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  • sr0093193
    Free Member

    If the money got reinvested into the areas

    The money that the timber merchants pay NRW is essentially what funds NRW’s continued management and subsidizes other parts that don’t generate sufficient income (like MTB trails)?

    And that’s before the local contractors, local hauliers, and local sawmills are all involved (ergo local economy).

    Free Member

    Pretty sure they wouldn’t need to go to Eastern Europe to know what people are being paid.

    It was a conscious decision to permit the A8 countries to have immediate access to our labour market to fill workforce demands and reap the economic benefits.

    Like it’s been a conscious decision to not utilize EU laws in regard to FoM.

    Entirely the fault of the UK government.

    Free Member

    without any regard for the trails

    You mean trails that are built without any regard for the land owners management objectives / legal responsibilities?

    I looked at the management plans and (assuming I’m in the right area) the hillside is predominantly pine and larch which are infected with Dothistroma and Ramorum respectively, and has large pockets of windblow (they’ve planned in open space around the top of the mast). It’s pretty clear the the crop is compromised on multiple fronts.

    You only need to watch a video of the mast trails to see the amount of windblow and fallen deadwood present which is only going to get worse. If NRW don’t fell it then it’s going to fall over and the trails will be lost anyway.

    If those complaining had read NRWs wild trails policy they’d understand that the presence of the trails means NRW have a level of legal liability. The fact they know the crop is unsafe doesn’t really give them much of a leg to stand on if someone gets injured. Building more trails and making the sites more popular only increases the pressure on NRW to act – and the only financially viable way is mechanised felling (but could be hand felling + winching if on steep ground).

    Perhaps instead of self-entitled melodrama someone should just ask NRW what the plan is – perhaps someone who runs gravity enduro’s on NRW land instead of starting unsubstantiated instawankfests.

    Free Member

    (which i feel is just a money maker for them)

    Phytophthora Ramorum will infect and kill over 150 species of plant. They are legally required to fell larch infected by it.

    Free Member

    Mr Price said a snap general election would act as a “substitute referendum” on Brexit.

    Lets decided who’s going to be in charge of the country off a singular populist issue. I cannot see how that could go wrong at all.

    If your going to have a referendum then have one – properly and legally where all the options are laid out in full. Not a half-arsed substitute still based of vacuous rhetoric.

    Shower of shite the lot of them.

    Free Member

    In full ironic glory the liar who posted the video of a supermarket in Italy selling questionable Italian product, in a Brexit supporters group, is apparently enjoying the benefits of freedom of movement to live and work in Spain.


    Free Member

    Yup the economic suicide of no deal Brexit and the complaining of some halfwits if we remain are definitely the same level of bad.

    Free Member

    None of those are particularly small trees.

    Ash will likely get Chalara and die. Eucalyptus grow big and susceptible to frost damage / death.

    What’s the pink bit adjacent to your garden? Roots grow in all directions.

    6m isn’t much space for broadleaf crown development – I’d lean towards 1 tree.

    Personally I’d stick a weeping purple beech in the middle of the lawn.

    Free Member

    Been a couple of years since I worked that way but Riverdale and Cheviot always did decent enough food in Bellingham.

    Black bull and Battlesteads in Wark also.

    Free Member

    A positive to Brexit at last!

    Free Member


    And **** off.

    Free Member

    Maybe they aren’t misrepresenting it. The problem lies elsewhere.

    Free Member

    This is my last engagement with you in this thread @dazh, sorry, just too tedious

    Probably for the best.

    It’s exactly the same empty, fallacious nonsense we’ve seen with teamchewmoredickman and pro-Brexit in it’s entirety; all dressed up in some pseudo-intellectual obfuscation that falls apart under any scrutiny and as he’s happy to admit just turns into trolling to wind other posters up.

    Ironically why he flounced 100 pages ago.

    Free Member

    You’re being tedious now.

    Free Member

    oh daz is back. Wonder if he’s got that link for us yet?

    Free Member

    If a ‘real choice’ for remain voters means remain will be on a referendum, conversely it must also mean the 2018 populist no deal choice must also feature to satisfy leave voters.

    Any politician who would contemplate offering economic obliteration as a choice is without a doubt not getting my vote.

    Free Member

    Now read the bit you left out.

    Now work out why it doesn’t make sense.

    Stop shit quoting.

    Free Member

    Mine has both.

    Well to be more precise it comes in and see’s dry food, pesters you for wet food, once you put it on the floor it will eat some dry food, go outside, and kill everything in the garden.

    Cats gonna cat.

    Free Member

    On what planet would you not report being hit by a motor vehicle being used illegally to the police…

    Free Member

    Mine looks awesome…on my wall.

    Never had any issues with bearing life….the rear triangles broke before the bearings wore out.

    It was really nice to ride tho and the warranty support was good (thankfully).

    If you buy it on finance make sure the warranty is longer than the finance…

    Free Member

    Felling dead trees has additional considerations. I would be doubtful it’ll get covered in any depth in a beginners chainsaw course.

    If I had any desire to do tree work I’d just buy a 550.

    Free Member

    Use the legal system against your opponents.

    It’s why we have a legal system – don’t break the law and you won’t have a problem.

