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    Free Member

    just guilty of incompetence and mass delusion.

    That sounds like almost all politicians then! 😆

    Ireland saw huge growth due to an era of low taxation. She followed a similar model to that of Hong Kong.

    Even now, some 43% of working people in Ireland pay no income tax whatsoever!?

    Ireland draws funding from Brussels, money provided by our taxes. So in essence, we UK and other European tax payers have been funding an income tax free lifestyle for the less well paid Irish.

    If they are angry about this, i’m puzzled as to why!

    The advantages of this low tax economy have benefitted them and to the detriment of UK businesses. Ireland still has a very unfair advantage. You only have to cast your eye two inches up this page at the banner ad. for a clear example of this! There are numerous electonics giants and other multi-nationals who set up there to take advantage of tax breaks – Dell Computers as one example.

    For many Irish itinerant workers, working abroad was an essential way of life until the Eurozone funded Ireland as a special case. So, given all the money Ireland has had out of the EU, why are they still in a mess? I’ll tell you why; they splurged the money on luxuries! As one small indicator; there were more BMW’s per head of population there than in the UK.

    As for friendliness, hmmm that’s debatable. Personally, when ever I have come into contact with an Irish person, the Irish pride thing nearly always turns into “we’re better than the English”. It’s the usual friendly racism! They basically hate the English, but are happy to take the money.

    Speculative development was a luxury afforded to those with either too much money, or no sense. I blame irresponsible lending of which the Irish banks lead the way in grand style!! Most individuals took on development out of sheer greed. Oh my heart bleeds for those get rich quick types!

    Ireland had a golden opportunity to build a tangible stable future for itself, but the politicians blew it. Now we’re having to bail them out.

    Great stuff this Eurozone socialist ideology!

    One day, the bail out pot will be empty.

    Free Member

    I knew it wouldn’t be long before my arch enemy, TJ rocked up with his misguided nonsense!

    I totally agree, there are many run of the mill jobs that don’t need a degree, but this doesn’t stop employers stipulating that applicants must be university educated.

    Free Member

    I keep saying that the Scots have special priviliges that all UK tax payers are forced to support, but am always met with indignant and bemused Scots who think the system is fair. I guess their ungrateful arrogance has much to do with it.

    I don’t blame students for being **** angry. The graduates of the older population had it easier than the Scots do now. Why can’t they stump up? They made their fortune and have great pensions looming don’t they?

    The fact of the matter is that higher education is no longer a luxury, but to get a run of the mill job these days, you have no choice! If successive governments hadn’t dumbed down secondary education, we would need people to go to expensive universities to catch up. The whole situation has become an expensive inefficient mess – the public sector excels at wasting money!

    And our so called right wing government are doing nothing to reduce public spending on higher education! By deferring the fee repayment to when the student earns above a certain level sound much more like running public debt to me!

    Politicians, democracy, what a joke!

    Free Member

    I’ve had it on my Nokia 5800 for 18 months or so. Paid £20 and hand picked where i thought i’d need map coverage. Only got 1:50k, but it is absolutely brilliant. I’ll probably get the whole of the UK on DVD at some stage.

    I have transferred Viewranger from one phone to another when one handet failed and can assure you Viewranger Support is excellent. They seem to have round the clock instant help. Awesome!

    My next phone is undoubtedly going to be running Android 2.3 (or above) and i can’t wait to see maps on a larger display (not that I haven’t coped well with the 3.2″ of my Nokia).

    Free Member

    In snow, winter tyres solve the problem far more than a 4WD does. A reasonable compromise. Having a 4WD for just 2 weeks out of 52 is ridiculous.

    Nobody needs a performance 4WD car on a public road if they are behaving responsibly! The performance technology of these stock road cars is only needed and should only be used on tracks, either on, or offroad.

    Free Member

    There is no envy on my part! I could buy several, for cash, today!

    Free Member

    Where I live, most people who drive 4WD’s don’t need them and wouldn’t have a clue how to use them even if they did!

    Their sole purpose for buying a huge Chelsea Tractor 4WD (and most of them are) is to make a statement of superiority. To rub other people’s noses in it.

    I have no truck with people who need a 4wd, who tow, or live in rugged countryside etc.

    The incompetent 4WD drivers (of which tere are many) are a menace because those vehicles do far more damage in an accident. Anyone being struck by one has far less chance of survival and much higher risk of injury, whilst the incompetent cock driving and his/her passengers walk away. A 4WD is far more likely to go out of control than a normal road car and far less likely to stop.

    In the old days, the term we had for people like this was “poof poseurs”.

    Those cars epitomise the wastefulness of modern western society.

