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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 4: DT Swiss EX 1700 Wheelset
  • SprocketJockey
    Free Member

    As above I’m nominally on call 24-7 with the day job (IT for a small company where there is no-one else to do it). No issues with having a few beers at the weekend when worst case scenario is logging in to bounce a server or to talk someone through setting up a printer.

    I’m a retained firefighter during the week though – would really not consider drinking when on call for that.

    Free Member

    My KM came with a Truvativ GXP – first time I’ve had anything other than a square taper BB. BB shell is faced but the first one lasted barely a year and the second is showing signs of wear at 6 months. For comparison the poverty spec Shimano square taper BB on my 1×1, which is ridden far harder has been on there for about 4 years and still solid as a rock.

    Call be a luddite (you won’t be the first) but external bearing BBs seem like a classic case of a solution looking for a problem that didn’t exist in the first place.

    Free Member

    I rather like this one for it’s use of images:

    Luxury Family Holidays at the Martinhal Family Hotels & Resorts

    Free Member

    May not be worthwhile for a short trip, but when we were looking to buy our van a few years back, I stumbled across these guys who offer a guaranteed buy back either on a guaranteed percentage value or on a sale or return basis:

    Could potentially work out cheaper than a hire over a longer trip, although if you have the parking space and don’t mind the hassle you could probably do better out of buying a van, using it for the summer and selling it on privately at the start of the following season.

    As a guide, at the right time of year, I could probably sell on our T4 Westy for a similar price to what I bought it for about 4 years ago.

    Free Member

    Condor are on Grays Inn road.

    Brick Lane Bikes worth a look for vintage bikes and fakenger chic, but predictably plagued by Nathan Barley types.

    Bit out of the way but Brixton Cycles is worth a visit.

    EDIT Toby Mc beat me to it!

    Free Member

    Never any good with money by Martin Simpson is also one of my current repeat plays. Really touching song.

    You showed me eyebright in the hedgerow,
    speedwell and travellers joy.
    You showed me how to use my eyes
    When I was just a boy;
    And you taught me how to love a song
    And all you knew of nature’s ways:
    The greatest gifts I have ever known,
    And I use them every day.

    Free Member

    Cara Dillon’s False False never fails to send shivers down my spine

    Free Member

    Don’t you know it’s fashionable to dislike Mumford and Sons? The haters are probably the type of people who think they are the first to ‘find’ new bands

    I think they’re kidding themselves personally. We are after all a bunch of middle aged blokes who ride push-bikes for fun wearing funny clothes and seek to prove their inherent manliness by picking meaningless fights with similar people they’ve never met on the interweb. There is nowhere in the known galaxy where that’s fashionable. Except possibly France.

    Free Member

    I’m really worried now. Is it OK to like Ben Howard? Will I slightly singe in the lukewarm depths of MoR hell to admit a liking for the works of Whiskeytown and Ryan Adams? Johnny Cash and the Pogues are still in favour with the STW taste police surely?

    Free Member

    See, I actually liked their first album. Bought it off the strength of hearing Little Lion Man on 6 Music admittedly, but the rest of the album grew on me.

    I bought a Frank Turner album around the same time after hearing Try This at Home, but that’s another story

    I also accidentally saw them live at the Hop Farm a couple of years back too and thought they were OK.

    Having belatedly realised I’m one of them there latte drinking cretins who secretly want to be the short one from top gear I actually feel deeply ashamed of myself, and, it has to be said somewhat dirty at being hoodwinked into having such poor taste.

    Is there somewhere one can go to have one’s hitherto impeccable musical taste realigned to that of the STW hive mind.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    It sounds to me like you want something that is fun to ride locally on gentle trails and roads, OK for commuting but also robust enough to deal with some occasional tougher offroad routes.

    Not a very STW response but in your position I’d just buy an extra set of wheels for your 29er with cross or road tyres fitted.

    Or if you want a change, as above something like a Fargo would be a good call. Or perhaps a Swift?

    If I was to keep one bike it would be my Surly Karate Monkey – versatile as hell, can be run geared or singlespeed, takes racks and guards, tough as old boots and really capable on properly rough stuff but also quite happy run with drops and slicks for the road.

    Free Member

    …oh and to fully qualify for STW approval, they’ve even done a collaboration with Audi:

    Free Member

    These guys do a 29er. Check the jump shot 8O

    Free Member

    I live in a small rural town in Devon in which there are not one but two young chaps called Merlin. Make of that what you will…

    Anyone read Freakonomics? There is an interesting chapter in that about baby’s names and the links with social mobility.

    Free Member

    If it’s a T25 / T3 (rear engine) then take a look here:

    If it is a T4 then check here:

    I’ve got a ’96 1.9TD T4 – not the fastest van around but pretty reliable and generally a pretty solid van. If I remember correctly though the early T4 models only came with the non turbo 1.9D and 5 cyl 2.4D. Of the two the 1.9 is more reliable but woefully underpowered, the 2.4 a bit brisker but more difficult to work on. Don’t have any experience of the petrol engines though, sorry.

