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  • Sea Otter 2022: Aeroe Spider Rack makes any bike a long hauler
  • Spongebob
    Free Member

    Orange still do SPVs. its just they no longer brand the phones as Orange SPV, but are sold as HTC. [:-)]

    Call me pedantic:

    Orange no longer badge HTC phones as their own.

    Free Member

    [/quote] chakaping – Member

    Nobody listens to it, so it doesn’t matter?

    9.32 million “nobodies” a week!

    Guardian article on R4 listening figures

    For once, I actually agree with Rudeboy! 😉

    Free Member

    Audi A6 Avant 1.9Tdi

    130hp, 65mpg, cheap to run – vaiable servicing, reliable.

    Cheap to buy secondhand.

    Free Member

    Sounds like food poisoning! I know an EHO who inspects all sorts of food outlets. She tells me that many curry restarants cook the meat during the day and then heat it up later on. Poor hygene standards and poor storage can lead to this sort of incident. Happened to me once. Spent a whole week no more than 8 ft from a toilet! Lost a fair bit of weight. Can’t be sure it was the indian meal, but didn’t go back to check!

    Hot food is great. Chilli doesn’t mask the flavour, or have any adverse after effects in my case. However I don’t like the ultra hot Habanero sauces – I tried one called “Spontaneaous Combustion”. One tiny drop and you are on fire. I just can’t see the point.

    Free Member

    I have a coouple of Camelbaks. Both bladders leave a bad taste in the water. It was worst when they were new, but it’s still there and is quite disgusting. On this basis I cannot understand why the magazines continue to rave about camelbak. Must be backhanders or incentives.

    I had a Vagabond backpack by Source Hydration (I think they are an Australian company). The bladder in this backpack didn’t flavour the water.

    Get one that opens up at one end to allow you to get a hand in to clean it.

    For running, wouldn’t you be better off carrying a bottle?

    Free Member

    We need more opportunities to vote. A general election once every 4-5 years is not frequent enough. Bi-elections are crass because the majority vote based on the actions of central government, not for the individual who is working in their area.

    Why didn’t we get a referendum on the Lisbon treaty like Ireland did?

    No I would not like a US media circus sytle election, but our system isn’t much cop. It is barely democratic or proportionate.

    With the wonders of modern technology, you would have thought that a better system of voting could have been updated.

    I think if a PM decides to stand down, then the nominated replacement should be subject to a national ballot as this is a big deal for the country!

    Free Member

    It should be 1st person.

    Don’t expect many people to read your CV.

    Make sure the key words you need to promote are repeated as many times as possible. This is how agents’ word search software picks up how relevant you are to the position they have on offer.

    If you want a job, network with people. Forget posting a CV online or applying online – it’s largely a waste of time.

    Free Member

    Elected as Primeminister?

    Free Member

    ERM, Was Gordon Brown elected??? Maybe I missed that bit!

    Free Member

    willard – Member

    He does a good speech. It’s just a shame that no one gives a fig about MEPs apart from their accountants and bank managers.

    Well you should because 70% of new laws in this country are determined by MEP’s in Brussels! The House of Commons has become little more than a quaint little entertainment show.

    Free Member

    Oops! I missed your thread yesterday Stoner.

    I see the hit count has risen from 79,000 to 690,000.

    It’ll be a million by lunchtime.

    Free Member

    I guess we mainland dwellers have no idea about what it’s like to eek out a living on a remote Scottish Island. Personally I don’t know why they bother. It must be rather boring living there.

    Inhumanely dispatching young seal to protect your livelyhood must be such a rewarding experience (not). Like fox hunting, a passtime that should have died out with all the modern means of recreation and earning a living these days!

    Free Member

    Don’t complain, they will mark your notes as a troublemaker. Switch GP’s!

    If a GP practice won’t see your wife, go to A&E!

    Free Member

    Open it up and remove the fluff from the heatsink next to the fan.

    Free Member

    Iron ore? Iron Hoof?

    Free Member

    I’ve had mine for a month. Verdict: pretty good

    It isn’t as good as an iPhone, but then you can only get an iPhone free if you shell out £35 a month and/or make a contribution to the price of the handset. iPhone is locked to O2 for at least another 3 years – strategically a very bad move on Apple’s part!

    I’m on an 18 month Vodafone contract, £15/month, free handset.

    iPlayer (from BBC) is great! You can only stream at the moment, but when Nokia release V20 firmware, downloading will become possible. However you can faff around and sideload programmes via your pc.

    There is also BBC Mobile TV which is live TV streaming – poor quality picture, but just about acceptible. I do this over wifi (I deleted all other profiles because I don’t need, or want data over the air).

    Web browsing is a bit of a chore and the UI is clunky. I have found details of a download that enables your 5800 to NOT emulate a WAP browser, but to work like an iPhone. I will be trying to get this working to see if it improves things. For web browsing, this phone is generally pretty poor.

