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  • Danny MacAskill and Chris Ball among 2024 Hall of Fame nominations
  • spev
    Full Member

    Up there somewhere someone mentioned alpine uplifts being open in the winter, yes they are but you are usually dressed for an alpine winter based on skiing (not pedalling) or snowboarding (still not pedalling) so are obviously better wrapped ( i’d hope anyway) and usually in warm windproof gear not waterproofs.

    Full Member

    Bonzodog, my mate might be interested in that Cotic if the OP is isn’t, how much would you be wanting?

    Full Member

    fair I suppose, it may be a tad harsh on Apple but even so, whenever a Windows update comes along it does check HD space and if its too low to continue then it returns to previous so you can clear out the crap, this update doesn’t do that (and it would appear we aren’t the only ones having this problem) it just falls into a reboot loop. Luckily for Mrs Spev i’m reasonably happy to delve in and sort it via things like terminal but without me she’d have to resort to the Apple store (theres not one locally) or some other repair shop at cost to her.
    That’s unreasonable really when whilst she’s not entirely blameless the update didnt tell her how much space it needed (or indeed that it needed space). Whilst you or I would assume that space is needed, not everyone realises this. So to conclude , Apple can indeed take their poorly implemented update and sod off

    Full Member

    You sir are a bloody genius
    Apple on the other hand can take their Catalina update and sod off

    Full Member

    With or without it tells me it doesn’t exist, it’s very frustrating as I’m pretty sure that’s where the users directory is. Other than downloading Catalina onto a USB stick and formatting and reinstalling I’m running out of ideas

    Full Member

    Nah , doesn’t work.
    I’ve found a /volumes directory that has a folder ( or dir) called Macintosh HD – Data
    If I type cd /Macintosh HD – Data it tells me it doesn’t exist
    I have tried reinstalling Mac os via recovery but that also fails due to lack of disc space too

    Full Member

    Ah shame that, ta teeth grinder.
    Ah well back to the drawing board, new master cylinders, new brakes or move em even further inboard ( they’ll be next to my stem at the rate I’m going)

    Full Member


    use a little and a bit of water and your clean, amazing stuff (I also carry a little amount when I’m riding as its the only stuff that gets latex off effectively

    Full Member

    Gusset s2’s? Used to really like Easton thick( now raceface grippler) but after trying the gussets in the soft compound I’m sold on em, got a pair of non soft ones on the commuter and they are good but just not quite as comfy as the softs. Wear seems good, had em for 5 months or so and loads of life left in them. No noticeable twist either.

    S2 Lock on Grips – Extra Soft Compound

    Get your lbs to order a set in

    Full Member

    We use the Truflo one in the workshop and find it great, also have an airshot and a compressor and it easily competes with those ( and when it falls over it doesn’t get damaged as easily as the airshot’s presta valve)

    Full Member

    I had the first of the new gen pikes (not the old old ones if you know what I mean) and upgraded to 160mm (3 pairs actually) just need the air shaft as above really

    Full Member

    Try disconnecting the maf/map sensor, it’s on the air intake pipe just after the filter, it’ll use a bit more fuel but if it runs fine then sorted, only suggest it as that was the same problem with my scudo

    Full Member

    ah yeah I get that just wondering whether Jordan had offered the tracking number that he should have, I know full well it’ll actually be the phone number of the local chippy but we all live in hope 🙂

    Full Member

    dinde111 surely Jordan has a record of the frame being shipped with tracking details etc? If he says it should be with you then he must have a tracking number, unless the pigeon gang he uses never returned and have sold it to buy grain, hes a dishonest shady character at best.

    Full Member

    yeah they could ( I have suggested it) but they havent/wont/cant be arsed/ might offer to fight me on the internet but not in real life DELETE AS APLICABLE

    for all those who think that Sick are not scamming just rubbish at business, I used to agree but during my conversations (if you can call emails with no answers that) they have promised a refund since the 29th April, after a week of them ignoring me I passed it on to Paypal (Sick havent responded to Paypal at all). It may not have starteed as a scam but it certainly is one now, they have lied (all of them, Jordan, Tim and James the customer service chappie) since the 1st of May without remorse or actually checking what the previous lie was.
    As they won’t email me or phone me I challenge them to respond either here on on Pinkbike

    Full Member

    the last email i had from them said
    “hi Chris, as the PayPal case is open, it makes sense to let it run it’s course.
    The T-shirt has been added to the queue for a refund”
    that was the 28th May, I’ve not had a ticket for the t-shirt order and obviously wont get one for the other order, paypal are dragging their feet a little.
    I’ll await paypal’s final descision before I take any further action.

    Full Member

    I’m owed money by them, but I rarely comment about as I’m dealing with it, sorry if this upsets the theory of pitchforkery

    Full Member

    Brilliant, I ordered a Medium(matt black) and a Large(red) Wulf and the black one isnt even on the list so was’nt ever going to arrive.
    Sod em, paypal are sorting my refund and then its off to Pipedream for a couple of Moxies.

    I’ve just emailed Jordan again and asked a few questions but I have no hope of an answer

    Full Member

    ah that’ll be fine then i’ll most likely run it in the longest setting most of the time anyway so the new one should have loads of clearance

    Full Member

    That’s what I’d read, was hoping someone could confirm

    Full Member

    Not as far as I know, which is a shame.