    In terms of rust patches – as above check around wheel arches and sills but also around the fuel filler cap and around the window seals, particularly if it’s a non factory conversion.

    Would also agree to check for timing belt replacement – the T4 should be every 4 years I believe. If no evidence budget to get this done sharpish.

    Free Member

    IT manager for small travel company. Also a retained firefighter.

    Happy with both. Second is a good contrast to the first.

    Not sure of the question about being paid enough to MTB comfortably. Lucky enough to have great trails on my doorstep and ride a fully rigid bike which requires very little in the way of maintenance or upgrades. Consequently spend remarkably little on the sport but still really enjoy it.

    Free Member

    My station just bought in some which would fit the bill. Serrated section on blade, integrated belt cutter and window stud in the handle. Locking blade and easy to open even with fire gloves. Seem like pretty good quality but not sure of brand – will check for you

    Free Member

    Rusty, you’d tell me if you we’re drinking again wouldn’t you.

    Free Member

    Used to live that way. In addition to above you’ve got Greensand Way, Holly Hill, Mereworth Woods and quite a few other options locally. Some good routes out towards Canterbury too. Conditions similar to Surrey Hills in places with far fewer crowds. in the dry there is some cracking woodsy single track but tends to get very claggy in the wet. Have got an old MTB route guide to Kent which I have no use for anymore which is a good pointer and which I’d be happy to post onto your mate. OS map is a good idea too.

    Free Member

    Really fancy doing something like this. Like other previous posters I live en route (Dartmoor) so sure we could string together a good route if we put our heads together. Maybe do a SW version of the Welsh Ride Thing even?

    Free Member

    Other way round here – the more I read of this thread, the less I want to be associated with people who think they’re special because they’ve bought a into a minority brand.
    I’d still love a Disc Trucker, but I’d take the stickers off, just in case anyone stopped me to chat about my sophisticated humour, or how great I was ‘cos I didn’t buy a Boardman.

    See, that actually makes you the perfect Surly customer. I love the fact that Surly decals basically fall off when it rains. They’re pretty much the most NON-brand brand of bike you can buy. For that reason saying that buying a Surly is some sort of a fashion statement is patently ridiculous. Sell me a tin of value beans and call me Nigella if it ain’t so…

    I also love the fact that my (undecalled) KM and 1×1 both look like kid’s drawings of bikes and would not scare the horses should I be transported through a wormhole to 1920. The fact is that no one passes comments on either bike simply because they just look like bikes…. The fact they both ride so well and put a massive grin on my face whenever i take them out is what’s important to me.

    Free Member

    I think I preferred the first blog…

    Free Member

    sad fire shout

    Free Member

    No proper mountains obviously but here on E Dartmoor is pretty darn good. Great and varied natural riding from the doorstep – from open moors to steep techy rock gardens and woodsy singletrack… most of which you get to yourself. Quantocks and Exmoor not that far away for a bit of variety on a day trip.

    Haldon is only 30 mins away and its only a couple of hours to the South Wales trail centres should I bore of the natural stuff (failed to happen yet!).

    Free Member

    I’d be running them on a singlespeed with hydro levers.

    Presumably you bar wrapped them?

    Some pics would be great if its not too much bother. Would be potentially interested in giving them a pop for that price.

    Free Member

    I remember seeing a vid posted on here a couple of years back of the Three Peaks race back in the day – an old film with a recent commentary?? A load of the riders were on singlespeeds – the theory being that as they were going to end up carrying a lot anyway the weight advantage and lower risk of mechanicals would probably balance out the lack of gears.

    Free Member

    I’ve been toying with the idea, purely to keep my fitness up in the winter and to reduce my payments to Shimano
    However, the thing putting me off is downhilling
    I really like to pedal my little heart out and i’m afraid i’m just going to spin out too quickly and people will get away from me
    How do you regular SS’s deal with it?

    Not sure about everyone else but riding SS taught me to lay off the brakes on downhills and try to conserve speed. You can’t flat out pedal on an SS downhill unless you’re running a ratio which would be crap at anything else, instead you concentrate on line and flow. Again its a different technique but loads of fun – sometimes you’ll be faster than the gearies, sometimes not….

    Free Member

    Due to the forecast, I did my normal commute today on the SnowRat-SS-SnowBike™ (36-18, 26″ wheels & studded tyres). Certainly felt much slower, but I was actually only marginally slower (approx 2 mins over the hour). I normally use a 1×9 (36 – 11/32) 700c wheeled Kaffenback.

    Take from that what you will!

    As an experiment I did my usual 6 mile commute on 3 different bikes over a week last year. Very steep and rough Devon lanes on a geared rigid 26″ MTB on slicks, geared 29er on knobblies and my 1×1 with knobblies. The 1×1 was the fastest by around 3 mins in both directions.

    My theory is riding singlespeed boosts the levels of sheer bloodymindedness such that you overcome the feeble rules of physics.

