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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • spud-face
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    johnx2 :lol:
    I get the same on those threads where people talk about using I.T. programs

    From the ASNT (American Society for Nondestructive Testing)website:

    NDT Test Methods

    Test method names often refer to the type of penetrating medium or the equipment used to perform that test. Current NDT methods are: Acoustic Emission Testing (AE), Electromagnetic Testing (ET), Guided Wave Testing (GW), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Laser Testing Methods (LM), Leak Testing (LT), Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL), Microwave Testing, Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), Neutron Radiographic Testing (NR), Radiographic Testing (RT), Thermal/Infrared Testing (IR), Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Vibration Analysis (VA) and Visual Testing (VT).

    The six most frequently used test methods are MT, PT, RT, UT, ET and VT.

    Around the time I started one of the company directors handed down the pearl of wisdom “get three disciplines and you’ll always have a job” and I rather took it to heart. Mine being Rad (R.T.) with experience and Mag (M.T.)& Pen (P.T.) without experience.

    Full Member

    Wotcha Mactheknife,
    I’ve been ten years in a test house doing rad (lvl 2) on castings and put myself through mag & dye pen PCNs last autumn. The new job doesn’t do rad but I get the experience to ratify the PCNs and possibly a go on nital etch too.

    Almost daily I get recruiters ringing about mag and pen, but rad jobs are rare as rocking horse poo (aside from a certain place in Droitwich that no-one will touch)
    I’m in/around Birmingham.

    Full Member

    Just a post to bookmark in case the thread hots up. I’m about to sort of retrain in the same field – took courses in a couple of inspection disciplines last year that would make me much more readily employable. It’s taken six months to find a company willing to take me on so I can get the experience to ratify the qualifications, as my current workplace didn’t fancy it. If this doesn’t work out then I’m done with the dead end of NDT, and regardless I’m going to make the most of my first ever day-shift only job and do some evening classes.

    The couple of friends of mine who have retrained have worked nights/weekends during their courses and then got permanent Jobs through friends/family/luck. That’s a carpenter and a joiner. A friend who spent a fortune on some distance learning plumber course said a couple of his classmates had set up a joint business early on, just doing the basic bits they’d already learned and were building up a decent amount of work. He ended up not being able to find a place that’d take him on for the experience required to finish and now fits cable for virgin.
    Good luck with it all, I admire anyone with the motivation to make a change

    Full Member

    I’m having similar. Mid-thirties if it matters, first time.

    Soon (hopefully) to leave my solitary home and move in with my partner and her kids. Simultaneously I’m overjoyed by the idea of us settling into family life, and wary of how much pressure it’ll put on the relationship. And that I’ll never get a lie-in again. Doesn’t help that I’ve changed jobs to enable moving over there.
    Change is scary, and the fear of ruining things by committing prematurely vs the fear of ruining things by stagnating is flustering the pair of us.

    We’re planning ways that I still retain some of the Me time I’d otherwise lose – joining whatever local cycling club they have/going to night school/even just having long, scheduled walks to get me away from the chaos.
    Interesting times….

    Full Member

    To balance it,
    Go to uni, but TRY.
    Don’t be afraid to try things, failing doesn’t matter.
    Don’t start the booze and dope until After you’ve done whatever was on the to-do list for the day.
    Don’t worry, it is big enough and you do know how to use it :oops:

    Full Member

    No work to do, so hiding in the loo

    Full Member

    ^^ saints for sixth or seventh again. Wham have New Stadium Syndrome to deal with

    Full Member

    I keep a vague mental tab of users who are local, and I think you’re DY postcode aren’t you? I’m up in quarry bonk and free in the daytime this week if you want someone to talk at, or cycle with, or both (I’d prefer the chatting, cycling’s not really my thing :? )

    Full Member

    Compromise: first black bond, a huddlestone, bulky, acting ability irrelevant. Bonus ability to hoon shots from range in the vague direction of the target

    Full Member

    DOTA 2 became my crutch during a bout of depression a couple of years ago. Gave me a reason not to leave the house at weekends. Whilst I’ve stopped playing I still watch youtube broadcasts of the tournaments, I’ve no patience to watch footy these days but will happily have JoinDota on in the background whilst I potter around the internet.

    plus Fails Of The Week is ace whenever they get around to making an episode:

    Full Member

    Thanks Doris, I’ve bookmarked the site. Those wood and silver ones are really nice! I’m going to have to start doing some subtle research about her preferred styles otherwise I’ll end up following my own hippy taste too far.

