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  • Buyers Guide to the Best Mountain Bike Shock Pumps
  • Spongebob
    Free Member

    Any fridge with an "A" energy rating.

    Bosch is a good name, but a fridge is a fridge!

    Poncy ones cost an arm and a leg coz women just have to have one that is "just so".

    Always bear in mind; A fridge is a fridge!

    Free Member

    I would be careful working on a telephone line as ring current is dangerous

    Utter tosh! It's only 50v and the current is negligible!

    The orange wire by my recollection is the ringer wire, but look it up on the web.

    Or ask a mate to knock his master socket off and have a look to see what goes where.

    Crackling usually indicates a poor connection.

    BT can run a wrap test without making a visit. This is always their first step in fault isolation.

    New master sockets have a test mode where you are in effect eliminating all of the wiring except the service coming in off the street up to the master. This enables BT to isolate the problem more quickly.

    Free Member

    The Panasonic plasmas do

    Free Member
    Free Member!

    Free Member

    Why won't the Scots stop banging on about their precious little country?

    It's exceeding boring to have endured to this moan for forty odd years!

    I'm tired of the warped prejudices. Some would call it racism!


    Come on guys, get over it!

    (and huge respect to all the grown up people who hail from Scotland who don't feel compelled to discriminate and or bore everyone else to death about their identity)


    Free Member

    Low burn exercise gets rid of fat, but only after a long warm up. I was told an hour and a half to and hour and forty five minutes.

    Fat deposition is genetic me thinks.

    If you want to target an area it would have to be a bit of lipo, but frankly, I'd tell the misses to lump it!

    Enjoy being healthy and don't worry about anything else!

    Free Member

    Primare CD10i[/url]

    Been around a while these have, but really rather nice. Larger than you would imagine and it exudes quality like no japanese tatt can (apart from perhaps the most opulent high end stuff which you very rarely see in this country nowadays)

    Free Member

    I don't care how a plane works! 😆

    Free Member

    That looks absolutely excellent Tracey!

    I had a frame powdercoated in plain white last year. I couldn't find anyone to strip the frame (they all shyed away from aluminium even though I told them it was 6061 treated). The good news was that the refinish only cost me £25. I'd have gladly paid the extra for the stripping and preparation though!

    I have another bike to be done, but have put it off because I can't face the hours and hours of fiddly stripping. Do you have the name of the bloke who did the stripping?

    Free Member

    oh and probably getting mugged in the process somewhere too

    But of course! Not by muggers, but by the tax man, utility companies and financial institutions.

    Free Member

    You have no idea "that is all" None whatsoever!

    Free Member

    I don't know or care about the "Roma" culture. I have no idea where this so called group orignated. What I do know is that we have to look forwards rather than backwards.

    You live in a country, you live by it's laws and behave in a social manner.

    Looking for ways to make yourself a "special case" is a cop out.

    Toe the line, muck in, integrate, or sod off!

    Free Member

    Some Europrat decided that discrimination against people who go about the union in caravans nicking stuff, making a mess, getting their kids educated FOC, blighting the value of homes, costing honest tax payers a packet whilst ignoring all the rules and avoiding taxes should be regarded as racist! WTF?

    Racism is a different issue – period.

    Any race has the option to rent or buy a home and integrate whilst contributing to the public purse. Most do, so why are these people regarded as any different? How about they have some respect for the culture and laws of the countries in which they are "travelling"??

    If the children of these people are being forced onto crime, perhaps they should be taken into care if the parents can't control them!

    This traveller issue has become clouded by liberal thinking idiots. The type who say that you are a bigot and a racist when you don't agree with them. My advice is to them is to get a dictionary out!

    It's simple – the lifesytle travellers choose is unacceptable and anti-social. The lawlessness that this transient lifestyle supports should simply be banned. It gradually gains credibility as the idiot liberal thought police relentlessly bully the rest of the population tolerating this nonsense by making us feel bad about common sense and fair play! Stuff them!

    If you come from Ireland, Romania etc and want to live in Britain, do what the rest of the population do – get a permanent place to live in!!

    Caravans should only be used for holidays, or temporary places to live whilst proper accomodation is being sought. Permanent caravan sites are an eyesore and planning permission is granted on the ridiculous premise that these dwellings are temporary. Half our coast line is spoilt by acres of rows of powdercoated aluminium boxes. They have been there for over 40 years in some cases. In my book this is permanent! If these half wit planners had given this matter some thought, we could have built some attractive dwellings, but no, stupidity reigns. Only in Britain!

