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  • Interview: Atherton Bikes at Bespoked
  • starfanglednutter
    Free Member

    😆 No, I haven’t. But ‘little’ is a relative word.

    Free Member

    Jealousy? Yes possibly in some cases, but I don’t think it’s just that. I think it’s the realisation that ‘art’ seems to have become purely an exercise in profit that people react to. As Ro5ey quite correctly states, he doesn’t make these things – his team does – and the people that buy them are often ‘investing’ – looking to sell on at a profit. Some of them probably don’t even like the stuff. There’s a reason that his greatest patron was Saatchi – a man from an advertising/marketing background. Saatchi made the YBA’s what they were – and made a huge profit in the process. There’s nothing wrong in that. But the discussion around post-modern art is that “it’s what you make of it” – even when removed from the creator’s intentions. Therefore I can poo in a can (it’s been done before), put it in an art gallery with some spiel about the cycle of life and commodification etc etc – and some canny (pun intended) gallery owner will say how I’m the next up-and-coming thing and how they need to buy me now because I’ll be huge in 5 years time. So, rich person buys my Canned Poo and a trade in my Canned Poo pieces ensues. I become one of those rich people in the process. Statues are erected to me when I’m dead and galleries of my artwork are opened so the paying public can come and gorp at my s*** (literally). Children in schools are taught about my creative genius. And all along, I didn’t give a s*** (pun intended). Even when I protest and say I was just taking the *** – they will say “Ah, but that’s the genius of it, it’s inate!”. There’s something quite Monty Python about that.

    Regarding the statue in Ilfracombe, it means little to me. Reminds me of the Colossus at Rhodes, the Statue of Liberty, and Soviet propaganda statues. I’d imagine if I had just bought a nice little cottage there, I’d be hoping it didn’t become permanent/ the council decides it “must” retain it and pays several million.

    Free Member

    Lots of spammers out there. Anyone that looks dodgy, block them.

    Free Member

    5 golden rules:

    1. Don’t put your CV on a website – it will get picked up by multiple recruiters all looking after the same jobs. Some of them will already have sent your CV to their clients without your permission. Ooops 🙂
    2. Pick 2/3 recruiters that have good reputations among your peers. Get your peers to refer you, as they may pick up a reward that you can go halves on. Make sure they (or you) sign a registration form that states the recruiters can’t send your CV anywhere without permission, Check small print to make sure there is no caveat stating that a conversation counts as permission, and that they don’t have carte blanche. The trick here is to keep control of your CV.
    3. If they lack details of the role or clients – ditch them. The ones that are good – be loyal to them, as they will have loyal clients who trust their advice. Keep checking with them but don’t hound them.
    4. Source your own job through LinkedIn and twitter, Networking is the new recruitment. Join Oil and Gas LinkedIn groups and see who’s advertising on them. Seek out HR people and Talent Acquisition Managers in companies and make direct approaches. You are more likely be hired if you don’t come with a 20 – 30% recruiter fee on top.
    5. Make yourself ready – practice being interviewed if possible. New jobs are about how you sell yourself. Get as much feedback as possible and use it to alter your approach and your CV as necessary.
    Hope that’s of some help.

    Free Member

    Wowser. Would actually be worth breaking that up and selling the bits as ‘Used-Other’ on Ebay. You could probably make £200. I’d do it if I had a spare £300 right now.

    Free Member

    He’s Britain richest artist – so he’s got enough wonga not to need to make money from this. Hopefully it will be good for the town, but actually I think the main point for him is that it increases his reputation. Commercially, he know’s what he’s up to.

    He probably had the cast mould left over from this

    Free Member

    Haha. I don’t think so though. I vote on the circumstances, not on any sense of party loyalty. Given the circumstances at the last election, I think I made the right call. Where they take us after that is never guaranteed. 🙂

    Free Member

    FWIW. I met Hirst a couple of times, including at a book signing in White Cube. He turned up late, went early and generally behaved like a ****, including writing on the wall in marker pen and peeing with the door open. What a rebel! He also left the building with the words “Now let’s spend the money!”.

    I believe there’s a storyline about being a lapsed Catholic and all the works being about death and mortality etc etc. That’s the marketing anyway.

