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  • UCI Confirms 2025 MTB World Series Changes
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    Free Member

    Apparently the Scaf lads are the ones to talk to on site…..

    Free Member

    I worked at several Olympic venues for these Games and we’ve been asked to quote for the winter Olympics and for LA. Was quite an experience and of course always easier when someone else is providing food & accommodation!

    Free Member

    Always worries me when posters start saying things like “no one on here is going to say/do this that or the other” in their posts.

    It always comes across as poorly disguised bullying – “agree with me or else!”

    Not cool.

    Free Member

    What a terrible terrible thing to happen. I can’t imagine losing a child, let alone losing one like this. I’m not sure it’s something I’d ever get over.

    Free Member

    I wonder how the voters in Kent that wanted Brexit and got a lorry park in their back gardens for their troubles will vote?

    over ready deal and all that.

    Free Member

    Edit – maybe Reform leased a bot-farm over night?

    Free Member

    My Twitter feed, which up until last night was predominately tories trying to scare voters about how bad Labour will be, is now full-on pro Reform.

    Free Member

    Free Member


    I remember Farage on TV the morning after the vote. When asked how soon the 350 Millions a week would start going to the NHS he replied saying “anyone who thought the bus advert meant 350 Million a week was going to go to the NHS, was mistaken”

    Free Member


    Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security by the headlines and predictions of Labour landslide – if everyone thinks they’re going to win regardless and doesn’t vote / spoils their paper / votes for the joke candidate, the Tories will squeak back in.”

    Isn’t this pretty much what happened with Brexit? So many people thought “it won’t happen” that they didn’t bother to get out of bed, whilst on the other side every single person who wanted it to happen made the effort and voted. That couple of percent difference was all they needed. suddenly a few percent meant “The Will Of The People” ….. and the rest is history.

    Free Member

    I see there’s a Welsh number plate Black fiat van parked up in Boltaña with a bike rack on the back ……

    Free Member

    My son recently missed his train home from London. The ticket was for a specific train. It was going to cost £100 to change the ticket or £35 for a new ticket for the next train……

    Free Member

    I see my twitter feed has gone ballistic with anti Labour tweets overnight. Someone is putting in a lot of work.

    obvs if you can’t promote yourself you can only try to demote the opposition.

    Free Member

    Do we really need to raise more taxes though? Or could we just be more efficient with what we already raise?

    Free Member

    Those half assed screws locked him in his house?

    Free Member

    @Dave – That’s a nice loop.

    The Zona Zero team put in some work a couple of years ago to catalogue a collection of road-rides.

    I can recommend riding up the valley to the Bielsa tunnel and then blasting back to Ainsa – pretty much 45km of downhill road!

    Free Member

    Massive storm last night – today is cooler and the dust has been laid to rest, for now anyway!

    Free Member

    @edukator – we’ve been seeing heavy weather other your side, not sure if that’s what’s on its way here or not, but a damping down will be welcome :-)

    Free Member

    @alpin – we’ve been getting mid 30’s during the day – too hot to do much unfortunately! 40’s…. forget it LOL

    Free Member

    Currently experiencing a bit of a heatwave here – 28 degrees at 8pm this eve – I’m just in from a lovely evening ride :-)

    Trails are dry and dusty where I am but I see rain over towards the west. An afternoon of rain wouldn’t hurt the ground or the temp to be honest!

    Free Member

    Hi Dave – it’s been a bit of an odd year this year so far….. there was a bit more rain than we’re used to in early spring – but it was needed because winter was unusually dry! For the last 6 weeks or so I’ve noticed that the wind seems to have been blowing from the cold side (West of us) much more than usual, which of course has been bringing the rain etc.

    Our big local dam is now currently fuller than I’ve ever seen it. The top windows of the church tower in the dam,  which we have previously kayaked through, are currently 6 feet under water! So we’re certainly back on track now water wise and there’s still snow up on the high peaks of the mountains to melt.

    I’m about to go out for an evening ride – its currently 21 degrees and sunny with no wind :-)

    We popped over to France on Monday for lunch with visiting family. This side was nice and sunny, the French side, when we exited the tunnel, was in thick cloud which lasted almost all the way down to Saint Lary. Down in the French villages it was 11 degrees and cloudy – a good 8 degrees colder than this side at the same time.