    I'm sick of the namby pamby human rights brigade who have no idea about the practicatilies of life and who endlessly discriminate against the passive law abiding majority.

    How about some fxxking fair play???

    Free Member

    Now the murdering bxstxrd is a national hero now he is back in his home country! FFS! How insensitive is that? Assuming he is innocent as he proclaims, wouldn't he return home quietly and not court public adulation? Disgusting!

    Assuming he's guilty and justice was served, why should he be released?

    Several thousand people had their lives permanently ripped apart thanks to him! Do you know what it is like to suddenly loose a loved one? Add the fact that your loved one's demise was due to some futile medieval dispute and forgiveness becomes unthinkable! The victims died in vein. True compassion would have been the death sentence for the bomber! Compassion for his victims, the one's still living who will hurt for the rest of their lives. Compassion for them!

    We released him because we believe in justice and a civilised way of life. I see why people accept this thinking, however why should those who ignore the rights of others be pardoned, even if they are dieing??

    I understand the thinking of these ideals of justice and compassion, but the way the criminals see it is that we are soft as shxte! They know they will be let off the hook – there is no deterrent. The thinking is therefore flawed IMHO and the reality is that many criminals just don't have the mental capacity to understand it. It's laws which are in effect disrespectful to the victims and those who do toe the line. It's laws which tolerate barbarity. This is patently wrong. Naive liberal idealism rearing it's fluffy head again! Damn the idealistic liberal thinkers! They are like a thought police in continually trying to influence how we think, but they are out of touch with normal people and damned arrogant towards us all!

    This is an international diplomatic disaster for Scotland! I'm pleased it wasn't the UK government's responsibility so the UK doesn't get the blame. Perhaps other countries like America will begin to understand how divisive this stupid devolution thing is. If it had been a UK descision, i'm sure many Scotish people would be banging on about the colonization of their country by the British etc. You know, lots of anti-British, anti-English sentiment. Well it wouldn't have made any difference if it had been the UK parliament because the UK governemnt cabinet are mostly Scotish anyway. Well all the parties have a disproportional Scotish representation actually.

    For the Lockerbie bomber, his insensitive behaviour when getting off the plane in Tripoli says it all to me; guilty! Three months is too long! His suffering will never be enough.

    My thoughts are with the victims and their families!

    Free Member

    Sintered (gold) will last longest, but due to the high metal content will be more prone to sqealing. They also overheat much earlier on long descents. Green will give best performance, but with a shorter life. A millimetre of remaining pad is the minimum I go by before changing, but so long as you aren't running metal to metal you'll be fine. As pads get used up quickly on proper mountains, on long descents, swap very worn pads out early to avoid a disaster.

    Free Member

    t's S**** being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of the **** Earth! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some hate the English. I don't. They're just w*******. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by w******. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY. We're ruled by effete a*******. It's a S**** state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and ALL the fresh air in the world won't make any **** difference!

    Erm, but this is completely dumb logic! Assuming English people are to blame for your problems! How many Scottish people are in the driving seat of the UK? It is the leadership of Britain that colonized other countries, not the man on the ground you numpty! The reality is that England is largely run by Scotish people (and look what a total mess they have made of that!!!!!!). There is a disproportionate number of Scotish people in politics – nuff said!

    We, the passive majority of "English" get shat on by our leadership just like you Scots do. Us English people, who just get on with our lives, but have no influence on policy, are interminably shat on and suffer by this blatant racial prejudice! We played NO part in any oppression of the Scottish people (whether percieved or real), but we permanently suffer abuse like this.

    I had no issue with Scotish people until my career was ruined by a handful of racist Scotish bullies! I now know what it is like to be black! I now know what narrow minded racism is all about. Many of these Scots have an attitude worse than the BNP, or even the Nazis! The sad fact is that these racists are too stupid to realise how bang out of their attitude is! It is acceptable to be racist in Scotland. Try living in England and having such a dumb attitude! Scotish racists like the person who ruined this thread should be deeply ashamed of themselves!!

    My advice to any racist Scotish person: Live in Scotland and shut up! Enjoy the special privilidges that are not afforded to the English people, but who pay for all these advantages. Learn to be gracious, learn some social skills. Change your attitude and think positively towards the millions of good people which who you have never met, regardless of where they come from, or who they are.

    Apologies to all the decent people who hail from Scotland, who aren't narrow minded and generally stupid.

