45K? Factory worker? Earning more than some graduates.
I think this comment shows a misunderstanding about modern manufacturing. Much factory work is not low skilled stupid work. I am sure the wages vary across the site but in general modern manufacturing is a skilled job. Many operators are also now performing some be maintenance jobs on their machines and electrical and mechanical staff are swapped across more lines. In addition to this is shift work (plus overtime) and the fact that production environment is although much better than 50 years ago, is still not that nice a place to work. A fair chunk of pressure and a noisy hectic environment.
Each one of these facts results in a uplift of washes. In addition for manufacturing production is king. Staff retention is very important as a line working at a slower rate or downtime can be coating mega money per min. Pay a little more, get people to commit. Keep the lines running with high efficiency.
Having worked on the NISSAN production line for the last 20 years, I concur!
Edit: I don’t earn £45k a year!