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  • Podcast: Racing, Reform, and Rumours
  • Spongebob
    Free Member

    The GF has just bought white crud catchers, rear light and hat. The bike rims are white, as are the brakes and bits of the saddle. The rest is black with a few bits of green and yes, you’ve guessed it, white!.

    I’m not letting her juxtapose it to the kitchen units, or the coordinated green bars stools mind! 😉

    Free Member

    A Boolean rethink is required!

    Free Member

    £7? Seriously, get things in perspective mate!

    Divorce lawyers ripped me and my ex off to the tune of around £15k. £270/hr, but that’s insignificant compared to the emotional trauma some people to through.

    Losing loved ones blows money issues away, so forget the hassles you had with this company.

    You are allowing this to hurt you far more by getting so steamed up about it all.

    Look forward!

    Free Member

    But according to the Office of National Statistics, the last update (yesterday) stated that unemployment fell by 37,000 to around 2.5m!?

    That’s 37,000 reduction in unemployment!

    Free Member

    OMG! I’m very saddened to hear your news and have my sympathy! No need for apologies – if posting here helps you through this, then that’s totally fine. I hope our responses help a little, but expect you’ll be feeling numb for a while and that no words from anyone on here will “touch the sides”. Give your family lots of hugs.

    Free Member

    What is this garment for?

    Musto for me, but then I use mine on boats. They do keep you warm and dry, but not sure about breathability when you are really exerting yourself mine aren’t goretex, but a similar sort of PTFE thingy..

    For cycling, I would go for something with big vents – chest zips, underarm zips, back vents. Lightweight and packable. Reflective bits and rollaway hood.

    Rohan were big on trousers when I was into walking. They never appealed much, but the style has been copied by just about all outdoor clothing manufacturers.

    Choose a tech garment for the application, not the brand. There are many high quality, but obscure brands, so be different and start a trend!

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Humax are the biggest brand for PVR’S, so will most likely get the greatest number of recommendations. Doesn’t mean they are the best though. I have seen more than one LCD TV with a Humax Freeview HD box connected over HDMI and can confirm that the picture in SD is ropey. In HD it was acceptable, but seriously, my 10 year old Pace Twins with RGB connection obliterates the Humax boxes I’ve seen. Or perhaps the two LED backlit LCD TV’s were rubbish (Samsung and Panasonic) – I doubt it!

    The proof of the pudding is in the eating, so I won’t be buying another PVR until I’ve seen it in action.

    The big names were too slow to bring in dual tuners, assuming people would have bought a TV with Freeview built in. At that time, a set top box was the source of digital TV, so they lost out to Humax and the like.

    At the price the Sony is going for, I’d have a look.

    Day to day practicality matters, so there’s another good reason to try before you buy. Things like being able to skip a minute of video with the press of one button is extremely useful for skipping ads. Can you build a channel list and reorder the channels. Does the volume have variable output. Is there optical audio out. Can you archive to USB devices. Can you connect to a network and stream to other devices. Can you get iPlayer and other Smart TV functionality. These are some of the questions to ask, but if the user interface is unintuitive, slow, buggy, the device isn’t worth having.

    In my experience, the choice of quality hardware that has a good UI and that just worked, was very scarce last time I looked.

    I would start by scanning the net and build a short list. Then the hard bit, find an outlet that can demonstrate the devices. I’ve not found a single retailer that does this. If you do, please let me know.

    10 Freeview PVRs for starters

    Free Member

    After the way the copper behaved over this matter, “pleb” is a fitting description for the guy! Honesty is a vital attribute for a police officer, so if they lie and cheat, they MUST be removed from their post! A Policeman who lies is therefore no better than a pleb!

    And we had to endure the whining weasel Miliband repeatedly trying to score cheap points against the Conservative/Liberal party, like it was his sole mission in life. He banged on about it for weeks, but was proved to be entirely wrong! Have we had an apology for the slating of Andrew Mitchell? No chance! Laughably, Miliband has the nerve to brand the coalition the nasty party! Complete hypocrisy!

