and the chicks love it*


    Free Member

    Thanks for all the replies. I have decided to go 1×10, 32t and 36-11t. Just a quick one, what chainring bolts do I need for the RF N/W with the old style SLX cranks?

    Free Member

    Okay, since we’re updating….

    I’ve been going with a girl for just over two weeks now. Got a lot in common, fellow engineer type etc and we’re even going away together this coming weekend for the next round of the enduro here. Though once she sees my bike skillz, she’ll most likely leg it.

    Free Member

    Yea, I’m racing. Oddly I have been dropping the chain even with the tensioner and correct* chain length.

    *my own uneducated guess :lol:

    Free Member

    My main issue is climbing. On longer climbs the 36/32 is tough going.

    Free Member

    I ride clipped in. Tried flats last year but with an awful pedal/shoe combo. At the first round of the Irish Enduro a few weeks back I forgot my shoes and had to borrow flats and a pair of 5/10s. I was impressed by the grip level and I only had a few moments were my feet came away from the pedal. Managed jumping and tech stuff no problem. Still not sure if it’s worth the £100+ upgrade away from clips.

    Free Member

    I have a Charge Spoon now, had a Ragley one before.

    Not going lycra.

    Free Member

    2:05 in this video from the Redbull Foxhunt last year

    Free Member

    I remember C&A here in Belfast. A few years ago I was in Frankfurt and seen a huge C&A store there.

    Free Member

    I know that I’m paid quite a few thousand less than collegues who do the same job as me. I can hardly walk in and demand that I’m paid the same, can I?

    Free Member

    Thanks again. Oddly my posts refer to two different people.

    It’s an odd feeling, I feel that maybe I’m forcing this. The first two dates have been nice, dinner and drinks, but I still feel very distant if that makes sense. I get I just want to be able to be close to someone again so maybe that’s just normal.

    Free Member

    Exactly ;) This is our 3rd date, and to be honest I wouldn’t have though she was 37, closer to me than that.

    Free Member

    Well, how is everyone getting on?

    I have a date tonight. She is 37, and to be honest the age thing is hanging over me a little. I know it shouldn’t make a difference. I’m 31, she is 37. Technically there is 5 1/2 years between us, she has just turned 37 and I’m 32 in October. The onlt thing that could be a problem is if she wanted to a family…

    Free Member

    I’m shocked to note that the average wage is £26.5k. I’m in a technical sales engineering role and only earning £20k. And that with 12 years service in the same company.

    Yes, I’m mad. But I only have high school and college qualifications to back up the experience, so getting a job in a different area would be difficult.

    Free Member

    Well, on a tangent slightly, I accumulated £21k of debt in my 20’s. I consolodated it about 3 years ago to pay it off over 7 years, takes up a 1/3 of my wage. It has put a huge block on my life, I can’t afford to live in my own place, go on expensive holidays etc. When it’s gone, it’ll be a huge huge weight off my shoulders. And what do I have to show for it? My bike and my camera – the rest was built up debt on cars and credit cards.

    Free Member

    Spiders. I think this comes from my brother hating them when he was younger and then more recently my first girlfriend had a huge fear of them. It’s getting better as time goes on, but I still freeze and really panic inside if I see one, even a photo.

    Edges. The fear of falling off the egde when I’m standing on my feet, but not the height itself.

    The big ship propellers is an interesting one….

    Free Member

    I’ve had experience with both. Had XT hubs for a couple of years. When they were serviced right, were buttery smooth. But too much of a faff to keep right.

    Recently replaced my cartridge bearings on my superstar hubs. Apart from struggling to remove a few of them due to not having a decent bearing pull, much less of a ball ache.

    Free Member

    Thanks Rusty, that makes sense.

    Free Member

    5 years ago I was riding a 100mm BeOne Karma hardtail. I had just got back into mountain biking about 6 months at that point. I regretted not getting back into it sooner. I’m now still on my 4 year old Meta 5 and about to embark on a full season of Irish enduro racing.

    Free Member

    I guess I think others maybe know little about depression so they don’t know what to say.

    Free Member

    One of the guys in the group knows my situation, but I’m not sure that they maybe felt entirely comfortable about it. Hopefully as the weather improves i’ll see them more often.

