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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • sr0093193
    Free Member

    Can you link me to that ?

    You’ll need to form an orderly queue to get your question answered by the Brexit Oracle.

    Free Member

    Well if December was full of behind the scenes stuff it’ll be easy for you to give us some examples right?

    Free Member


    Apparently it is difficult as we’re 400 posts on from when you mentioned ‘behind the scenes grown up stuff’ and you still can’t post anything of relevance.

    As always you exude vacuity – I don’t think in the history of the internet has one person posted so much but said so little.

    Ever considered a career as a Conservative politician?

    Free Member

    Alternatively you could watch the news and/or read a paper

    It’s not behind the scenes if it’s in a newspaper; we’ve covered this already in the never ending round-about that is THM’s garbage soundbites / playing the victim card.

    Free Member

    And we still lost?!?

    The reasons why you so aptly demonstrate on a daily base.

    And we still wait for you to provide us with some information regarding the behind the scenes ‘grown ups’.

    Free Member

    raceface chester / respond?

    Free Member

    You are confusing terms:

    You have your statuatory legal rights which you can claim under for years after purchasing – this is what the seller has to work under. Distance selling regs, consumer rights act etc. These form a contract between you and the retailer / seller.

    And you have a ‘warranty’ or ‘guarentee’ from the manufacturer which is additional to those and dealt with by the manufacturer. This is a contract between you and the manufacturer.

    You don’t have a ‘statuatory warranty’ with the seller. Distance selling and CRAs are not a ‘warranty’.

    And yes it is important that you are clear on what you are claimng under should you end up taking court action.

    You can claim under statuatory legislation with the seller beyond one year but the burden of proof and the assumption of a fault being present at the time or purchase changes (after 6 months under CRAs).

    Even if the manufacturer only gives a 1 year warranty, you can still claim against the seller under consumer law after this as it is 2 seperate contracts.

    Free Member

    It may well be in the shops dealer agreement they are to deal with warranties (bought from them or otherwise) hence why the manufacturers just state to go to your nearest dealer.

    The reality is that it costs said dealer time and money and they probably aren’t going to want the ‘work’.

    Returning items due to faults your first port of call in a legal sense is the place you bought it from – that’s who your contract of sale is with and who has to deal with issue relating to consumer laws – fit for purpose, refunds / repairs / exchanges etc. Pitfalls of buying online unfortunately – tho most online retailers are pretty good these days.

    The manufacturers warranty is offered in addition to the various consumer laws – in all honesty the manufacturer should deal with it directly but the cycle industry is retentive so they fob you off.

    Free Member

    FC dont own everything they manage. Could be leasehold with the land owner retaining sporting and recreation rights hence no access beyond rights of way. As always…dont be a dick.

    Free Member

    Yay its time for everyones shit fireworks displays…


    Free Member

    I thought I was being optimistic; I was gonna post a picture of Hiroshima post A bomb.

    Free Member

    With shitter weather.

    Free Member

    Any details regarding the ‘behinds the scenes stuff with grown ups’ yet?


    Free Member

    Did you put the round spacer that sits between the freehub bearing and the hub shell bearing on the axle before putting the freehub back?

    Might be stuck to the bottom of the shimano freehub if that makes no sense.

    Free Member

    and yet you are there with a quick reply

    Yeah Christmas is escaping from my asshole in liquid form, I’ve got plenty of time today.

    Still waiting for some specifics on behind the scenes grown up action.

    Free Member

    3. Considerable behind the scenes progress has been made on the next phases already – all of which is done behind the scenes. Clear compromises are already pencilled in for many areas, some of which have been quietly pre-tested by both sides with industry players and bodies etc.

    Like what? What areas have compromises been penciled in? What are these compromises? What has been pre-tested and how?

    I’m beginning to think THM is a social engineering spambot, trotting out posts that are irrelevant to the current conversation and unable to field responses to any direct questioning.

    Free Member

    Everyone needs a hobby!

    Free Member

    Were you asleep on the 14/15 December?


    Behind the scenes implies it’s not in the public domain.

    So with that in mind –

    Enlighten us.

    Free Member

    A sink hole opened up and swallowed the morale high ground you try to occupy about 200 pages ago.

