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  • Mental Mondays #9 The yes, we know it’s Tuesday, edition
  • Stainypants
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    had a crush on the bradders since she was at the old dungeon ghyll one night with her film crew and we were having dinner when we were walking the cumbria way. She kept looking at me at the time i though she fancied me, but reality she was wondering why the druknen fat bloke with severe sunstroke kept starring at her.

    Full Member

    i was amazed on Saturday when i saw a red kite (not light) on harehills lane in Leeds. When i was young there were only about 30 in the country in deepest wales.

    Full Member

    watched the thing when i was 10 wished i hadn’t

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    I have a laser competition and it great piece of kit but the pegs are crap. however if your going for more than a few days i’d get some a bit roomier especially as your not small. That macpac looks a bit taller than the terra nova. I use an old salwa micro which is much more comfortable but its heavy compared to modern two man tents.


    Full Member

    camped at kirroughtree a few years back this time of year doing the SUW and at one point I couldn’t see my arms or legs for midges. We couldn’t eat as we couldn’t lift our nets. I swore never to return to Scotland in midge season. It doesn’t help that I come out in huge blisters with every bite or that any anti-histamine turns me into a spaced out Zombie.

    Saying that I was in Wales at the weekend at they were pretty bad there as well

    Full Member

    We put Ryan in about 4-5 months in his maxi-cosi iso fix car seat fitted in with lots of straps worked really well.

    Full Member

    I love it but after two major illnesses in 6 months I’ve missed out on a lot of riding. I’m planning to jump in at the deepend after 8 weeks off. Quick blast on the mountain bike on Wednesday around our local loop then 3 day on-road/off road tour of north wales.

    i have found that my friends have got more into touring and auxdax and away from the mtbing as they’ve got older

    Full Member

    get one made from what ever ti they used on the rear drop out of my ti 456 it broke easily enough

    Full Member

    People live a pipedream of living in London and being at the hub of the country but then spend all their time working to fund a massive mortgage and either send their kids to private school or live with guilt of living in a £700K house yet have to send their kids to a school where English isn’t there first language. They hardly ever go into town and may as well live in small town anyhow as living in the suburbs of London that’s what you effectively you are doing but paying through the nose to do it. Well you welcome to it.

    Plus from what I see on here all the mountain biking seems to be about arguing about access to muddy woods on someone else’s land.

    Full Member

    I think I’m 1 out of 4. Plan to get the other 3 fully working in the next few weeks.

    (edit 0 out of 4 as I need to fix a spoke on the rigid inbred damm)

    Full Member

    I don’t get it, if your married you have a family income which is shared just cause one partner earns more than the other they shouldn’t have more spends once all the bills are shorted out. When we first got married my wife earned 15K more than me but all the cash was shared. Now the situation is reversed and I earn slightly more than her and all the money goes into the same pot, I’m still allowed nice bike bits but don’t take the pee. To be fair once all the tax, pension payments and 18K a year childcare is paid there ain’t much left to argue about.

    Another example is we both get performance related bonuses and this year the wifes is bigger than mine but we will just stick all that money towards the mortgage even though she’ll put in a grand or so more than me and in previous years i’ve done the same. It feel wrong to us if she was to keep that grand and spend it on handbags and shoes and leave me with nothing or vice versa.

    It seems to go against the idea of being equal partners in a relationship if you keep your own money, I’ve seen friends who do it and always felt they were holding back from committing fully into the relationship.

    The odds are my wife will get the next promotion and I can go back to being a kept man.


    Full Member

    I made the purchase from a PC in one of Finlands most secure Nuclear Power Stations as well. I wonder how CRC explain this one away?

    thats a long way to go just to protect your credit card details, are you a Bond Villian?

    Full Member

    I was given a it in A&E last week, i don’t think it was for killing the pain but to ensure i didn’t give a toss that I was sat on a trolley for 8 hours, whilst the A&E docs and the surgical teams argued who’s job it was to deal with me as my infected wound was left untreated.


