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  • FGF 601: Fort Bill is Back Edition
  • Spongebob
    Free Member

    The one as per Rich’s pic is a good powerfull stove. Probably what you already have.

    When boiling water, just put what you need in the kettle rather than filling it right up and put the lid on.

    Keep the stove out of the wind (stick a coobox or something similar in the way to act as a windbreak).

    Free Member

    I can stick my fingers in my ears at 90 degress to my skull without any part of my fingers touching any part of my ears (other than the finger tips in the canals); most other people have to come at their ears from the back to some extent (if you can understand what I’m trying to describe).

    What species are you? 😆 Sorry!

    Sounds like you need custom fit earphones.

    Etymotic ER6i’a are a good option because they were designed for iPod users. Etymotic service the music industry and you can get a custom fit ear pieces to go with some of their domestic range.

    Shure do some good ones too. There are loads of companies selling in ear type earphones now, so you have a lot of choices.

    Free Member

    Think you need to check your topography – East Anglia, Lincolnshire most of the South East are all well under 1200ft above sea level.

    Yes! I was being sarcastic.

    Idiots that let tyres down and snap windscreen wipers probably do so to all types of car. Numbskulls who know no better!

    I do feel that the vast majority of oversized 4WD cars are unnecessary. I live in what some people consider to be an affluent part of the country. These cars are very common in this region and judging by their pristine condition, never get further offroad than a grass verge outside a school.

    Free Member

    You can fit other manufacturer’s rotors provided the surface that contacts the pad is the right width. Woolly Hat Shop do some cheap alternatives.

    Free Member

    Chris Bling


    The price of posing! 😆

    Free Member

    Chain Reaction Cycles

    Go for Shimano XT grade or above is my advice.

    Free Member

    What about if you live 1200ft above sea level and get snow every year

    That’ll be most of the British population then!

    Come on “rogerthecat” you know what I mean. We are talking about “Chelsea Tractor” syndrome (4.6L HSE Range Rovers, X5’S ETC who, if they ever go offroad, it’s just for a bit of titliation), not people who actually need a practical 4WD(which is a tiny minority of 4WD owners). I think you know this anyway.

    Free Member

    How much is it for a new set of batteries for a Prius? What’s the eco damage when these get disposed of?

    Free Member

    A boot rack is cheapest, but is a hassle to fit and restricts access to the boot (especially when a bike is loaded). Can also damage paintwork/body panels and will obscure number your plate.

    Roof bars are good, but reduce fuel efficency and some peoel will struggle to lift a bike onto a car roof. I recommend Thule Aero bars and matching aluminium bike carriers. Thule’s Steel ones are cheaper and just as functional however. Get a locking kit so it doesn’t walk off the roof of your car one night!

    The best solution IMHO is a towbar mounted locking bike rack. But this is the most expensive route.

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure you can withdraw payment through Paypal wihin a day or so of making a payment.

    Also, you have Paypal protection up to £500.

    Go to your eBay and open the Dispute console and file a complaint agianst the item and seller.

    Good luck.

    The Nokia 5800 is a great phone. I have had one for a few weeks now and am very impressed with it. Why didn’t/don’t you get one free on an 18 month on contract?

    Free Member

    Another drummer. My kit is the Rock version so has bigger bass, and toms. I use Sabian AAX cymbals.

    Must learn to play something else though.

    Free Member

    Actually, let’s take a pop at the people who really do buy a car to pose: 4WD owners.

    Gas guzzling polluting cars, way too big for our roads, considerably more dangerous to other road users. All in the name of vanity!!

    I see no place for such vehicles unless you genuinely have a towing need, or need very regular offroad access.

    Free Member

    Regardless of whether they’re any good or not, Audi has become the car marque of choice for people who care more about image than what they’re actually driving.

    I bought my Audi A6 Avant 8 years ago because it was a quality built car with great fuel efficiency and low running costs (go discover all about Audi variable servicing). This car has worked out cheaper than any other family car to run! I am not a poser or a cxck!(well I might be a cxck, but this has nothing to do with any motor vehicle or what I do at the wheel). I drive responsibly and never race round in it. I don’t drive aggressively close up behind people. I hate agression on the roads! I have too much experience of driving to be bothered harming my own health when driving.

    It is narrow mindedness and jealousy that breeds the sort of numpty comment quoted above.

    Clarkson is a great entertainer. He says much in jest (almost everything actually). He is actually pandering to the thickos out there when he says such things about a particular owner of a brand of car. The sort of people who actually believe his views and comments. Expert satire! Can you not see this?

    Free Member

    Everything about them annoys me!

    I am the only person I don’t get annoyed with, but even I can’t tolerate myself now and again.

    Free Member

    Ride round the really thick mud! 😆

    If you can’t, pick a different trail.

    If this is not possible, use the road, but i don’t recommend it.

    If it’s too muddy, stay at home.

    Free Member

    Spongebob, do you not have to ride on the road to get to these woods?

    No! I ride in the cracks in the pavement.