    I’m sure my kids and the rest of their generation will despise this man and his party, for the huge taxes they will be paying throughout their lives, for the profligate behaviour of the Labour Party after the British electorate were stupid enough to vote them into power many years ago!

    The incompetence and waste of the Labour Party in their last term was unparalleled. It amazes me that they still have the audacity to pretend they might be a viable alternative to the current administration. You’d have to be either stupid, or mad to support that shower!

    Free Member

    Call Hayley Tnk of Almary Green.

    I lucked out in choosing her – excellent advisor!

    She has recently been awarded accolade of UK’s No.1 independent Chartered Financial Planner!

    UK Chartered Financial Planner

    Free Member

    Cave dwellers are people too!

    Free Member

    Get Apple, or forever be last in the queue for things like this.

    Apple devices are the number one focus for all businesses.

    It’s not fair, but it’s like cops nicking people for speeding; they know they’ll make more in fines if they pick the busiest roads.

    So companies providing apps and accessories for smart phones choose Apple because they have the most customers, by far.

    It might be different in a few years though, so that’s when you consider alternatives.

    Free Member

    I used to be one of two or three in my road that used to shovel snow, but don’t bother now.

    Next door neighbour moaned about the piles I made, but then his missus took a tumble on the ice on their driveway/adjacent pavement.

    Some woman said I’d get sued if someone slipped on the bit I’d cleared!? How stupid!

    Lazy, the lot of them!

    Free Member

    Cheers guys! 😀

    Free Member

    stevied – Member
    Expensive women tend to be colour coordinated? Black or silver nipples?

    Expensive matching French lace bra and knickers was what I had in mind. 😕

    Free Member

    They might not realise everyone loves them and then top themselves or get a job in public sector or something.


    You are awesome Samurai!


    Free Member

    I bet they replaced a conventional boiler with a combi (very badly) and just plumbed it into what was already there.


    Free Member

    (Already have directional cables made from plaited unicorn’s pubes, thanks.)

    Is that Unicorn Pube Mk1 or Unicorn Pube Mk1 SE?

    Free Member

    >giving birth to a Jacobean table leg.,<

    Quote of the day!


    And a table leg that has been up there since Jacobean times, hmmm, the aroma!

    Free Member

    It’s the psychological pressure firms put on staff to get higher productivity. At first you throw yourself into it and achieve much more, then you get a mediocre appraisal, so try a bit harder. After a few years of it, you just humour them. They don’t care about you, it’s just a game of exploitation. The realisation that you are of little value to them makes you feel hurt, then angry. It’s the same in most companies these days. Work used to be much easier many years ago. You felt so much more valued and not under so much pressure. Computers have got in the way, making simple quick tasks painful and protracted. The red tape and systems of dubious value one has to use makes life much more difficult.

    Free Member

    augustey – please mate hang in there..

    A shockingly bad choice of word!

    Free Member

    My mum boils chicken carcass to make stock, then adds veg to make a soup etc. She then leaves it on her hob for a day or so and reheats before each helping. Personally, I think that’s nuts and have told her she’ll get food poisoning if she doesn’t store in the fridge, but she says it’s fine so long as you heat it through thoroughly. Now who am I to argue, she is 83 and has been doing this for years without being ill once.

    Free Member

    PS, tell your customer that he should use built in appliances so you can fit matching panels. If not, it will look really crxp with the white goods juxtaposition! He may as well buy cheap flatpack stuff if the appliances aren’t hidden.

    Free Member

    As you are using someone else’s machinery, there’s no cost to you, but be careful. This is the sort of thing which cold raise eyebrows and you could end up in trouble. It’s your call to work out what the risk is on that.

    In terms of time, double it and add 10% as we are all hopeless optimists. That’s what I always find when estimating jobs like this (done a lot of joinery work, both for myself and commercially).

    Christians make nice fronts on bog standard chipboard carcasses. Well that’s what it looked like when I scrutinised their showroom examples.

