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  • Lift Your Mood with 2 minutes and 47 seconds of video
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    Free Member

    Spot on advice meiszko! This is the only way to totally reset the phone.

    The latest version of OVI software has a firmware update facility as well as backup and data sharing/reading functionality. OVI Suite therefore renders Nokia Suite obsolete.

    Free Member

    Sounds like you need proper medical advice and attention. Why don't you call NHS Direct?

    Hope you feel better soon!

    Free Member

    I bought an E72 for my wife a few weeks ago and I have a Nokia 5800. On all of your pre-reqs (bar your adversity towards touchscreens), the 5800 ticks all the boxes.

    I recorded a video on my 5800 and bluetoothed it to the E72. On the E72 it won't play smoothly.

    BBC iPlayer doesn't support the E72 yet.

    The larger display of the 5800 makes browsing easier.

    Both support Viewranger which is a must have if you like the outdoors (most cyclist seem to). Nokia Sportstracker is great, as is the free satnav funtionality of Nokia Maps. Not as good as a Tomtom, but good enough to get you to your destination. The walk mode is useful; The handset vibrates before each spoken direction. You can mute the the voice and see the prompt to take a turn, or just use earphones. You can get maps for any developed country and I used mine in the US. Worked fine.

    Touch screens are the future for smart phones! Keyboards, though still popular with some, use up too much real estate, or turn a slim design into a brick. Agreed, the 5800 is a bit thick, but there is the slimmer X6 now. However, to my utter dismay, Nokia don't sell a version of the X6 with expandable memory. They seem to be taking cues from Apple. Stupid!

    Free Member

    it's like an angel kissing yer cheeks better

    Picturing a celestial posterior moment! 😆

    Free Member

    Mean nasty people are the problem, the booze is just the catalyst. I feel sorry for them and their miserable little lives!

    Free Member

    One day, LED bike lights will be available at a price normal/sane people can afford.

    Powerful bike lights have always been stupidy overpriced. Firms like Lupine and their £780 headlights are a complete joke. I'm certain they could turn these out from their Far Eastern factory and sell on the high street at around £150 and still make a decent profit.

    Trouble is, with people like my rich and mate who has two of these, they will keep on with their fat margin, low volume price model.

    Matey bought the second because he mislaid the battery of the first one and literally couldn't be bothered to look for the original! He has a big house and his wife likes to ferret stuff away out of site (woman's tidying – where nothing is in it's logical place, just out of sight and all jumbled up). Call me misogynistic, I don't care! 😆

    He ended up spending more on lights than he did on his bike!

    I'm pondering whether to get a couple of LED MR11's and to rewire the lead on my Cateye's. The two 6v batteries would need to run in series, rather than in paralel, so I'd get 12V to supply the lamps. This would still cost me about £30 odd for the lamps though.

    Free Member

    Passed mine nearly 3 years ago with a view to commuting. Since then, no need has arisen, but this could all be about to change seeing as I had an encouraging interview on Friday.

    Rode bikes without taking tests in the 70's, I was one of the lucky ones that didn't get maimed, or killed.

    Two out of the five bikers in my road never made it. Both were due to unfortunate incidents. One was a side stand left in the down position (at the time I was telling all my mates why didn't they have a cutout switch on the sidestand – now all bikes have these thank goodness). He lost control when the stand struck the road and he ended up wrapped round a lampost, His girlfriend pillion spent 9 months in hospital.

    The other guy had a car pull out on him, jumping a red light on the North Circular late one night. He ended up landing badly on the railings in the central reservation. Game over!

    Both of these losses were total shockers!

    Ride with awareness of risk and do all to mitigate these, but most of all, I wish you good luck as sometimes no amount of defensive riding will prevent nasty accidents.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member

    all drivers become crap/rubbish drivers once pissed though.

    Not disagreeing (yet), but please do elaborate Junkyard

    Free Member

    I heard it on good authority, that if it was say, 3am and your wife went into labour, you could take her to hospital if you had consumed a little over the limit and get away with it (not that i'd drink much if the missus was about to drop).

