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    Free Member

    Can someone translate this into English please?

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Teh worlds most annoyuing person? Th supervising architect on my building restoration. HE IS A COCKWEASEL OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Lip beard, SAAB, social skills of a gnat, sense of a tree stump. more bullshit that a beef farm.

    I have made formal complaint about him and told his employers he is not welcome on my property again. toady he asks for access ( no written notice but a knock on the door) he then tries to tell me that my proeprty is actually communal.


    Free Member

    OH FFS! Now Trinnie is on and they are talking about clothes.

    Switching off!

    Free Member

    I hate Kylie.

    Gimme Dani, she’s hot!

    Free Member

    under the various acts that govern this sort of thing muslims are considered a race and are given the same protection.

    Which is more than slightly barmy! Muslims come from all different races. These two groups are quite different. This generalisation could in fact be seen as an insult by muslims!

    There should be a clear distinction between these two very different crimes.

    Posting videos like burning religious books was clearly done to upset people and for this, the culprits should be punished, but as to what the punishment should be, I don’t really know. It definitely ain’t racist though!

    If these “various acts governing this sort of thing” are so general, you may as well lump in any so called minority group. You could then be called a racist for discriminating against lesbians/gays! (if you were a narrow minded homophobe).

    Race and religion are two separate entities, but linked by culture.

    Culture? Define that in Britain today? Impossible! We have 186 languages spoken in the London Borough of Newham for just one example. Which one shall we choose? Which culture of which country? How will we avoid upsetting one or several of those minorities?

    We have a rich language, so why not use it’s vocabulary to describe what we actually mean instead of confusing the hell out of people and potentially criminalising those who haven’t yet caught up with all the political correctness!

    Religous hatred – one type of crime
    Racial hatred – another type of crime

    Both very wrong, but not the same!

    Free Member

    noteeth – Member

    I’d be annoyed if somebody burnt my back issues of Bike.

    But you wouldn’t give a stuff if i burned my own copies. Would you?

    Free Member

    If they are up for insighting racial hatred, they’ll not be convicted because this was religious hatred.

    Personally, I can’t see why anyone would get so upset by a bunch of total strangers willfully destroying their own property, but then it’s funny how religion often affects the mind!

    Free Member

    Yes! The world is a huge place and there would be plenty of places that were completely unaffected, where I could start a new life.

    How would you get there?

    Tricky, but by sailing boat. Would need food and water. Canned food wouldn’t be a lot of fun, but would get me out of the danger zone. The issue would be finding uncontaminated water and avoiding excessive radiation from fallout. Seawatermakers wouldn’t be a lot of use until you were way outside the fallout zone. It would be scary and difficult, but i’d take my chances.

    A waterproof solar powered gieger counter would be handy! 😆

    Free Member

    “mytyres” was the cheapest when I replaced a tyre last week. You get free delivery then spend £15 at an approved local garage for fitting.

    The previous time, the cheapest was through a mobile fitting service. They turn up in a van and do it where your car is, so no time and fuel wasted driving to garages. Very convenient!

    I checked them out this time, but they were nowhere near competitive on price. Maybe still worth it for the convenience though.

    Free Member

    I did it especially for you TJ. I knew you’d rise to it! 😈

    Oh, and btw, I agree with you about the sale of council houses causing a shortage. However, it is not this alone that has caused the pressure on local authorities to provide cheap dwellings.

    Free Member

    I used to repair computers for a living (for over 20 years). Prior to that I was an MOD standard fitter/wireman.

    If you remove the motherboard battery, it’s worth noting all the BIOS settings first. Maybe these setting have been corrupted due to the battery being depleted. Can you get the correct settings from Eclipse to verify yours?

    If you knock the machine and it’s state changes, you have a loose connection which could possibly be in the form of a dry joint. It could also be a seating problem, but you say you have reseated all the boards. Did you miss anything because it didn’t seem relevant?

    Inspect the motherboard solder joints very carefully and also the reset/power on button assy. Try metering out the switch to see if it’s actually working properly.

    Dry joints can exist with the tiniest hairline crack, so take your time and look very closely. If a joint looks a bit iffy, just quickly rerun it using a well wetted clean iron (not loaded with solder though). Be quick, especially near chip capacitors, or you run the risk of them leaching.

    It seems that you have eliminated the PSU by replacing it, but check the pins on the motherboard where the PSU connects. This would be the most likely place to find a dry joint responsible for causing the symptoms you describe.

    Please let us know the outcome. Experience maketh a better engineer!

    Free Member

    No moaning about bikes being in the kitchen, mess everywhere, maps strewn across the dining table, no more hiding frames/forks in the wardrobe etc etc etc.

    C’mon cinnamon_girl, you must surely be talking about a man’s behaviour and your reaction to it, not vice versa!?

    Free Member

    Stop no 1 – CAB.

    Get their advice on how to make a claim for compensation from your ex. and especially on spousal maintenance, who gets custody of the children etc. You also need to find out what your entitlements are. You need professional advice! Some law firms do free advice sessions via the CAB. Worth a punt.

