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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • stAn-BadBrainsMBC
    Free Member

    did the have the internet when I started ????
    I can remember Ton's peugeot hybrid (original 29er)

    Free Member

    Having tried a few different suppliers I can categorically state that Endura are by far the best quality.
    Only downside I can see is they have a minimum order of 15 items. That doesn't mean you have to order 15 jerseys, you can order any 15 items so for 4 of you, you could get a combination of shorts, long and short sleeve shirts, leggings jackets and gillets (my own personal favourite piece of kit)to make up your order , that way you'll look rather spiffing all year round.

    Free Member

    adult size space hopper

    worked for me 😉

    Free Member

    Havana club rum – all varieties , the three year is great in the hipflask.

    Free Member

    from Ingleton head south east along the road for just under 4 miles to Ingleton hall.SD 746 694
    Head North East along bridleway over Long Scar to road SD 787 746
    Head North along the B6479 until you see Ribblehead Viaduct SD 764 791
    Follow track North West under viaduct and then bear left ( south west) SD 751 800 to follow bridleway along Scales moor to Twisleton Scar End SD 698 755
    Sharp left and down for final drag up the road back into Ingleton.
    approx. 20 miles. over 60% off road
    you'll get to ride round Ingleborough and between Ingleborough and Whernside, you'll see the Ribblehead Viaduct, you pass near to Gaping Gill SD 750 726 over to your right on the first off road section is Pen Y Ghent – full on Dales experience, you'll be suping proper ale, wearing a proper cap, and talking reet proper and grand by end o'weekend

    Free Member

    bridleway to summit of Ingleboro' – butties and cake in the shelter – turn round and come back way you came

    Free Member

    little blue tricycle with carrier for action men/teddy bears/water pistol
    small red bike with white tyres
    raleigh chipper second hand – dad painted it purple and had my name on it
    green and white cruiser
    5 speed raleigh arena
    10 speed peugeot in yellow
    second hand cyclo cross bike – bought with first proper wage
    dawes tourer (second hand for commuting to work)
    muddy fox explorer
    specialised stumpjumper (still got even if it was too bog for me)
    raleigh dune dancer (not cool but a fantastic ride)
    orange clockwork -black , bent it beyond repair in a race
    orange clockwork -silver and blue- now white and used by eldest son as singlespeed
    viking road bike – still got , but still looking for explanation as to why
    scott racing (year before they called 'em scale)still got-youngest son rides it
    sanderson life – love it ! thought the clockork would never be beaten but the sanderson is by far my favourite, after the green and white cruiser

    Free Member

    who ?

    why ?

    Free Member

    spray GT85 in 'em every 3rd friday at 6:37pm

    Free Member

    dogs !

    Free Member

    been using 'em fora few years now.

    much prefer them to SPD's, better float = kinder to knees, no clogging, looks etc.

    OK they take a bit more servicing but we are not talking much more than re-packing with grease hardly a difficult task .

    top tips – replace the plastic axle caps (?) for metal ones. Get some sole savers for your shoes.

    Free Member

    try, Everything Picture by Ultrasound
    It gets more perfect everytime I listen to it

    Free Member

    MY comfy chair, grandson asleep on one knee, jack russel asleep on t'other, big dog asleep at feet, there is no where in the world better than here

    Free Member

    try greasing the QR skewer in the back wheel.

    sounds like BS but I can assure you it worked on a very creaky Turner.

    Free Member

    galveston by straw
    ghost in my house by the fall
    lost in music by the fall
    hurt by jonny cash
    the way i walk by the cramps
    i could go on ….
    ziggy stardust by bauhaus is 'kin fantastic

    Free Member

    cycling badges and pins – got some rather nice pins from the cold war era , far too many cycling proficiency badges (but if you've got one you don't want contact me please )
    not sure how many or how much they are worth , but like a lot of collectors your collection is worth nowt 'cos you won't sell it.

    if anyone is wanting to start collecting cycling badges drop me an email i've got some 'spares' that'll get you kick started

    Free Member

    Hora – they get £26k a year …. and ?????

    they provide a vital service that is one of the essential cogs in the machine we call society – lose the cog the machine faults and eventualy fails. Why is not worthy of £26k ? their boss earns £200k plus and all the trimmings that go with it – an obscene amount that is far above what any one individual needs to survive.

