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  • Moorland fire equalled carbon footprint of a small town
  • Spongebob
    Free Member

    Soggy greasy batter on takeaway fish – FAIL!

    Free Member

    I can smell it and I have a very acute sense of smell in general.

    Can be a nightmare when you have to travel on trains with the great unwashed etc. 😆

    Free Member

    “Spontaneous Combustion” Habanero hot sauce – So hot I reckon you could use it in place of Nitromors to strip paint off bike frames. I mean SERIOUSLY hot!

    Free Member

    Factory produced cauliflower cheese

    Free Member

    I did it last year. There are tons! We stayed about 20km for Bergerac. The terrain is quite hilly and you will quickly get fitter. You won’t see a soul.

    If you go in August, avoid too many woodland routes. There are nasty basxard female horseflies that will bite you even when you are on the move. I copped a few and my leg swelled up for a few days and glowed red hot. Very uncomfortable! Perhaps a citrus repellent would help.

    Free Member

    This sort of thing happen’s round my way too. It’s done by sad little people with no friends, who literally have nothing better to do. They don’t care if you get injured either.

    They get it wrong though. Making obstructions presents interesting challenges and in our woods, lots of new alternative trails appear. It can make a ride more intereting. They don’t understand modern suspension systems. 😆

    If these eco-numpties really cared about their bit of woodland they would form a group of users representing each interest group. By working together, a sustainable compromise stands a chance of being reached and we could all live in harmony. They don’t want to talk however, they want the place all for themselves.

    All these self-righteous gonks are doing is causing damage and bad feeling. Themselves: ripping down healthy timber, disturbing habitat, pixxing off other legitimate countryside users (not just bikers). Bikers and other users: causing damage to habitat by making new trails to get around the obstructions that numpty has created.

    It’s nothing more than narrow minded intolerance. So that encourages me to specifically carry on using my chosen route to the contrary of their wishes.

    If any eco-numpties who want it all their own way are reading this, come on, be big and let’s talk!

    Free Member

    Goats cheese? No that’s just as bad!

    Free Member

    Tapioca pudding – frogspawn!

    Free Member

    Gooseberry fool – eww

    Free Member

    Those using it in such a fashion are being derogatory to those with learning disabilities, and making their condition an insult towards others.

    Perhaps a very long time ago.

    That’s too PC a view for me, but i’ll avoid using the word all the same.

    Free Member

    Hagis – dried blood that has little flavour, but the same texture as unmixed polyfiller

    Free Member

    Chicken flaovoured crisps – in a confined space, the odour can kill or maim!

    Free Member

    Yes, paying on account is very unreasonable. They make the foolish assumption that you will make as much as you did the year before. It’s like paying for something that doesn’t yet exist – another great idea from Labour!

    I still mainatin that the self-employed pay less tax than someone on PAYE. Even if it is just because you can legitimately claim for things which a PAYE person can’t. If you are paying the same then I think you need to get a different accountant.

    Free Member

    Hah. Read the Daily Mail lately?

    Isn’t that a gay newspaper? 😆

    Free Member

    Yeah, the Chinese are big on animal cruelty. Saw them dunking live cats into hot water years ago, then skinning them alive. Nasty and uneccessary! There’s something missing “up top” with people who are ok with this.

    Free Member

    Pork scratchings – sheer “vileness” in a bag!

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member

    Mushrooms. Evil, pure evil.

    They’re fungus. So is Athlete’s Foot and you wouldn’t go snacking on that, would you? <<–eyes fungus betwwen toes–>> mmmm yummy! 😆

    Free Member

    I guess their baggage handlers have got fed up with lugging big bags.

    Baggage handlers’ disregard for people’s property has cost me dear over the years. 2 bikes and a sailboard badly damaged.

    If we pay “an arm and a leg” to have these large items shipped, the airlines should be culpable for any damage – no quibble, especially when fees are as ridiculous as those of KLM!

    Free Member

    So long as hopeless, or non-existent parenting exists, this problem will proliferate. Unfortunately there are the offspring of the offspring of neglected wayward children out there. Several generations of people who have no idea how to behave! The fair and openminded society we now live in allows this to happendd (“who is anybody to judge how other people should live” I hear the PC brigade cry). The problem is that such leniency for one group makes those that do toe the line a little peeved. It’s patently unfair on the rest of the population. We need a someone with a social responsibility and the balls to do somthing about it – not just vent hot air.

