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  • Bike Check: Benji’s Stif Squatch
  • SprocketJockey
    Free Member

    I think it’s a good idea sometimes, especially for long, muddy rides from home. It’s warmer, you’ve got pockets to keep stuff in, the shorts keeps the crud off you and apart from anything else it makes things a lot easier when you get home as you can ditch the muddy baggies at the door and head to the shower with some semblance of decency without treading god knows what into the carpet.

    Free Member

    It won’t feel the same though. I don’t know why, but it just doesn’t

    I’d agree with that… losing the rest of the gear associated gubbins makes a big difference, if only psychologically. I also think that riding a singlespeed with a chain tensioner feels somewhat different to one with track ends. Not quite so direct somehow…

    Oh and no-one’s mentioned beards yet… don’t worry, a fake one will suffice until you ditch the derailleur.

    Free Member

    Dartmoor is a reasonably easy schlepp – I live in the Eastern bit of the park and can be in Bude in about an hour from here.

    Free Member

    I already had a Surly 1×1 which is a fantastic bike but wanted something with gears with a similar feel – picked up a second hand KM off here a few weeks back and I love it already.

    Surprisingly capable in techy conditions for a big wheeler – with big tyres it’s pretty much unstoppable on long moorland blasts – it just eats up obstacles like water bars etc. Can’t say I’m missing suspension even on pretty rocky trails (I live on Dartmoor). Really versatile too…. I’ve even seen them run with drops as a tourer.

    Free Member

    I posted a similar question on here last year!

    Surly 1×1 Mud/ Snow Plugger (What tyre content)

    Free Member

    The thing about the stuff you don’t see is definitely true…. hearing foxes doing their thing is one of the scariest noises going when you’re in the woods on your own

    Free Member

    I’m sure Charlie the Bike Monger will be on here with some suggestions himself but I seem to remember there were links to a couple of trails in the area on his site.

    Free Member

    A tramp, stoned out of his gourd (it was mushroom season), camped ON the trail in the woods fixing a brew over a little fire. I’m not sure who was more shocked, me or him. Poor fella probably thought he was getting abducted or something seeing me hurtling towards him with all lights blazing.

    I also got hit by a low flying squirrel once.

    Free Member

    Email sent to CRC!

    Free Member

    Cheers guys – that’s what I thought.

    I just noticed the packaging on the item says “includes everything you need to get started”, and also mentions that it includes end caps which it didn’t – obviously duff.

    Free Member

    Actually it says Bonus pack includes 1 pair of grips and one set of lock jaw clamps

    It doesn’t specify what constitutes “a set” though does it? I read a set as being a complete set of 4. What’s the point of selling a pair of grips with the fittings for only one of them!

    I think the original Ruffians and the new ones will be going back….

    Free Member

    Possible option as a “suck it and see” budget option – you’d probably want to swap out the fork for a rigid though…. £400 at Evans at the moment:

    Free Member

    14… shocking

    Free Member

    I bought a Surly KM off here a few weeks back and love it. I did consider SSing it, but as I’ve already got a Surly 1×1, I’ve kept it geared for longer more, hilly rides. I’m on Dartmoor too, and it’s coped really well with anything I’ve thrown at it so far although my first go at the Nutcracker on it was a bit of an eye opener!

    Free Member

    Gerald the Giraffe
    Giraffes can’t dance?

    That’s the one…

    The warthogs started waltzing
    And the rhinos rock’n’rolled
    The lions danced a tango
    Which was elegant and bold.

    The chimps all did a cha-cha
    With a very latin feel,
    And eight baboons then teamed up
    For a splendid Scottish reel.

    Free Member

    Gerald the Giraffe…. Room on the Broom… Digger the Dog are our boys faves. I can practically recite them all without looking at the books now!

    Free Member

    Lol, it wasn’t supposed to be helpful. I was putting forward a ‘use’ for being retained

    That’s me busted then!

    Free Member

    Swapping chainrings…. never fail to bark my knuckles removing the old ones. Oh and trying to get the more gnarly type tyres off the rims.

    Free Member

    Whatever you go for, sure you’ll love it… vans are ace!

    Free Member

    Thanks guys – really appreciate the advice. Going to speak to the watch manager next week if I can.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Westy T4 California 1.9 TD and it’s fab. New ones, as you say look great but you pay a massive premium for them. Westy T4 layout is almost identical to the VW T5 Cali, but much better finished IMHO. For that reason I’d personally be looking at a late model 2.5TDI T4 as an upgrade (there is a synchro version too, but pretty rare).

    I wouldn’t overestimate the amount of size inside. With the rear seats / bed folded flat you’d get a couple of bikes in on their side but you’re going to need to be really careful to avoid damaging the interior and upholstery (put tarps down etc).

    You’ve got space in front of the rear seat but in my experience I can only fit one fully assembled bike diagonally between the rear and front seats (the fitted units take up about a third of the width). For that reason I tend to have the bikes on the rack all the time

    I also reckon it would be a huge hassle to keep the bikes inside overnight and sleep in the pop top. Apart from anything else you’re probably going to need to take them out before making a brew in the morning! At the very least they’re going to block access to something vital in one of the cupboards.

    Pop top doesn’t have a huge amount of room and getting in and out can be a bit of a mission if you’re both on the <ahem> larger size, unless you’re happy with your head at the thin end of the wedge, so to speak.

