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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • sr0093193
    Free Member

    If they shouldn’t be there then yes. Driving is a privilege and comes with certain responsibilities.


    or or

    Free Member

    Note to self don’t wind up the trolls!

    5 pages and 1 forum holiday by this evening.

    Free Member

    Always wear them just find them comfy with less faff. Not a fan of bags so have specialized SWAT ones. I’ll wear base layer and then bib straps over the top so a avoiding the need for total nakedness.

    Some of the female specific ones have different strap designs to help with anatomical comfort related issues.

    Free Member

    Looks nice and accessible. Might even get them round to do my patio.

    Free Member

    I’m beginning to understand why some one might want to throw stones at his windows.

    Or we’re going to get a 9 month thread 180 and OP is really the drunk guy throwing stones.

    Free Member

    The police systems are woeful. Very rarely do the people who need to know get the information required. I deal with multiple beat areas regularly and there’s little to no communication between them so regular occurrences can appear like isolated instances. Without fail the officers I deal with have me report it via 101 and then email / phone them directly with log / crime numbers as it just doesn’t get to them.

    That aside you need to record everything. Dates, times, what was done and said. Keep a record of all the log and crime numbers from the police and make sure you get one when it’s reported.

    Go on the police website and find the contact details for your neighborhood team. Email them directly, detailing what’s happened and how is effecting you (fear to be in your own home in case you are injured / killed etc).

    Formal written complaints to your MP / PCC / IOPC / housing agency. They will all have formal procedures, find out what they are, follow them, make sure everything you send is sent recorded, follow up if you get no response, get named person to deal with your case so it doesn’t go missing.

    At the very least you have a case for harrasment, and threats to kill can carry a life sentence in some circumstances. I would think given the recent publicity regarding police inaction to complaints resulting in someone being murdered it should be high on their PR radar.

    Any interactions you have with him make sure you record it (secretly have phone recording in pocket) so you have evidence of threats to kill otherwise without witnesses it’s your word against his unfortunately.

    Sadly you do need to be proactive in dealing with gobshites – it’s not ideal but the better case you put forward the likelihood of a desirable outcome increases.

    Free Member

    When I can’t pedal a normal bike anymore.

    and C.

    Free Member

    For everyone’s sake you need a new patio.

    Free Member

    Legally you can to take a wheelchair anywhere you can access on foot iirc.

    Practically you’ll be sat in the car park unable to get past the gate / stile.

    A problem exacerbated by land owners putting these things in and not being prepared to make them accessible because they get fed up of mountain bikes / horses / motor vehicles going where they shouldn’t.

    Free Member

    Not sure that, legally, walkers are not allowed on trail centre trails anyway?

    And many trail centres also have a network of dedicated walker trails where bikes are not permitted.

    Bikes have permissive access to certain things at trail centres. This is at the land owners discretion. On private land permissive access for walking / horse riding would be at the land owners discretion (outside of a public right of way). Other things apply in Scotland.

    If the land is dedicated under the countryside and rights of way act (so any FC land) then walkers are legally entitled to go anywhere; that includes bike trails.

    As an aside; I guess it depends who you speak to as wether the Scottish access model is successful and problem free.

    Free Member

    The compromises that don’t result in economic obliteration don’t tick any boxes for the Brexit crowd.

    But please enlighten us to your plan when you get back from rainbowfairyunicorn land….

    Free Member

    I assume we’ve asked Norway if we can join EFTA for CM 2.0 before we start putting forward all these ‘alternative’ plans – I distinctly remember them not being keen…

    Free Member

    Feedback sports ultralight – shove it in a cupboard or car boot.

    Free Member

    Where is it leaking from?

    Free Member

    Leaving because ‘will of the people’ isn’t going to fix the issues either. Yet you seem to keep banging that drum.

    Free Member

    Ah the good old replacing a word in a sentence with a synonym of that word to justify some faux outrage.


    Free Member

    My SLX ones did the same using short chainring bolts that are supplied with it.