    Full Member

    It’s staggering that they keep rolling out “we got bigger quicker” and ” it got out of control” but never really apologise. The seem to think that appealing to the raging sycophants on IG is a better business idea than sorting out the customers who are actually waiting for frames.
    If the feckless **** actually had my frames Id still have them, I’d peel the stickers off and cover the head badge but i’d still use it. Unfortunately they would rather piss me off and lie to me.
    Lets see how long it is before they delete my latest comment on the latest IG post 🙂

    Full Member

    Hexhamstu, yeah that’s them, her husband is a complete bellend so explains the penis extension house and cars😀

    Full Member

    an another note does anybody know the surname of the csutomer services guy? I know hes James, but I find it odd that they mention customer services and how jordan shouldnt do it in the PB article but they never mention James. Am I being a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist by saying the article was written by JAMES Smurthwaite ?
    Anyway I’ve sent the PB article writer this
    “Hi James
    In light of the recent article/advertorial/poor excuses with Sick Bicycles and their version of events (lies in anybody elses language) would you consider sending out a list of questions about our experiences dealing with them? Just to give some sort of balance to the lies and mis-information that they have provided you with in the article?
    I only ask as I ordered my frames 16th Jan 2019, was told delivery circa 1st March,then 15th March told they were in customs and Jordan was “fighting to shore and dispatch the frames” oddly enough I found out yesterday that the builder of those frames still has them because Sick hasnt paid him.
    Maybe you should ask Marino Bikes as well, because Sick have also lied to him and left him out of pocket. I have a list of emails since 16th Jan with a set of replies that would make you question everything they have said to you in that “article”
    I’m more than happy to compile them into a timeline for you to enjoy. I’ll be honest some of the emails make me look like a whiney **** but I have been constantly lied to by Sick Bicycles so I’m not ashamed to put it out there.

    Hopefully you’ll follow up on the article with the voices of the customers
    Chris “

    Full Member

    Iv’e already contacted Marino and offered to purchase the two frames I ordered direct from him if (or when) Sick don’t pay him.
    Jordan told me on the 15th of May he was ” fighting to shore and dispatch the frames” this was from the order that Marino had built, the one he still has pending payment.
    Liars and shysters

    Full Member

    Ive just had an email back from Marino, Tim and Jordan told him they havent paid because they are having problems with Paypal. Shysters, conmen, liars call em what you like. How they will be able to show their faces on a trail anywhere baffles me

    Full Member

    call me stupid but where can i see that Marino FB post in its orignal form? I’ll be buggered if I can see it anywhere

    Full Member

    I love that from Marino, Jordan and James (the pointless customer service chap) told me the frames were in customs, bloody odd way to spell Peru that.

    Full Member

    its def not driveable 🙂 conrod snapped and pushed a hole through the block, otherwise i’d repair the bugger (after doing the head,camshaft and turbo before christmas)
    If they ain’t got the cash they ain’t having it. I’ve got the london bloke calling me in work tomorrow but I’m not giving him my postcode until im 100% he’s not gonna kidnap me or the missus

    Full Member

    I was all set to head down there with my mate but then my van fired a con rod through the sump 🙁
    Ive asked for a refund (which they said they would do) but not received it so I’ve opened a paypal dispute.
    Cant wait to see what the next chapter in the soap opera is

    Full Member

    Cheers Dannyh, that’s my thoughts, theres worse things happening all around so I will fight for it but I’m not gonna let it take over (unlike GG who seems a little obsessive considering hes had his frame)

    Full Member

    Well after telling me monday I could have a refund and being told daily that it was passed on to Tim/Jordan/The other one who’s name I cant remember/Beelzebub/Insert imaginary person here they stopped responding friday. Now I’ve had shit day today so my tolerance for arseholes like Sick and their little entourage is at an all time low.
    I’m gonna leave it until after the weekend as I have more pressing things (a friends personal crisis takes precedent here) but tuesday will be deadline day and i’ll open the paypal dispute.
    Lets see if the feckless knobs can sort it out then.

    Full Member

    not sure about CC but I used paypal and they have 180 day limit before your unable to open a dispute, im on day 103

    Full Member

    Has anybody opened a paypal dispute and how long did that take to get your refund?
    i’m just heading down that road now and looking at timescale

    Full Member

    Pictonroad 🙂 cheers I’m all about the dreamcatcher 🙂
    anybody been to Swinley and seen the bikes in the flesh? Do they disapear in a haze as you get closer?

    Full Member

    TJ, yeah that’s the plan, I have a mate in trading standards locally so I’ll be chatting to him as well. Just starting the paypal dispute now, I thought i’d give them a chance to do the right thing first (I’m nice like that).

    Full Member

    Ive had daily contact with James the “customer service” member 🙂 its been fun in its own special way but i’m no nearer getting my refund, I requested it on 29th April, told repeatedly that he has emailed Tim/Jordan/beelzebub (one of those may not exist/be true) and they will process it, I was also told Tim/Jordan will contact me (this obviously hasn’t happened.
    Im not averse to jumping in my van (when its replaced) and going to worthing and seeing if either Occult Tattoo (ive phoned them so they are there) or the address listed is real. Im also not ruling out stopping at Swinley and “renting” the two hire/demo bikes that are there 🙂

    Full Member

    If I could be bothered I’d go look for a picture of a handbag but I can’t be arsed. You throw your opinion into every thread with absolute certainty. I’ve been riding 24″ BMX for street and dirt since I was 20 odd ( I’m shite to be fair) and was chuffed when a more suitable geometry became available. Nice to know I’ve been wrong all this time though.

    Full Member

    No geex he designed the model around 2009, but hey your the bestest cyclist ever so sorry I disagreed with you 😁

    Full Member

    CLICKY HEREaarrrggghhhh my link did a runner
    try that one if it doesnt work I give up (go search you tube for Jim C Model C )

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