    I’d introduce an additional category to the driving license and an extra test. You would first have to demonstrate you actually need a 4WD and then prove you are competent enough to use one. After learning the differences in handling of an oversized high centre of gravity vehicle, you would learn simple things like how to park and how to behave on public roads in a large vehicle. Then you would move on to safe offroad control techniques and be taught responsible use of unmetalled public roads. Then how to manouvre trailers, on and off road.

    This would probably rid our roads of 95% of 4WD’s as most would fail at the “learning to park” stage (assuming they could falsely prove their need for a 4WD).

    Free Member

    why do car makers not do 4WD drive versions of ‘common cars’ ?

    Because most cars don’t need to be 4WD. They don’t need the traction on or offroad.

    Because 4WD’s are heavy and use up much more fuel.

    Because 4WD’s are expensive and sap performance.

    Because most people don’t want them.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Tandem Jeremy, abusing me like you often do is sure sign of your lack of intelligence! I’m tired of your far left wing ideology and general misguided views. You are a waste of space “Tedious Jeremy”! 👿

    Strikes cannot occur without the support of the membership.

    They only require a minority of support due to their own unbalanced rules and so you are just WRONG on this notion!

    Unions represent their members wishes, they do not impose on the members.

    WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! They decide what they want to do and just steam ahead! The members get railroaded – BULLIED – FACT! I’ve been there! When I was working in a manufacturing environment, the “tail” continually “wagged the dog”. That factory eventually closed along with thousands of others, not because of the effect of Margaret Thatcher’s politics, but because unions made those businesses uneconomic by their perpetual demands and disruption to production. Corporations got sick of it and moved their operations to other parts of the world where people have a “can do attitude” and where their costs were much lower. Britain kust ended up with a load of people on benefits who thought/think they are owed something.

    How on earth could you make striking an imprisonable offence? – go to work or go to gaol?

    I didn’t say that!! In your inimitable irrational way, you have twisted what i have said. I said “should disrupting air travel be made an imprisonable offence?”. Striking is not a human right! The Police are not allowed to strike (and rightly so), so why should anyone?

    I remember driving down the Highway near News International HQ back in the 80’s. It was 10pm and we’d just left a restaurant after am area meeting and were dropping off some spares at our office (in the Highway). We were stopped by a baying angry mob of several hundred miners who’d come down from up north to riot with the sacked print workers. They were ready to turn my car over unless i told them i supported their strike – the cxxts! It was a very intimidating position to find your self in. Those guys were totally, wholly in the wrong. Fortunatly the Police escorted us away from the incident.

    The fact of the matter was that unions had created a situation where a print type setter could earn several times what they were worth (something like £80,000 per annum in 1985!!??). Murdock was sick of this nonsense and set up a computerised system in Wapping which made the print worker’s jobs redundant. The place was built like a fortress because Murdock knew he was going to have a fight on his hands from violent militant unions.

    People with far left wing views should move to a communist country! They would fit in well there with their Marxist ideals! People like this have no commercial awareness and are just a cancer to a thriving ecomomy, spreading their poison!

    The UK won’t ever get back on it’s feet with people like this around continually “shoving a spanner in the works”!

    I expect TJ will run squealing to the mod. on here, asking for me to be banned. I hope so! It would be a good job because trying to get through the thick skulls of people like him IS a total waste of time!

    Free Member

    gwaelod – Member

    Higher prices for air travel is surely a good thing…polluter pays etc.

    Yes, if you fly every week. Most people fly once or twice a year.

    The private individual does far more harm to the environment by the consumption of energy in the home. As the bulk of the housing stock is poorly insulated, huge amount of additional Co2 is needlessly pumped into the atmosphere. The same goes for motor vehicles – they insist on huge fuel inefficient models and make many uneccessary journeys.

    Percentage of total emissions from UK air travel:2%
    Percentage of total emissions from domestic heating: 43%

    Air travel is not the problem. In terms of transport, shipping cheap goods around the world’s oceans and people holidaying on luxury liners is properly environmentally damaging. The CO2 we as individuals introduce on our annual holiday is a tiny fraction. So let’s keep things in perspective.

    Polluter pays? We already do (far too much), but import duties on goods should be massively increased to dicourage these movements. As a polluter, then you’d then be paying your fair share.

    If you think about pollution, the only solution is to stop consumption, but no government on this planet trully buys into going green. They need the tax revenues too badly to do the right thing!

    Free Member

    Best thing to do is to execute anyone who dares to question authority or try to stand up for their rights.

    Don’t be ridiculous!

    Protest by workers doesn’t have to involve the general public!

    There are many ways they could inconvenience their managers without affecting the public.

    Militant unions need a kick up the backside. They often aren’t even supported by their own members! They are totally out of touch, just troublemakers out to destroy those businesses that give everyone a living.