    Aside from this, i’m pretty sure if you make yourself intentionally homeless you’ll not get help, so be very careful if you are considering this.

    Getting a council house is your best bet, then buy it when you are able to.

    I wouldn’t bank on the right to buy as there is tremendous demand for local authority funded housing. The rules are likely to change and it’s morally wrong to deprive other needy people of a cheap place to live. The whole area of entitlement to council housing is under question right now. For example, should a family who find themselves with a good income be forced to move out of subsidised housing? There are a lot of immigrants who arrived here homeless and have legitimately jumped the queue because of their needy circumstances. The average waiting list for a council house for someone currently homed is five years! If only the system was a bit more fair and we hadn’t let anyone rock up here without means to support themselves. It should be people like odannyboy getting help, not some eastern european! (expecting the usual loony left backlash – bring it on!)

    We do need more council housing because of the ridiculous property price bubble which has grown way beyond the official rate of inflation. People can’t live in carboard boxes!

    Second choice is a housing association property.

    It will take a long time to get a deposit to buy a property and with two kids to take care of, £23k is not enough. If you get a settlement from your ex, this might help and especially if you get spousal maintenance.

    My best mate’s ex gets £2k a month from him, for herself and the three kids, but her circumstances are different. She works for herself, but doesn’t draw a salary. Doesn’t make sense to me how she fiddles that.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    Yes! The world is a huge place and there would be plenty of places that were completely unaffected, where I could start a new life.

    Free Member

    Stop trolling, if you want one buy one, if you dont then dont buy one, simples, if you can’t afford one dont moan about it, simples ?

    Not trolling and, if I was mad enough, i could go and buy dozens of these.

    If they were a sensible price and a bit more flexible, I would buy one. I’m just exasperated at the disproportionate price.

    I’m going to get a Compaq 311c Netbook as it has decent nVidia ION graphics performance with HDMI out, 100GB more storage than the largest iPad, 11″ screen and great battery life. All for £240 (delivered).

    Free Member

    jam bo – Member

    I heard you can get full UKHO marine charts for them for just £30.

    i doubt that. certainly not legitimate ones. Try £30 a chart…

    Reading an article in this month’s Practical Boat Owner mag, someone is saying that he has compared the charts working on an iPad with his expensive dedicated chart plotter which accepts the same charts which come on a storage card and which cost around £160 each.

    They had a response from the Apple store and the chart supplier which confirmed that the iPad product was a bit of a giveaway, but highighted that an iPad is of limited use as a chartplotter due to various factors.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a macbook which I use for programming in Java and web (PHP, javascript etc) and its the best piece of kit I’ve ever had. I don’t think I’m stupid, but you obviously know better.

    So you couldn’t get a top spec Microsoft PC for 30% less and do the same thing on it?

    Free Member

    I cycle commute a lot in winter – would second whoever said it’s car drivers that are the problem, and their total failure to pay any extra care and attention by looking harder/longer, driving a bit slower or anticipating increased stopping distance, that are the main problems !

    Car drivers aren’t the problem, they are part of the makeup of public roads!

    They don’t need to anticipate increased stopping distances as they have four wheels and are heavier.

    I have a strong recollection when I was young and first switched from a 250cc motorcycle to a small car. It was warm and dry and I didn’t have to get togged up in layers of protective clothing. I didn’t have to wear a sweaty stinking crach helmet. One used to arrive needing a hair wash and a change of clothes, especially footwear.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love bikes. I did my DAS 3 years ago and fully intend to get another machine, but for commuting in cold wet weather, a car wins out over a bike by a country mile for comfort and safety. The only reason I would choose a bike is if my route to work involved miles of traffic jams and very expensive parking at my place of work.

    Free Member

    It needs to be cancelled as there will be insufficient accommodation.

    The atheletes village is a shambles and the organisers should be brought to account.

    Free Member

    Looks more like the structure below the stairs is subsiding. Hope not!

    Free Member

    Cheers IA! Bet it doesn’t have fully supported BBC iPlayer tho.

    Free Member

    It’s a scam alright! Nothing to do with Microsoft. Put the phone down next time they call.

    Free Member

    If only the iTunes UI was as good as those of the Apple portable device’s!

    Free Member

    Isn’t the gift that keeps giving when the chilli sauce takes revenge on your digestive system overnight?

    Lightweight! 😈

    Free Member

    Just buy a small car!

    Free Member

    A simple two way rocker switch is all you need!

    Free Member

    I’d keep my PC hard drive capacity at an optimum for my needs, rather than have too much capacity. I would also recommend using a NAS for backup and storage and this is where I would aim to have my high capacity storage (not without some level of RAID Protection).

    Higher capacity storage = higher density = higher tolerances. Higher tolerances = higer risk of failure. I would therefore expect a 1Tb drive to have a shorter life than 0.5Tb as any surface defect would be more likely to span more tracks/greater relative surface area on the disc formatted at the higher density. The bigger drive is more likely to suffer an unrecoverable I/O error as a result.

    These higher capacity units on average will probably last long enough for most people in normal domestic conditions(3 years or so), but I think the risk of premature failure is higher.