    If every MP that lied ended up in court we’d soon run out of them.

    Or they’d stop lying? Because like many 5 year olds are taught; actions have consequences.

    I would suggest a few of them going to jail would do wonders for the disenfranchised who just see a political elite who can do and say whatever they want.

    Free Member

    I don’t have a rebuttal that isn’t vacuous rhetoric; therefore it is irrelevant.

    I also dislike the self-serving policies enacted by ‘illustrious shits’ so have voted to give them full and total control to do whatever they want!

    The Brexit contradiction in all it’s glory.

    Free Member

    I’m assuming you’ve either asked 17.4 million people why they voted for brexit.


    Can read minds.

    Either way you’re wasted here.

    Free Member

    Interperate it how you like I’ll pass on giving any credence to a sped up video with no detail that can’t even get the dates right.

    Fair enough on the southern hemisphere part – I meant to add a caveat re location but 15 mins limit and I needed a really big poo.

    Free Member

    Here’s a more visual example of what happens when the traffic lights go out and people make up their own rules

    See the problem with that is:

    The dates aren’t correct. 23 / 24 is Saturday / Sunday.
    It’s blatantly not January as there’s deciduous trees in full leaf.
    January 2010 was cold, wet, icey, snowy.
    And you can’t even see what the traffic lights are doing.

    But please don’t let that stop you posting nonsense.

    Free Member

    Take payment for goods. Don’t pay supplier. Don’t deliver goods. **** the money gone?

    I read the PB article and my thoughts after 4 lines were – deceitful man children who need to grow the **** up; that didn’t change the further I got.

    Free Member

    Probably needs a new o-ring somewhere in the air spring. Easy is subjective :)

    Free Member

    You know those dictatorships where the elected heads of each member state meet to set the direction it should take and each nominate someone to a ‘Commission’ – the leader and members of which are approved by a parliament. This parliament is made up of elected representatives of each member state that the public can vote on – damn them allowing me a choice.

    And they are so horribly nontransparent that they have press conferences every day, and the committee meetings are live streamed on the internet and available in numerous languages.

    I mean some of these dictatorships even have a website that explains all this, you might even be able to google things as well.

    It’s awful really.

    Free Member

    Thankfully whether you agree with it or not is irrelevant because it’s the system that we have.

    And for reference just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t mean you speak for the rest of us; so if you’d kindly pack it the **** in with fallacious nonsensical propaganda dressed up in some kind of hero of the people narrative because reality doesn’t suit your agenda that would be great.

    **** trolls.

    As an aside I fully appreciate the system we have isn’t perfect – but neither are the alternatives. The issue around Brexit should serve as a prime example of what happens in a direct democracy and how it can fracture society – which is why it isn’t a great alternative.

    Free Member

    Just for dazh as apparently these things haven’t been posted enough in this thread.

    This Bill requires a referendum to be held on the question of the UK’s continued membership of the European Union (EU) before the end of 2017. It does not contain any requirement for the UK Government to implement the results of the referendum, nor set a time limit by which a vote to leave the EU should be implemented.

    Briefing Paper

    The first duty of a member of Parliament is to do what he thinks in his faithful and disinterested judgement is right and necessary for the honour and safety of Great Britain. His second duty is to his constituents, of whom he is the representative but not the delegate. Burke’s famous declaration on this subject is well known. It is only in the third place that his duty to party organization or programme takes rank. All these three loyalties should be observed, but there is no doubt of the order in which they stand under any healthy manifestation of democracy.

    Some bloke called Winston Churchill.

    Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion

    And the bit from Edmund Burke (he was an MP and stuff).

    Free Member

    Well it can be stopped it’s just your total inability to understand how a representative democracy works (still) that means you can’t grasp it.

    Free Member

    So why are people calling for a 2nd ref then?

    I don’t know ask them?

    I can think of 7 reasons off the top of my head. I’m sure if you put some thought to it you could get a few.

    Free Member

    Give the patronising holier than thou shit a rest.

    If you had even the most basic understanding of human behaviour you’d see why trying to persuade people to change their minds in any significant numbers is an entirely futile endeavour.

    PS. I like where you object to labelling people as racist but then label people as blinkered because they don’t share your view – top quality hypocrisy.

    Free Member

    But this poll indicates…


    Free Member

    Inferring that a vote in an election is a confirmation or change in a binary choice on a singular issue that was voted on previously and separately.

    Free Member

    What a hideous attempt to abuse statistics.

    Free Member

    Unicorns and rainbows is labour’s position.

    Free Member

    Nope. If it doesn’t affect you nor anyone else it’s not a problem by its very definition. But you go and report it. But make sure that every time you see a mtb on a footpath you report that too. Oh and make sure you loop in anyone driving over the speed limit. And anyone beeping their horn after 23:30. That’ll learn em.

    In your case I’ll change my post. No hope is probably more accurate.

    Free Member

    Yup that’s exactly how society works best – opt out unless someone gets hurt. If it doesn’t effect you it’s not your problem.

    Use of motor vehicles outside of permitted places is an offense under the Road Traffic Act for a reason it’s not a simple case of trespass. If you can’t grasp the reasons why then there’s little hope for you.

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