    I bet in certain pressured emergeny situations, we'd all take that chance if it meant there was almost a certainty you would preserve another life at great risk. I think this would be considered a balanced action.

    Best policy is to drink nothing at all if you are driving, but one pint should keep you below the limit. Is it worth it though?

    I wonder how many people go out and have a skinfull and then drive to work the next morning after 5-6hrs of sleep, thinking they are below the limit. I bet there are hundreds who do this.

    I went to a company do years ago and everyone drove there. I went to bed at 4am after a long session, leaving a condsiderable number still drinking in the bar. By 9:30am the next morning most had left, or were about to. I hung around until 11:00am, but I was still concerned about my blood/alcohol levels. My advice if you need to drive within 7-8 hrs of a session; get a cab!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I didn't know we had small motorways? Are these a bit like dual carrigeways?

    Free Member

    Yes Macavity, watching Iggle Piggle and "In the Nigth Garden" is probably a better use of one's time.

    Free Member

    If you want a tablet PC, why not look at the alternatives. They'll be better specced, more easily supported and cheaper than Apple's "one application at a time" glossy overpriced tablet offering.

    Apple Corporation's uber expensive products are predominantly for the fashion conscious. You really don't need them other than to make a personal statement about yourself.

    Free Member

    In the morning before I go to work it seems News24 has nothing else to report. Why?

    Because they have become a bunch of fluffy sensationalist lightweights, unlike the BBC of old who reported factually and didn't seek to pad out the whole day with tittle tattle and repetition around a single news story.

    Yesterday I breifly watched the news at lunchtime, six hours later on, I watched the exact same newsreel. I guess they wanted to get off to the pub early coz it was Friday!

    The news we get to hear about in the UK is closely controlled and all the providers of the news have to toe the line. The BBC is no exception.

    Who knows what is really going on.

    Free Member

    And by the way, you're still a miserable c*nt.

    Sad how some people on this forum resort to abusing people who's opinion they don't agree with!

    Giving money to charity is a noble thing, however, if these organisations are anything like the shower that run the UK, there'll be no checks as to where the money goes. Didn't a huge chunk of the Live Aid money get diverted to buy weapons? 25 years on, is the situation there any better?

    The issue is to sort out the corrupt governments and civil unrest in the African sub-continent. Take Mugabe for example, he has systematically wrecked Zimbabwe, so why don't the African leaders get together and sort him out? Maybe they are all too comfortable with their luxuries funded by aid from the developed world.

    Free Member

    How did Vanessa Feltz on Radio London get omitted from this list? Takes the top spot for most annoying radio presenter of all time IMHO.

    Free Member

    This is not exclusive to local authorities or big companies. It's usually down to poor communication, no planning and incompetent people with big egos.

    And to think there are 100's if not 1000's of unemployed project managers.

    Considering the stupidity of the people who run these concerns, I am not surprized. They cannot admit they are useless and there is nobody to pull them up. Meanwhile a pile of great talent, time and money goes to waste.

    Unbelievable really!

    Free Member

    hora – Member

    Some people hate Thatcher so much they'ed support a murderous goverment.

    Over 100,000 civilians dead and counting in Iraq since 2003.

    Why dont people 'hate' Blair and Brown like they hate Thatcher? Wierd.

    At least Thatcher didn't lie about the reasons for going to war. Blair was far worse imho.

    Free Member

    What a dumb idea for a website!

    Free Member

    How much are you paying?

    Free Member

    You can get plug in replacements, but you may need to replace the plastic covers into which they connect (these are supplied with the plug in resettable fuses). An easy 5 minute job with an electrician's screwdriver and AFTER you turn off the main breaker. Always employ a qualified electrician if you are in any doubt.

    Free Member

    Two fingers, two eyes and a brain – properly used works well enough.

    Don't you also need arms and legs to ride a bike? 😆

    Free Member

    Sickly cherryade which tastes like a carbonated version of a cheap generic 1970's cough mixture. And to think some people actually mix this rubbish with alcohol!