    Free Member

    I think the Great War should be remembered – like some others have said it was a defining moment in human history, and many lost their lives. But £10 million would cover it, and any further amount made up from voluntary charitable donation. If £50 million is available, the other £40 million should be used to pay off the complete West Coast Mainline **** up, or the Assange embassy siege, so that is doesn’t fall as an extra burden on the taxpayer. This is blatantly a case of “Big events” like the Olympics “Reinforcing the national spirit” and “taking minds off the dire economy” – a very old school (Emperor Nero, anyone?) and public school mentality , hence why Eton Dave has adopted it. Spending £50 million on a cause that will show no economic return couldn’t be a worse idea at a time that benefits to the poor are being cut, money is being taken out of national services such as the NHS and at a time when the government refuses to increase tax on their rich buddies, when the Chief executives of the FTSE companies have seen personal profits skyrocket. WW1 was supposed to be the war that ended all wars – so maybe a fitting tribute to those that died would be to stop the war in Afghan? I think it couldn’t be more ironic that the event that saw the average joe being forced into machine gun fire by posh game-playing Generals is being celebrated by posh, game-playing MPs who want to send the “undeserving” poor into greater debt by cutting their welfare.
    And I’m a Tory voter. Call me disillusioned. In my defense, we still had to get rid of Labour at the last election. Frankly, as the only viable opposition, it’s time for Labour to shake themselves up, get rid of the Marxist Milibands and power-hungry Balls and produce a genuinely electable alternative.

    Free Member


    And this:

    Free Member

    We keep a Delonghi DEM 10 in the bathroom. Now in its 5th year, I’ve just had to change the filter once. It cured the damp/mould issue in the bathroom (the small window and extractor fan weren’t enough). Superb and efficient. We didn’t see a noticeable rise in energy bills. You need decent heating for it to work at it’s best.

    EDIT: Get one with a timer, or buy a cheap timer switch.

    Free Member

    Totally love my IXS Hack knee pads. I never got on with 661.

    Free Member

    And, of course, MetalHeadz. Kinda goes without saying though…

    And for Dark and Broody, have this:

    Free Member

    Can we have some suggestions for dark brooding heavy dnb albums/mixes please?

    Ray Keith
    Renegade Hardware Records
    Valve Recordings
    V records
    Loxy_torment on Soundcloud
    Exit records
    Ganja Kru
    Shy FX
    Jumpin Jack Frost
    Brian Gee
    Andy C
    Early 4Hero

    Free Member

    Could be ITB. Common over-use injury. Need to do stretches and RICE treatment. Ditch the clips and ride flats until it’s improved. (Just got off the phone to physio with similar issue). Actually, you can self-assess on this. Feel the knee cap, move fingers to outside of knee and you’ll feel a hard ridge. Follow this up the leg (it becomes a larger band of tissue). IF it feels super-tight (you can compare to the other leg) – this is main culprit. Massage x2 per day. Ibuprofen may help.

    Free Member

    “Step into my world”

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Don’t suppose you collected the object? Fingerprints on the assault weapon would certainly help the case.

    Free Member

    Not much to add to some very good advice here, just this:
    * Bell was a good call – get a loud one
    * White gloves or luminous wrist bands so drivers can see your hand signals in low light – always use the hand signals
    * Ride at the pace you enjoy – don’t get caught up in commuter racing or sucked into red light jumping.
    * Try to avoid getting caught up in bunches of cyclists at lights – pull in behind a car instead if you see that happening
    * If you have to lock your bike outside, lock the wheels to the frame, the frame to a lampost (or whatever). I also lock the saddle to the frame. Consider a big ****off bike lock that you can leave at work. Plastic bag on saddle.

    Free Member

    My bars and hoods also set up like crikey’s (in his first pic) and I have similar shape bars (ITM Millennium 4Ever Road Bike Handlebars, Anatomic 42cm, Ebay cheap jobbie from HighOnBikes). Don’t have a problem sprinting on either the drops or the hoods. I also raise my bars using an adjustable stem for more hand comfort. However, I can reach the brake levers. I’ve just got some budget Tektro brake levers – maybe they are a bit shorter reach? Dunno. I started off with all the ‘standard’ set up measurements, then various pains forced changes. Now it’s fine. Depends on you and your body – trial and error.

    Free Member

    For me, I position the flats so that they are horizontal (from the side), and the hoods with a slight rise so you can grip them more firmly when standing and putting the power down. Just make sure you can still reach the levers when in the drop position. I also double-wrap the bars with innertube underneath to reduce vibration – biggest help with hand numbness issues.

    Free Member

    Oh yes, love Glasgow. This may count as pretentious – but The Butterfly & The Pig[/url] do some great cake and high tea upstairs (seems to be a Glasgow institution) and live music is normal pub setting downstairs. Also recommend jumping on the circular Metro up to Ashton Lane.

    Free Member

    Did someone say bush?

    Free Member

    I know you’re probably not looking for a budget option, but I took my 2L bladder out of my Deuter RaceX and plopped it in this Lidl special and its been ace. It’s made well and will carry tools, first aid, pump and patches, spare tube, wallet, phone and banana easily. It also looks more expensive that it is, with no real branding. £10! Prob worth waiting for a re-run.