    Full Member

    Almost no decent defender who are native and not many more if you scour the globe.

    How good they seem can be dictated by the team they play in. Lovren was ace for us (especially first half of the season) but arguably the saints set up aided this, as any attack had to get through Schneiderlein and Wanyama before it got to him. Plus Fonte was on hand to provide the leadership. i’m not surprised he’s not been the same player when stuck in the Liverpool team – weren’t they continually chopping and changing the defence at first?
    Toby Alderweireld has continued to be good after the move to spurs, possibly as a result of Poch taking the system across with him. Also VVD has been a perfect replacement for the other two, but was gash for the nederlands in the only game of theirs I paid attention to.

    Still, if Clyne and Lallana want to further their careers at a club playing in europe then they know who to call :D

    Also, it’s a shame Chambers gambled his career on Arsenal. In he and Clyne we had two first choice right backs to be used situationally.

    Full Member

    robdob – Member

    “Me being a bit of a presenter means I’ve got the idea for a cheap and cheerful ring (couple of hundred)”

    A couple of hundred? YOWSERS!

    That’s part of the problem really, I haven’t got the first clue about jewellery or engaging, so I’m trying to guess a price that isn’t too little or too much. STWs collection of moneybags middle-management types only skews it further really, and I’ve no Audi to flog to raise the readies.

    The ring’s not to involve diamonds and she’d like Amethyst (I think, will have to double check that) in silver so not particularly expensive components. At the same time I want it to be something that’ll last rather than risk the Buy Cheap, Buy Twice rigmarole.
    I know full well that she’d be happy with something from an arts and crafts stall as long as it was from me, but it’s so easy to get caught up in traditionalism/marketing bollocks.

    Also, I’d be interested in those recommendations for the Jewellery Quarter if you don’t mind Lunge. I get confused by the sheer amount of shops when I pop up for a look.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    My girlfriend’s adamant she doesn’t want anything ridiculously ostentatious since it’d limit where she could wear it comfortably. And more to the point, it’s just a ring rather than anything functional. Me being a bit of a presenter means I’ve got the idea for a cheap and cheerful ring (couple of hundred) but then spending real money on getting her a decent violin as hers was stolen a few years ago and it used to be her method of calming down. Dunno whether I’m just over thinking, but seems better to get something she can actually use.
    Turns out choosing a violin is a bit tricky too….. :roll:

    Full Member

    I’m trying to relocate and having bugger all luck finding work in my sector (ndt) to the point where I’m just applying for any menial job I can find and hoping to retrain in my own time. But getting no joy with those either, so it boils my wee when my hopes are raised by some enthusiastic agency spod telling me they’ve been wowed by my cv and have the perfect job – which inevitably requires a different NDT discipline to mine. Not that they’ll admit it, or even understand my question, so I end up with exchanges like today: “what discipline do they want? I’m only qualified for radiography” “yeah they want NDT! They do electroplating and stuff”
    Or the one this morning who repeatedly said NTD. I wish they wouldn’t get my hopes up, it’s draining.

    Full Member

    Don’t forget Morgan! I’ve paid no attention to you lot this season, but the fact I’ve Not heard his name all the time implies you’ve wasted him. We’ll happily have him back at saints, with him again we could push for top four (only mostly joking)

    Full Member

    This sounds hippy admittedly but along with some counselling, going to my local Buddhist centre helped me stop being the arsey curmudgeon I had become a couple of years ago. I don’t think anyone there aside from the monks would actually call themselves Buddhists, they go along for the tranquility. The reasoning in the teaching helps with the anger as you look at how your own insecurities are leading to resentment of others, and then question why you give a toss about it in the first place. It was all echoed in the counselling with “shouldy” thoughts – I should have a career/savings/family/car etc etc. So you’re constantly mentally on the defensive about this litany of perceived shortcomings that in actual fact don’t matter in the least.
    I’m Much less of a **** these days
    (kadampa Buddhism by the way, where the teachings are essentially common sense lectures. No real experience of the hummy kind)