    Free Member

    Clear the snow.

    Revenge is a dish best served cold (but not in snow/ice form).

    If you REALLY feel agrieved about it, wait a week or three, then do what you think will give him the same inconvenience, but don’t break the law.

    My guess is that you will reflect on the situation when you have calmed down and realise you have the moral high ground by not responding to him.

    You might also ask him to clear his snow more considerately next time.

    Free Member

    How exactly are the costs being passed on to me?

    Higher prices!!

    Free Member

    I’d never feed a fox! They will proliferate if you give them a food source.

    People have been feeding them in urban areas for years and so the population has risen as a result. They get easy pickings from people who don’t dispose of their waste properly, but the introduction of wheelie bins has made them more detemined to get a food source. They are no longer scared of humans and I often see them trotting around without too much concern for our presence. There have been a couple of attacks of small children and babies which have hit the headlines, which is purely a product of people tolerating these wild animals.

    So, don’t do it! Even if you do love animals.

    Free Member

    This thread is innane!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Politics in modern Britain – legitimised bribery we can’t afford. End of!

    Free Member

    I don’t agree with TJ on this issue, as I can’t see long-term benefits from such a schism, but I can appreciate his arguments, and respect his point of view. If people are just going to insult him via the tags, then that’s just negative and stupid.

    At what point has Tandem Jeremy shown any respect for others? 😆 He’s gotta be the Top Troll on STW! I don’t think I have ever seen any post from him that isn’t highly polarized and he’ll invariably jump in with an unjustified fierce attack on those who’s opinions differ from his own. Definite trolling! If he’s not trolling, then he must be pretty daft.

    If he was a bit more balanced and respectful of others, it is unlikely people would feel the need to post annonymous derrogatory tags about him!

    Free Member

    This is what happens when people have too much money and nothing better to do…

    Free Member

    No that’s just. Our government is different from yours.

    But UK tax payer supports whatever your government decides. We paid a significant proportion for your expensive parliament to be set up too.

    Just make sure you tell your government that’s what you want.

    What goverment? The English don’t have any representation! It’s only the Northern Irish, Welsh and Scottish who have their own parliaments. What the English want? Which dream world might that be in?

    The devolution experiment didn’t take into consideration the needs of the English. We English aren’t all power brokers in high places you know. It mystifies me why there is such intolerance of the English from others in the Union. I expect it stems from what happened a few hundred years ago. Talk about being stuck in the past! What has the actions of someone in power eight generations ago got to do with anyone alive today, let along mr average living in the south of England?

    Most people are just like anyone else except English people don’t have a strong sense of identity, we don’t seek to segregate ourselves. This “culture” thing which is so prevalent elsewhere is just divisive.

    In effect, the English are now discrimated against because we are not allowed representaion, or to even make our feelings known about the clear injusticies of the devolution experiment.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Polishing is a bit extreme so try a good clean first.

    Use “Bar Keeper’s Friend” to clean stainless steel without scratching. Comes in a powder form. It was recommended by the manufacturer of our Britannia oven and it’s great stuff.

    Free Member

    True, we don’t get told anything about what is happening in Brussels. I suppose out government doesn’t want to ruin the illusion that they are in control.

    And yes, several of the EU members would be bust if it wasn’t for EU tax payers (us) bailing them out.

    Like we haven’t got any problems of out own!!

    Can someone please explain who supports the IMF?

    Free Member

    Do you rent your misses out out? Reason I ask is that my roof is a bit leaky and if she can get this repaired FOC by wiggling her boobs, I’d be happy to pay your modest “fee” 😈

    Free Member

    With any luck, we’ll get some cheap holidays in the Eurozone when the value of that currency falls out of bed. 🙂

    Free Member

    Yes, I think the Eurozone experiment was a big mistake! We don’t need a common currency for trading between European countries. Fluctuations in currency rates are a bit of a pain, but not enabling individual countries to set their own interest rates has been a disaster.

    As EU tax payers not part of the Eurozone, the UK is still supporting the failing countries in the EU. We are still part of it! Pro European people will come on here and bang on about how trade with Europe is vital to our economy, but we don’t have the Euro, so why does there need to be a common country? I am not anti-Europe, i’m anti bureaucracy!

    We have enough unjust disparities within our own backyard (Scottish getting free prescriptions, no student fees etc). Then there’s the basket cases of Europe that the rest of us have to pay to support; 43% of working people in Ireland don’t pay any income tax whatsoever! WTF! Who does pay their share of taxes then? YOU do! Greece, Prtugal, Spain and others. All broke!

    The notion of a federal Europe was commercially niaive and a total waste of money. It’s also damaging to Europe’s competitiveness with all the ridiculous red tape Brussels imposes on us. All we need is a chamber of commerce for the EU zone which ensures that the continent thrives as a result of inter-country trade links. Let each country govern itself, but whilst maintaining diplomatic links.