    The thread in the crank arm is longer than the bolt and so can use a longer bolt (off a double / triple crank). Bit of thread lock to make sure and longer bolts fixed it for me.

    Obviously depends how badly threaded it is.

    Free Member

    It’s the fundamental principle on which this entire country is built, do you really want to mess with that?

    It’s not really tho is it. We live in a representative democracy where the population get regular opportunities to elect some one to act on their behalf. That’s the fundamental principle of our political system; we aren’t a direct democracy.

    We are messing with that by putting the responsibility for monumentally complex decisions in the hands of people who are unable to give the appropriate level of thought to it.

    Free Member

    Flatter bits are pretty rooty, steeper bits loose and rocky. Not much mud – aggresive trail / downhill tyres be fine – I run magic mary / hans dampf no issues.

    There’s not much in the way of mandatory gaps but plenty of stuff to jump off if you want.

    Free Member

    I like the bit about needing a certain level of turnout for a referendum and he’s happy to admit we didn’t.

    But democracy, will of (some of) the people, betrayal etc etc.

    Oxygen thief.

    Free Member

    It’s an idea that could clearly easily work.

    If it can ‘clearly easily work’ you can provide us with some kind of fact based evidence; sometimes referred to as ‘proof’.

    Free Member

    Or do you expect me to actually get a job in government as a minister, get the policy through parliament, give it five years and then evidence it?

    I expect you to be able to backup your statements with facts not unicorns and rainbows. You’d need to actually prove its feasibility before making it policy.

    One of the reasons we are in this mess is people espousing their ill-informed opinions as fact when the realities are entirely different and inherently more complex.

    ‘Throw money at it / greenhouses / technological solution’ is not proving anything.

    Free Member

    The UK could easily become self sufficient in food

    Prove it.

    Free Member

    You missed a bit on the right.

    Free Member

    I’d include questionable ethics and an absence of moral fibre with opportunity and luck.

    It was always been said that irrespective of the outcome the rich are in a position to insulate themselves from it.

    Post regulatory and legislative bonfire they will sit at arm’s length and reap the benefits to the detriment of those left behind.

    The people who were always going to be effected by the whole process are the most vulnerable in our society but the ‘haves’ prayed on their fears for their own gain.

    Capitalism won’t look so bad after a few decades of slavery.

    Free Member

    Someone pass me the crayons we’ve got some stuff to explain!

    Free Member

    At least they didn’t release fundamentally flawed products causing people to have a never ending cycle of warranty returns and replacements then release a redesign 3 years later with a +50% price increase.

    Just sayin….

    Free Member

    I believe the department of transports opinion was that if your ebike is fitted with any kind of toggle-able feature that allowed it to exceed 15.5mph it would be a motor vehicle – irrespective of you using it or not.

    Obviously if your derestricting it you’ll have the land owners permission to ride your motorbike on their land. And if that ‘private land’ happens to be public rights of way you can’t use it there either.

    Free Member

    IANAL but if the point of the offense being committed was him in the car park then there’s no evidence (needs failed breath test / blood / urine sample) he was over the drink drive limit at that exact time.

    Being over the limit some time after the alleged offense occurs is not sufficient to prove you were over the limit at the time of the offense.

    The opinions of two untrained parking attendants are irrelevant. There are plenty of other things that can cause the same or similar behaviour they observed – concussion / hypoglycemia etc.

    As I said the point where your solicitor was confused was the point where you needed a different one.

    Free Member

    Honestly sounds like your legal representation was pretty dire. I’d speak to someone who deals with motoring / drinking offenses.

    Free Member

    You’d of hoped so Hamish but people like the OP do actually exist.

    Free Member

    Nope. Repeating the same inaccurate and incorrect diatribe against the EU to someone who for years has spent his time disproving it and will have no issue calling you out on it, is not the mark of an intellectual giant.

    The posh accent and shit suit might fool some.

    Free Member

    That interview says all you need to know about the Minister for the 18th Century. Shit Thick.

