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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • sr0093193
    Free Member

    Made it to lunchtime on Friday – haven’t killed anyone – great success!

    Free Member

    Rabbits are crap pets. Should just get a cat.

    Free Member

    Weren’t the new Judys all using solo air springs?

    Just use a shock pump and let some air out.

    Free Member

    It’s called a fallow period. Generally used to reduce the impact of pests and diseases present on site prior to restocking.

    Any other similarly uninformed nonsense?

    Free Member

    Top quality uninformed twaddle!

    Free Member

    And just for clarities sake that ‘unrestricted EU immigration’ you dislike isn’t the EUs fault but the UK governments for failing to use any of the powers legally at its disposal….ever. Not that we haven’t covered that in great detail numerous times already.

    Free Member

    I went because it was expected of me. I picked a subject I found interesting but had no idea where I would end up. Definitely regretted going when I spent the next 6 years doing low paid jobs after graduating but like batfink said in hindsight that’s the time spent catching up with everyone else who have real world experience (I think the reality of that gets a lot of graduates down).

    And it was the time where I realised what I did want to do and set about getting the specific knowledge and skills to get there – that’s one thing uni does teach you is self sufficiency in various parts of life.

    Now I don’t regret it (apart from stuff like the time I jumped over a hedge and forgot the 6ft drop the other side – thanks snakebite and black!) as I wouldn’t be doing what I do now if I hadn’t been.

    Free Member

    If it’s within the first 6 months of ownership they can attempt to repair the fault or replace the item once. If that is unsuccessful you are entitled to a refund as the goods are of unsatisfactory quality.

    Refer them to the Consumer Rights Act 2015, report to Trading Standards, and recover the money via your card provider / small claims court.

    Free Member

    As hilarious as the notion that the OP is somehow in a worse position and should take the seller to the small claims court – as has been suggested..

    Free Member

    It doesn’t muddy anything. It’s part of the ‘contract’ that it was to be collected by the winner. It hasn’t – that’s the ‘breach of contract’.

    OP should pay seller compensation for wasting his time.

    Free Member

    Member of public: I’d like to sue this landowner.

    Solicitor: You should definitely put all the details on social media as that’s never going to have a negative impact on your case….

    Bigjim is correct in terms of what generates more issues.

    Yes landowners getting sued isn’t an uncommon occurrence. No you won’t hear about it. It only takes one serious case to cost millions.

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>To avoid being sued landowners have to demonstrate they have discharged their duty of care which costs time and money in terms of day to day management but then defending yourself in court as well. Lots of cases get paid out as it’s cheaper than fighting it.</span>

    And I know this doesn’t fit your narrative so will go in one ear and out the other.

    Free Member

    You simply cannot close large areas of land to access for indefinite periods under LRA as you state yourself.

    There will be a time frame attached but that’s not to say that can’t be reviewed and extended.

    I’ve quoted my post in bold for you – do you need it in bigger text as well?

    Is it thick as shit Friday and no one told me?

    (1)The local authority may (whether on application made to them or not) by order under this section made in respect of a particular area of land specified in the order exempt it for a particular purpose specified in the order from the access rights which would otherwise be exercisable in respect of it during such times as may be specified in the order.

    Section 11 if you’re struggling to read that as well.

    Sorry for a slight derail – misinformation need’s correcting.

    Free Member

    TJ you’re talking bollocks – Exemptions to the LRA are granted for health and safety reasons so felling operations would fall in that but there could also be a case for large scale damage as the result of severe storm events – even sporting events can get them. There will be a time frame attached but that’s not to say that can’t be reviewed and extended.

    So legally there is a power to stop people accessing land and in terms of large scale storm damage and associated clearance you could have blanket restrictions over large geographical areas (i.e. a forest).

    Anyway back to the topic at hand and not the world according to TJ;

    In the UK landowners have a duty of care to people on their land (legally or illegally) under the Occupiers’ Liability Act.

    If the land owner is aware of something that poses a risk – large numbers of unstable tree’s, hanging branches, and restricted vehicle access for things like emergency services; sound familiar? – they are obligated to take action to make it safe – closing the forest and informing people is the first step, then there’s a large amount of work to do (which won’t of been factored in to any ones work plans) before finally getting contractors on site to deal with it.

    Trained and equipped harvesting teams aren’t just sat around waiting for trees to fall down in the ‘working forest’. The lead in time for forest operations is anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to get all the required licenses, tenders / timber sales, health and safety documentation, maps and plans, and surveys etc.

    It’s pretty simple: do what the land owner has asked so they can get on with it, and pack it in with the knee jerk reactions based of your own ill-informed opinions and what can and can’t be done.

    Free Member

    Most places* are happy if you leave dog poo where it is as long as it’s not on the path.

    No they really aren’t but people have better things to do with their time than chase shithead dog owners around.

    ‘Stick and flick’ is the lesser of two evils it’s far from ideal (in fact dog owners can’t even manage that) – as a dog owner its your responsibility to pick it up and bin it.

    And matt is correct never ending piles of dog shit 10cm to the side of tracks and footpaths is a huge reason why people won’t take kids out to the countryside.

    Free Member

    It’s almost like some people deliberately only use part of the data available to them in an attempt to further their own agenda’s or justify personal world views…

    Whether it’s ignorance or they are just too dim to grasp simple concepts who knows…

    One thing’s for certain tho; they are probably a complete knobend.


    Free Member

    Being a SSSI doesn’t prohibit land owners from using the land. You can still have a commercial forest and it be a SSSI. It’s very much dependent on a) what the SSSI designation is relates to b) the owners agreed management plan with Natural England.

    Purchasing / owning woodland used to have certain tax benefits; not sure how many still exist but I expect there are a few.

