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  • Issue 152 Last Word: Start Something
  • SST
    Free Member

    I’ve been watching The Tour of California website all week and it is very good. Plus it’s on when Eurosport isn’t.

    Still limited pictures (2 cams!) but better than a poke in the eye . . . .

    Free Member

    Just thinking about the CSA brings back memories bad enough to actually make me feel sick. Never, ever, have I felt so helpless as I felt when trying to deal with them. You would litterally be better off banging your head agaist a wall with artex spikes on it.

    At one point, many years ago, there were apparently aircraft hanger sized store buildings full of post that they hadn’t even got around to opening yet, let alone answering.

    My children are grown up now thank goodness.

    Re the OP – I had a stamped reciept from the post office for every over the counter payment I made, and still they sent me threatening letters for non payment. When I phoned and eventually got through to someone they would acknowledge that I had paid, and then i’d get another threatening letter . . . .

    I feel for you mate.

    Free Member

    I thought she was pretty too. Jeez – I’m so thick most of the time, going out with a girl like that would be a nightmare for me and an embarrasment for her . . . . .

    I’m calling it all off.

    Free Member

    who would typically be the stoker if your riding with a mixed pair? Assuming the female is smaller and not as strong?

    Free Member

    are the chains just std strength, but longer?

    Free Member

    Cheers TJ.

    Free Member

    the film was “indecent proposal”

    Not sure I could do that . . .

    Free Member

    he’s the “spitroast”

    Free Member

    How about a “Borat” cossie?

    Free Member

    Firebreak between Australia and South Africa is holding up.

    Thoughts to those concerned though 🙁

    Free Member

    Apparently the low cost airlines over there are complaining now. They say the sight is giving all their secrets away.

    Free Member

    Japanses Tourist – Hung with multiple Cameras. Big grin. Big glasses.
    Americal Tourist – Shirt tucked into shorts. Eating something. Camera and baseball cap.
    Australian Tourist – Rugby shirt.
    South African Tourist – Lots of gold jewellry.

    Free Member

    Sure I just saw someone fumble in the middle of the anthem . . .

    Free Member

    I’ve had one of these every day this week! I can make the whole thing in the time it takes the kettle to boil for the accompanying cuppa


    Free Member

    run again this year . . . . easy as that 🙂

    Free Member

    [cough]better at “cooking” than a celebrity chef[/cough]

    Free Member

    Since this time it’s been revealed that they had a right dog of a year, losing £28bn, the most any company has ever lost,

    seriously? and no one thought to check this before writing the cheque? I guess maybe that’s what happpens when you’re spending someone elses money? Come to think of it that’s how the bonuses will be paid isn’t it? With someone elses money….. Ours actually.

    Free Member

    I don’t know the background to the bail out deal, so maybe someone can enlighten me?

    Did the government “buy into” the company?
    If so does it have a controlling share?
    Does the bank have to pay back the governments share? (with interest?)

    I’m actually an RBS customer, but I’ve been out of the country for 4 months so far and haven’t followed the story.

    Free Member

    You could say “any bank that benefits from govenerment capital may not pay bonuses this year”…and then watch every single profitable employee go straight to the oppo

    Would the oppo be able to absorb these tens of thousands of “profitable employees” then? If they could, would they want to? Bearing in mind these employees would be coming from banks which had required government help, whilst the oppo are already staffed with employees that didn’t?

    I think it would be interesting to see just how many of these people would actually take a chance on jumping ship in todays financial marketplace. Particularly those with families to support.

    Free Member

    that little snow dog in the second picture down is very realistic!

    Free Member

    We’ve been working together for some time now and I’ve come to think of you all as “people I once met . . . .”

    Free Member

    Everyone’s busy riding :-0

    Free Member

    Saw them on the old Brighton pier when it was just about still standing. Very impressive!

    Free Member

    That’s been posted before mate . . . .

    Free Member


    Free Member

    So it was a “further education college” – they weren’t schoolkids . . . .

    Free Member

    Mine’s one of these . . . .

    Free Member

    Trackstand territory . . . . .

    Free Member

    LOL – FFS!

    Free Member

    Worked fine for me – and yes, awesome. Wish I had the nuts to do it but mine are about 10 sizes too small!

    Free Member

    I love being back in South Africa – I grew up here, but there are a few things that I find “hard to live with” if that’s the right phrase.

    Biggest thing is probably the difference between how the majority of the white people in this country live compared to how the majority of the non white people live.

    Free Member

    If you’re in trouble he will save the day
    He’s brave and he’s fearless come what may
    Without him the mission would go astray
    He’s Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer

    Without him life would be much grimmer
    He’s handsome, trim, and no-ones slimmer
    He will never need a zimmer
    He’s Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer

    More reliable than a garden trimmer
    He’s never been mistaken for Yul Brynner
    He’s not bald, and his head doesn’t glimmer

    Master of the wit and the repartee
    His command of space directives is uncanny
    How come he’s such a genius? Don’t ask me!
    Ask Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer

    He’s also a fantastic swimmer
    And if you play your cards right
    Then he just might come round for dinner
    He’s Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer

    No rhymes left now apart from quimmer
    He’d better fade us out before we get to schlimmer
    Fade out you stupid plimmer

    Free Member

    fatmuthahubbard – I did try opening up the gap but to no avail. No long hair got in the way . . . .

    peace bro!

    Free Member

    Johannesburg – South Africa.


    Free Member

    Remember those shows!

    Free Member

    Down here in SA Venus is the first star to come out at night, in fact it’s so bright it comes out before it’s even dark.

    Free Member

    tinker-belle – I’m in jo’burg.

    Today its wet and windy LOL

    Free Member


    I liked the pictures he did with the road line painting machine.

    Free Member

    Excellent – I’ll get myself one. I tend to carry a mini pump with me – which I can use to get enough air into the tube to get me back home or to the car. I do usually have a track pump in the car, so if I get back to the car I can top up the tube and go out again. Problem is I’m sometimes 15 miles from the car but only 5 miles from the nearest petrol station.


    Free Member

    I got my “password email” very quickly (thanks guys), and have now changed my pw to something I can remember 🙂

    Good to be back. I hope that whoever is responsible for all this bother gets what he/she deserves. Grrrr.

Viewing 40 posts - 641 through 680 (of 680 total)