    For that reason we always have the bikes on the rack. Locked through the tow loop. Occasionally will pop the bikes inside if we go out for the evening but we always sleep downstairs (our little boy goes in the pop top!). You’re head is only 6 inches away from the rack so you’ll hear if anyone tries to nick your bike.

    For what you want, you may be better with something like a multi-van or Combi (perhaps LWB?) with a pop roof conversion rather than a full camper. That would give you the space and flexibility you want plus the ability to sleep in it.

    Free Member

    Sweepy – it depends on what hours you’re covering as far as I’m aware. There are options to provide either full cover which is on call for 120 hrs over the week, or day crewing only, for which you get about half the annual retainer. Our local station is specifically looking for day crew cover during the week – 9 to 6 as I understand it (which are the hours I’m at work). As such, the not drinking thing is less of an issue (I don’t touch it Monday to Friday anyway!).

    The bit I was really looking to get a handle on is the training commitment beyond the weekly drills – is it evenings, weekends, residential? Would appreciate your views.

    Free Member

    My last three jobs have been through Jobserve – and that’s going back 12 years now!

    Free Member

    The light?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Oh and Valley of the Rocks, just the other side of Lynton is worth a look as well…

    Free Member

    My wife is from that part of the world, and we’re only 90 mins away so know it pretty well!

    Great area for walking and biking as you’re slap between the Quantocks and Exmoor. From Minehead you’ve got direct access to some great trails / walks around North Hill, Bossington, Selworthy in one direction, and up above Dunster in the other. Both rideable from Watchet although I’d try and bypass the A39 if you can 8O

    Quantocks are also within a very short drive – Staple Plain is a good kick off point. Get an OS map of the area and just make up your own routes, you won’t be disappointed.

    Porlock and Porlock Weir are worth a visit – twee, but very pretty and quite interesting. Walk from Porlock to Culbone church in the woods is really nice.

    Beaches aren’t great around Watchet / Minehead – still a bit murky from the estuary, but a drive down the A39 will get you to some lovely spots in North Devon (Woody Bay is nice for a dip).

    The last bit of the drive down to Lynton / Lynmouth is particularly scenic and well worth doing on a nice day…. amazing views. The walk up to Watersmeet from Lynmouth is a really lovely stroll and you can extend it out onto the moor. Some good spots for river swimming further upstream.

    Plenty of nice country pubs in the area too. Sure you’ll enjoy it.

    Free Member

    I live on the edge of Dartmoor so 95% local riding. Some within a short drive, but even then seldom more than 20 mins or so.

    Free Member

    Got friends visiting tomorrow so planning a dawn patrol on Dartmoor before they arrive…. will be only me 3rd or 4th proper off road ride this summer due to work and family committments. Just looking at the map. I’m thinking a quick loop out from Bennett’s Cross / Warren House over to Soussons Down, and then perhaps on to Grimspound and Coombe Down if I get the time. Back to the van for a brew before heading home for brekkie.

    Free Member

    One part of me is outraged. The other part of me is amazed he got so far… in a Frontera!?

    Free Member

    New to the area but I really enjoyed a ride around Lustleigh Cleave / Houndtor woods last weekend. Also some lovely bits around the Dart and Teign valleys.

    Free Member

    A suspension adjusted 26er form may fit, but if you’re intending to use it as a winter bike, you need to think seriously about clearance, particularly, if you want to run reasonably wide rubber at the front (which I’m guessing is kind of the point of a 69er).

    Unless you’ve got a spare 26″ rigid fork lying about (in which case I’d say give it a go, I’d be looking at getting a dedicated 29er fork – something like a Salsa cromoto, Surly KM or On One perhaps? You’re only looking at about 28mm difference in the F to C measurement compared to something like a 26″ Kona P2 fork.

    Free Member

    Ebay is your friend…. a lot of people upgrade wheels as soon as they buy a high end bike and flog the OEM ones on ebay. I’ve currently got a pair of Crossrides on my singlespeed which I bought for £65 for the pair including tyres – they were very little used at the time.

    There’s loads of dross on there though. Search within wheels and tyres under complete wheels using keywords like xt, mavic, hope etc to get to the good stuff.

    If you’re after new wheels then Merlin always used to have pretty good deals.

    Free Member

    Hmmm….interesting. Just bought a KM and am considering fattening it up for the winter

    Free Member

    I never felt magic crazy as this
    I never saw moons knew the meaning of the sea
    I never held emotion in the palm of my hand
    Or felt sweet breezes in the top of a tree
    But now you’re here
    Brighten my northern sky

    Northern Sky – Nick Drake

    Free Member

    Surly Karate Monkey.

    Free Member

    +1 for Finisterre synthetic down. Really good quality, warm and amazingly light.

    Last year’s Etobicoke is on offer at the moment too:

    Free Member

    Apocalypse Now
    One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
    Withnail & I

    Free Member

    It actually all got too much for me and I ended up getting up at 5:30am on Saturday to go for a ride… ;-)

    Pic taken top of Hunter’s Tor – flask of coffee watching the sun come up before tackling the Nutcracker… possibly not the most sensible thing to do on a rigid 29er 8O but fun nonetheless.

    Free Member

    New Brand X frame? Get pretty good feedback:

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