    Free Member

    It’s so much easier riding in the woods. No cars, no highway rules, no fumes, no noise, no risk of being mown down by motor vehicles. Numpty is too fat and lazy to venture more than a few yards from his car, so it’s bliss.

    Just peace and quiet, nature’s beauty and fresh air. A much safer, more enjoyable place. One that I would rather spend my free time in.

    Only an abundance of thick mud drives me onto the roads (which is when we cyclist and other users do the most damage to the trails).

    Free Member

    Yes, “Hand in the cookie jar, it was your own fault” comments are wrong! Assault is assault!

    If the same logic were applied, what some are suggesting is that if someone trespasses on your property or trangresses any law, you have the right to thump them! Clearly total nonsense! That would be anarchy.

    There is an incorrect assumption that everyone fully understands the law too.

    Nobody has the right to take the law into their own hands – period!

    Nobody has the right to use violence except to defend themselves.

    Free Member

    Anthing of value is very likely to get nicked if you don’t lock it away in secure storage, or keep a very close eye on it when locked up!

    Free Member

    The law says you can’t tho!

    I have been stopped on a private estate road, but that is classified as a public footpath. I was told to get off and walk after a very confrontational approach by a couple of guys that looked like Chips and Poncho. That was a decade ago. The law is the law, even when it’s an ass!

    Free Member

    Yes, bear in mind that cyclists always get a bashing in the press. The level of discriminatory rubbish that I have listened to is quite shocking. Comments from daytime TV presenters and comments from prominent people such as Mathew Parris and his decapitating cyclists “Joke” WTF!! Basically painting all cyclists as aggressive and irresponsible, or just a bloody nuisance. (i’m all of those btw :lol:).

    But seriously, negative press only encourages and condones the behaviour that puts cyclists lives at risk.

    For years councils and politicians have been banging on about reducing motor vheicle reliance, yet they do very little about making riding a bike a safer better experience. It all comes down to what wins votes and what is economic.

    For example: Why shouldn’t the rules on countryside access be changed so that cyclists can use public footpaths?

    Where I live, not many people use footpaths, but cyclists would. Let’s move with the times eh!

    Free Member

    Yeah, get offroad!

    In a post not so long ago, I relayed my experience of almost being taken out on a lane near me. A twxt passed me at speed only inches away scaring the life out of me. I gave him the bird and he stopped and threatened to knock me off (aside from a tyrade of expletives). All I said to him in a very stern voice was “slow down”! He was showing off to his mates, brave little txssxr!

    What dismayed me was that someone told me that it was just a near miss and that I shouldn’t have worried about it! WTF!!

    Road riding is just too risky! Messrs Fxxktard and Co. are out in force these days. You have no chance!

    Free Member

    Van Nicholas[/url]

    Free Member

    Leightweight quality Cro-Mo frames are really good. Especially if you have a hardtail. So much give! So much more comfortable!

    I don’t think they will ever return in volume because their thin tubes don’t look as purposeful and rugged as aluminium and people have it in their heads that aluminium alloy is lighter, therefore better.

    Ti seems to be the happy medium, but again, very expensive. I’d definitely stump up for a TI frame if I had the money though.

    Free Member

    Carbon frames are just too damned expensive!

    Who really needs carbon? People at competition level and who have sponsors?

    Maybe in reality, carbon bikes are predominantly bought by “numpty” who feels he must have the most expensive thing to show off to his mates, or would panic if he thought he wasn’t getting the very latest “bleeding edge” product. Oh the power of marketing! 😆

    I really can’t see the point in it myself and if you want to refurbish a bike at a later stage (as you may well do with such an expensive frame), carbon is the least refurb friendly material.

    My LBS told me he had a few MTB carbon frames returned where the bonding between the aluminium parts and the carbon had failed.

    I’m sure they all come out of one factory in Taiwan and the manufacturers are rubbing their hands together as a result of the fat profits!

    Free Member

    Get some customers first!!

    Free Member

    Regardless of any laws and rights, if someone deliberately pushes you off your bike, they automatically loose the moral high ground.

    I’d have punched his lights out to enable him to regain his moral authority.

    Free Member

    Yep, Hope sent me a new rotor FOC when the old one started producing a snatching effect when braking. Somehow the rotor wore unevenly.

    They also sent me a new headset FOC. The old one was discontinued shortly after I bought it (cant remember its name). It was 7 years old when they sent out the new one after my LBS had an accident and dropped my frame and damaged it. Hope knew its vintage and I didn’t ask for a replacement. They did it out of goodwill. How many firms behave like this these days?

    Hope Technology customer service rocks!

    Free Member

    I have now run out!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I was watching the BBC forecasts on a daily basis too. Just as unreliable! I can only judge the weather on where I am, but this is not one week’s observance, i’ve been observing for years.

    Perhaps there is a microclimate that follows me round that is totally different from the rest of the country.

    Everyone I know in real life says the same, so perhaps STW users live on a different planet us people in the real world.

