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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day 10
  • Spongebob
    Free Member

    Service interval used to be 60k miles.

    The dealer said the new one I had fitted by them would need to be replaced at 45k miles.

    So VAG reduced the interval for some reason.

    Perhaps they had too many fail before 60k.

    Who knows.

    Free Member

    and Brown’s (Balls) both failed to make the cut.


    Free Member

    In particular what is the mechanism that enabled the unions to swing the vote in his favour?

    They unions are the Labour Party aren’t they?

    Well they are the one’s who fund the party.

    Free Member


    Don’t you mean “Milibastards!”

    Free Member

    Quality stuff is that Apprentice (NOT!)

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Artistic value = ZERO!!! 😆

    Free Member

    This has nothing to do with banning smoking, but is all about stopping a smoker taking the pxxs out of their non-smoking colleagues by sloping off numerous times throughout the day, disrupting everyone’s work!

    It’s about each member of a team making an equal contribution and being available to enable work to progress.

    In my book, this is the same as turning up late for your shift.

    I worked in an office where several of the team spent at least an hour a day outside having a puff. This caused a lot of problems for the project I was responsible for. After a series of easily avoidable delays I mentioned this to one of them, but I was met with a rather caustic response. Then followed a weak and irrational argument that smokers continue to work when they are outside (yeah right!). He then went on to describe what a bigot is. I just smiled as the guy knew his argument held no water and I really had nothing to add. The arrogance of his response was clear to all and he showed his true colours. This reaffirmed my beilief that drug takers of any kind are irrational selfish beings who will do anything to justify their habit!

    So, yes, docking pay for people who go absent throughout the day is reasonable. Perhaps even too reasonable, because, in my opinion, this doesn’t solve the problem of smokers being absent and therefore preventing the rest of the team functioning efficiently.

    In my next role, I pray that I won’t have too many smokers to accommodate!

    Free Member

    M6TTF – Member

    I’d get the Jazz instead of the Civic. It’s like a reTardis.

    We aren’t talking Audi money here and this recommendation sounds entirely appropriate for the brief, but if you had actually driven the current Jazz, I know you wouldn’t be mocking.

    Remember, it’s only a compact practical car, not an extension of your manhood! 😆

    Free Member

    Check out “Keen”. They are uber-comfortable, but don’t take my word for it, go try some and make up your own mind.

    Free Member

    thedyslexic1 – Member

    over the past 5 days i have been having the worse luck ever. i was changing my cranks on my mmmbop and it ended in the bb being cross threaded!!!! then on saturday my breaks on my pickup went costing over £400!!!! then today at work luck was on my side for a change as i got my new company car which was really nice as A6’s are. then with only 120miles on the clock bang into a pri*k which thinks it is ok to park at the bottom of a slip road!!!!! now i have no private car or work one and a painful neck and a massive cut arcoss my knee at least it is my bad luck for a while hopefully.

    rant over

    I thought you were going to say you got fired. Then you discovered one of your children has an incurable terminal disease and you were about to be made homeless.

    Sorry to soumd unsympathetic, but whatever happens, there is always someone worse off than yourself.

    We all have episodes of minor bad luck, but just look around you FFS!

    The car will get fixed, the neck and knee will get better and you now have up to date serviceable brakes on your private vehicle. You also have the luxury of monthly pay cheques to pay for your brakes and to have the frame of your bike repaired/replaced.

    Think: Glass half full!

    Free Member

    I’d get the Jazz instead of the Civic. It’s like a Tardis.

    Free Member

    I keep hearing how the coalition are cutting too hard, too swiftly.

    Did I miss the announcement, or is it next month that we’ll actually find out?

    BTW, my neighbour, a high flying in pharmaceuticals expert who lead trials on new drugs was laid of by Glaxo Smithkline just before the election. He lost his job due to downturn in the business due to the recession and because of punitive taxes imposed on business by the last administration. When Glaxo and Smithkline Beecham merged, there was a degree of replication. Because of this, the firm decided to shut his department.

    His skills are rare and so are the global number of jobs at his level. After a long period of uncertainty, he took a job in Singapore. He left the UK in late August with his wife who is also a pharmaceuticals professional and his three exceptionally gifted kids.

    Proper brain drain is that!

    Free Member

    Honda Jazz 1.4ES is a great car. Hold’s it’s value superbly.

    Free Member

    Shameful behaviour!

    He should be stripped of his peerage and Cameron should have a word and suggest he pays the tax!

    Free Member

    There should be a version for women. of a large male member.

    Imagine the sight in a large call centre with all the girls enjoying their mousepads.

    It’s all in the wrist action! 😀

    Free Member

    I think they said they cut 15St’s worth of fatty tissue off the 73St in one operation, but he did manage to loose 12st in crash dieting.