    Full Member

    I got an anker one from a thread on here about 18 months ago. It’s brilliant, goes everywhere with me, sounds great (not “for the size” – actually great) and is powerful enough to use as a stereo in the garden when I have people round, or powerful enough to mean everyone for houses around knows how much the kids like Ice Ice Baby :roll:
    The charge really does seem to last the claimed twenty hours too, I just give it a quick top up every now and then. Bonus being it has the same charge cable as my phone so I only need carry one (stw-approved jiayu S3, also same as my old HTC and the partner’s Samsung)
    Anything I can carry around for that long without destroying is made of stern stuff, if mine ever breaks I’ll just buy another rather than look at an upgrade.

    Full Member

    You could stick a red rosette on a pig in my ward and it’d be elected, so I shall be voting for the TUSC candidate.

    That way I get at least one vote :D (though I explained how to vote to a lad at work last night, so it’s just possible I’ll get two!)

    Full Member

    Quick post so I can try it later. Thanks

    Full Member

    Finished getting my council election nominations an hour ago and popped in the local. When I finish this 2nd one I’ll pop up the council house and hand the form in. Pub’s busy, not many tables free.
    #edit# I’m not on-shift ’til 16:30

    Full Member

    I’m mid thirties, roughly 25k left on the mortgage. Similar to above, debt makes me itchy. My partner’s a decade older than me, renting with three young kids and not a pot to piss in. However, thanks to all of her post-grad quals and Professional life, she’s ample potential to sort herself out once the kids start growing up. Whereas I’ve no employability outside my dead end job. She could easily become me, but not vice versa. That’s me meaning that just Debt Free isn’t the be-all, ability to deal with changes of circumstances counts. I’d contentedly set out for a childless, bargain basement life so that I’d not need to care about the rat race much, and was well-enough off as a result. Now that I’ve wandered into a family the shift in what constitutes a liveable wage is terrifying.
    (I’ve rambled off the point, sorry.)

    Full Member

    This thread came along at a handy time. I’ve just passed my test (at the tender age of thirty four)and have been umming and ahhing about whether to buy or lease.
    I have no interest in cars or driving, and would happily potter around in a battered eyesore. The things that are leaning me toward a lease are the idea that I could get a tiny practice car for a couple of years to get the hang of driving and develop a no-claims, and after a decade of lost sleep thanks to the perpetual problems with my elderly house I just want the worry-free option. As noted above, paying a premium so that I don’t have to pray the thing works when I turn it on, or have to go through the rigmarole of second-guessing dealers/mechanics is fine by me.
    Trying to keep the thing in a nice enough state to hand back is a concern in itself though, I don’t like the idea of becoming the kind of person who cares about appearances. Especially when the kids’ll occasionally be in it, I’d rather not be getting tetchy over chocolate stains on the ceiling etc.
    Driving’s shit, I’m not enjoying any of the experience.

    Full Member

    *raises hand* I’m an incompetent idiot looking for a career change. Giz a job :D

    Full Member

    senor j – Member

    Clippers +1.
    Many years ago I looked like I was in Hanson

    My work nickname was Mmmbop! (I ride an mmmbop in tribute)
    When someone pointed out i was thinning I bought clippers and went short for a few years. Since it combined with my physique to make me look like I’d just been liberated from a concentration camp, I’m experimenting with a short back and sides these days.

    I miss being able to hide behind the sheet of hair when I get nervous, and the attention of wimmins stopping me in the street to ask whether I dyed it so blond/what shampoo I use/whether I straightened it.
    I don’t miss the barmaid in my local telling everyone “he’s got babby soft hair, feel it!” so I’d end up being stroked by the resident pissy-fingered drunks.
    Will always regret not spiking it before getting shot though, but seemed like too much effort

    Full Member

    john_drummer – Member

    I thought this was a thread about the song New Rose.

