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  • Trans-Savoie: 10 years of not-racing enduro
  • Spongebob
    Free Member

    I’d install Windows Defender and then go to the software explorer tab and disable all the uneccessary applications that start up when you boot the machine. Then reboot.

    Also install cleaner to clear out all the rubbish that clogs and slows down your machine. This free app. also allows you to clear up the registry.

    Both are available free online. Just google them.

    Free Member

    Prince Charles decided to take up jogging.
    Every day, he’d jog past a prostitute standing on the same street corner.
    He learned to brace himself as he approached her for what was almost certain to follow.

    ‘One hundred and fifty pounds!’ she’d shout from the curb.

    ‘No! Five pounds!’ He would fire back, just to shut her up.

    This ritual between him and the pro became a daily occurrence.
    He’d run by and she’d yell, ‘One hundred and Fifty pounds!’
    He’d yell back, ‘Five pounds!’

    One day, Camilla decided that she wanted to accompany her husband on his jog.

    As the jogging couple neared the working woman’s street corner,
    Prince Charles realised she’d bark her £150 offer and Camilla would wonder what he’d really been doing on all his past outings.
    He figured he’d better have a good explanation for his Wife.
    As they jogged into the turn that would take them past the corner, he became even more apprehensive than usual.
    Sure enough, there was the prostitute. He tried to avoid her eyes as she watched the pair jog past.
    Then, from her corner, the pro yelled: ‘See what you get for five pounds, you tight bastard?!’

    Free Member

    Jacket potato straight out of the oven. Supeheated steam comes out of them when you cut ’em open

    Free Member

    IMO Carbon frames are really for people at competition level, ideally with sponsors. Carbon frames are a for people who really need that edge by shaving off those few extra grammes. For competitive road use and perhaps for simple hardtails only. Carbon is incredibly strong in some applications, but the engineering in certain bike frames is not always ideal. I don’t see some carbon frames lasting and have seen plenty of indications of failures. Things like bonding failure to the aluminium parts of a frame.

    Production carbon framed bikes are mainly aimed at people who have deep pockets. Quite overengineered for leisure riding, just a luxury product IMO.

    Sorry to all you carbon fans, but I just don’t see the point in shelling out loads extra for something that is not best suited to the task.

    If I had inclination to spend this sort of money on a frame, i’d be looking at titanium.

    Free Member

    What’s a Mustang (surely not the equestrian type?)

    Free Member

    There must be a cosmetics firm out there who would be interested in a belly button hygiene device. BBFRD – Belly Button Fluff Recovery Device

    Free Member

    I just had an idea for the mobile operators. It is possible to detect when a Mobile phone is on the move by the transfer of connectitvity between cells. Handsets can be triangulated to within a cell for example. So why can’t they deploy a system to disable delivery and sending of SMS and MMS when a unit is travelling beyond a certain speed? A-GPS units have their own built in positioning capability.

    That would kill this danger stone dead.

    Free Member

    I’d always venture into the fast lane of a motorway to retieve my mobile phone after crashing my car into the central reservation. Especially after a few drinks at Christmas. If I was struck and killed by a car travelling along on the motorway, would you think I was blameless?

    Many years ago my Police trained driving instructor said that most accidents occur when two idiot drivers meet up with one another. Whilst I don’t believe this is fair, in the case of this accident, he would seem to have been right. The driver was not paying attention. Undue care and attention.

    What I don’t understand is why the media keep banging on about texting whilst driving. A separate issue from the death of this man, but a very very serious matter that should carry stiff penalies. The reports I read stated that the last text sent was over 2.5 minutes before the collision. At 60 mph that would have been 2.5 miles away from the accident!

    We endure so much bullshit these days! If only we could have the true facts without the froth and fashionable opinion. Journalists should be regulated for twisting things to suit the agenda of their paymasters!

    Free Member

    Grass him!

    Hopefully the car will get crushed.

    Free Member

    A few days in Chamonix for definite! Biking is awesome there, but you need a full-suspension bike really.

    Free Member

    Audi A3 SE Sportback.

    All those cars are a bit, bleh!

    Free Member

    Just type “Pat Condell” in on youtube. Hilarious and witty.

    The Tyrany of Scripture

    Free Member

    mrmichaelwright – Member

    things to remember –

    freeview is crap, digital terrestrial (and non HD satellite) broadcast in no way compares to the picture quality of analogue

    Utter tosh! Freeview performance varies according to the receiver being used, the quality and type of connection to the display and the ability of the display to render the image.