    Free Member

    32:18 on a 26er on Dartmoor.

    As above it’s a lot about technique – draggy climbs are the ones you’re going to wish for gears on. Short sharp, steep ups you just attack.

    You’ll spend a lot of time out of the saddle so a good upper body workout.

    I’m not sure whether singlespeeds are inherently slower – as above on a lot of climbs you’ll beat the pants off people with gears as you’re forced into attack mode. On techy stuff you’ll probably match them for speed. It’s the long flats or draggy climbs where you’ll struggle. Round here it’s pretty much either up or down so not really a disadvantage.

    Forget all the haterz who say it’s a fashion thing – what they don’t realise is that it’s basically just really good fun – like riding a big BMX bike. Riding my 1×1 always puts a grin on my face.

    Free Member

    Have stayed in this one and would highly recommend it – ideal for a couple, is in a lovely village with decent pubs etc and takes dogs too. pictures 3_01

    If you use the advanced search you can search for other ones taking pets (quite a few do) – do be aware of potential beach restrictions during the season though.

    Most of Cornwall isn’t best served for mountain biking, but some good road riding and is fab for coastal walking and obviously watersports. If you want to get some decent MTB riding in then also consider Devon. Mind you here on Dartmoor we are only an hour from the North Cornwall coast so no reason why you couldn’t fit in some riding here as part of a week trip to Kernow.

    For that time of year my advice would be to steer clear of the big resorts (Newquay, St Ives, Bude, Padstow etc) which will be chocker. Having said that, most people don’t venture more than 50m from a car park so you can always find a little cove to yourself if you don’t mind exploring a bit.

    Few other options, all in good locations close to good beaches:

    Free Member

    Never. EVER.

    They look particularly fetching when wet.

    Had the misfortune to get stuck behind someone in similar attire a few weeks back. It looked like two little bald men fighting over kiwi fruit in a flour sack.

    Free Member

    Doh! That’s just happened in the last hour or so….was poised to hit the buy button.

    Free Member

    alex222 – Member
    They are shit though aren’t they. Ugly crap bikes. No I’ve never owned one and I never will.

    Have you ever ridden one?

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    Jesus there’s some seriously uptight dicks on here, it’s just a bit of a joke, do people really care?
    It’s funny and it’s generated three pages of discussion (and counting). Looks like a win for Surly in my book.

    This… a few folk here really need to get out more.

    Surly are clearly just taking the mick out of their own brand perception. The people who are getting their bibs in a twist over it are probably people who wouldn’t buy anything off them in the first place so doubt whether it will impact their business at all.

    I like Surly, own 2 of their bikes and wouldn’t consider myself as any shade of fashion victim – they just make really good, no nonsense bikes that work.

    As far as their customer service is concerned, I’ve used it several times for general queries and it’s always been excellent.

    Free Member

    I run a Surly Tug nut with a hex key QR without any problems on my 1×1 (horizontal dropouts) – that way I don’t need to carry any tools that I wouldn’t be carrying anyway and the hex key gives some extra security. If you wanted to do this you’d need to swap out the axle on your rear wheel for a hollow one first.

    If you don’t want the faff then just get a Surly Jethro Tule or similar as above. If you’re carrying spare tubes etc it’s really not going to be all that much extra to lug around.

    Marathon Plus tyres are pretty robust in any case so punctures should be pretty few and far between.

    Free Member

    Tangerine coloured Puch Murray with black Skyway mags. Can’t remember the model but jeez how I loved that bike…

    Raced for the first time at the old Southport BMX track when I was probably no more than about 8. Wearing a motorbike helmet which I was glad of the first time someone ran over my head!

    Free Member

    V Expensive set of bar end shifters and drop bar levers… yet don’t own a bike with drop bars.


    Free Member

    Papa_Lazarou – Member
    1. your life will not be over when the child arrives, you just need to be a bit more organised.

    2. It is highly likely you will feel different towards the child when it arrives.

    3. Try and be supportive to your mrs as imgine how it feels for her right new expecting her (first i assume) child

    I agree with this… never felt any affection for friends and rellie’s kids but with your own it’s completely different.

    With a bit of planning there is no reason why you can’t continue to do what you enjoy now, particularly with support from the wider family.

    I was 37 when we had our little boy, both of us having put off starting a family for the usual reasons (work, play etc) for years – wish I’d done it years earlier. Put it this way, you’re 29 now, by the time they leave home you’ll be what 47? Still plenty of time to enjoy yourselves in your dotage.

    Free Member

    We used a front mounted seat for our little ‘un from when he was about 8 months. This one in fact:

    Much better as they can see out and feel nice and secure as they are between your arms. This one can either attach to the head tube or to the down tube with an extra attachment if your headtube is too short. I had to play around a bit to get it in a position where I didn’t knock my knees but once set up I managed 20+ mile rides with him – even did the family route at CyB which he loved.

    Once he reached the weight limit he graduated to a rear seat which he also likes but not as much.

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