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  • Sonder Evol GX Eagle Transmission review
  • speedstar
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    You’re correct about the uplift side. Basically 5 tracks open which wouldn’t make an uplift worth it for me but your mileage may vary. If it were me I’d go to the golfie as plenty open. Boner, waterworld and big baw appear to be gone, possibly forever, which is nothing short of tragic but thankfully on the golf course side most have survived to the extent that with work they are opening up. As always, if people ride there a donation to Tweed Valley Trails Association is always welcome.

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    I think all the normal rules about getting back to exercise after infection apply. Covid has such a variable impact that one person will be fine to go immediately whilst my mate for example who was very fit prior to catching it couldn’t walk up stairs for 2-3 months afterwards. There’s nothing particularly special for most people with COVID Vs other respiratory diseases which is what creates such a bouyant marketplace for anti-vaxxers but for a few % the impact is horrendous.

    Full Member

    Managed exactly 52km to get me to 501km total with 5110 metres of climbing all outside. I did it all on zwift last year but it didn’t feel like as much an exercise in toughness only fitness. This year did the whole thing outside and it took over 22 hours Vs just under 15 on zwift last time. Both challenges are tough but taking on freezing or flooded roads and some of the highest winds I’ve ever ridden in made me feel this time was more of an achievement.

    Kudos to all who completed it. We’re off for PCR tests to kick off our new year in style.

    Full Member

    Tried for a century to finish it off today but the whole ride was into a 20mph headwind so only managed 70 miles. 52 km left according to Strava. Got to care for my son tomorrow as my partner is at work so it’s in the balance whether I can get out or not.

    Full Member

    115km done today in further chilly windy conditions. The total 337km. Hoping for a solid 60-70 miles of the weather holds on Thursday then finish it off on Friday. Doing it outside is a different ordeal to inside no doubt although no matter how you manage it, it’s blooming tough!

    Full Member

    Now at 188km after a 70km ride yesterday morning. Full force gale for the last 10 miles straight into my face on the Angus coast 🌀🌀 Now got to withstand a longer ride with FiL where he tries to drop me on every climb with already sore legs. Still keeps me honest.

    Full Member

    112km in the bag this morning. