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  • Stainypants
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    John Wick and John Wick 2.

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    We were given a brand new one of these by a family who didn’t have space to put into there Range Rover when returning home from hols.


    It was useless couldn’t really steer it apparently you need skeg. Which dampens down the rotation. Even so we had good fun in the campsite lake and around the shores of Lac Annecy but I think you’d need to spend a good amount to get a decent one.

    Good reminder for me to order a skeg for the whit hols

    Full Member

    How about Llyn Brenig there are routes of different lengths. It’s a bit hilly if you cycle round the whole thing but not as hilly a llandegla blue may a bit hard for little sister.

    Full Member

    We’ve just bought the Boardman MHT 8.9 29er for me and my wife. Currently you can get it for £800 by trading in helmet. It got a good review on bikeradar at £1000.

    I think it looks good as well.

    Full Member

    If you must Clinique for men shower gel is nice it used to be about £18 a (small) bottle. No 7 for men is about £8 and it pretty much the same.

    But it’s all bollox, I use Sanex which cheap and doesn’t smell anything.

    Full Member

    I have no probs with Spoons just ignore his Brexit ranting. Given over 50% of folk voted leave there’s a fair chance that you be using plenty if businesses owned by Brexiters as the poster above states it the staff and suppliers that will really suffer bit the multi millionaire owner.

    We were discussing Spoons at lunch, can someone explain how they can sell a pint of a perfectly nice pint of 5% beer for £1.29. Don’t tell me it cause it’s just about to go off.

    Full Member

    I use one as my main tool bagpn my road bike no complaints at all

    Full Member

    I quiet enjoyed Clayton vale when I went with my boys in the autumn. The youngest didn’t get on with the surfaces which were greasy with wet leaves.

    It was a Sunday and we met an East European family of 20 in full national dress singing folk songs with 3 accordians you don’t get that at llandegla.

    Full Member

    I’d normally go into Lyme park from West park gate, then out if the East gate then cheeky ride the last bit of the Gritstone trail into Disley it’s a FP but most of it is farm track.

    Full Member

    im useless and Piriton and Zirtec don’t get in bad mood but they turn me into a zombie. Loperamide i’m better on and there’s a new short-acting Benadryl that I was good on

    Full Member

    Sorry I’ve been out of mobile signal for the past three days so many thanks for your replies. Its definitely not a traditional hernia as there’s no hole. I’ve had a ultrasound by a radiographer who specialises in finding them. But two docs independently felt a hernia in the same place I didn’t tell them what the other had found. I suspect it a tare the back of the abdomen that didn’t show on the ultrasound.

    I think once its diagnosed
    with the mri scan I’ll find a specialist surgeon to repair it and the right physio to get me back. Hopefully I wont get the complications that some of you have had but I’m bracing myself as these seem much more complex than the traditional hernia. I’m fortunate to have good health cover.

    I’m gutted I’m probably in Marathon PB shape and loving running with my club.

    Full Member

    All my kids breakdance and they love it, it’s far more relevant and accessible than something like modern pentathlon (which is anything but modern). If freestyle snowboarding, diving and gymnastics can be in the Olympics so can breakdancing.

    Full Member

    I have had a few but to be honest the best one was a plastic job from Decathlon. My youngest loved it I had to pull him back from trying to join the red at Sherwood on it when have as just two.

    We had one of those wooden Early Riders but it was far to heavy.

    Then I bought him a one with a brake when he was a bit older as he rode into a load of graves at Macc crematorium as it joins on to the local park. But he never got used to it before transitioned to riding a bike when he was just 3.

    Balance bikes are the way to go my older two had balance bikes but also had scooters they spent most of their time on the scooters and as a consequence took longer to start bike riding.

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    Full Member

    I have great little gadget I brouht in France which was a micro usb OTG usb hub plus card reader. It’s been invaluable for working without a laptop for not only getting photos into the cloud but watching movies from USB stick and uploading GPXs to Garmin’s etc. This isn’t quiet as good but would do the job,ss:44&prds=num:1,of:1,epd:15081242335388717823,paur:ClkAsKraX1dtBYXeqCGHPEzpYaAquzaOwasMeEWgVv84PhothlJSkIYRn7EcDS337rIUWlmAB6eRdcy_tA-5UtXRLk948oGXrd7t6Ub9eqo1MLwj2HluuePnOhIZAFPVH73l-Q6IiYQUG7tqucuvXgZ460rMDg,prmr:1,pid:15081242335388717823,cs:1&ved=0ahUKEwigyYjbyKbgAhVPSxUIHTRfAsYQgjYI_gQ

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    The Nissan desicion is just a visable and ironic example of what’s being going on in boardrooms across the globe since the day of the Brexit vote.

    Our CEO has refused to invest any new capital in the UK until Brexit is sorted out. But were only one of the if not the largest singe contributors to the UKs GDP so that could end well. My industry doesn’t even have tariffs under WTO rules.

    Investment in the UK car industry was down 50% last year. With Vauxhall now owned by Peugot and Nissan by Renault where do you think their future investment is going Sunderland and the Wirral ?

    The UK Car industry has grown as a gate way to Europe especially for the Japanese car makers. Where are they going to invest in the future.

    Well I suppose we’ve got 2 months for those German Car makers to finally start battering down Merkels door, as apparently they need us more than we need them.

    Sorry just project fear in me slipping out, I’m sure everything will be fine.

    Full Member

    I’m married to a Scot but live in England. Would I get Scottish citizenship, what any the kids.

    I’m not sure I’d want the associated drop in life expectancy.

    Full Member

    Agree with Molgrips, new year around the FOD where there’s no signal the battery was getting battered.

    Full Member

    We have S9 as workphohes, I found the battery life pretty poor as do a couple my colleagues. Smashed it mtbing with the kids over New year and got a new one last week interesting to see the new one is better

    Full Member

    What are you doing to need 600g of carbs theres no way I could take that in without having gastric issues. I didn’t take anywhere near that in ironman though I accept that’s done at a relatively low intensity.

    You can train to use less cabs dvenbatva higher intensity, Dan Please did ironman Kona on 50g an hour for the bike and run, without carb loading or a carb breakfast. He cycles at about 280w and reckons he’s barely using his glycogen.

    Anyway carbs during sustained efforts don’t illicit an insulin response, it’s not the same as sitting in front of the TV drinking a 2l of full sugar coke

    Full Member

    We did Macc forest with the older kids last week, they were tired from there footy and dancing in the morning but managed most of the climbing but moaned about it. The standard forest bridleway doesn’t reward the climbing with enough fun especially for kids who’ve really only ridden trail centers. There are some nice tracks through the forest which might be more fun but they are too wet at the moment.

    I’ll head up to Roman lakes next weekend to check it out

    Full Member

    I was going to post this exact question. I’ve got three kids 7,10 and 11. The 7 year old is as strong as the 10 year old he beats them both up Llandegla climb.. They can manage Llanegela and Sherwood reds and FOD blue. I’m bored of Llandegla, we had a great day out at Sherwood yesterday but it was a long day from Macc.

    Are any of the routes is the vertebrate graphics books any good for kids. Really looking for routes without tonnes of technical climbing or decending.

    Full Member

    Did my first race where I’ve got actually raced in about 2 years today. Templenewsam 10 in Leeds.

    I grew up there, so it was great to go back to where I used to come 2nd to last is school xc.

    Course is down and flat for 6 1/2 miles then has about 800ft of climb in the last 3 1/2. I ran within myself at around 8 min miles for the first 6 1/2. Then ran the last 3 1/2 as a really hilly parkrun. Again it ended up with about 8 min miles. I overtook loads of people on the climbs which was great given i was about 3 stone heavier than them. There was a short sharp climb about 400 yards from the end, which I ran too hard a threw up as I got to the top, thats never happened before. I was 190 out of 800 at 1h.21mins, miles better than my school xc. I’ll take that given I’m only 10 weeks back into trying to run faster and still miles over my planned racing weight.

    Full Member

    Downloading Crookers for the car tommorrow and I’ll spent tommorrow downloading the rest.

    I never realised until yesterday despite it been one of my favourite tracks on my favourite albums that it was Goldfrapp singing pumpkin by tricky. I’m happy to include her on the list

    Full Member

    Some fantastic tunes keep them coming

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    2018 was a weird one a really bad illness early on and and bad sprain in July put pay to pushing myself but i did some great events. A full length swimrun and my first Ultra, the gritstone grind both if which were amazing fun especially as I was running them as day out rather than racing for PBs.

    I took October off and knuckled down in November, In December managed 175 miles and losing nearly a stone. I,ve completely changed my approach to running focusing on much more frequent running 5-6 times a week rather than 3-4 times a week, plus increasing the quality of the sessions rather than just running. I’ve also gone back to my running club to get some structure and company as 15-20 hours a week Ironman training I got bored been of my own company. The other thing I’m going try to do is a few parkruns as a measure of how my pace is improving over the year, they are tricky as the clash with the kids football but I reckon I can maybe one a month.

    This year’s A race is the Yorkshire Marathon. I’m aiming for 3.10 which is 17 mins off my PB which will be a huge challenge but I need a tough target to be motivated and about 50 mins faster than I could run one today.

    In between I’ve got the Three peaks fell and Outlaw full ironman as big races and I’ve got a race a month through the spring with my first the Templenewsam 10 mile race in Leeds next week.

    I’m enthused about running faster rather longer for the first time in about 18 months. I’ll post my progress on this thread.

    Full Member

    I started a few years back after a bet in the pub. I just done the Manchester Marathon and a friend challenged me to do a sprint triathlon a month later. I hadn’t swam since school, 30 years earlier. I managed it and if I hadn’t fallen off the bike and got misdirected on the run I’d have done well. I was quite anxious but when I saw grannies getting shopping bikes out of their cars before the start i new I’d be alright. Later that year I did a half iron man and the next year I did a full length and they’ve all been brilliant and really inclusive if your half fit you’ll not be last.

    Full Member

    For regular riding out the door from Macclesfield or straight from work. Hope valley and Edale are 30 mins away
    sometimes drive there for a change though i have ridden from here to there in the past.

    As above the kids 11,9 and 6 have all progressed really well this year but only by having to do tonnes of driving. We’ve done Llandegla to death, visited Cord y Brenin, stayed at Sherwood Pines, Leeds Urban bike park a few times and the trails round the Manchester Velodrome. We are staying in the FOD next week hoping to get them all round the blue and the eldest on the red. For a holiday or weekend it’s fine but I’m not comfortable with driving for several hours to ride a couple of laps of a blue route but it is definately the best way for kids to improve.

    Full Member

    Lathkill is good and very quiet. Callow top is good but it’s a huge campsite with loads of kids. I like the Royal Oak at Hurdlow great food in the pub.

    Full Member

    I use a decathlon vest with soft flasks  for longer runs.  Most comfy backpack I’ve used.

    Full Member

    I was listening to this girl’s mother on the radio a couple of weeks ago. It struck me how different these two cases were dealt with.<span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”> </span>

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>It took the police 6 months to even start investigating her disappearance.   Working class, troubled not worth investigating.  Messed up two trials, probably never bring the culprits to justice.</span>

    Middle class, doctors as parents, pretty girl £11 million still no leads.

    Full Member

    I was just about to post on this i found out as its the lead story on the BBC website.  However I’m sat having breakfast in hotel in Washington.  I’m surrounded by Tv’s showing NBC, FOX, CNN and some local channels.   Only one has mentioned it in the past 30 minutes.  We’ve had pet adoption,  holidays obviously mid term results.  This is so run of the mill it barely makes the news here

    Full Member

    I often see Stephen Morris from New Order and Joy Division struggling with the self checkout in Macclesfield Sainsbury’s.   Given how good he must be at programming sequencers and drum machines he really struggles with placing the item in the bagging area.

    Full Member

    Whatever you do don’t get a Philiips One blade, I’ve got the top of the range one and its a garbage.  The blades cost £12 and I can never get it to cut anywhere as near as close as the dial states.

    I managed to pick up one of these in Tesco for £12 in the summer and it’s been great miles better than the one blade for the same price as a blade.

    Full Member

    You wife has a point you’ve got responsibilities and you can’t be getting yourself smashed up leaving her to look after the kids.  Mountain biking is a very selfish hobby in terms of time and cash.   I pretty much stopped except for odd weekend bikepacking or night ride when the kids were young.  I’d back off it until the kids are older why not take up running or road biking to keep fit they are much less time consuming and safer, then come back to it when the kids are older.   I managed to train for Ironman with 3 young kids and reckon it had less of impact on family life than a regular MTB ing hobby as you can fit training slots which you can’t with MTBing.  It gets hard when they get old as they start taking up your time.

    However I’ve just come back from Coed y Brenin with the boys 6 and 9 we’ve had a cracking weekend and you’ll get as much joy from watching them get a little bit of air or ride a berm.

    Full Member

    Thanks qtip well give it a shot on the morning

    Full Member

    What’s the red fox like.  I’ve just done the minator with my boys 6 and 9.  We are going back in the morning.   The 6 year old can do two loops of Llandegla blue so he can climb and he enjoyed rolling the free ride park this afternoon but he may be out of his depths with rock gardens and big drop offs.

    Full Member

    We had to go to Grand Designs live at the NEC last week to look at sliding doors (it was rubbish) but there were a lot of sliding doors.

    There was a Hive stand, picked up a Hive plus installation plus a free Echo dot for £179 which I thought was an OK deal.  I’d wait for Black Friday there were good deals last year although they are often for the water and heating Hive not the heating only one.

    I’m not bothered about the learning stuff we only have a 24 timer on our boiler so i want to use it as a much more controlable timer and to <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>control it remotely.</span>

    Full Member

    I most often night ride on the forest and always see deer.  The most ive seen us about 20 on the cycle path down from the benches at the top of the white rabbit.  They ran in front of me for  about 200 yards it was amazing.  They’ll be rutting in a few weeks, you can hear them for miles.

    I’ve seen them in the fields around Langley and I think that’s when they try and cull them to keep them within the forest.

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