    CHB – Do I agree with cutting their pay? No. Freezing it maybe? Or even restructuring it so that they don't lose out and get the balance in bonuses.
    this is the race to the bottom just not quite as fast as pay cuts – totally unacceptable

    what we need to see is a more balanced society where the gap between the low and high paid is drastically reduced (yes i do hold strong left wing views evenb to the point of believing that everyone should be paid the same despite their job – but I also live in the real world and see the problems this would cause.)
    increasing or in the case of the Leeds refuse workers , maintaining a decent standard salary , for the lower paid and capping the extortionate amounts that execs and the like are paid will deliver a far more bal;anced society and you can still hold on to your capitalist ethos.

    let me ask you all to consider this
    is it fair that a massive multi national company – say HSBC for example – is allowed to make billions , not millions , but billions of pounds/dollars profit each year yet still employ staff on poverty wages ? there are workers at corporations such as these that have not had pay rises for 10 or more years.
    workers generating billions of pounds worth of profit for the shareholders etc. yet their salaries are so low that they have to claim income support and other benefits – benefits that come form your taxes and N.I.
    unfortunately we live in a world run by greedy fat men who see profit before people

    stAn retreats behind the barricades awaiting a sh#t load of abuse from middle england.

    an important point to remember in all this is that the refuse workers in Leeds are not striking to get anything more they are seeking to retain what they already have. They are prepared to get back round the table and negotiate but not with the conditions imposed on them by the council


    Free Member

    the Labour party as we have known it for the past few years can hardly be described as a socialist party.
    that said , asmy grandad used to say – you can't make a silk purse out of a pigs ear , and if ever this country was turned into a pigs ear it wa 1984/85 and the rest of the thatcher/tory years – ask anyone from a mining /steel/engineering/textile/printing background , to name but a few.

    for more of this stuff look back in the morning star archives , i've got more than a few rants and speaches printed/quoted in there including a rather prophetic warning about the so called economic downturn and collapse of the banks.

    i'll leave you with this one
    “Socialism can only arrive by bicycle.”
    Jose Antonio Viera Gallo


    Free Member

    there are ways round it

    workers take legal industrial mobilises when they are not working (saturday afternoon for starters – doesn't suit everyone but of you're not working at least you can get a ride in first.) march through city to town hall , listen to guest speakers etc. deliver petitons to council etc. speak to press etc. instruct MP's to get involved – thats why you vted 'em in (don't complain about what they do unless you are prepared to really bring them to task – Ed Balls still owes me a pint and not because we are mates !) hell we could even search and destroy a few EDL and BNP monkeys while we are at it.
    if we are not getting any where we ramp up the protests – human shield round council offices , road blockades etc. Ok OK it may seem like i'm getting a bit carried away but I've actually seen these tactics employed to great success in south america

    one day my friends , one day all this will be ours and all will be equal and live with the dignity they deserve


    Free Member

    vote for me !

    Free Member

    thank f##k for that john i was just about to strip you of your skulls (Bad Brains MBC in joke)

    what we need to sort issues like this out is the support from all sections of the community – bosses threaten to cut refuse workers pay etc. workers strike and communities mobilise bosses get the message

    an injury to one is an injury to all !

    lets raise the peoples army and take control of the state – now thats a revolutionary idea 😉


    Free Member

    'kin 'ell john drummer – i never had you down for a psuedo fascist neo liberal !
    get contract workers in to do the work of the striking bin workers ! thats scab labour !
    pay the unemployed to clear the bins ????? so that we can make the bin men unemployed ? great policy – lets accelerate the race to the bottom by financially undermining everyone.what do you do ? and how much do you get paid ? i could probably find a couple of dozen people more than capable and prepared to do your jobs for less money.

