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  • Fresh Goods Friday 716: The Icelandic Edition
  • speedstar
    Full Member

    It genuinely feels like something has materially changed in the virus activity. Up here in Scotland we’re suddenly seeing numbers we haven’t before. Compliance up here has been pretty good and i haven’t sensed a significant change in the last few weeks. From listening to colleagues in London they are approaching the point of care rationalisation. My gut, although I’m hoping I’m wrong, is we’re about to enter a whole new phase of the pandemic in the UK, possibly worldwide. Thinking of my colleagues down south tonight.

    Full Member

    Did the full 506km on the turbo as working and have 6 month old baby. Got up at 3:30am yesterday morning and did 97km in 3:10 then went to work. Came home and got straight back on the turbo for 109km also in 3:10. Some tightness in left hip but glad I finished yesterday so can relax with a couple of glasses of wine tonight. Well done to everyone trying and completing it. Outside looked really Baltic!

    Full Member

    Resting HR is directly related to cardiac volume. People who exercise gradually increase their cardiac output as they get fitter which means they don’t need to pump as frequently to get the same volume of blood and therefore oxygen to cells. Mine is always around 45. It’s affected by stress and nervous system dysfunction too however.

    Full Member

    Questions the antivaxxers don’t want you to ask 😁

    Full Member

    This is Bill talking: quiet servile beings and adhere to the plan.

    Full Member

    Just want to say I received the first vaccine dose this morning and so far haven’t developed new ways of telecommunicating or met Bill Gates.

    Full Member

    Yep, I have a 63 reg c-250 AMG estate that Parkers tells me is now worth barely 5k! Bought for 13k in 2017. Fantastic car to drive and has been incredibly reliable so far. Going to see how far I can push the mileage before big things go wrong.

    Full Member

    Sorry to hear that Digger90 and hope you recover well :( I would email them to ask. They seem like very reasonable types.

    Full Member

    It looks like i’m getting it in the next couple of weeks so will report back if I grow scaly green skin

    Full Member

    Been doing more enduro riding recently so will need to get more miles in after the turn of the year. Just installed a shockstop stem which definitely helps with arm pump! Problem is it highlights how much you get through the rear end! Might need to get their seatpost too but will need to wait until Christmas is paid for. Still riding the Jamis Renegade I first rode the DR on in 2017. Still a fantastic bike and feel no need to change it.

    Full Member

    I think I almost died several times on that descent…

    Got an email back saying they will be sending out a confirmatory email to everyone who’s pre-registered in the next couple of weeks.

    Full Member

    I’ve not received any emails since the initial one either but you’ve got me worried so I’ve emailed them to be sure!

    Full Member

    I was there LD but the sun soon burnt off the ice! I’ll take a cold sunny start over mild but rainy any day

    Full Member

    Although the route is excellent to do at any time you miss the camaraderie of the event. Great fun lining up with people as stupid as you at 6am on what is often a pleasant spring morning (Please let it be sunny this time)

    Full Member

    How about contacting cyclelaw? They might be able to assist

    Full Member

    Have to say rode the golfie today with a normal verdict having changed from a purple MM and it was incredibly sketchy in the slidey stuff. Have a verdict wet that I’ll be trying next. Normal verdict is going away for winter 😁

    Full Member

    These type of articles gained some following during the summer when infections were extremely low but there is no evidence of pre-existing immunity with the second wave. Its one of those papers trying to fit a theory around an observation that has now been confounded after more data is know.

    Full Member

    There comes a point where you just say no. I’m not calling him out on economic arguments but on his aim to develop doubt in what is very robust science. Those who aren’t angry that someone comes on the forum 2 days ago then starts writing screeds of conspiracy nonsense of the internet are either not understanding this or want some of it to be true. These arguments have been had in finitum already on here yet as soon as some koolaid sponsored fool comes on he’s given legitimacy? Why don’t you all (Edukator and mr Ike) pop to your local hospital and start rolling his arguments about in ITU? Try it and then report back here instead of banding internet-accumulated nonsense

    Full Member

    That is fundamentally not what he’s saying though is it. If you will look further back he goes as far as to say “people are dying of respiratory diseases but not covid.” I can assure you very much that they are dying of covid.

    Edukator, go back and read his posts. It is not appropriate to tell anyone to be quiet when someone is literally denying the disease exists. You need to take a long hard look at yourself if you do.

    Full Member

    Haha I should not have gone to that website TiRED. I might have to go and sit in a cool dark room this evening.

    Full Member

    NYT predicting Biden mjght take Pennsylvania as there is around an 80:20 share of the mail-in ballots persistently for him so far. Might be even more as last areas to report heavily favour the democrats.