    P.S. I am actually part Scotish, but, as I don't have a Scotish name and don't blurt this fact out incessantly, the stupid racists wouldn't ever find this out.

    Have a good day and yes, Scotland is a beautiful country, with a tiny population and masses of space. What a priviledge!!

    Free Member

    Big probelms with sign thefts around Sudbury in Suffolf at the moment. The moment they council replace them, they get nicked. Time and time again this is happening.

    Trains have been disrupted by signal failures brought about by people stealing the cabling.

    Manhole covers were getting stolen at one stage.

    Farmers used to block up fields with old machinery to stop Pikeys getting in. Now this old gear is being stolen for scrap. The fields remain clear however.

    Good job there is a recession keeping the demand for raw materials low and therefore their prices.

    Sad little people pilfering like this eh?

    Free Member

    Cameras = no trust = no respect = insecurity = more crime = more cameras.

    Remove trust and respect for people and don't expect people to feel responsible and good about themselves.

    It's a new labour thing! They are stupid!

    Free Member

    All rotors squeal at some stage Get used to it.

    Free Member

    Shimano UN-53. Cheap and cheerfu! Mind you, ISIS bottom brackets only last a short while (like all modern BBs).

    You can't beat the original ball bearing type. They go on and on for years if properly adjusted and maintained. A blob of grease and a set of new bearings costs pennies. Easy!

    I believe manufacturers got rid of these to speed up production and save on labour. The newer technology means that owners have to keep shelling out £££'s at frequent intervals to keep their machines roadworthy by replacing an entire BB.

    Cartridge bearings can be replaced on later BBs, but these bearings are expensive.

    It's a wasteful scam that makes the industry a nice bit of ongoing revenue IMHO.

    Free Member

    wind turbines are too expensive. The only reason our landscape is being blighted by these ugly monstrosities is coz a bunch of peaked capped numpties are insistent on complying with yet another EU directive. Stupid people who live in towns and cities who have a chip on their shoulder about those fortunate enough to live somewhere that they perceive to be better than where they live.

    Questions for all you wind turbine huggers:

    1) How many wind turbines do you need to produce the same electricity as a typical gas fired powerstation?

    2) How many acres of land would you need for all of these turbines?

    3) How much extra will each UK household be paying to enable power companies to implement wind energy? (you will be shocked)

    Wind turbines produce zero energy in very high winds and zero energy on still days. An unreliable source of energy! So you will always need a proper power station.

    Turbines are ugly and take up huge amounts of space. Give me any power station as an alternative any day! At least these only occupy a small area of our countryside.

    Nuclear energy is the way to go. The French invested in it and now we buy a lot of our electricity from their grid. Or were they wrong? Should they have continued with coal or gas fired stations?

    The global warming issue being caused by mankind is a big lie! The natural world makes most of it's own pollution! (85% or more). The world also absorbs all of this so called pollution. It's a balanced machine that works in long cycles. Longer than we can record, but scientists know sea levels were once 7m higher when the world was a lot hotter. Conversely, large parts of the world were shrouded in thick ice during one of many ice ages. Man hadn't even been invented at this stage! These cycles are ongoing and there is nothing we can do about it.

    The green movement is all about taxation and making money. If Governments were truly committed to protecting the environment, they would ban certain activities/products, not just allow them to carry on whilst making additional tax revenues from them.

    Emissions are a result of successful economies. Economies which generate tax receipts. Did you hear politicians rejoicing about the reduction in emissions when vehicle use plummetted after the hikes in fuel prices last year? No! They were worried about the economy. It's just one big lie! Those who believe in it are as niaive as they come!

    The real issue is about global security. We are far too dependent on the burning of fossil fuels. A finite resource that we should aim to consume less of. Alternatives should be sought, but please don't tell me it has got anything to do with saving the planet!

    In the meantime we'll have to put up with the scientifically challenged idiot journalists talking a mountain of utter nonsense about "saving the planet".

    Guys, we aren't saving the planet, we are saving the human race. The planet will happily take care of it's self!

    Free Member

    I hope they find the cause of your complaint and can correct it quickly and simply.

    I wish you the very best of luck and a speedy recovery.

    Free Member

    You'll have to get the wheel rebuilt.

    Free Member

    There must be someone out there that knows? I ahve an open and closed lever available, but would have to run the open one upside-down as its for a front brake.

    The Sport and Pro closed levers weren't handed. You could rotate the cylinders to suit either side. I think the open ones were the same. Just to clarify. open do not have on the fly pad adjustment, closed do.