    Proper scary!

    Free Member

    10 people struggling to move the 73st guy.

    When they rolled him on his side he couldn’t breathe.

    They had to cut him out of his house with a chainsaw and then use a winch to get his trolley up the ramp into the ambulance.

    Free Member

    My experience with my elderly mum is that she’s finding it increasingly more difficult to operate a PC. She’s owned and used one regularly for longer than I have, so it’s a bit distressing watching this regression.

    The biggest hurdle is getting through to her that a PC is not something to be feared. You have to dip your toe in the water in order to learn. Maybe you just need to build her confidence and helo her with some basic tutorials. Give her the chance to may a few notes in a booklet so she can refer to this when she gets in a muddle. You just need to invest some time really.

    My advice is to become fully au fait with anthing you decide to get for her because you will be the one she comes to frequently for first line support. Also, if you have the same machine at your finger tips, you can talk her through things over the phone. I’ve done this many times with my mum.

    I’ve only had limited use of an iPad and haven’t tried web browsing. I’m sure it won’t be too daunting, probably easier than any PC, but why don’t you go to your nearest iStore, have a play with one and then decide?

    Free Member

    Who spunks IRO £1K on a TV, and then relies upon the standard speakers?

    The vast majority of people who but these sets!

    Sure, they may well have a surround set up of some sort for movie viewing, but who wants to watch the news in Dolby 5.1?

    Free Member

    They cost from £1500 in JL. I expect you’ll get them for less elsewhere.

    Free Member

    I saw two 3D sets in action yesterday, both Sony. I was not impressed!

    First off, both sets produced a very noticeable flickering effect, especially when wearing the supplied polarizing glasses.

    One set was showing psuedo/simulated 3d of a live footy broadcast. It just looked a bit fuzzy and the 3D element was barely noticeable – FAIL!.

    I then saw the other set which was playing a BlueRay disc. The depth of field was there, but the margins of characters in the foreground were out of focus. This is £1500 technology and £500 sets blow it away – FAIL!

    Then I looked at a standard HD TV in all it’s pin sharp glory and wondered why anyone would bother blowing a huge pile of money on such a gimmick as 3D. And who’d want to wear numpty goggles to watch TV?

    I’m absolutely convinced it won’t catch on!

    3D TV – FAIL!

    Aside from that, LCD TV still can’t handle motion (HD or SD). You get a fuzzy mess until the display goes static – FAIL.

    Plasma sets faired a lot better, but weren’t perfect.

    I looked at a wide range of sets and found the cheapest one viewed from a realistic distance was no worse than the most expensive.

    These thin LED sets offer low power consumption and better aesthetics, but the sound they produce is nasty and these sets are expensive – FAIL.

    Pursuing HD video has clearly become subject to “The Emperor’s New Clothes” effect!

    If you are buying a new flat panel TV, go for the cheapest 1080p set and look for one which has the distinctly low res internet TV capability.

    Free Member

    mrmichaelwright – Member

    get a Polish person to do it, generally far better work ethic, mind you a lot of Polish workers seem to have now embraced the fine british arts of laziness and sloppy workmanship

    GET A BRITSH CITIZEN TO DO IT! (any race, colour or creed)

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member

    immeasurably more capable Oona King

    Who, as MP for Tower Hamlets, oversaw the destruction of virtually all Further Adult Education in the borough, as well as much of the land grab in Docklands by greedy corporations, while doing nothing to address the enormous need for Social Housing.

    Blairite stooge who supported the illegal invasion of Iraq. Career politician with little or no consideration for the vast majority of local residents, instead more interested in furthering her own career and using her position and influence to help out her own friends. Used her media connections to wage a dirty publicity campaign against her successor, George Galloway.

    I’ve got the right to say all this as someone negatively affected by her selfish and divisive policies.

    Dirty bastard.

    And don’t get me started on that racist hypocrite Diane Abbot….

    Which left wing politicians DO you like then?

    May I recommend one of these…… 😆

    Free Member

    Nice one BigButDimmerBloke!

    Anyhow, what do people think about the result?

    Free Member

    Foxstat HDR is a good box. Needs two aerial feeds, so twin LNB minimum.

    Free Member

    If you do plan to ride in by tube, check the TFL website beforeheand to make sure the line you will be using isn’t scheduled for a restricted service. If a section of line is closed and a replacement bus service is in place (common at weekends), it’ll take forever to get where you are going.

    Train from the suburbs would be the best way to go. Free parking in London at weekends is not easy (if impossible). You really have to know the local geography.

    Free Member

    We had a useless Biology teacher who couldn’t keep control of the class. He eventually decided to leave and work elsewhere.