    Full Member

    have any of the us networks called it yet?… they usual have a good idea of how remaining counties will fall.

    I think the mail-in voting is causing unprecedented issues with this. There’s usually many more votes counted by this point.

    Full Member

    I dont think Trump’s winning this. The mail in votes are likely to be hugely swayed to the democrats and in Georgia and Pennsylvania there are way more than Biden needs still to be counted. I think Biden will be declared winner this afternoon but Trump’s lawyers will begin their nonsense. He’s been preparing the ground for this for months now.

    Full Member

    The feeling is currently in the medical community we might manage without a full lockdown but economics and medicine rarely gel

    Full Member

    Scotland is doing significantly better in controlling the virus with reductions in infections across all regions as the government acted much earlier and with much less bowing to business interests. If we’re forced into a Scottish lockdown because furlough isn’t available outside the dates England is locked down that is simply a political move from BoJo & his merry numpties to make it look like they haven’t screwed up so badly. We have the same rights to call our own lockdown as does England due to our devolved health system. As a doctor in the Scottish NHS I’m incredibly glad to have our guys in charge who actually made some hard but correct decisions in September.

    Full Member

    I have to say the slash is a phenomenal bike and can still be ridden all day. I would try and demo both personally but doubt you will go wrong either way.

    Full Member

    F*** me that was almost too much for the ticker!!

    Full Member

    Sefton it’s just that an average. What’s more important is to look at number of life years lost. There will be many who only had a short life expectancy but for those vast numbers will have lost 10, 20 even 30 years of life. Regarding investing in hospitals the excess pressure caused by covid would require such vast increases in ITU and acute care recruitment it would take years to staff them and by then this may all be a nightmare of the past. We have (doctors) all been informed we may be reallocated if necessary although thankfully that didn’t happen to me ladt time. But as TiRED said if we can hold out until a much better treatment regime or effective vaccine is available we can save huge numbers of lives that after all are our loved ones. Also if the NHS is overwhelmed then normal acute care gets compromised leading to increased mortality from all causes.

    Full Member

    The guys at Cotic are absolute legends! I keep trying to buy a bike from them but never have cash at quite the right moment. Will do at some point though!

    Full Member

    What powermeter are you using? My power cable essentially deteriorated at the port of my Hammer 2 and it was cutting out without me realising. There is software that allows you to record powermeter data and look for dropouts on the net.

    Full Member

    I keep trying to ride in SPDs again as I exclusively used to but i’m riding far steeper, more technical tracks than back then. I hat the feeling in SPDs that I can’t immediately disconnect from the pedals when I need to bail and that makes me more cautious and in turn, less confident. Personally if you really want to ride in SPDs you just have to keep riding without ever going back to flats for a good period of time. It’s something you will undoubtedly adapt to over time but it won’t be an unconscious skill for a while.

    Full Member

    Cortisol is cummulative. Life stress + increased bike stress will take its toll eventually. Are you doing enough lower intensity riding? The tendency with training is to hit things fairly hard a lot of the time but the more we stay at near threshold levels during exercise the more stress hormones we produce. I would suggest making one of your rides intentionally a “smell the roses” one where you set an alarm on your computer to not allow you to go even into zone 3 for HR. Either that or take an extra rest day. You don’t say what other life stressors you are experiencing but if there are some, sleep is even more important to reverse the cycle you are describing.

    Full Member

    My impression is you have lots of SOPs TiRED ;)

    Full Member

    It will blister if it’s not covered. Body’s way of protecting itself. Hydrocolloid dressings are excellent although require repeated reapplication. I feel for you. Last time I had it I slipped on ice at the end of my driveway and had to limp back in to my garage!

    Full Member

    Yeah can see how increased testing will decouple it. Wonder how we will know of actual case increases in real terms if indeed that does occur?

    Full Member

    TiRed do you think it’s increased testing or lag between case and outcome?

    Full Member

    I haven’t seen this kind of internal division within the Tory party since before the last election. Apart from the true blue bloods there are sensible people within the party who know Cummings is now a fundamental liability to moving forward with policy and public favour. Plenty of people who voted for them at the last election are already jumping ship as they weren’t exactly natural Tory voters in the first place. This seems like an event that will stick very strongly in voter’s minds because it’s so personal to so many who haven’t seen loved ones since lockdown started. He cannot remain in position without a fundamental crack in the party now.

    Full Member

    Worldometer has us on >4000 new cases reported in the last 24 hours. Had to go back to 8th May for last time that happened.

    Full Member

    It’s very obvious he hasn’t got any friends in any camps and too many enemies have been made. The media won’t stop till he’s gone.

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