    My ageing Pace Puma Freeview PVR connected via RGB scart to my Hitachi Plasma screen produces a stunning image (Pre-HDMI hardware). The kit is old now, but I have seen so called HD broadcasts in shops and at a friend’s that were simply no better (or worse). Several people have asked me if my setup is HD too, so i’m not having delusions!

    The thing to remember is that it’s the everyday source signal that sets the good TV’s apart from the mediocre ones. All the HDMI sets i’ve seen are superb when a directly connected Blueray player is feeding them a signal. It’s a very different story when you choose a different signal source and/or you are using some nasty interconnect. Plasma generally fares better than LCD on low res. inputs.

    And another thing. Is it me, or has standard definition Sky not as sharp as it used to be?

    I have recently seen Freesat HD and standard def. on a direct feed and it was pretty awful, but this was through a Samsung series four 32″ LCD. I own one of these TV’s and it’s built in Freeview tuner produces a much better image.

    TV confusion!

    I’m sure the prices will go up with the weak pound so if you are thinking of upgrading, now’s the time.

    Free Member

    Change to another dentist? LMFAO!

    Try finding one who is taking NHS patients!

    Scotland have a different and much more generous system of care and support for people.

    Free Member

    Where’s Sir Richard Attenborough??

    Free Member

    BTW, I refit the spindles that slot through a couple of wooden frame spacers which fit in place of the wheels to protect the frame and forks.

    I also tape a large block of hard foam to the bb to protect the chainset.

    Both discs and calipers are removed, bubblewrapped and taped up.

    Brake lever clamps are loosened to allow them to rotate and then gloved up with bubble wrap.

    The frame is pipe lagged and bubble wrapped – bar one time!

    Inside a padded bag with all this care, you would have thought that the bike would be safe.

    I recommend fitting discs of flexible plastic to the wheel bags to prevent the spindles rubbing through when excess weight is piled on at airports. I will fix mine with cable ties.

    I hope you are luckier than me!

    Or maybe I won’t take my bike on the plane again!

    Free Member

    Two years on the trot my bikes have been damaged in transit between London and Geneva! All thanks to those sloppy lazy baggage wrecking feckers – low pay is no excuse for trashing someone’s belongings! What are they jealous or something? No, they just couldn’t care less! My insurance did not cover the damage when i read the small print – bxxtxxds!

    The bike was bubblewrapped, but not pipe lagged the first time, i didn’t bother using lagging that time as the bike was getting old. What was frustrating is that each year prior to this it was totally protected. For years my mates have taken the mick out of me for being over careful. Of course they never bothered and they got away with it.

    The bag had clearly been stacked under a pile of other bags and the sheer weight caused the hubs(minus spindles)to pierce their wheel bags and then the bag itself. The hubs then scratched up all the paintwork on the frame. I reckon there were 20 other bags thrown on top as the fabric of these bags is very durable and well padded.

    The second time and with an almost immaculate newer frame, i used the pipe lagging once more, but it happened again!! WTF? GRRRRRRRR

    I wasn’t too bothered the first time as I was planning on a respray, but this time it’s not convenient! The frame has a small dent (as per last time), but i will probably be able to partly sand it out so it will barely show.

    I’m goint to buy a couple of those foam camping mats and cable tie them to the wrapped up bike next time (as well as making sure my insurance will cover it).

    My next bike bag will be a hard cased type.

    Free Member

    Mine had black wheels. Ah, mad and happy days!

    Free Member

    It was more than luck! The pilot put the tail down first to slow the plane. This prevented the aircraft breaking up on impact. This was after he managed to swerve the George Washington suspension bridge. A skilled experience operator, but under tremndous pressure, he did very well indeed!

    Free Member

    The 705 is a good choice for biking (if a little expensive). Feature packed and cycle specific it is hard to beat if you are training, but doesn’t come with OS maps – they’re extra.

    The Garmin Oregon 400t is another option, but is silly money.

    Viewranger sell 1:50000 or 1:25000 OS maps. You can even choose which bits of national OS map that you want by downloading a free Viewranger Map Chooser app. The more you download the more you pay. A UK road map is about £7 too. There are a lot of mapping options.

    I’d be careful about bit torrent file sharing!

    Free Member

    Perhaps she fancies them!

    Free Member

    I don’t think it will make much difference.

    You wait until they get to the teenage phase! 😆

    Free Member

    Maybe RooleyMoor should apply!

    Free Member

    IanMunro – Member

    As little as possible ie. what you do at the moment. The meat should speak for itself imo.

    I never had joint of meat talk to me, ever!

