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  • Spongebob
    Free Member

    Just found out that a friend’s wife has (apparently) unbeknown to him ran up debts to the tune of £98,000.

    Why is it that so many women have no control over spending, no alarm bells?

    What bit of their brain isn’t working?

    Totally beats me!

    Divorce her!

    One question though, how could he not notice that she had spent £98,000k? Seems like he’s partially to blame.

    Time there was legislation to stop credit card companies letting individuals get into such a mess!

    Free Member

    No debt whatsoever thankfully. Means I am not a burden on society in my unemployment. If I had borrowed like mad in better times, i could be getting my offset mortgage interest paid by you. What a mug I am for not doing that! I prefer to not have debt though, makes life simple.

    Free Member

    The Moon does rotate, but appears to be in the same position to us as it rotates around the Earth.

    Free Member

    This foerst thing – we each and every one of us pay about 30p a year for all the Forestry commission land/projects.

    The forests belong to the people right?

    If the government sell them off, they reduce the deficit, but we loose a national treasure. OK, I get that bit.

    If all these forests are in private hands, how are the new owners.guardians going to get the money to maintain them? How are they going to pay for the loans to buy all these forests?

    It cannot possibly be that these spaces will remain as free access to the public.

    When in private hands, the new owners will charge much more than 30p each time you want to go for a walk, or whatever. I reckon it will be a fiver or more.

    As the sums of money the government will save are insignificant, i’d say they should leave it as it is.

    We’d do much better to cut foreign aid IMHO.

    Free Member

    Someone left winger will undoubtedly soon be blaming Margaret Thatcher for the effects of the Moon.

    Free Member

    Realist Torminalis. Its the clear and obvious outcome of the ConDem policies

    You will see

    Is that “You WILL see”?

    I get the feeling you will be twisting the facts to “make the cap fit” regardless TJ!

    You are sullenly standing by, wishing it all to go wrong for us. A mean spritied nasty far left winger, you want everything down at heel, so everyone is a miserable and disadvantaged as you! Shameful!

    I personally have little faith in modern politics, but i’m sure that just as the public finances are coming back under control (but far from balancing the books), a left wing government will get back in to blow it all – bribing the likes of TJ and others who expect something for nothing.

    The whole political system in the UK is going seriously wrong: We have increasing numbers of career politicians who’s only work experience is working for government think tanks. Increasingly, they are people from exclusive private schools and I refer to politicians of all political persuasions.

    It is my firm belief that you have to have worked at the coalface to understand the coalface, so in this respect, we are being governed by people who have a poor understanding of how life is for ordinary people. Ordinary people are getting a diminishing say in Westminster and social mobility is becoming a thing of the past. All bad news!

    My guess that we will have enjoyed a year or two of economic recovery in five years time. Nothing dramatic, just a gradual improvement in our circumstances.

    Labour went on one almighty spending binge which we simply could not afford – Alistair Darling was pretty clueless about the gravity of the situation he was creating. Labour committed us to some serious spending even in the final throws of their administration, safe in the knowledge that somebody else would have to pick up the pieces.

    The truth is that people not even born will be paying for their mess in decades to come.

    In reality, the cutbacks we are experiencing fall far short of what is really needed to balance the books. Public spending is still growing, just not so fast. A sorry sorry mess the likes of TJ cannot begin to comprehend.

    What Clegg and his lot need to do is grow a pair and instist that the rich are prevented from sheltering themselves from tax in these tax havens around the world. We denigrate benefit cheats (righly so), but the tycoons who legitimately swerve paying billions in tax need to be held to account. Named and shamed!

    I’m beginning to sound like a bloody liberal! 😯

    Free Member

    Don’t be such a chav!

    Free Member

    Always review annual insurances using an internet scraping site to get the best deal.

    Never let your current provider “boil the frog”.

    Free Member

    My sister is currently under the spell of a complete toe rag. She left her husband a few weeks ago (handled it very badly).

    My brother in law pleaded with her, but she wasn’t having any of it.

    He then took his own life!!!! 😐 Which is what i call a tragedy!

    Women are very suceptible to charmers!

    Free Member

    You learn a lot about car control and what to do in traffic, and there is a fair amount of emphasis on ‘progress’, as well as the ‘unobtrusive’ aspects. Quite surprising how much faster you can go while still keeping within speed limits when you understand what’s going on around you.