    Free Member

    Because your made of more than just body fat Poop. The foods you’ve stopped eating are more than just carbohydrates. You body is using its glycogen stores to compensate for the lack of carbs and reduced salt intake can reduce water retention – as I said previously don’t be surprised if it slows down just keep with it if you find it’s a manageable way to not eat more than you need.

    You might find measuring things like around your belly, thighs, arms etc gives you a better idea of whats going on than merely weight.

    Free Member

    I was sat in a traffic jam by an Oxfam today with this story on the news and on the shop front it had “empowering women”….it tickled my irony-meter.

    Free Member

    My brief written last year was 147 pages !!

    1 page of ambiguous opinion stated as fact lacking evidence to support it, interspersed with playgroundesque name calling and 146 pages of winky smilies?


    Free Member

    In the context of this thread that relates to land access rights and responsibilities…then no a dog doesn’t have any.

    Too suggest that is somehow indicative of a posters views on animal abuse (a total separate issue)  is **** tragic and completely pathetic.

    Free Member

    Choosing to ride your bike on what is essentially a public foot path also eludes to your comment.

    The simple fact is people having little to no consideration for others isn’t solely a dog owner issue – mountain bikers, dog owners, walkers, horse riders they all do it. A little bit of thought for other people is never a bad thing – it does however feel society becomes more me me me centric on a daily basis.

    *Puts philosophical hat away*

    Free Member

    Sod everyone else this is what I want to do is not the same as ‘sharing’.


    Free Member

    Taking responsibility for ones actions is tough I know. They have however invented something to assist you to keep your dog under the necessary level of control it’s called…

    A lead.

    Happy to help

    Also I’d like to point out that self righteous ego is actually not being an ignorant moronic ****.

    Free Member

    I’d hate to be picky but your dog doesn’t have rights.

    You certainly don’t have the right to allow it infringe on other people’s enjoyment / safety in public spaces.

    Perhaps if the likes of you were more aware of your responsibilities as a dog owner, and less dismissive of other people this thread wouldn’t exist.

    The same can however be said for a lot of mountain bikers…but that’s a thread of another day.

    Free Member

    Does it say bikes are allowed on the section?

    You know just for the sake of avoiding hypocrisy.

    Free Member

    <span style=”background-color: #eeeeee; color: #444444; font-size: 16px;”>I suspect some rather large cheese laced omelettes might have had an effect but shouldn’t have in theory. Odd.


    It’s not that odd. Reducing carbs is a method of calorie reduction. Ketosis, Atkins, IF etc are all methods that reduce your calorie intake.

    If you replace 3000 calories of bread with 3000 calories of cheese what’s going to change? You eluded to the underlying issue in your first post – sitting down, eating too much – calories in v calories out in it’s simplest form.

    If you’ve found a method that works, has motivated you to eat less and do more and you can stick to it then great but don’t be disheartened if you find the weight loss slows – it’s about changing your attitude to food and activity as much as it is what you eat.

    Free Member

    Are you a man?

    No he’s the Hurtinator – a sophisticated shitpoasting robot sent back through time to ruin the forum for all it’s users!

    Free Member

    Tyre width can be a reason for different tyre pressures…so can..tread pattern, tyre shape, rubber compound, rim width, wheel size, bike geometry, rider weight, size of morning poo, terrain, weather, fork setup, shock setup, riding position, temperature, tubeless, not tubeless..

    Unless there’s a specific issue you are having it’s not even worth thinking about.

    Free Member

    Shockconfusion would be a better name by the looks of it. Just put the gadgets to one side it seems to be causing you more issues than it solves.

    Take the tokens out. Set your sag standing on the bike in your going down a hill stance (25-30% depending on preference – you’ll need some one or something to hold the bike). Set the LSC and rebound in the middle.

    Learn what the twiddly bits on your fork do for how it works. Go ride. Change stuff accordingly – one thing at a time.

    Free Member

    Bontrager team issue XR1 / XR2.

    Free Member

    Probably never. People have their own preconceived world views, and even when there is irrefutable evidence to the contrary are too stupid, egocentric, or lack critical thinking / mental capacity and merely continue down the path that satisfies their bigoted beliefs.

    ….and people are ****.

    Free Member

    Get LBS to get a new circlip from SRAM > fit to post > ride bike.

    Free Member

    Sounds a bit questionable on both a tax and professional level to my untrained eye!

    Are prescriptions not between the patient and the pharmacy supplying them? So doctor provides prescription but patient needs to go and get the medicine. At that point VAT should be getting paid no?

    She’s effectively writing a prescription for someone, acquiring the drugs under their name, and then dispensing it to them. Surely there’s a breach of some prescribing regulations there?

    Merely intrigued as it seems a good way to have a side business selling opiod’s that were prescribed to made up patients.

    Free Member

    Aren’t the supplies (Botox etc) only VAT exempt if they are being used for medical treatments (improving health) by medical professionals who can get VAT exemption for the actual service? i.e a doctor to treat overly sweaty armpits.

    Edit as DrP responded – Obviously you’d have to convince the taxman of that if they ever checked.

    Could you not split the business between purely cosmetic / actual medical need?

    Free Member

    I wish the 24mm spindle on my Shimano cranks were less flexi…said no one…ever.

    Free Member

    its the true cost of being a member of the EU

    It’s not. Money goes both ways when you’re a member of the EU.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    8O 35% sag?

    Free Member

    Newcastleton was ruined the minute they put the parking in the middle of the village.

    Park for free and have some more trail, and the pubs only 15 seconds away once you’ve finished. No thanks you’ve ruined it now….

    Errr anyways I much prefer Newcastleton.

    Free Member

    Ah that’ll be the stuff going on behind the scenes. You know the grown ups things.

    You need to look forward not back.

    Don’t ask questions respect democracy and the will of the people!

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