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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • spursn17
    Free Member

    You now owe them a ‘Ling’ and they’ll take you to court to get it.

    Free Member

    Wait and airbrush it, if you back out you owe me a ‘Ling’ (£500+VAT) 😀

    Free Member

    Harry, I’ve found a Peak C5 airbrush you’re welcome to if you want it? It’s similar to a Neo and spares are available from the US…

    Peak C5[/url]

    PM me if you’re interested in it.

    Free Member

    Harry the spider, have you decided what airbrush/compressor combo you are getting yet?

    Free Member

    singing the words “Hankey Pankey, Shanghai, Hankey panky, Shanghai” sang to the tune of happy birthday, whilst narrowing your eyes in a parody of a Chinaman

    Is it racist? Of course it is!

    It’s not about whether the person singing thinks it is or the intention, it’s about how the target of the mocking would perceive it.

    Free Member

    What about using an old cam belt? You should be able to get one for nothing from a local garage.

    Free Member

    I keep a Golok in the bedroom “just in case”, hope to god I never have to pick it up.

    I know someone who once went downstairs to confront a burglar with a Nerf gun! 😀 😀 😀

    Free Member

    no visible license plate


    It’s a number plate, stop speaking ‘merican! 😀

    Free Member

    I use an Iwata HP-C which is really nice but around £160.

    I also own a Badger 200 single action, A paasche VL double action, and a Neo. I still use these and are all decent enough, especially the Neo.

    Tamiya paint thins (and cleans up) nicely with windscreen wash, don’t worry about the colouring in it as it doesn’t show up in the paint, even when spraying white.

    Free Member

    …whereas I really enjoy Hyde Park corner… It’s ever changing singletrack!


    I use it in the other direction from Belgrave Sq to Constitution hill, you just have to be brave (or stupid) enough to use the same lanes a car would. Out to the inside lane, 2nd lane from the inside around the top, 3rd lane at the Piccadilly junction, drift left for constitution Hill. It helps if you can sprint a bit!

    Trafalgar Sq is an absolutely hateful place. Nothing but aggro at half 5 in the morning entering from the Strand going to the Mall, and same again going home from the Mall to Northumberland Ave.
    I’ve started using Lambeth Bridge, St Georges Cross, Southwark Bridge to travel west to east now as there’s less conflict.

    Free Member

    Get a compressor with a tank…

    like this

    The airbrush will be rubbish but you won’t cry if you break it (you will).

    Free Member

    mamadirt has it, Swing Out Sister – Break Out.

    The neon shop is at 2:35, I worked at the bus garage next door at the time and loved looking in that shop window. Cracking song as well!

    Free Member

    Not Mel and Kim (they were locals and lived near Chatsworth Rd), deffo not Betty Boo, and Not Lisa. This is driving me nuts!

    Free Member

    Not Neneh Cherry (she did a great version of X-Ray Spex’s Germ Free Adolescence though). It was a white girl with short dark hair and filmed at night in front of the shop in Cambridge Heath Road, Hackney, just around the corner from where I lived at the time.

    Free Member

    North east London, not quite east London Danny Dyer but not far off.

    Missus is from Leeds but has been down here down south for 38 years and has lost most of her Yorkshire accent, if I hear a strong Yorkshire accent come back I’m running for the hills as I know I’m in trouble! 😀

    Free Member

    Cheers trout.

    Free Member

    Bum, how do I show the Youtube vid?

    Free Member

    I’ll have this instead then…

    Free Member

    TurnerGuy, you can’t have Rita and the Tiaras, that’s my one! 🙂

    Keep The Faith

    Free Member

    Rescue every time, there’s a dog out there waiting for you but you just have to find him/her.

    We got a Romanian dog and he’s a git, a lovable one though. 🙂

    Free Member

    Is kidney failure painful? I’ve had kidney stones and that was painful.

    You may have had dodgy kidneys like the cat, but can you lick your own ar5e?

    Free Member

    Still though, every town they enter looks like a right shithole…

    TT to look forward to in Clacton on Thursday…. 😀

    Free Member

    tbh the work has made me quite unwell so I have to stop here.

    Kilo, I know someone who had to investigate this and had to view the videos to get evidence, it affected him deeply. I couldn’t do it, and the people who do are real heroes!

    Real thanks to you Kilo from the people who can’t do it.

    Free Member

    I have no sympathy for this type of predator. They are wired up wrong and have no place in normal civilisation. I know someone in their 60’s who is still mentally scarred from being abused as a child by someone in a position of authority.


    I normally stay away from this sort of thread but…

    As a father of 3, and a grandfather of 2, I would want someone to let me know that someone like this was living nearby and initiating contact with kids. The justice system has deemed that he has served his debt to society and is fit to be back living with his family (what sort of woman is his wife to take him back in?), unfortunately the justice system is often at odds with what society thinks or feels.