    Free Member

    Hi all.

    Wasn’t sure whether or not updating this would be of interest to anyone. It’s now been 3 months for me and things have been good and bad. I still get bad days were I miss her terribly and I have days were everything is going well for me and I can let the thoughts pass by easily. I have been on the dating scene for over a month, however I found this to be a distraction for me initially and I actually felt worse. Nothing has really come of anything so far.

    My depression has been difficult. I recently had a very bad spell where I was probably feeling strongest about suicide than I ever have been. My CBT has taken a back seat and my therapist is working on going back over my life to try and help me figure things out. It’s been a very tough process.

    The positives are that I have managed to stay relatively active, although I have lost touch with my regular riding buddies because I maybe haven’t quite been feeling sociable at times.

    I guess all in all I have survived and that’s the main thing.

    Thanks for listening.

    Free Member

    MH370 was NOT fitted with the SATCOM GSM-system.

    It’s a very strange affair this one.

    Free Member

    Just read through this sc-xc. Good luck with everything mate. Again this thread is proof that good things can come of a bunch of strangers. My ex left me over Christmas past, and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. Time has worked wonders for me.

    All the very best with it, hope it works out in the end.

    Free Member

    MLAT plotting is interesting now, and if you know where to look you can pick up some interesting military stuff.

    Free Member

    Always interesting stuff coming OTT from where I am in Belfast. Atlantic entry waypoints not far from here. Currently nothing as the morning rush has ended. Quite enjoy tuning into 129.100 and listening in.

    Free Member

    A bar of dairy milk, a Muller fruit corner, and 3 jam doughnuts.

    Free Member

    Thanks Buzz.

    I do treasure the memories and I try to learn that I should do so. Yes, these feelings that make me anxious are not rational. Thoughts of her being with someone else for example. That is probably the worst of all.

    I will try and discuss a plan at CBT in the morning. I have recently dipped my toe back into dating as a distraction which has helped in the very short term but it is just masking everything underneath.

    Free Member

    Strangely I have been trying to think of the negatives, but the positives take over.

    I haven’t exercised in a couple of days either, I know I should try and get out tonight.

    Free Member

    I have a CBT session tomorrow morning. But talking about this isn’t anything to do with CBT.

    Free Member

    Well as thought things have taken a turn for the worse.

    The last few days have been awful. My ex has been in my head constantly. Whilst I have moved on in terms of accepting it is over and whatever, I just can’t stop thinking about her and how great she was. I need to let go but I can’t. How can I?

    I don’t know if I can keep going, it’s just so painful for me.

    Free Member

    I’ve dipped my toe back into dating.

    I have met a woman who is 6 years older than me, I’m 31, she is 37. She is great though, very easy going, easy on the eye etc. The age gap is bothering me somewhat, but should it?

    Does anyone have any experiences of dating an older woman?

    Free Member

    I have Switch EVO hubs built onto EN321’s. Decent hubs but the bearings lasted about 5 months which I expected for the price.

    Free Member

    Time will really help, I can vouch for that.

    Spend time now doing the things you want and love to do. I’m going through something similar at the moment and it’s now been over a month and I have come on leaps and bounds in that time. I still get horrible days, but because I’m battling depression, I’m almost used to it.

    Stay positive fella.

    Free Member

    Started off well and then they dragged out the last 20 minutes with terrible, unfunny guff on the budget hatches.

    Free Member

    I’m having this dilemma at the moment. I have just fitted a new inner and ferrules/rubber shields. Shifting is fine, apart from the top 2/3 gears(big cogs), it feels very tight through the shifter. Is this a cable run problem or a set-up problem?

    Free Member

    Hi all. Well time is doing it’s best at the moment.

    I had been signed off work for a week, just back today, and I think I have come along way. Feeling much more positive, and I am getting stuck into using my spare time well. My fitness has actually come on since Christmas which is giving me some confidence back.

    I can’t thank you all enough, it’s amazing what a bunch of strangers can do for you. Faith in humanity has been restored on several occasions.

    Free Member

    Perfectly valid point Phil. Everybody has chipped in with their thoughts, yours is just as important.

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