    In essence the parliament in Brussels needs to be hugely cut down to size and the currency of each EU Zone country restored.

    Free Member

    What happened to saving up, spending what you earn etc?

    Well personally I followed the example of this Scottish Bloke. I was being told for years how he was performing an economic miracle. About how his ‘Fiscal Prudence’ was transforming our society. How there was no such thing as boom and bust or all that.

    Followed it to the letter I did. You’re not going to tell me there’s a catch in there somewhere? Are you?

    I never believed his message. I wish the majority hadn’t done too!

    I live by an old principle: “If you ain’t got the money – don’t but it”.

    The only exception would be when you need to buy a house. In this instance, don’t ever borrow more than 2.75 times what you earn.

    Plan ahead – save money!

    Even though your money devalues as interst paying accounts don’t outstrip inflation, having a pile of money at your disposal does give YOU control!

    These are principles that were commonplace in the pre-credit card era, not those of the instant gratification era of today.

    Too many live beyond their means and governments aren’t going to fix this beacause the economy depends on reckless spending by private individuals. Well we don’t make anything much to export these days do we?

    I conclude that the country lost it’s way circa 1980. Successive governments have been papering over the cracks and letting the debt bubble grow (both personal debt anf goverment debt). We have been lied to by politicians and cheated by the banking system and had blindly put ourselves right in the mire.

    Free Member

    Small dogs are so cool!

    Free Member

    We stay cold for longer!?!?

    Free Member

    Sad news, but i’m sorry to say, but I didn’t find him that funny.

    All a bit too contrived for me i’m afraid.

    Free Member

    All good advice above.

    Google the code you are getting. That will give you some pointers to consider (but don’t take what you read as gospel, use it as a supplement to wha you already know).

    When it happened to me, the code was displayed for less than a second, so I had to video the display when the BSOD occurred.

    I had BSOD after messing about with the BIOS. I set the BIOS to defaults in an attempt to resolve another issue (details which I can’t now remember). The user manual suggested that the machine should be set to defaults and I hadn’t ever changed the BIOS prior to this, but there is a quirk with Vista relating to the HDD. After so many boots, Vista changes a setting (written on the HDD). I’ll have a look at my BIOS next time I reboot so I can give you usful information on what to look for.

    Your problem could be entirely different however. The clue is in the event code. Google it.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    Having the heatiing on sot he temperature doesnt drop below say 15deg all day wont cost more than a few pennies, combine that with a window left on the latch (only realy needs to eb one inthe whole house to be effective

    A boiler that is running will consume considerable amounts of energy. So leaving the heating on all day will use considerably more gas than running it for a 2 hour period each night!

    I would install a programmable 3 event/day 7 day timer. Knock the chill off in the morning for half an hour and them have a couple of phases in the evening.

    Condensation is not the same as damp. If there is a damp problem (ingress of moisture from outside the property), your landlord needs to sort it out as no amount of ventilation will get rid of this. Living in a damp property is not good for your health.

    In winter humid air condenses on cold walls. If you have condensation issues, have a think about what is causing this. Bedrooms need ventillating for a period after being slept in. Bathroom – do certain individuals leave sodden wet towels out to dry? Try flannelling off and then using the towel. That way most of the moisture goes down the plug hole and not into the towel, onlyto later evaporate into the property. When you cook, ventilate the room. Washing, air/dry clothes in a room shut off from the rest of the house and leave a window open.

    Leaving your heating on will cost a fortune. If you don’t believe me, take a gas meter reading for both scenarios and then do the maths. It’s a no brainer – heating off uses much less energy.

    As a student, I don’t know why you are worrying about this. Use the library if you want to study and keep warm.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Meter out the contacts of the disconnected element.

    Free Member

    Get a roll of radiator wall insulation and stick it behind each external wall mounted radiator.

    That thing reminds me of that “useful” product catalogue we used get through the mail, which was full of stuff you just didn’t need!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    CharlieMungus – Member

    Honestly, Dawkins and Pat Condell, The same tired arguments. Does any one have an original idea of their own?

    Does any one have an original idea of their own?? It would seem only aetheists can! Religious people aren’t allowed to have any original ideas of their own. Religious dogma takes care of that! (Religion goes a bit like this; You WILL believe, you WILL have faith, you WILL NOT question, OR ELSE you will be struck down and burn in Hell with Satan). Original “ideas” from relious types, that’ll be a first! 😆

    We must stop talking about this as it’s blasphemous! 😆

    Free Member

    Change ’em!

    Unless you drive a “cockmobile”, tyres are cheap as chips these days

    Free Member

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