    The difference between humans and animals is to know right from wrong, and the ability to act upon that knowledge accordingly. This ‘thing’ decided that he would either enjoy, or make profit from, the abuse and terror of defenceless children and as such I have no regard for him at all. If he suffers every minute of every day of the rest of his miserable life that wouldn’t come anywhere near the suffering of the poor kids involved. In fact if the OP punched him in the face once a week to increase that suffering then that would be ok with me!

    I realise that this view is at odds with a lot of views of people on here but these crimes are so bad that I would exclude these animals (as that is what they are as they act on instinct rather than reason) from society.

    Free Member

    15.5 stone here (about 100kg) and I’ve been riding Fulcrum 5’s, Fulcrum Quattro’s, and Mavic Kyserium SL’s. No problems with any of them.

    Free Member

    3D printed dog! 😀

    Free Member


    Our new rescue dog Henry,8 months old and we’ve had him 2 months. A bit of a git but he’s getting better!


    With our 11 year old rescue Boo, we’ve had her since she was a 12 week old pup.


    Henry looking sad yesterday after waking up and wondering where his nuts have gone!

    Free Member

    mikewsmith, do you want to buy Sissoko back, you can have him for 30 quid? Please?

    Just watched us seem to deflate when he came on (again!), We were doing OK before that and now the Wembley curse has struck again.

    Free Member

    I have it, lots of it!

    I’ve had a few courses of light treatment but it always comes back after a couple of months, trying to stay away from that now as the skin cancer risk is in my head.

    This year has been a bit better for me as I’ve changed my approach to it, I realised that the more I damaged my skin the more aggressively the Psoriasis came back. I now stay away from having a long bath as this seems to dry my skin out too much, it is tempting to soak all of the crappy skin away though, I just stick to having a shower now and slapping on moisturiser straight after.

    The tip to keep your nails short was a good one as you’ll scratch in your sleep and damage the skin, file the edges as well so they’re not sharp. Another thing was that despite everyone saying the sun is good for it I noticed mine was milder above the ‘cyclist tan line’ than below it where the sun got to it, I started using sunscreen (factor 30) and it’s lessened a lot on my lower legs and arms. Again, I think where the new skin was getting burned the Psoriasis was growing the new skin back even faster!

    I still have large patches of it all over me but it is now less fierce, unfortunately I have some small bits where my sit bones are so cycling can literally be a pain in the @rse 😀

    I stopped going to the doctor as I felt like a lab rat being experimented on, I don’t think mine will ever go away but it’s manageable at the moment. One good thing is that as I wear shorts and a T-shirt most of the time I don’t get people sitting next to me on the train to work, a small victory but they all count.

    Find what works for you OP, everyone is different, but moisturise lots and stay away from stress.

    Free Member

    Madness, first album was good then it all got a bit ‘Chuckle Brothers’.

    Free Member

    I’ll have a go, I’ve got a jigsaw, router, and some sharp chisels! 😀

    Free Member

    I watched the whole series (22 parts I think?) a couple of months ago. Really enjoyed it apart from a a few of the later one’s that got a bit ‘trippy’.

    Free Member

    I’m the same as the OP. I never really felt comfortable with the way Apple seems to make it difficult to use anything other than their products, even down to them using unique charger leads, and when everyone who has one attempts to persuade me that I should buy one it’s like if you don’t then you’re somehow less intelligent than them.

    But mostly I think it’s this 😀

    Because others revere/have one? Possibly? My wife is VERY anticonformist and will buy an inferior product just to be bloody minded different.

    Free Member

    Tempted to try Fusion360 as FreeCad is giving me a headache this morning trying to ‘stamp’ the company logo onto a box grrrrrr.

    Thisisnotaspoon, there’s a setting in Freecad (edit/preferences, document tab) that you can uncheck ‘Add the program logo to the generated thumbnail’, have you tried that?

    Free Member

    I got an alignment tool for Xmas and it is very useful, but it has a fair bit of play in it so it’s a bit of a faff to set the hanger up correctly. Any decent one’s out there?

    Free Member

    Cheers Alex/thisisnotaspoon

    Looks like Freecad then as my OS is Linux, and Fusion/Sketchup are for Windows or Mac!

    Free Member

    I’m thinking about getting one of these printers, what software (free) is best for designing things?

    Free Member

    Terry is still a scumbag though.

    Free Member

    Both cases are a little different though.

    Pie Man seemed to do it as a deliberate act to (allegedly) win a bet for some people, Terry (and I don’t particularly like him) was taken off at 26 mins so he could be honoured by his fans. Any bookie that was foolish enough to take a bet on Terry being taken off at 26 mins deserves to get burnt for it.

    Free Member

    Use this stuff for rigging, easy peasy lemon squeezy!

    EZ Line

    It’s a very fine elastic thread, use a tiny drop of superglue to attach it. A good superglue applicator is a sewing needle stuck in the end of a chopstick with half of the eye ground (or filed) off.

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