    Still waiting on details of stuff that grown ups are talking about.

    Free Member

    But you keep insulting and condescending those highly skilled people

    No we’re being condescending towards you and your continued posting of poorly informed bigoted opinions as fact.

    But you have to be interested in details to see that

    I am. I’ve asked twice for the details. Do I need to link you to the posts our can you click back in your browser and scroll to the bottom of the page?

    I guess once unicorn fencing is done we can sort out ‘access to’ or ‘in’ the European Fairy Dust Consortium.

    Free Member

    Come on Mr Brexit Oracle i’m on the edge of my seat for some specifics on what the civil servants (grown ups as you call them in a vacuous attempt to dismiss others views that don’t match yours) are doing?

    Free Member


    Yup thought as much.

    Free Member

    Plenty of behind the scenes stuff with the grown ups

    Like what?

    Free Member

    Merely pointing out the irony of labasting people with log burners – when the actuality is that the production of energy (and i struggle to think of an example that doesnt) by any means when you look beyond ’round my way’ – all have their own unique issues from raw materials > user product > dealing with residuals.

    Happy flouncemas!

    Free Member

    Okay, you’re either deliberately misinterpreting my point or just being obtuse for the sake of it. Either way I’m not bothering with this one.

    As for how electricity is generated, in the main we seem to be using the decay heat of uranium fission and hydro power up here mainly, care to guess how much pollution that generates?.

    I was addressing your insinuation that nuclear and hydro power don’t generate any ‘pollution’.

    You wanted to argue semantics over the dictionary definition of words, I provided you an example of where waste became a ‘pollutant’ (and will be ‘polluting’ for the next 20 000 years).

    With regard to nuclear ‘waste’ – lets hope it stays where it’s meant to over the next billion years or so until it decays.

    Free Member

    If radioactive waste got introduced into the environment then we’d be in big trouble.


    Free Member

    Pollution like that there radioactive stuff that the only solution for is too bury in a big hole…yeah that nuclear fission doesnt produce any of that.

    Free Member

    How is mains electricity and gas produced Dunc?

    Free Member

    You’d be better off just riding down the old railway from the middle of Bovey and do the Lustleigh Cleave loops that are always in the mags.

    Probably about 10 minutes to cycle to Great Plantation and 15 to the good stuff on the moor.

    Free Member

    Neither of ours hibernate properly. The small one will sometimes dig a hole, the old one just gets in an empty flowerpot or something equally half arsed. So they go in the heated greenhouse when it gets chilly.

    Old one has to be getting on for 70 and has been doing this for 30 years seems to be getting on fine.

    Its pretty easy for them to die in hibernation if not done correctly.

    Free Member

    I could lease a £40k car but wouldn’t get a mortgage for a small house even tho my repayments would be less than my current rent…..go figure.

    Free Member

    Whos the racist..

    Someone who appreciates the skill and talent of a fellow sporting professional and dresses up as them..

    Or white people on the internet continuing to label people by the colour of their skin and assuming they know whats best for those of a different skin colour.

    Free Member

    Risk (of you dying) zones.

    Free Member

    Neither are WTO members crankboy.

    Pretty sure the conclusion was that no country trades solely under WTO rules and it’s just some idiotic soundbite trotted out by idiots.

    Free Member

    Now we have all the other commitments which Remain didn’t tell is about …

    Always someone elses fault init…..

    One* wonders what Leave would gain from non disclosure and what else they failed to mention.

    * Most dont as they arent clinging to some biggoted myopic world view.

    Free Member

    I’m very glad that our negotiators are ignoring the proposals on here.

    Literacy levels at an all time low today?

    Free Member

    Half the red is shut Monday – Friday + off-piste in the same area.

    Rest is wet as wet can be cos rain.

    Free Member

    Depends on the year – 2012 and before you could just add a spacer to the airshaft. 2013 onwards you needed to buy a new airshaft (£20ish) if memory serves me correctly.

    Free Member

    Driving a fair distance a year for work I can reliably confirm that some people who drive cars are **** and behave accordingly.

    Free Member

    Sooo what exactly are we leaving?

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