    The GPS can run in standalone mode (non-assisted – doesn’t use an internet connection). It works well. Nokia Maps tell you where you are and you can download any maps you need, but there are no navigation features unless you subscribe. Tomtom software will not work because it is not compatible with Symbian’s S60V5 touch screen version yet (if ever). If Tomtom worked on this handset I would be very happy. Viewranger do OS mapping ans a user chosen 1:50k map starts from £20. Good for biking or walking! A free demo can be downloaded to the phone. It works quite well, but I think you would need 1:25k if wanting to navigate properly.

    Nokia’s music player works ok. Album art doesn’t fully syncronise – it’s a hit and miss affair, even when Nokia’s music player on your PC is used to syncronise. SYncing music is painfully slow – get a USB High Speed Transflash/Micro SD reader.

    The radio works well. It has RDS and you get fancy screen saver animations.

    There are some voice regonition features. You can get the phone to speak the time. A gimmick!

    When someone calls you get a synthesised voice telling you the caller’s name – handy.

    Touch pad works well, but auto-disables when not touched for a preset period. or placed near your ear. The phone comes with a protective sleeve, but all the buttons disable automatically and don’t reactivate until you slide the sprung loaded unlock/lock button.

    Sound quality is great! Awesome even. The headphone output is adequately loud and as there is a 3.5mm jack socket, you can use quality earphones. There’s an equaliser which allows you to tweak to suit your headphones and your preference. The built in stereo speakers are impressive too.

    The video recorder and camera are ok.

    The phone has hung on me a few times in the last few days. I think the code is a bit flaky. Nokia are having a hard time at the moment – layoffs. V20 firmware was released, but then withdrawn. It sometimes sorts itself out, or you have to remove the battery and leave it out for a minute or two – a big minus! This happens even when the handset is not doing anything other than being a phone in readiness for a call. In time this handset will be up to Nokia’s usual bullet proof standard.

    For me the handset passed the “useful tool v gadget” test, but not with flying colours due to the code issue. The iPlayer is the thing I like best. The 8gb of Micro SD storage should be enough for most people, but the handset will take 16gb. If you want to store a lot of video, this might be what you need.

    I would recommend getting this phone, but not just yet.

    Free Member

    Do you see strange images appearing in the panes of glass?

    Free Member

    Get used to it! The world is full of bullying txxts with disproportionately inflated opinions of themselves!

    If the business isn’t performing, they are resposible, not you! On this basis, if they were fair players, they would add themselves to this performance management process.

    All you can do is be yourself, do your best, after this think “fick ’em”, but remain composed.

    If you can get out, do it. Their current behaviour is a case of them showing their true colours.

    By resorting to putting everyone under extreme pressure by making them feel insecure, they will not get quality work. They have set the mood – fear. This sort of mental abuse kills goodwill. They could just be frank with you about the situation, but they haven’t got the strength of character or the courage to be honest.

    You are working for people with weak people managemnt skills – quite common. Nothing will ever change, even when times are good.

    So mark this as the point where your commitment to the company ends and you begin to look to the future doing something else.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    The Inner Circle at the legendary Marquee in Wardour Street. Summer 1979.

    The sound rig had it’s own generator on an articulated lorry out in the street. It was LOUD!

    Happy days!

    Free Member

    I ate a nice bit of Sunpat on Kinsmill and a nice Lavazza with some Cravendale (I don’t take tate and lyle). Of couse I used a Denby to stop crumbs getting on the Wilton, on my Fatfaces, or the DFS.

    I thought i’d check my thunderbird on the fujitsu, making shure the Li Shin was plugged into the MK. There was only spam so I opened Mozilla to post crap on STW.

    Now going to browse the web on my Nokia

    Free Member

    I’d never take my kids or anybody else’s on the back of a bike. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for encouraging them to take up biking when they are young.

    The risks to the young rider are far greater than those presented to the seasoned biker – and for them it’s still damned risky.

    I used to ride bikes, but gave it up. Too dangerous with “numpty” at the wheel!

    Free Member

    That car’s a minger! So untypical of Alfa Romeo.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if they could make reliable cars!

    Free Member

    That car’s a minger! So untypical of Alfa Romeo.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if they could make reliable cars!

    Free Member

    I person I know snivelling every 15 second for goodness knows how long, intsead of blowing their nose – no names! Makes me go nuts when it shouldn’t. I know i’m not normal, but i wish I could switch off to little irritations.

    Free Member

    Yeah, and when you watch all these get rich quick property development shows, they never mention CGT! Or any of the other costs; stamp duty, mortgage arrangement fees, solicitors fees, agent’s or auctioneer’s fees, monthly interest on the outstanding debt, council tax liabilities etc. And in many cases, the amateur developer doesn’t even include his labaour costs.

    Free Member

    No! That concept would be way too difficult for them to understand!

    Free Member

    Been wearing one for a few years for skiing now since an out of control novice forced me onto a slab of ice. I made the fatal mistake of leaning back and went down hard (well I was really doing my best to avoid taking this girl out and lost concentration). I tried to stop the inevitable head impact, but just strained my neck muscles. I was genuinely seeing stars and developed a headache. That was enough warning for me!

    Most boarders wear them as they can take a whack on the back of the head more easily than a skier.