    JOB – ‘The government doesn’t set a schedule of tar riffs at the WTO. The government asks the WTO and then every single country that’s a member gets a vote on whether we’re allowed to follow that schedule’

    JRM – ‘No that’s simply not correct’

    Unfortunately shit suit; James O’Brien is very much correct. And if you type 5 words into Google you could find that out for yourself.

    WTO accessions

    Any state or customs territory having full autonomy in the conduct of its trade policies may become a member (“accede to”) the WTO, but all WTO members must agree on the terms. This is done through the establishment of a working party of WTO members and through a process of negotiations.

    The large majority of changes to goods schedules take place under the so-called “1980 Procedures for the modification and rectification of Schedules”. Under these procedures, all WTO members have an opportunity to review the proposed changes and to approve them if there are no objections from other members. In the absence of any objections, the proposed changes are “certified” by the WTO Director-General.

    It’s an abuse of public trust and he is using his position in public office to do it – HTAF there aren’t misconduct in public office charges being pursued I don’t know.

    Free Member

    Let’s not forget the pre cursor to that being that he’ll ‘give them a **** war’ and that the police are fair game every Saturday, and calling the officer a ‘nonce’.

    If you did that on a Saturday night in a town centre you’d be arrested for a public order offense.

    If your we’re of a certain religious belief and had different coloured skin and stood in the street declaring war you might find yourself at the wrong end of a few firearms being charged with terror offenses…

    Free Member

    It needs to comply with all the conditions. If it doesn’t it won’t be classed as a EAPC / pedelec and will be a moped / motorbike and with it all the usual motor vehicle requirements (and punishments – driving uninsured etc).

    1) Bike needs to be propelled by pedalling

    2) Motor can only assist whilst pedalling

    3) Motor must stop assisting at 15.5mph.

    4) Maximum rated power of motor is 250w.

    And like most things it’ll be ruined by a bunch of halfwits thinking they are being clever…..the other c word is a more accurate description.

    Free Member

    Department of Transport disagrees with you on switches that enable you to exceed the restrictions in place under the EPAC regs.

    Free Member

    Very much not legal apart from on land he owns or has permission to ride it on. If it’s where you were planning on walking the dogs he won’t get permission.

    Limiter switch is irrelevant.

    Free Member

    It’s not a ‘trail’.

    Shockingly more goes on in the countryside than the entitled and ignorant riding 5k plastic bikes.

    Some people actually need to be able to access tracks with vehicles so they can earn a living.

    Free Member

    Blaming wiggle for lowering prices is an easy out.

    Just looking at their website – branding yourself with the word ‘premium’ is such a marketing own goal that’s already going to make you appeal to a small market.

    The opening times are laughable for a retail business – especially one in the London commuter belt. All those people you want to enjoy your ‘premium’ shop are 35 miles away when it’s open.

    Retail of any kind is tough, and you’ve got to stay ahead of the game and give customers what they want. I get the impression the actual business side is a second thought with bike shops a lot of the time and  ‘doing my hobby as a job’ and bikes at trade prices are the main drivers.

    Free Member

    ‘Ancient woodland’ refers to a woodland that has been in existence since 1600.

    ‘Ancient woodland’ does not refer to tree specie / type.

    Conifer plantations on these sites are known as Plantations on Ancient Woodland sites (PAWS). They have specific management objectives born from things such as Habitat Action Plans, and the UK Woodland Assurance Standard.

    PAWS management tends to focus on increasing the proportion of native tree species over time. The ground flora / fauna which is an integral part can then develop. Obviously this doesn’t happen when it gets dug up.

    If the conifer is Scots Pine (which from memory and the videos most of it is) that is a native species; so could conceivably form part of the native component.

    And all that before you get into the fun of land owner permission, access rights, other site users, occupiers liability, planning permission for recreational development, compliance with CDM regulations, HSE notifiable projects, legal liabilities of those building, negligence claims settled at the tax payers expense etc.

    Perhaps if those building and who now play the victim card of ‘no co-operation or engagement’ had engaged and co-operated with the land owner in the first place they wouldn’t be in this position.

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