    I maintain that you have to shut it out and stay calm! Getting steamed up raises your blood pressure and if you make being angry a habit, it will damage your health.

    Free Member

    .anything I specifically need to be aware of with regard pay, conditions, holiday’s etc

    You get an hourly rate, no holiday, terms; as per your contract.

    The rate needs to be significantly more than you would earn on a permanent basis because you are only a short term hired hand. Totally responsible for your own training, time off, sick pay, pension, holiday, health insurance, transport. Some contracts allow a certain amount for expenses, but if not, you claim them back through your business account. The self-employed generally pay a lot less tax. The rate you get has to be sufficient to make it worthwhile unless there are no other options, in which case you have little adantage to the insecure working position you are in.

    To find the going rate for your intended contract, ask others who are in the business, recruiters and look online.

    Free Member

    Calm down ernie!!! 😆

    Free Member

    It has just dawned on me that this site is becoming like an online version of the Jeremy Kyle show! 😆

    Free Member

    I am all for teaching right from wrong and giving kids clear boundaries, just not that into the idea of beating them up.

    I am not condoning beating them up either!

    Looking at my childrens’s schools, the culture is very different from my day. Both schools are very good at pastoral care and in the main, the kids coming out of there are more mature and more rounded individuals than those in my day. They are also a lot more streetwise, aware of their rights and confident in dealing with their seniors.

    Not wishing to be smug, but my two are pretty well behaved and we have never needed to raise a hand to them (I have NO idea why this has worked so far – REALLY – it must be solely down to their mother 😉 )

    Leaving my little angels to one side, there are a few youngsters that are totally out of control. They haven’t had the good fortune to be born into a stable home life etc etc, but they still need to have respect for others if they want me to sympathise with their plight. Many people grew up in poverty and never broke the law, so we need to be firm with them. Violence is out, detention is the way to go. Corrective counselling whilst in custody and continued mentauring on release. The victims should get the most support however.

    OMG, I am rambling yet again!

    Free Member

    Thank you ernie_lynch, thank you trademark! I feel valued now!(even if I am wrong) 😉

    Free Member

    I agree coffeeking, but we just have to step back and keep calm. I’m no different to anyone else here, it makes me angry that we have ferral gangs running a muck. Yes, the kids now are much bolder in their challenge to authority than 30 years ago, but i do remember a lot more random violence when I was young. Things like whole schools having pitched battles on the local common, or just random attacks on totally innocent people.

    I’m sure violence in the home was much more prevalent then too. How many of the older people here got a cuff round the back of the head or a spanking for minor misdemeanors? It was acceptable in those days.

    We are a lot softer on young people these days. I guess there is some frustration on our part that if we had to endure this, why shouldn’t they.

    Who knows what the best way is to bring up a child, but sure enough, we need to go back to a much less lenient society. Teach right from wrong and make the consequences of disregarding the rules felt. No authority has the courage to do this for fear of a public outcry and the inevitable litigation. The result is that the tail continues to wag the dog, The only way to preserve your own health and sanity is to shut this out (my previous advice).

    Free Member

    OMG! I did it again! A long ramble that nobody will bother to read! 🙁

    Free Member

    OH dear! This sort of thing really does bring out the “armchair ninja” in some people! I know how mad angry these little gits can make you feel. We are not allowed to take the law into our own hands, but the perpetrators just laugh in the face of the law (i’ve witnessed this myself). The police are equally powerless and the kids have no respect or fear of authority. If you put “numpty’s” lights out, then the weight of the law comes down on their side. All of a sudden you are the criminal. In the “red mist” moment you could kill someone (they are lightweights and you are much much bigger than them – imagine the newspaper headlines etc!) ONLY USE VIOLENCE IN SELF-DEFENSE as a last resort and make sure it is proportional (not easy when the adrenalin is flowing). Hopefully you can avoid violence by not doing anything that will inflame a situation.