    Free Member

    Sickly cherryade which tastes like a carbonated version of a cheap generic 1970's cough mixture. And to think some people actually mix this rubbish with alcohol!

    Free Member

    I would imagine (although a quick google doesn't turn up any figures) that mountain biking doesn't draw as many viewers

    I wouldn't want to watch that either, it's much more fun to do

    Like watching downhill racing in comparison to actually skiing. Very boring to watch.

    There are very few sports that are worth watching. Whilst I am no footy fan, this sport has the X factor (how cheesey, but true). Now will someone please have a word in the ear of the people deciding the future of the 2012 stadium in East London. Tell them that athletics is commercially a total non-starter, regardless of how passionate Seb Coe is about running!

    The olympics, whether summer or winter games is a waste of tax payers' money. They should wind it up and let commercial sport prevail.

    Free Member

    There's no such thing as hifi snobbery, just lofi stupidity. 😆

    Free Member

    A new consumer unit should cost you around £400 with RCB's, fitted.

    Free Member

    Its because the Mail and Telegraph want you to post links to their stories here every bloody day

    Do they only do this to stir people up on STW?

    Has STW's chat forum become a social barometer?

    I'm impressed!

    Free Member

    Yes, smoother is the way to go! Same applies to driving anything. Less hard acceleration, less hard braking, more planning ahead. Simple really, but testosterone always gets the better of some. All winning motoracing drivers/riders drive/ride smooth. Ask Jackie Stewart…..

    Free Member

    t®ibal©hief – Member

    Welcome to the world of high value sales, international travel, entertainment allowances and 6 figure paypackets being a ****.

    is your answer molgrips!

    PS, how did you strike through the text to make it so real tribal?

    Free Member

    Option 1: return them for a refund and buy a different make.

    If this fails..

    Option 2: Burn them!

    I once had some gloves made by Gill which stank like this after one use. It's not you, it's the gloves.

    Remember the stinky Nike trainer story? My son had some. We had to leave them outside thinking there was something wrong with the boy's feet. If only we'd known the cause at the time coz they cost a packet.

    It's to do with what they make the product with, not your personal hygiene.

    Free Member

    Will it feature lots of stolen goods?

    Free Member

    You're right, the olympics should be about what you want to watch on TV.

    How about porn on ice? 😆

    Free Member

    Stick to cars mate! I have a full bike license, but have read so many horror stories that I haven't bothered with a bike for years. When I was young and before I got my license, we were off these things more often than I care to remember. Quite a few broke limbs and too many died. Fortunately, I escaped with a few grazes and dented pride.

    ABS won't stop "Messrs Thicko and Son" pulling across your path on the way to work! 25 years ago, I worked with a guy in a wheelchair who had experienced this.

    So, if you can, stick to cars! The only circumstance where i'd buy a bike is to get through endless conjestion so as not to spend hours and hours commuting, but then is this even worth the risk? Probably not.

    If only riding motorcycles wasn't so much bloody fun!

    Free Member

    Oh we hope it's chips it's chips……. 😆

    Free Member

    Ebay , Paypal, it's all rubbish, so why bother? They have no customer service, they just take your money. I hate them! Ebay is like an online version of Loot – for the bottom tiers of society

    Free Member

    For hifi, think pure class a amplification and horn design speakers. Electrostatic speakers sound very realistic and natural, but need bolstering with a subwoofer. Not many people have rooms big enough for these however.

    Leaving all the hardware aside, Hell Freezes over by the Eagles is a good recording and so is Renee Olstead's album, Reneee Olstead. There are many others. If you have decent equipment, you'll find a lot of material thoroughly uninspiring and I find this quite frustrating at times.

    I sometimes wish I was one of the iPod generation where one thinks those little players deliver great sound quality. Nothing could be further from the truth however. MP3 is destroying HD audio (as they have now renamed it).

    Free Member

    Or maybe you have a cold coming on.

    Free Member

    Uninstall OVI and then try downloading again.

    Free Member

    Don't people in jobs like this have a predisposition to getting legless?

    Blaggers like this are why the country's industry is in such a mess.

    Sympathy from me: Zero!

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