    M4 isn't compatible with C2/XC4closed calipers. You need a Mini lever. BTW XC4 were rubbish calipers.

    Get a seal kit and try rebuilding your set. This may solve the problem. If you see pitting where the piston seal beds in the caliper body, you'll need a new caliper half.

    My advice is to call Hope! They have THE BEST after sales support you could ever imagine! Those guys are SO helpful – just try them. I have been tinkering around with Hope brakes for ten years now – great products if you get the correct brake for the application and then look after them.

    Free Member

    I'm using some 2004 Fox Float RLCs in perfect working order and good nick, is it worth updating them?

    Advice from the bike industry will be a definite yes.

    Advice from a customer would be a probably not.

    If they are working well and are in good shape, why even think about a replacement?

    Free Member

    Is it safe?


    Seriously though, anaesthetic will make it painless, however it won't be pleasant having the extraction. I'd say grin and bear it, but that might be tricky. 😆 Sorry! must be serious…

    Ask the dentist for a boost of anaesthetic AFTER the extraction.
    I had 4 wisdom teeth out and didn't have any serious pain, just discomfort – nothing really. The surgeon told me that he's given me a post-op. booster (my mum had an oral op. recently and they did the same for her).

    Conversely, I had another molar extracted by my dentist, but was pacing up and down for about 2 hours after the anaesthetic wore off. THAT REALLY DID SMART!

    Dry socket is when the blood clot comes out leaving the wound exposed. Salt washes and very careful eating should circumvent any problems. Take a careful note of what the detist tells you, but they usually give you a card with info on how to look after yourself post-op anyhow.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    I haven't ridden two hardtails that were the same, neither have I ridden two full suspension frames that compare. Come to think of it, frame size will have a significant bearing on performance. Forks matter a great deal too.

    It is unlikely that many people get to discover their ideal ride. I'm kinda envious of j-claw having found such a good ride for him. I like my bikes, but can't help thinking that there are much better alternatives out there.

    After all is said and done, if something is unreliable then in my view, you are better off getting about on/in a wheelie bin. 😆

    Free Member

    crikey – Member

    I'd phone Steve Jobs and ask him why iTunes and the iPod is such a restrictive pile of crap, but that's just me…

    I was gonna say something along the same lines, but that won't fix this problem. I always firmly recommend buying music on CD. That way you will always have a hardcopy and get decent quality audio, not a fraction of the original audio files! With a CD you choose the quality and format of recording.

    There is recovery software for the deleted files on your old laptop (just google delted file recovery). You must run this s/w immediately after deleting otherwise those deleted files are at risk of being overwritten.

    If your files contained DRM tags, this may be why they didn't copy to the ext. drive. Again, get CD's and set iTunes to rip without DRM.

    Apple Corp. really sucks! People still get seduced by the fantastic looks and UI. I too find myself attracted to these, but I just can't get my head round the incompatitbility issues, the lack of replaceable battery and things like being fleeced an additional £120 if just I want a player with an additional 8mb of storage! Why can't we have removable storage and replaceable batteries? Reason: profit! Apple treat their customers like rubbish, yet still people buy these products! I just don't get it. "Fashion victims" I conclude.

    Free Member

    roblerner – Member

    stupid question – why not mention the name of the retailer?!

    Free Member

    Harry_the_Spider – Member

    Fantastic. It means that there is no point in me painting the soffits over the weekend.


    I was going to paint mine before the autumn too.

    The IS a god! 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Free Member

    I dunno Simon, see my other identical thread

    Free Member

    Not possible i'm afraid. I'll be in hell with all the othe atheists!

    Free Member

    Maybe ernie should cut off his seatbelts and make them into a small bag for automotive oddments

    Free Member

    Any particular time colnago kid?

    If you let me know, i'll have a word with god to see if he can adjust the programme to fit in with your schedule.

    Free Member

    I keep a pair of clogs in my car for such eventualities. If i get caught out in a blizzard, i can then use them for firewood.

    Free Member

    The Royal Observatory in Greenwich!
    There's a planetarium there now and quite a bit of mindboggling stuff about the enormity of space (even with a calculator i couldn't get my head round it)

    Free Member

    None yet. Damn mozzies spoilt it!

    The most awesome meteor shower was in the late 80's, There were literally hundreds. I was driving back from a call our 100 miles from home. The radio chat snows were innundated with calls.

    Free Member

    That stupid ginger minger is giving biking a bad image!!!

    Free Member

    Someone told me ureaic acid does the trick

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