    Free Member

    There’s a lot of it about! I had a long spell of it late last year. It sucks don’t it?

    The gloominess is probably due to the daily dose of cxxp we hear on the tv and radio.

    Hope you feel right as rain soon!

    Free Member

    It’s not all bad. Did I mention the tall leggy Slovakian ex-model that sat near me? She’d do the slinking about routine, leaning over desks displaying her stunning figure. And,, she had a lot of attractive female colleagues who used to regularly drop by. Took everyone’s mind off work! It was largely bliss, especially when we went for lunch, or for a drink after work.

    Free Member

    Why is everything so damn pressurised these days?

    Getting an interview is the biggest hurdle – you are 90% of the way there, but the daft trendy business language some people use is really quite irritating. I think they like to feel up to date and want to impress everyone how clever they are – even if nobody knows what the hell they are on about! Too many bullshit management skills development courses etc!

    If your CV isn’t awash with the latest buzz words and references to specific technical systems,architectures, S/W etc, they don’t seem to give you the time of day.

    What should count in any permanent role is the nature of the person they are employing, their attitude, their intelligence, adaptability, their social skills. And of course the relevance of their experience. It would seem these agents just want a perfect skills match – I think they use word matching software a lot of the time. It takes a knowledgeble person to understand the wide variety of skills out there. I’m sure a lot of the stuff I know is completely alien to them. It would take a departmental manager to identify whether a candidate was a good match or not, but HR often do the screening. How many good people get passed up because of them?

    My problem is that I spent too long faffing about with mainframe computers (more than 20 years) and am very much out of date. I’m struggling to find good matches. When I do, the agents that I speak to invent additional criteria, sometimes saying i’m too technical/not technical enough, or I simply never get to speak to them at all. I have lost count of the number of ignored applications.

    It’s soul destroying!

    Good luck with your interview, my advice is not to get wound up about core skills and other nonsense, but to relax and be yourself. Technical pre-sales guys have the less common ability of great social skills as well as having an good understanding of technology. If you have done this job well and for years, you should sail through the interview and they will bite your arm off (unless there are ten others with the same skills).

    I look forward to hearing if you are successful.

    Free Member

    Nokia 5800 with Viewranger OS maps? – Viewranger

    Softpedia Article

    Free Member

    Thanks uplink!

    Free Member

    There was one bloke who used to eat crisps with his mouth open in my office. Drove me nuts. He would also slurp tea and water all day, – i think he was diabetic – well he was huge. Nice bloke though. I’m sure he had no idea how annoying he was.
    My real pet hate was people bringing their lunch back to their desks to eat it when there was a sumptious lounge and restaurant selling cheap food only a lift ride away. They’d stink the place out with all sorts of stuff, chomping away in a trance like state staring at their monitors, as well as making a mess. If you have no place to go and eat, fair enough, but i’d rather go and sit in a cafe, pub, or a park to eat lunch.

    I guess you have to practice at being tolerant when you work at close quarters with people. I have a low threshold for tolerance, I know my limitations!

    Free Member

    My neighbour’s little yappy that has the most irritating squeaky high pitched bark.

    Free Member

    Are you suggesting that the English, Welsh and Northern Irish are being dicriminated against and that the government cabinet have a disproportionately high number of Scottish MPs?

    Free Member

    A lot of car for the money. I hope it doesn’t go wrong!

    Free Member

    Hey uplink, do you want to post user instructions for the method needed to disable startup programmes using the DOS command window?

    If not, Windows Defender has a nice easy to understand user interface and also adds a layer of security protection to your PC.

    Free Member

    See this thread[url=

    Free Member

    I forgot to mention Another free download. This will clear out all the temp files and cache etc. There’s also a registry cleaner. Definitely need to run this.

    Free Member

    I met a girl on Monday who was into Winnie the Pooh. She had several tattoos of Pooh and her “piece de la resistance” was a deatailed copy of the map of the 100 acre wood all over her back! RANDOM! Lovely person though! 😛

    Free Member

    Get the maximum amount of RAM your PC will support, but first download Microsoft Defender from the MS website – free download. Go to “software explorer” and select “startup programs”. Check all but essential start up programs then reboot. This will shorten the boot time significantly and keep RAM use to a minimum.

    Free Member

    Of course you can say no! You might get a subpoena though – they force you to attend.

    I would get a lawyer if this happens.

    Shame that bullying thugs get away with this sort of thing and witnesses feel threatened and intimidated.

    Free Member

    Of course you can say no. You might get a subpoena though.

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