    Free Member

    they're on strike because their bosses are proposing to cut their salaries by up to £6000 a year. which is obviously totally unacceptable.
    would you accept your boss forcing a major deduction of wages on your salary ? would you f##k. no one goes on strike lightly these days – for one there are so many legal hurdles to be met prior to calling the strike for another people don't get paid on strike – these workers should be admired for standing strong and putting their money where their mouths are.
    the tory leader of leeds council is on app.£200,000 a year – why don't we cost cut on his salary and benefits , no-one needs that amount of salary.
    and as for it's only emptying bins – its not exctly hard is it. how much would it take to get you out of bed 5 sometimes 6 days a week to work outside shifting other peoples stinking garbage week in week out in all kinds of weather
    it's easy to criticise when your sat at your laptop etc. have you taken the time to talk to these guys on the picket lines and get their side of the story ? no i didn't think so.
    it's also easy to get fired up against workers such as binmen due to the nature of the consequences of them striking, in this instance rubbish piling up etc. well if you want it to stop and get things back to normal rather than picking on the workers and/or the unions, vent your anger towards the bosses they have come up with the proposals , they are the pay masters they are the people responsible for the bins not getting collected in leeds.

    Free Member

    british designed hardtail – preferably made from british steel tubing
    brookes saddle
    decent set of forks
    decent wheels
    decent brakes
    utilising as many uk companies as possible

    alternatively – pashley guv'nor – reet proper blokes bike

    upgrade the pedals tho'

    Free Member

    the Ned Overend books quite good too – it won't tell you how to do particularly 'rad' stuff as it's written by XC legend , but it's still a good read and well worthy addition to anyones library

    Free Member

    OI dolittle ! walk away – walk away

    Free Member

    you hold mi specs , i'll put my tooth in my pocket

    Free Member

    is my chin and part of my elbow still there ?

    Free Member

    horney handed son of toil

    love it .can i use it as my own ?

    Free Member

    maybe its a game ????
    see who can get highest and/or who's bag can hang the longest

    Free Member

    Free Member

    how do you know they're bags of dog toffee ?

    just for the record i own 2 dogs – i clearup and fetch it home. which is fun when you've been out with the dogs on a sunday evening and you get up too early monday morning and suddenly realise it is a bag of dog toffee in your coat pocket uuurrgh! what next? standing outside pubs smoking ?

    Free Member

    poor attempt a sarcasm on my behalf in response to this thread

    Mick – Bad Brains MBC still going strong for almost 17 years now

    Johnners – cigars and pipes, not cigarettes , thats disgusting!

    Free Member

    spent a lot of time with my old fella when i was young un hanging round at rugby clubs so heard plenty but my favourite was when reffering to a particular chilly day – ' colder than a witches tit'

    and not a quote but a practice – daft old bugger used to shove a wad of Vics vapour jelly up each nostril before comencing any sporting activity – 'get half a yard o' vic up each nostril, that'll wake yer up and get you going' try it.

    Free Member

    One of my favourite quotes I read in an article a while back –

    "Tattoos: stupid people's way of telling you they're stupid without you having to speak to them"


    pious holier than thou posting on an internet forum: – person without tattoo's way of telling you how much of a boring judgemental f@rt they are.

    Free Member

    you can't go wrong with the sanderson
    i've had my 'life' for nearly two years now. it's by far the best bike i've ever had

    Free Member

    sanderson = proper mans bike!
    i love my 'life' . best ride ever, i've been riding mountain bikes for over 20 years (mainly steel hardtails) and it's defnately the best – you won't be disappointed.

    Think there should be a Sanderson owners club

    Free Member


    Free Member

    you could come out with us if you want on Tuesday and/or Thursday night – check our own forum

    reet good proper northern fun

    Free Member

    thats my c#ck

Viewing 40 posts - 521 through 560 (of 597 total)