    I’ve been doing that for 20 years at least. After running a lot of cars into the ground and thinking about what i am doing at the wheel, i think i’ve got there the hard way. About 1m miles worth of doing it the hard way! What i know now is that I don’t want to be at the wheel unless absolutely necessary, especially when you need a bank loan to fill a car up these days!

    Free Member

    When one considers that a soccer player in the news this morning was due to be paid £175,000 a week, all of a sudden those banker’s bonuses don’t seem to be that big a deal, really, do they.

    Don’t they?

    So £75,000,000,000 is a small sum of money?

    How about £3Bn? Yes, your read it right! An american hedge fund manager made this amount.

    Footballers are well overpaid. Their salaries are offensive to decent hard working people, but in the grand scheme of things, they are not at the top of the tree by any stretch of the imagination.

    People like Phillip Green do much better, especially when they transfer assets to their spouse who live in tax havens to avoid paying millions in tax!

    We’re all in it together mind!

    Free Member

    Unions aren’t coming to an end, but the organisations and businesses that they have a hold over are!

    They are still strong in organisations where money rolls in regardless of the strength of the economy, such as the public sector. Where left wing ideology sits well with these organisations’ ethos.

    However, spending cuts will be giving these people a wake up call and no doubt will have the unions pushing for more strikes.

    The remaining private companies still crippled by unions will eventually go under. They don’t seem to realise there’s a big recession going here, or understand the precipitous situation businesses are in because of the economic climate.

    Cliffs and lemmings spring to mind!

    Happy days!

    Free Member

    Cables DO make a very significant difference.

    Free Member

    Li-Ion only last about 3 years regardless of how you treat them.

    Buy a new one on eBay.

    Free Member

    Tata – the penultimate motor manufacturer (NOT!).

    I wouldn’t touch anything made in India – period!

    Landrover – hahahaha – unreliable rubbish thanks to the “can’t do attitude” of British motor manufacturing (i’m talking about the unions who destroyed productivity, efficiency and advancement).

    Free Member

    Tell your company to provide a pool car which you can collect and return to their office each day!

    I spent years paying through the nose for vehicles i did not like and that were overwhelmingly for the benefit of my employer.

    The last government seemed to think the driver was the polluter and so penalised us heavily. It was infact the employer that was doing the polluting!

    This was another exmple of the left wing politics of envy, but they killed the golden goose which they themselves had reared decades earlier!? Company cars were introduced as a way of increasing real incomes for higher grades, but without affecting inflation. Wind forward two or three decades and businesses were using cheap cars to move staff around primarily for their advantage. No lower grade was given a car as a perk, it was a neccessary tool of the trade!

    Labour shot themselves in the foot because they lost a fortune in tax receipts 8-9 years ago when they changed the tax system to one based on emissions. The only sweetner was a fuel card, but this ewas taxed as if one was doing 14000 private miles a year. That was the break even point. I wasn’t doing a tenth of that mileage. Good old financially clueless Labour politicians!

    Buying my own car was barely worth it too, but after years of paying tax, I was then getting money back form HMRC for mileage. How dumb was that political move!

    The company I worked for was just tight, especially considering how generous they were with higher grades who didn’t actually need a vehicle for business.

    My advice is to find a job where you dont need to drive. Much better for your health and wellbeing! You might also enjoy private driving a bit more.

    Free Member

    I remember his anti-Engish remarks – supporting opposing teams to England etc.

    It was a pleasure to see him loose today. I, like him, was supporting the opposing player, the Serbian.

    Murray deserves some of his own medicine!

    Once a racist, always a racist.

    Hope he never wins!

    Free Member

    Downloads are all low quality. Not worth a bean IMHO.

    Buy the CD if you want a proper copy!

    Free Member

    Dunno mate, but it sounds to me like she needs a hug from you!

    Free Member

    I have a LinkedIn profile and thisnk the whole thing is a charade!

    All the people I have networked with and that I know, have distorted the true picture of themselves. For example, everyone has been a director or a manager of something or other since year dot.

    The bullshit is nauseating!

    Anyone buying that crap must be stupid, but LinkedIn is mostly about a bunch of people with a grossly “puffed up” opinion of themselves.

    If you step back a minute, we don’t really produce much in this country. None of the people I know work for organisations that actually make something.