    Free Member

    I did the stupidest thing of my life last night: I tried to reason with a Jehova’s witness about creationism, the bible etc. A totally pointless exercise as these people are totally brainwashed. Incapable of thinking for themselves and intimidated by their peers if the deviate from the correct path.

    Her argument about creationism was that everything has to be created by someone. She actually said “a cake doesn’t make itself” I gave up at this point!

    Do you realise that there are seven million other Jehova’s Witnesses? I found out on wikipedia. Shocking how gullible people are!

    Free Member

    Aside from a plethora of inadequacies, he has little or no understanding of people, with no natural affinity for normal folk. He’s severely lost when it comes to reading what other people think.

    I’ll save the expletives for later. 😆

    Free Member

    I’ve been looking for 23 months and am now past caring!

    Free Member

    A day’s karting followed by an evening at Spearmint Rhino!

    Free Member

    You must be downhill from the telephone exchange. If you lived higher up than the telephone exchang it’d be the opposite way round. That’s why most telephone exchanges are on top of hills, saves BT a fortune.

    Hahaha 😆

    Free Member

    Knees and hands are usually the first bits of your body to hit the deck. I don’t wear knee protectors, but I have thought about getting some. I’m put off by the fact they would be uncomfortable.

    The place where they seem a very good idea indeed would be the Alps (or anywhere else with rocks/loose shale etc). I’ve seen enough people with claret running down their legs after a fall in the Alps to realise that these are nigh on essential.

    I had a very minor accident on a slight gravelly incline in the Dordogne last year (accidentally knocked the shifter for my front mech whilst pedalling under load). My whole weight landed on my knee, falling from about 3ft – ouch! I was digging bits of gravel out and there was blood everywhere. So you decide.

    Free Member

    Roots can be hooked in your jaw, so you will have to snap them off one by one.

    Free Member

    There is now some chairlift action available on a Saturday (resulting, I’m told, from a sit-in in the mayor’s office by a bunch of blokes in full DH gear…). Only the Cachettes, but this gives access to the Avalanche Cup DH track

    I forgot, the only way you can get change for the benefit of customers in France is to stage a protest!

    The French make this a national passtime, unlike we Brits who are dead against such direct action.

    Reminds me of when we missed a return flight from Geneva because the French farmers blocked all the motorways. I have no idea why, but these lazy work shy feckers need a reality check with all the EU handouts they recieve!

    Free Member

    I am neither stupid, nor mad, so I don’t believe in religion. I won’t apologise if I offend anyone!

    Stupid people are highly suceptible to religious dogma. It’s all about realising that you can freely think for yourself. If you are the type who is easily intimidated into toeing the line, you’ll probably be a religious person. If you are inquisitive by nature and with half a brain, you will realise that all religion is superstitious rubbish and is fundamentally flawed. Conversely, science uses a methodology of logic and makes no assumptions to unanswered questions – this would be unsafe.

    It is because of our openness to learn and rationalise, that we have made important discoveries about our world. We therefore know that these old scriptures and traditions are a nonsense. It still shocks me how many people subscribe to this folklore!

    For some lighthearted (and not so light hearted entertainment) on the matter, google Pat Condell. He’s a ex-standup comedian who’s satirical and clever videos are a breath of fresh air!

    Free Member

    Goody was played by the media who made far more out of her than she did of them. With the help of an agent, she managed to get a fairer share of the money they made from her.

    I think it’s the gutter press that have a lot to answer for here. Not to mention all the people who bought the papers. They made a freak show out of a vulnerable person.

    Good luck to her sons and the people that care for them, but not that violent thug Jack Tweedy, he needs a massive kick up the backside! Let’s hope that he doesn’t blow all the money she made for her sons. I’m sure the gutter press will be on his case as soon as he is released from prison.

    If people didn’t buy these trashy newspapers, none of this would have happened. Shame on those who funded this nonsense!

    Free Member

    I hope Dennis is doing well and hope he makes a speedy and full recovery!

    My mate had a similar accident the day after he bought a helmet when on holiday in Chamonix ten yaers ago. He wasn’t seriously hurt however, but the rock he landed on was embedded in the helmet. If he hadn’t decided the buy the helmet the day before i’m sure he would have died of a nasty injury!

    In this thread i’ve read a load of in depth stuff about foam compressing and that if the forces for which a helmet is designed to withstand are exceeded, then it will fail thus giving no protection at all. What about point loading then? Point loading without a helmet means a fractured skull. With a helmet you are giving yourself a vastly better chance, even if the helmet gives out, it’s still done it’s job!

    The arguments posed against wearing a helmet in this thread are completely ridiculous and the people making these comments damn well know it!

    Message to all those who think a helmet is pointless: GET A HELMET AND ALWAYS WEAR IT!!

    Free Member

    You need a dentist! Where do you live? I know a new dental practice taking NHS patients a few miles from me.

    Free Member

    Broad regional accents and local slang can be really tiring. I find the East London… “ere mayte i’m fackin fick” accent the worst! It’s like they are proud to sound like some ignorant uneducated twonk!

    Inverted snobbery totally sucks!

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