    I was set to build my own Christian copy kitchen as I’d got all the machinery and done the rest of the house, but mother in law butted in on the situation, saying her daughter should have a new kitchen installed before the arrival of our second child. As she was paying, I let them get on with it, but we ended up with £10500 worth of troublesome mediocre blandness. It’s now ready for the skip.

    My bespoke job would have been vastly better and refinishing easy because hand painting is the accepted norm for top end kitchens like the one shown in Christians.

    Free Member

    Or get the same laxative the medical profession issue the day before they perform a colonoscopy.

    Two litres of water with this lemon flavoured powder mixed in. Then another 2 litres more of this stuff – eww!

    I found it difficult to swallow – tasted disgusting.

    Then sometime later, the floodgates open. Flood as in water. Actually, “eruption” is a better word to describe the event!

    Has you clean through in no time.

    I think it might be good to fast for a day or so, before filling back up with the processed toxic waste that masquerades as food these days – food manufacturers will sell any rubbish they can get away with. Giving your system a short rest can nay be a good thing.

    Free Member

    Get Spokecalc excel sheet off the net. Look up your hub and rim. If its a rear, make sure you know which side. The Spokecalc sheet will give you the exact length.

    Free Member

    The Spongebob bachelor pad will have a dedicated pie oven – the homemade ones – I’ve 25 years of homemade pie deprivation to catch up on!

    Free Member

    Get it powder coated. I estimate £25-30 to coat a stripped frame and the end result will be like new.

    I’ve done two bikes like this. Just about to get another one done.

    Free Member

    I wonder if women who use chicken fillets to pad out their bra’s ever eat these and if so, whether they run the tap over them first.

    Brings a whole new slant on the term “packed lunch”

    Free Member

    Nah, leave the roof. Always like to see cars with snowhicans. It’s like a faster version of Buckaroo, waiting to see at which point it all goes flying off.

    So what happens when you brake and a large slab of melting snow totally obscures your windscreen?

    Free Member

    +1 for winter tyres.

    I shall get a set put on aftermarket rims to save the annual inconvenience, risk of damage and expense of going to a garage.

    Just a small matter of money though.

    Free Member

    I guess that means nobody has even heard of these.

    Free Member

    Wow Spongebob, you must have one hell of a disfunctional relationship with women.

    No, just the one very sanctimonious conceited one I was unfortunate enough to have married! 😉

    A new woman has helped me immensely in realising that my ex was more the exception than the rule (although the battle-scars remind me to be cautious).

    Free Member

    Ive ten years experience visiting the following: Chamonix – Le Tour, Argentiere, Les Brevieres, Les Houches, Vallorcine, Mont Troc, Finhaut, Martigny, St Gervais, Megeve, Les Arcs/La Plagne, Villar Roger, Les Gets and Flaine.

    Get a Pierre et Vacances, or private chalet. Chamonix or Bourg Saint Maurice are excellent bases.

    Tape up your frame to protect the finish – cable cars get rammed with bikes and this is when your expensive bike will get ruined..

    Take plenty of spares as things will break and local bike shops really mug you, not to mention the lost time out for repairs.

    Respect the dangers of the mountain, make sure you are adequately insured and go carefully – helicopters are expensive (as my mate discovered).

    Find out which lifts are running and which days, before you plan an itinerary.

    Pay me to guide you for a week! 😉

    Free Member

    This is fun! 😆

    Free Member

    My brother-in-law hung himself two years ago shortly after my sister dumped him for another man. There were many unanswered questions, not to mention feelings of guilt.

    My soon to be ex-wife counselled him the day before he died and I know this affected her greatly, because she had been convinced she was so good at helping people in this way – she did this a great deal in her job. She would never admit her failure, nor did I ever suggest/imply failure, but she felt great guilt and this was as a whole load of ugly rifts opened up within my side of the family. My wife, with her well intentioned counselling hat on, became entangled..

    I tried not to get caught up in it as was battling with a very difficult work situation after a lengthy spell without work. I was just getting on with it and not trying to repeatedly rake over all the unanswerable questions.