    These super high flyer types are just bad value for business, bad for UK plc.

    The UK is about fluff and bullshit, no substance!

    Free Member

    I hear McDonalds are going to start selling degrees.

    With fries and a large drink: £3.99!

    Free Member

    The British class system is like a cancer to prosperity. It stifles growth and prevents people from being socially mobile. It’s a big demotivator.

    I spent time at private school and because the regine was so harsh, much of the school rebelled. There weren’t a huge number of proper toffs there, but it was a rubbish environment for learning and the management foisted all sorts of rubbish teachers on us. Many left and went to state school, myself included. It was a waste of money IMO.

    The toffs that are closing off opportunity need to watch wha they are doing. If they aren’t careful, people will see them for what they are: a bunch of useless supercislious arrogant upper class twits. There will be massive civil unrest and they will get their lights put out!

    The UK need a meritocracy of hard working people who arent in control due to privilidge and class!

    Free Member

    Did I miss the finished article?

    Free Member

    I firmly believe that 5k badly set up will be outperformed by 1k set up optimally.

    Price is no guarantee of good sound. I listened to a Krell and some Cabasse speakers on very expensive stands. Suffice it to say this £30k system sounded thin and flat. Some hifi snobs would describe the sound as detailed, but I thought it sounded very unatural and my ears were tiring after 5 minutes. Different material revealed the same traits.

    Just because stuff is uber expensive does not mean it will be better. My 1994 £3.5k’s worth of kit sounds way more natuaral and realistic than this demo system did.

    Using the correct interconnects, speaker cables, stands and getting the room right is the second half of the battle. The first half is about good component matching. You need to take advice from experts and work out which kit is known to partner well.

    Free Member

    “Hell Freezes Over” by the Eagles.

    “Hotel Califonia” having the ultimate intro with acoustic guitar and thundering bass drum. A far far better recording than the original!

    A quality recording of a standard to which other audio engineers should aspire to!

    You need to get a variety of material – acoustic, classical and modern as well as recordings that have proper deep bass – the stuff you can feel more than hear.

    The problem I find with owning a high end hifi is the sheer disappointment when loadingh up a mediocre recording (of which there are too many). Only a handful of CD’s do the system and the artist justice, which is really annoying when the content is great.

    Free Member

    I always go for something by Michael Jackson, the production on his stuff is consistently awesome

    That’ll be down to Quincey Jones, the most successful and best recording artist of all time!

    Free Member

    One like this…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Jabra Cruiser2! Pretty impressive, simple, FM and Bluetooth wireless connectivity. Used mainly as a handsfree kit, but supports A2DP too. Portable with no wires, so great for holiday hire cars. Auto scans for free FM channel and gives voice prompts.

    I also have a Connects2 box which emulates a CD multiplayer and gives a direct 3.5mm audio input. Sound quality beats any wireless FM solution hands down, but the Jabra isn’t bad.

    Free Member

    It’s really boring, the way people of a certain political persuasion always have to pin the blame for all the problems of the economy on the party which they oppose. Grow up guys!

    Any rational person would understand that there is culpability on both sides and as we had 13 years of Labour, they played a massive part in causing the mess we are in right now.

    You can try and blame banks and the global situation, but ultimately, the governments of the day permitted the reckless lending and encouraged profligate personal spending because they lusted for the additional tax revenues! If they so impotent in running the affairs of the nation, why do we bother to have any political party in power?? If this is true, parlianent seems like a total waste of money to me!

    By default, socialist governments spend like crazy in order to bribe the poorer element of electorate. The longer the socialists spend, the more broke we become, damaging the economy and more people end up one pay cheque from state dependency. The socialist admininsration regard this as a win win situation which is why they accelerate spending with borrowed money which you and I and future generations will have to pay for. People not yet even born will be bearing the brunt of this wastefulness and the cynical politicians of the last administration are well aware that they will be dead and buried long before the shit really hits the fan. Shame on them!

    In the UK we rock from left to right administrations in an unending cycle of political and economic stupidity. The left spend spend spend and the right try to rectify the damage, cutting back and often throwing the baby out with the bath water.

    After a lengthy period of conservative government, the coffers are recharged just in time for Labour to come in and spend it all (and some). Labour then claim how brilliant they are, but in reality, they would not have the opportunity to provide such luxuries unless a Conservative goverment had provided the funds. The conservatives tell us how good the books are looking whilst we see little benefit. We just have to pay more for less.