    Full Member

    It should have been done years ago but labour didn’t have the bottle to do it. I pay 25% of my salary into my pension and my pension is at the whim of the stock market, so who knows what I’ll get. Most final salary pension schemes in the private sector have gone as they aren’t affordable, even the ones in my company which was meant to be untouchable (ex ICI).

    So how can you expect to pay 11% of your salary into a scheme so over your working life, so whats that about 5 years salary over 45 years and then expect to get a guaranteed proportion of your Final Salary for the next 20 years with me paying the bill whilst I’m paying 25% to get a significantly lower proportion of my final salary, I’m about as far as you can get from a Tory but some people need to get back on the real world.

    I doubt they’ll be much sympathy from the most people in the private sector as they feel the same as me.

    Full Member

    Great photos, I’m not afraid to say it looks like theres definitely bits id bottle. But why were you all wearing backpacks ?


    Full Member

    It wont last long with all the 4 x 4 that use it

    Full Member

    We have a new galaxy as we wanted more space and occasionally have to lug grandparents around. I think one of the best things about it and the s-max is probably similar is that you drive in it for six hours with two kids under 3, carrying camping and biking gear for a fortnight and when you get out you feel fresh. We’ve done lots of massive journeys in it ands as Marge says its a nice place to be in.


    Full Member

    Grew up 50 yards from the skyliner used to ask for a bag of scraps as i couldn’t afford chips except on Fridays after the a team when i’d get a bag of chips and put on my own salt and vinegar.

    Full Member

    One of best friends and his family live above christchurch harbour not heard anything from them , Col do you know if the telecommunications are down

    Full Member

    I was going to come along for my first pootle today but had my appendix removed last weekend which is better excuse than a bit of snow. That photo from derbyshire bridge is a bit of suprise as we had no sign of snow in Macclesfield today

    Full Member

    my mazda 6 measured it in litres per 100km and I never managed to change it it did my head in on the other hand if it had actually told me the mpg i’d have probably had a heart attack (it was around 20mpg).


    Full Member

    my daughter has been up since 6.00am with Chicken Pox and has watched Disneys Cinderella and is just starting Sleeping Beauty i dread to think what physiological and neurological damage this is doing to her or it could be making her feel better and distracting her from the fact she is covered in itching spots and has a temperature of 39C.

    Some of you should get of your high horses, a child watching a film doesn’t preclude them from doing crafts, baking or reading or going out in the countryside or riding a bike its about balance and giving them a rich mix of experiences.

    I’m with Molgrips its your children that are missing out not yours that are suffering.


    Full Member

    hes 3 weeks younger than me, maybe i should not give hope of been signed yet

    Full Member

    i have 23 month old boy and a just turned 3 year old girl

    Both love toy story trilogy and Shrek 1,2 and 4. They seem to enjoy Ice age I’ve never seen it but they laugh from the back of the car.

    There is a Japanese film called Ponyo which they both really like.

    The girl is now getting into classic Disney films with princess in them. Though i find them really repative

    Full Member

    they weren’t that spectacular i might have realized what they were.

    Full Member

    my father in law has one and he loves it. Hes too old and a technophobe to use a ipod and ipod dock. He was able to rip his CD collection to it without a computer and was all tagged something he could never have done on a PC.

    I agree that if you have your music on a PC or are comfortable with ripping on PC an ipod and a good dock offers more flexibilty than the brennan but it don’t think its aimed at that market.

    Two other things you’ll need to update the database if you are buying new CDs.

    I think you’d want to back it up to an external hard drive anyhow 900 cds will take a long time to rip.

    Full Member

    I saw it in Macc about 10 years ago, i didn’t realize what it was at the time I thought it was some lights from a show at tatton park reflecting in a strange way, as the lines were horizontal in the sky i couldn’t work it out but it didn’t even think about it been the aurora. It was only when they had a guy from Jodrell bank on radio 5 the next moring talking about it that I found out.