    It was inevitable that I’d cop a load of flack and got accused of all sorts, without any justification or good reason. I have a criminal psychologist friend who explained what was probably going on my wife’s head. Basically, the behaviour of my wife was an attempt at blame/guilt transference. Too much analytical jargon for the likes of me!!

    My marriage was not good after three previous deaths between our respective families and suffice it to say, the marriage has now ended and I’ll soon be out on my ear.

    I believe suicide rates in men are down to public attitudes towards what is acceptable behaviour for specific genders. Eg. A woman can wear her heart on her sleeve, she can scream, cry, discuss her feelings at length etc etc. She can do all of this with no,repercussion because she is viewed as “the weaker sex” and it is expected. So its green lights all round for them and everyone will make allowances/be sympathetic.

    If a man behaves like this, he’ll be berated as being weak. His partner will have no patience and will swiftly end up castigating him, often mercilessly humiliating him in front of friends and family. We are strong of course, so therefore it is ok to lay in to us, we can take it (to a point, but we do actually have feelings). A man expressing his feelings and letting it all out is NOT acceptable, so we most of us shut up and put up, even when our ears are routinely bent. We manage our stresses by not talking about them and pretending they don’t exist. We busy ourselves with other things.

    What sends me nuts is when women sneer at us, saying how we aren’t in touch with our emotions, how dysfunctional we men are. It’s one rule for them, and one rule for us. They are totally unsympathetic, but virtually demand sympathy when the boot is on the other foot. A rather gaping lack of empathy on the part of women. Herein lies the problem, if you want my humble opinion!

    Free Member

    Click lock stuff is so easy and quick to fit. You need a mitre saw, a chop saw and a jigsaw though.

    Free Member

    Pay off your overdraft. Leave the credit card out of it and stop using that too.

    Taking money out of a hole in the wall from a credit card account usually incurs interest payments from that point in time and possibly on any outstanding balance. Never draw money on a credit card.

    Free Member

    “Job Losses Increasing” – give us the official figures then!

    Free Member

    Although these firms were big names and it all sounds gloomy, the actual numbers who have lost their jobs is minuscule in the big picture of the 30m or so of working people in the UK.

    Jessops didn’t fail because of the recession, they failed because people have discovered that smart phones are a perfectly adequate replacement for a compact camera and that online businesses without a chain of expensive retail outlets can undercut them on all counts. I was surprised that they lasted so long given that electical/electronics chains closed nearly all of their small shops several years ago.

    HMV failed because they were expensive compared to online etailers such as Amazon and many punters who demand instant gratification no longer buy material in hard copy.

    HMV and Jessops were victims of the rise of the Internet and changing habits. Nothing else.

    As for the armed forces, they are a big overhead to the tax payer and many services personnel know that they are only going to be signed up for a finite time. Sorry, I know there is a moral issue here – young men risking their necks in Afghanistan and other dangerous places, then coming home to join the dole queues. The plus side is that they are very highly trained disciplined people, so these top people should not have any difficulty getting hired in civvy street. The cost increased costs in paying benefits for servicemen in the short term will be a fraction of what we spent on them and their military units.

    Rolls Royce cuts are pertaining to military hardware cuts. Another huge saving for the tax payer – all of us. Keeping that going purely for the benefit of the business and it’s employees would be a prime example of loopy socialism at play.

    Yes, public spending is way out of control and our economy is in a mess. The solution is making things for export, but we need to be competitive with the likes of China and India. Very difficult!

    If we had strong exports and a burgeoning economy, we could afford to keep a larger military, but we don’t, so the rational best thing to do is to cut spending.

    It’s a tough world, so you have to MTFU and adapt!

    Free Member

    I’ve just bought a couple of 3 SIMS with 3GB of pre-loaded data for £11 each and last 3 months
    Just started using it but seems to be quite stable so far
    Worth trying at that price

    The Three website is asking £20.50 for the same, so where did you get yours please?

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