    Neither parties get to do the right thing it seems. The left are funded by a bunch of union thugs and the right are funded by a bunch of toffs. Both sides are detached from reality! The normal person in the wide band in between these extremes is not represented, but are just deceived. The electorate vote according to what they as individuals will get out of the deal, not for what is best for the future prosperity of the nation. The system is corrupt and broken and no politicians can be trusted as they just lie through their teeth!

    All I know is that being in the middle ground makes me the enduring cash cow for the luxuries afforded to those who haven’t earned them and knowing the rich are able to swerve paying their fair share. I get no support and little benefit back from the mountain of cash i have paid in cash throughout my life, not from either party, coallition or whatever the party of the day is. The situation sucks and makes me want to emmigrate!

    Politicians of any persuasion need to focus on building prosperity and allowing a great deal more social justice. For individuals, personal responsibility, hard work and consideration of others is what is required, but we are all too wrapped up in ourselves to make a value judgement when casting our vote. In light of this, I think democracy is a big fail!

    Happy days!

    Free Member

    NEVER buy off plan!

    Only buy what exists in it’s finished form so you can see what you are buying.

    New house prices are ALWAYS inflated above the level of the local market.

    Old houses are a pile of junk under the surface and you’ll spend a fortune on renovatons and, more importantly, you’ll spend years to putting things right. They command a premium because people like the character of these dwellings, but they are poorly insulated and any rectification of this will be a big challenge if you want to retain the character features. Loose those features and you loose what makes them desirable. You’ll have to live with drafty windows and 9 inch thick walls with no cavity and pay for the massive additional CO2 you’ll pump into the environment.

    If you want no hassle, no big DIY project and cheaper running costs, buy a modern house that is a few years old with all the kinks ironed out. Don’t get too sentimental about character, but look where you can tastefully add features. Make any modifications in keeping with the architecture of the building, otherwise you will devalue the property.

    Free Member

    Well deserved!

    Another far left wing lying thug behind bars.

    Free Member

    A CV should be viewed largely a reference point to be used in an interview.

    Most CV’s aren’t read, so don’t get too hung up on this, just make sure the right words appear in it and in the right quantity, so the recruiter’s word search software picks yours out.

    If it get’s past the junior who’s tasked to screen the shotlist, you will be very lucky!

    If you are looking for a job, the last place you want to apply is online! There are too many hurdles to get past before your CV is presented to a decision maker, the person who wants to hire you. You have almost no chance of reaching the right person.

    I have three tips for finding your next job:
    1) Network!
    2) Network!
    3) Network!

    Free Member

    Always taylor your CV

    Make sure you spell check it too!

    Free Member

    “Stop the first US-style cow factory farm being built in the UK”

    Or should it be: “Stop the growth in the population explosion on our planet”??

    Food production is a competitive business and the abuse of animals is an inevitable consequence of this.

    We could take the moral high ground here, but you can be sure if we do this that cheaper food will find it’s way onto our plates form elsewhere in the world. Suprize surprize, this has already been happening for decades!

    Intensive food production methods are the future, unless of course, you wish to starve!

    We need to get in check the rapid increase in the world’s human population.

    Free Member

    There’s been corruption in commercial sports for decades, get over it!

    Personally, i’m a bit bemused how we are so preoccupied with commercial sport. Football seems to have the greatest following and boy, don’t the people at the top of that game bring the game into disrepute?

    Anyone who takes competitive commercial sport seriously really needs their head examined because it’s ONLY a game!

    Sport should be for fun, for recreation – period!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Standard parking spaces are for micro cars. Providers are just tight arses who’ll pack as many cars into a smaller space as possible.

    Numpty at the council office will approve the inadequare parking because they are far left wing plonkers with zero sense of pragmatism and are generally resentful and mean spirited (just like Tandem Jeremy – the biggest idiot on stw!)

    Free Member

    Apple TV is for mugs. Anyone who knows anthing about streaming media would know better.

    If you need to ask, Apple TV is probably for you. Idiot!

    Free Member

    Beware of being brainwashed by comic newspapers: The Guardian, the Daily Mail, The Sun, The Mirror etc.

    I pity anyone who buys these rags and who thinks they deliver balanced news!

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