    It always puts a smile on my face when i think people go on holiday to the arctic to see the northern lights and i saw them on a thursday night going to the esso garage in Macc to get a can of coke.

    Full Member

    i’ll shall go get the prunes I had few sachets of stool softner already but I’ve got another week on the tramadol. I did think about picolax but if i’d have take that I would have exploded.

    Full Member

    Anyone put a standard 26inch carbon fork on a 456 ?

    Full Member

    it was the width in three chuncks about the same length. I feel like i’ve been on a date with John Holmes

    Full Member

    45 minutes of holding the suppositories in, hp sauce all down my legs luckily i tucked my pj bottoms into my socks, 5 minutes of crying in agony 5 minutes of crying in joys

    i gave birth to this

    Seriously im so revealed back to the Tramadol

    Full Member

    i agree with ralph, i hate messy farms with junk lying around. when your in europe the farms always seem tidy and im embarassed at the state of many around here.

    i can’t believe that OP caused such hyperbole, calm down

    Full Member

    those bolle spiders look great i bought some decathlon sunglasses reduced from 30 to 10 they look a bit like oakley jawbones. i trash glasses riding there is absolutly no point spending seroius money on glasses

    Full Member

    i’ve had a desire since the day it came out and love it but i also use my wifes ipd rouch and think its a fantastic device which does what it is designed to do really well. if you want to use itunes get an iphone if you want to play around a bit get a desire. im a big google fan so every thing sinks really well. i have the whole uk on 1:25k ordinance survey through mm tracker and i can stream all the music from our laptop wirlessly to my phone with audiogalaxy

    both are good devices just slightly different and it depends what system you want to buy into.

    tbh my biggest issue is battery life which is crap on both and probably a bit worse on the desire if they could improve that it would make the biggest diference to the smartphone experience.

    Full Member

    i was woken up by stomach cramps on saturday morning. i put it down to the couple of glasses of wine id had the night before or a bug thats going round where you get stomach cramps but no other gi effects. however after dosing on the couch for the morning my daughter jumped up on me and i realised the pain was quite localised and sensitive to pressure. so phoned NHS direct who when i described my symptoms said i HAD to go to the out hours GP. He wasnt sure so sent me to see the surgeon in AandE who also wasnt sure as i wasnt displaying all the symptoms. so they made me wait until last night but when they did go in it was severly enlarged and would have probably ruptured in the next few days.

    so im laid here in significantly more pain than before the op the tramadol doesnt touch it but at least i haven’t got burst appendix. The strange thing is that 9 out of 10 times i wouldnt have called the docs and would have MTFU. its been a very bizarre few days. The only consolation is that i get 250 quid a night from my health insurance so thats a new lens and a gps.

    Full Member

    its not too bad i can read singletrack and listen to bbc podcasts
    and keep my friends updated facebook for free from my bed. haven’t eaten for over 24hours. hopefully the impliments arent too rusty

    Full Member

    Trail centres are bad enough. How can it have a cross-country course surely it would be a cross warehouse course.

    What next a out of water swimming centre, so you don’t get wet.

    EDIT, the underpass park although not my thing looks cool

    Full Member

    I couldn’t get mine to work today either, just tried still not working.

    Full Member

    Went out, only about 100 yards that were unrideable and i’m sure its unrideable most of the year. Had to wade 2 1/2 ft through the ford at gradbach scout camp, got lost and ended up doing a bit of road to Flash stores for brunch. Then I snapped my mech hanger on Cumberland Clough. Three shires head was fantastic with the amount of water flowing

    Link to the rest of the photos

    Full Member

    They missed unobtainium off that list, but I guess thats in keeping with the nature of the stuff, its never there when you look for it.

    Its all in the post winging its way to all the singletrack users who’ve bought up the worlds supply of factory second Oakleys

    “interchangeable UNOBTAINIUM® nose pads and earsocks insure comfortable, secure fit”

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