    I’ll keep you posted over the next week – but I have to say the best description at the moment is probably “nice, but a bit changeable!”

    Free Member

    I just read that “William beat up Kate and killed her boyfriend. Then she was taken to a clinic for a “termination” which led to complications and now she’s either dead or in a coma” on Twitter.

    Pretty heavy stuff to be writing on an open platform with, presumably, no a proof whatsoever?

    Free Member

    How about, Labour get in and on Day 1 they change the rules currently allowing large corporations to avoid paying tax? Increased revenue and no need to squeeze the general population.

    Free Member

    What are the options again . . . ?

    Free Member

    I enjoyed season 1 a lot. Thought season 2 was going to be a let down but enjoyed it too. :-)

    Free Member

    I’m going through quite a bit of dental work currently – the result of years of stupidly avoiding the dentist.

    I’m working my way through a long, have had 7 appointments so far – another 6 or so to go!

    We pay 50€ for an extraction – I’ve had 2, 50€ for a normal filling – I’ve had 3 so far 2 to go, 70€ for a more serious filling – 1 done, 1 to go and 580€ for root canal work and crown. I need 3!


    Free Member

    Aren’t these machines fitted with cameras?

    Free Member

    Voter complacency and voter self-interest . . . .  two of the Torys most powerful weapons against any opposition.

    Free Member

    Bought a car on HP many years ago, with the express intention of paying it off early to save myself some interest – which I explained clearly to the salesman. 

    When I went to pay it off and asked how much we’d “save” by doing so, I was told “nothing”. The settlement figure was exactly the same as the total of the outstanding payments, So we paid it off in installments.

    I’m sure it was in the small print, and I was young at the time . . .   

    Free Member

    What will Kebab shops and Nail Bars do ???

    Free Member

    Why on earth???

    Free Member

    If no one has mentioned it already (I may have even mentioned it myself and then erased the memory on purpose) Bruce Willis in 10 Minutes Gone was probably THE worst film we’ve watched in modern times!

    The plot, the acting…. painful.

    Free Member

    We have friends flying out of Inverness tomorrow….. 😳

    Free Member

    Hey Bob!

    Yeah the bar in the Guaso Plaza now serves vegetarian food. They’ve gone for the concise “fixed menu” idea – a choice of a couple of options for each course, to cater for differing tastes – rather than a full menu. They are big on sustainability and the idea is to optimise using local seasonal ingredients and to reduce wastage. They say it allows them to cook a few things efficiently rather than lots of things inefficiently. It’s run by a nice lady who speaks several languages. The lady that had it before took over the lease just before Covid hit and it was only the construction workers working on the new road between Guaso and  Latorrecilla that kept her afloat. Sadly in the end she gave up. ….

    I was in Morcat not too long ago when we went over that way to find the sculptures dotted around in the fields.

    Generally, some of the trails are becoming a bit overgrown. There is a view held by some here that Zona Zero has just become too big to manage it the way it was conceived and managed in the past – a small group of friends with a chainsaw and a pick….. I guess we will see :-)

    Free Member

    You’d like to believe a man of his profession might be able to navigate that particular junction and still come out on top of the moral argument.”

    Have you even met the British Voting Public???

    Free Member

    Weren’t those details on every cheque we ever wrote back in the day?

    Free Member

    The co she is part of are just as crap . . . .”

    You’d think a Billionaire would have a better than 25% success rate . . . . or they wouldn’t still be a Billionaire :-)

    Free Member

    I was there working back in the summer. Beautiful clean town with more eating places than you can shake a stick at. Def go up the tower for an amazing view of the city.  Get there by electric scooter – we went everywhere on these – cheap and fast :-)

    The river is massive – where we crossed it there was an island in the middle that was so big I didn’t realise there was more river to cross.

    Area around the Uni and football stadium is nice too.

    Free Member

    I’m finally back in Spain after several months working away – and I’m just in time for tomorrows “Copa de España de Pumptrack” competition! :-)

    As soon as I get time I’ll post some updates – this year has been crazy busy

    Free Member

    That clip with Lesley Judd shows exactly why H&S has gone that way it has.

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