    Is disappoint

    Full Member

    On a Sunday afternoon Meetup social at the pictures. I was rambling on to a friend about something lefty whilst waiting for the film to start, she joined in from a couple of seats away (all I can remember is her massive smile) and from there on I forgot my friend existed. We chatted like we’d known each other for years (all the more remarkable as I’m usually appallingly slow to relax around new people)for the rest of the evening, it felt like we were the only people in the world. Both putting off and then abandoning our plans for the evening just to stay out a little longer. Chatted for a few days via the Meetup messenger and Whatsapp before I got the courage up to ask her on a date, and we’ve been together for ten deliriously happy months.

    Admittedly it’s only the blink of an eye compared to a lot on here, but I’ve never been so happy or known someone so well. I’ve found the person I’ll grow old with. Bah, bloody dust :oops:

    Full Member

    I went to college and (occasionally) university. I’d love to try to finish my degree through the OU, but the very thought of essays and deadlines terrifies me. Maybe one day I’ll be grown up enough. Good luck with it all, I admire anyone who tries.

    Full Member

    I’ve lately taken to bottles of Birra Morretti when life leads me to a wetherspoons. If I’m only having one drink then I sadly just don’t trust them to have kept the ale properly and the brewery not to have been playing silly buggers with the artisanal flavours, and their lager on tap is shite. I’m not fussy, it just got to the stage where 1 in 3 ales I tried in any pub were rank not to my taste. Dunno if Morretti’s rated over here or not, but I can’t recall ever seeing someone else drinking it. It’s everywhere in Italy mind, but so is Tennent’s Super so what do they know?

    Full Member

    ^ +1 I’ve just applied to be a train driver. Doubt I’ll get past the first round, but I can dream. Current job is boring, stressful, insecure and poorly paid so I’ve nothing to lose. Plus I’d get to be hated by millions of people for no good reason. And not care.

    Full Member

    I’ll add my standard suggestion of the warehouse cafe. Great veggie food for good prices, but more the fact that it’s such a lovely place and feels like you’ve found a secret gem (despite everyone knowing about it)

    + Another grumble about stourbridge train times

    Full Member

    Oops. overenthusiastic Send finger

    Full Member

    Oooh, thanks. I’ve never heard of it before, but makes for some interesting reading.

    Full Member

    Thanks suggsey, I’ll look him up. That’d actually feel cheap if it made all this nonsense stop. If only eh?

    Full Member

    Think I may have an inverted one: mid thirties, now learning to drive, trying to turn my job into a career, enthusiastically helping my partner’s kids with their homework and teaching them arts and crafts, rarely have chance to cycle and no interest in going on the lash. It’s ace!

    #edit# compared to being a single heavy drinking waster it’s crucifyingly expensive – I set my life up to avoid ambition, but they’re worth the perspective change

    Full Member
    Was a fascinating listen. I intend to read up on it more as it sounds useful in life generally.

    All of the radio4 dramas are worth a go. Sometimes brilliant, sometimes dreadful. Luck of the draw.

    Not iPlayer, but I recently found the Mark Steel lectures on YouTube – thought they’d all vanished into the ether! It’s been a joy watching them again, but are just as good to listen to whilst working

    Full Member

    mopey, ropey, pale looking veggie

    Shouldn’t the forum auto-montage a selection of midlandtrailquestsgraham’s (or whatever the hell he’s called) lairy-trousered beefcake beancake photos whenever this kind of thing happens?

    Full Member

    Another +1 for the Anker. Bought mine after a similar thread on here at Xmas – best toy I’ve bought in ages! Battery life is phenominal, and now it comes everywhere with me (coupled with spotify on the phone) sound quality is dandy to my uncultured ear too. If they’re now down to £24 I’ll be getting them as presents for the family!

    Full Member

    I’ve no idea where Bala is, but I’m sat overlooking Stourport amusements waiting for my girlfriend and her kids to turn up so we can go to a single parent with kids camping weekend. I get the feeling her turning up with a boyfriend’ll derail the frazzled single parent orgy that this is clearly meant to be. Or I’ll have to keep fending off weekend dads. And it’s pissing down. If it actually thunders I suspect we’ll end up back at my house tonight (bright side). Meh

    I feel your pain OP

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