    As user of laptops as a tool of my trade (large systems engineer), they were bounced around whilst travelling on the road, exposed to frequent swings in temperatures and generally hammered. I can tell you that the incidence of HDD failure was well below 3 years. This was with much smaller disc capacities tha 500Mb.

    So whilst it sounds great having a terrabyte in one enclosure, the risk is that you could loose a lot more data. The best solution is lots of smaller discs in an array. Having a solid state disc in your laptop is the ideal, but these are expensive right now.

    Free Member

    Never voluntarily listened to him!

    I experienced 20 mins of him and his team whilst being given a lift one morning.

    I was surprized that R1 are still using that contrived old 80’s style format, whereby the main presenter is supported by a chirpy female co-presenter. Crass and boring!

    I wouldn’t choose to listen to this drivel if you paid me.

    I reckon the BBC should have left pirate radio to it all those years ago! Think how much money that would have saved the tax payer. £600k to present a radio show? WTF!

    Free Member

    They all seem as bad as each other – get over it and go and ride your bike while the sun is still shining.

    I just did thanks.

    Why is it that socialists always revert to personal abuse of the people they don’t agree with? I feel honoured to be singled out so often, it’s inspirational! 😈

    Actually, “BigButSlimmerBloke”, I could take your spelling of my name “Spongebrain” as a compliment! Afterall, I do absorb a great deal of what is going on around me, especially here and the misguided repeated diatribes against the Conservative party.

    Free Member

    The STW servers don’t have adequate disk capacity for us to list about all the Labour sleaze and the successive mistakes they made!

    My point was that Tony Blair banged on about erradicating sleaze. It was a key election manifesto pledge and he and his party spectacularly failed to deliver on this promise!

    I did not say the Conservatives were perfect, of course they’re not (are any politicians?).

    Free Member

    Still using my 5800 and have had it for 17 months now. Skyfire is a good free web browser (supports nearly all flash video content on web pages), but i have Nokia’s own and Opera installed too. I use wifi and mobile internet connections now. BBC iPlayer is a big plus for me. Not many phones will support full iPlayer services i.e. being able to download and replay several programmes at your convenience. Battery life is great, music player is fab as is the FM radio. Built in GPS gives free Nokia satnav route voice guidance and I have Sportstracker, Googlemaps and Viewranger OS maps installed. All work very well. Replaceable memory and battery are nice touches along with the now common 3.5mm headphone jack socket.

    The capacitve screen isn’t brilliant, looks are clunky and it still occasionally gets it’s knickers in a twist, but it was the first ever Nokia touchscreen phone. It’s also very keenly priced compared to some newer phones.

    I am hoping the forthcoming Nokia N8 will have all the same functionality and a slightly better UI. It certainly looks much better and is slimmer (always a good thing).

    Android handsets are definitely on my radar though.

    Free Member

    Can we have pics of the process? (and the finished article)

    Free Member

    Can you get foam similar to what they use for sleeping mats? Stick it to the metalwork with a strong damp and heat resistant adhesive. Marine stuff like Sikaflex would be best I reckon.

    Free Member

    But didn’t Tony promise us the end of sleaze? (repeatedly)

    Free Member

    Major Sleaze years

    All these were about was Edwina Currie dropping her knickers so she could write a book about it and make a few quid.

    This pales into insignificance compared to the scandal over Dr David Kelly, as one example!

    Anyway, who in their right mind would want to do her??? John Major must have got the wrong prescription for his glasses. 😈

    Free Member

    Stryker millibrand

    😆 Great link!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    There’s no point trying to appeal to tradidtional Labour voters because they’ll vote Labour anyway.

    I think you’ll find that most of them didn’t bother last time out

    Cool! 😈

    Free Member

    Ah the bliss of having to decide which “nice to have” item to buy next.

    I remember those days, when I had a regular income.

    Conversely, life is a lot simpler when you have more clarity in your life brought about by limited funds.

    The other advantage is that you don’t end up with a drawer full of expensive, but redundant obsolete gadgets!

    No more Bleeding Edge syndrome!

    Free Member

    Looks a bit too phallic!

    Free Member

    No outstanding candidate. they are all so bland!

    I can’t agree with that!

    It’s very true, the Milliband’s are far too geeky, too middle class. I guess they might appeal to young IT workers.

    The Labour party can forget trying to appeal to the middle classes as this group has had a enough of this party over the past 13 years! They overwhelmingly voted with thier feet recently (and quite rightly so).

    There’s no point trying to appeal to tradidtional Labour voters because they’ll vote Labour anyway.

    I don’t agree that Labour are unelectable however. We face painful times ahead thanks to the last “shower” who were in power, but people have short memories and will blame who ever is in government at the time the axe falls. I certainly wouldn’t want to be in Clegg/Cameron’s shoes! Their job is almost impossible.

    In four years time, the feeling in the country could be quite different to today. IF Labour got back in and started to run up debt again, I trully believe the UK would be finished and it would end up with around the same economic ranking as some of the countries of the former Soviet Union.

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