    Free Member

    Good design is easy. What is difficult is getting the engineering right and within a sensible budget. Quality costs a lot of money, but you can’t always tell when looking at a product.

    Free Member

    big_n_daft – Member

    it isn’t his fault it is Thatcher’s (and for the next 50 years)

    Why do people always blame Margaret Thatcher for everyone else’s mistakes?!?

    She lost the plot towards the end granted, but as I recall, she was EXACTLY what the country needed after a period of another profligate Labaour administration, who had also allowed the “tail to wag the dog”. Unions are what i’m talking about. Unions killed our manufacturing industry. They stifled enterprize and made companies unviable. They killed any attempt at bringing quality up to a satisfactory level. The companies that still have active unions are suffering the same way. LDV, the Post Office etc.

    I remember being trapped on the way back to my office one night after an area meeting. I was dropping off some kit for a colleague. I found myself surrounded by militant ex-miners who had come down from the north to support the print workers who had also lost their jobs when Rupert Murdoch shut the Fleet street print works. This was because of the ridiculous salaries the print workers had bullied the management into giving them. These people were very aggressive and wouldn’t let me carry on down the public highway, neither would they let me turn around. They were ready to turn my car over in fact. Idiots who deserved to be unemployed! It was the Police that intervened and me and my colleagues were escorted away from these violent protestors. It totally messed up the next day, but these “planks” didnt care. Irrational bullying thugs!

    Sometime later I went on a holiday to Tenerife and we found a bar full of striking miners bragging about the money they were claiming off the government. All on benefits enjoying a holiday at our expense!

    Years earlier I worked for an electronics firm in a factory. The union caused mayhem. They even shut an entire production floor down for two hours because they found a piece of ham that has fallen out of someone’s sandwich. They thought it was a safety risk. This is no lie, this actually happened!

    Much earlier I remember the evenings by candlelight after the electricity kept going off. Unions shutting off the power. This went on for years. They bullied absolutely everyone, even their supporters! Lunatic lefties!

    Thatcher fixed a lot of these problems. Good for her. I’m so glad we had Margaret Thatcher. She was a pioneer and most importantly, someone with balls!

    Labour governments will always run up huge debt because they have no money sense. All they care about is swelling public services and making life difficult for anyone that wants to generate wealth. The tax payer is seen as a cash cow and they will hammer us until we are bankrupt (which is now seriously on the cards). They impose unelected quangos on us who dish out all sorts of damaging nonsense. They bang on about equality and fairness, but don’t practice what they preach. They don’t have a clue about nurturing a vibrant economy.

    Our Prime Minister, when he was chancellor, created many of the problems we face today. He should have resigned years ago before he even became PM.

    Sign this petition, even if you are worried that these stalinists will blacklist you when you fill out the form!

    Free Member

    This firm, ironically maned “Lightweight” have a whole heard of Giraffes: A snapshot of the high savanna[/url]

    These people must have a faulty calculator!

    Only the stupidest person would think that diminutive advantage these product would bring would be worth the huge additional outlay.

    If you are competing and have a sponsor, fair enough, but I still can’t see the point as there are so many top quality, but more realistically priced alternatives.

    £800 for a rear mech? £3500k for a pair of wheels?? WTF!

    They probably think “there’s one born every minute”!

    Free Member

    Your PC is linked to the “let’s give people a bad day” team at Microsoft.

    They are watching your every move!

    Free Member

    Is he more predictable than a short range weather forecast?

    Absolutely! 😆

    Free Member

    The bloke DID look like Kevin McLeod though.

    Free Member

    What I like about these eco warrior types is when they finish their houses, a woman rocks up and then in the update show a baby gets shown off.

    Actually, this is a pattern I have noticed with nearly all the Grand Designs episodes. Must be the nesting instinct.

    BTW, I don’t hate hippies, just their extreme views on sustainability (like the bloke who installed a composting toilet in his house)

    Free Member

    Keva – Member

    enter a 10k cross country running race, run yer heart out then go to the pub and drink cider all afternoon, on a sunny Sunday.


    Why can’t I just go to the pub and drink cider all afternoon? Or beer even!

    Free Member

    I’m getting REALLY fuxxed off with being harassed every day by some numpty from the debt collection agency Budget Insurance have instructed! BUDGET Insurance have never called me at any stage nor verified that I have recieved any of their letters, but when I called them on their premium rate help line weeks ago, they assured me they would not involve a debt collection agency, but 2 days later I started to get daily harassment to pay a sum that I simply do not owe!!! WTF!!!

    Budget Insurance have relieved themselves of their duty of care to me as an honest paying customer. I discovered today, 16 months after I took out my policy, that I should have written to them 30 days before my policy expired to tell them I did not wish to renew. What bullshit!!

    I am incensed at their arrogance!

    Fxxk their unreasonable terms and conditions. IMHO they are unlawful without a signed agreement from the customer!

    The envelopes that they have sent me say “smart people budget” NO! Stupid people use Budget Insurance! I was one of these stupid people!

    Don’t touch them with a bargepole!!!!!!!!

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