    These halfwits have only just discovered the effects of their bodies producing testosterone and are just establishing who the pack leader is. Their own little “MR BIG”. It’s pathetic! They are mostly all mouth and no trousers until they have a few cans of cheap lager inside them. They are cowards because they operate in large numbers and on “Dutch courage”! It takes self-control not to do them some serious damage – that is commendable.

    Remember they also probably have knives which can take any person down in minutes, regardless of their victim’s strength and ability to look after themselves.

    We abandoned reason where juvenile misbehaviour is concerned probably a few decades ago. I bet there are one or two adults here that, if they cast their minds back, weren’t perfect little angels when they were in their teens!

    My experience is that after the event and for a certain period of time, you feel incandescent with rage about the injustice and knowledge that you could have obliterated these idiots if they hadn’t been in any numbers etc. That you wished you’d done “this”, or “that”, but you didn’t. Try and put this negative shit out of your mind – even if it seems so unfair. If you let it fester they will succeed in continuing to hurt you. That only makes things worse. Bear in mind that the vast majority of people are decent and are right behind you.

    I’d definitely get on to the Police and tell them about the incident, even if they do nothing about it. If enough people come forward about this gang, there will be some action. Saying nothing lets them go on to harass other people. When and if they get caught assaulting someone and end up in court, all the other complaints could mean the difference between them getting off, or going to jail!

    We always err on the side of leniency with juvenilles and first offenders. So this is all the more reason to flag it up. Make sure you are persistent with your complaint and get a crime reference number. make sure they make a statement – Police don’t like crimes being reported. It makes them look like they aren’t hitting their targets.

    Free Member

    Impressive! Good for them.

    Good job you spotted it and it didn’t fail when you were out riding. You could have ended up in hospital (or worse). Or just had a very long walk home.

    Did you ask whether this was a known fault?

    Did you give the bike sufficient abuse to cause this?

    Free Member

    BTW, Does anyone get ingrowing hairs? I hate that!

    Free Member

    Don’t the telco providers lock them out so they can never be used again?

    Free Member

    I’m getting really fed up with the abuse of the word gay!

    Definition of “Gay”: having or showing a merry, lively mood

    Damned shirt lifters hijacking a perfectly decent english word! 😆

    Free Member

    Yeah I know the pound has been steadily gaining against the Dollar and the Euro albeit in a rather modest fashion. Good news for people intending to travel or buy goods imported from these countries etc.

    My view is that Britain was dealt a somewhat unfair hand by various critcs around the world several months back. These people have great influence whatever our position is. I also think that market performance is a far better indicator than the opinion of a few guys who clearly have an axe to grind.

    Aside from the exchange rate issue, i think the Eurozone has been getting well ahead of itself on prices for way too long (many years infact). Any economic experts out there who can explain why?

    Let us hope things improve for us.

    Free Member

    Someone ought to build a house out of sofas now.

    Free Member

    Leon timing belt kit £85 delivered

    I wouldn’t attempt it yourself and definitely have the water pump replaced at the same time while the front of the engine is stripped. Gaining access to the belt required removing the bumper, radiator etc on my Audi (same engine as yours). It’s a lot of work and this is why they charge so much. Bad design IMHO, but at least it’s onlt once every 40-60k.

    Stafford Audi used to be ultra competitive on servicing.

    Shop around

    Free Member

    Lovely bike! Tuurning green as I type)

    The bell should stay. I have one discretely fitted under my brake lever to alert “numpty” – works brilliantly. Surprising how often it comes in handy and how I now never get arsey comments from moving trail obstructions.

    Free Member

    Do it yourself! Materials are just pennies compared to the labour. If you are working in a fulltime job it will take a long while. This is great because you will hardly notice the outlay due to the rate you get through materials.

    Free Member

    Aberdeen is oil&gas central. Get yourself a job as an offshore engineer and you’ll coin it and get plenty of time off too.

    And I bet you could hone your trials riding skills on one of those oil/gas platforms 😆

    But seriously, don’t hold back on any application. Let the employer decide if you are up to the job!

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    lol @ z1ppy!

    Free Member

    The other tedancy i noticed was lieing

    REALLY? 😆

    Free Member

    I swear by velcro! 😆

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