    I actually don’t think we gave him much of a hard time and discipline wasn’t really that bad, but maybe I was wrong on that because only 9 out of over 100 across four classes in my year passed their O Level later that year.

    When he left, he announced to the class that I wouldn’t have a “cat in hell’s chance” of passing my exam. I was slightly bemused at his personal attack as we had always seemed to get along. It was probably because I didn’t feel like my efforts/abilities were ever recognised by him (coz he was so useless at his job) and this definitely affected my attitude in class.

    Anyhow, I was one of the 9 who passed.

    Free Member

    Lego is no longer any good!

    When I was young I had Lego and made endless creations. Creativity was central to the whole experience.

    These days Lego comes in the form of complicated kits with a million specific pieces, with instructions which dictate a difficult sequence of assembly, with any mistakes made along the way causing frustration and disappointment. With old Lego, there was no right or wrong, no success or failure, just creativity and adventure.

    These modern kits have sucked the fun out of the experience for youngsters, but it’s OK for Lego because they charge such high prices for these kits and they know the Lego experienced dad’s will enjoy the challenge.

    If you buy one of these, my advice is throw away the instructions and let your imagination drive the exercise, build your abilities and self-confidence and just enjoy what you dreamt up.

    Free Member

    To the delight of our lefty chums on here (TJ, Effin Scaley, BigButDimmerBloke to name but a few), I have to say privatising the public transport network has been an unmitigated disaster!

    Where I live, we have allowed our council to yellow line almost the whole of our town now and as a result, TFL have seen an opportunity to fleece local commuters by increasing the parking charges by a whopping 49% (from £3.70 a day to £5.50). This is on top of the increase in fare prices! If you go to Tesco, you get free parking if you buy products instore, so why should a season ticket holder pay to park? I am old enough to remember when staion car parking was free.

    The line i’m on lost a good ten miles of functioning track almost 20 years ago because that bit at the extremities of the network wasn’t making enough money. Even now, people drive a few stops down the track to get cheaper fares and cheaper parking. If the fares from the end of the line hadn’t been punitively high, the line would have had a lot more passengers. So everyone is driving part of their journey which totally defeats the object of having public transport – STUPID!

    Taking a train anywhere usually costs more than driving, despite the continued reaffirmation by the “greens” that tell us trains are more eco friendly. It’s a lot cheaper if you know how to play the system, like booking well in advance, or booking tow separate tickets with a stop/start part way between your destination. It’s mind bogglingly confusing and patently unfair. Ultimately, people vote with their feet and this is why our roads are clogged.

    I can fly to Spain and back for less than I can buy a train ticket to Cornwall. So don’t tell me a train is a green option!

    The whole network has become a run down overpriced mess int ehpast tow decades, but it’s operators make a good living by fleecing commuters who have no alternative means of transport.

    Transport infrastructure is a vital enabler for economic growth and ongoing prosperity and should therefore be under full public control, not subject to market forces and shareholder appeasement.

    Yes, nationalise it!

    Free Member

    I have a couple of Lexmark WiFi enabled printers. Both work very well!

    Free Member

    Glad you weren’t hurt and nothing much was taken, but i bet you don’t feel too chuffed about you personal space being invaded!

    I suppose you won’t be leaving doors and windows unlocked, but one thing nobody does is hide away / lock away kitchen knives.

    Frankly, having some scrote nick your stuff is not that bad compared to being sliced and diced!

    Sorry to state the obvious, but your missus stopping you going down stairs was probably a life saver.

    I would never consider attacking an intruder unless i was coralled into a corner, or he was imminently going to hurt my family. In which case I would do my utmost to fully disable him. Highly dangerous strategy!

    Free Member

    I’m hungry now! 😕

    *reaches for the Bird’s custard powder. MMMMM 😆

    Free Member

    People that STW would categorise as mountain bikers: 7 and a half.

    Where’s the other half of the eighth man gone?

    Free Member

    I like loads of female singers, but this young American Jazz singer can deliver her own distinctive renditions of songs sung by the greats.

    Free Member

    Keep looking! It’s a buyer’s market.

    Agents are often a hinderance to a smooth transaction.

    When buying I try to bypass them as much as possible because I found they couldn’t even pass on a simple message in a timely manner and managed to confuse the whole process.

    To think that they charge vendor’s huge sums for their services is quite exasperating.

    There must be a few good one’s out there however.

    Free Member

    Beards are wierds!

    Free Member

    elaine anne – Member

    spongebob wot u doin at 4am ? can you not sleep ? stay off the coffeee

    Was it that late elaine?

    We must do this more often! 8)

    Free Member

    And long after effin scaley is tucked up…..

    Edwina Currie.

    Free Member

    Barrack Obama – He’s like a **** Duracell bunny!

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