    Free Member

    @ GrahamS LOL. Well, if you’ve got The Force, you have to use it. At least he has the manners to help him up afterwards though. 😀

    Free Member

    So, the cyclist moves into bus lane (after red van and before speed bump – plenty of space for that). Lets vehicles waiting behind him pass. Likely they will take advantage of green light, then signals and moves back in to right lane at the point the arrows on the road show lane division – which is just before the lights. There’s enough time to let at least 3 cars through in that time slot, let alone the 1 car waiting behind him. But as mentioned, I can understand both approaches, i think both would be valid, so this is where choice comes in. But this is all beside the point surly? The question is whether the copper driving dangerously.

    I have to say, this is the same guy showing excellent cycling manners and generally being a good guy:

    Free Member

    Personally, I would have taken the bus lane, let any cars through up to when I needed to turn right, then looked, signaled and pulled into right lane again – seems to have been enough time for that. But, if he was turning right, and signaled, you can understand him hogging the lane – and if that was the case, you can understand the copper riding up the inside. BUT, he does come to close to the cyclist and doesn’t need to cut him up. He also shouldn’t be hiding his badge.
    ”I’ll sack police offices who hide identity badges”
    None of which would justify RLJ, if that was the case. So I agree with nicko74’s kn0b/tool assessment.

    Free Member

    OK, I’ve taken a longer look at all this and I’m changing my stance slightly. That is too close. And he doesn’t need to come back into the lane. So the cyclist does have a point. I guess this type of close pass happens so often in London, I’ve come to expect it, even from the fuzz. Still think the editing is suspicious though.

    @brakes – fair point, made me LOL too.

    Free Member

    I second what was said earlier. Please don’t drive near me

    Just because people question how much danger the policeman has put the cyclist in, it doesn’t mean they drive like him.

    Free Member

    Agreed. It’s a lot of hot air. Maybe the RR was a little close, but I don’t think the cyclist was in danger. He would only be where he is if he was turning right – as he himself later implies – in which case I don’t have a problem with the RR in the bus lane. Assume the cyclist used a hand signal to indicate intentions? Copper not so professional in response but not the end of the world. I do agree that the editing is suspicious though – suggests the cyclist went through a red to catch up. Also as other noted, looks like a close support RR for the silver one – its his job to stay close to that car. Coppers flout the law all the time – that’s not news.

    TBH most of the videos I’ve seen on Youtube like this, the cyclist is over-reacting. I say most, not all.

    Free Member

    It’s just the usual lowest common denominator pop rap, like Nicki Minaj herself – who has a massive following.

    Here’s one of my favorite K-Os tracks.

    ..”if you can’t dance to this, is dosen’t matter…”

    Free Member

    Action Bikes. The one near me has given me loads of freebies and the mechanic is happy to show me how to do things too. It’s always gonna depend on the shop manager though. When you do pay, they are just as pricey as everyone else.

    Free Member

    Just dropping by. Have you guys all been here since last Friday? 🙂

    Free Member

    I was actually driving back on the M3 from Winchester two weeks ago when I heard the most almighty roar. Felt it in the chest – that kind of thing. Looked out the window and this beast was flying over us, quite low. Even the wife was amazed and she doesn’t give a monkey’s about stuff like that. I think it’s a combination of the noise and the slightly sinister delta wing cold war shape that creates the impression. And then there’s that story about the longest bombing run in history – down to the Falklands.

    Free Member

    I’m going up tomorrow. Usually steer clear of bike shows tbh but I’m in the market for some new bits, so thought I’d scope out some at the show before I find cheaper ones online. And wanted to try out the Trek Fuel and DMR bolt on the Dare2b test track. I think if you’re looking to buy stuff they’re handy, but otherwise a waste of time. Hopefully I’ll find something of interest tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the link fathomer. “Somebody finally nailed it 5/5”. Couldn’t be more promising… 🙂

    Free Member

    Suntour XCM is it? Agreed – get rid. I’ve not had a rigid fork since I rode a BMX, but I see Exotic do a nice rigid carbon 29er fork – £129.00 on ebay. Otherwise Suntour’s Epicon is a world apart from the XCM and a very good fork, or 2nd hand for other brands for same price. Suspension makes the ride softer and allows you to go faster for the same skills level, which for most people = more fun, but not everyone, as you can see above.

    Free Member

    I’d second the Lumia 920 comment. I can only say good things about my current Lumia. The 920 will have the ability to see through walls and enhance low light photos.

    Free Member

    That video was hilarious. ‘Those foot-coffins you call “shoes”…’ LOL!

    Free Member

    +1 Endura Dexters. Mine came up large, but this lets me use a very thin “thinsulate” glove underneath when super cold. In better weather i use Spesh BG gloves – so these are extreme weather standbys.

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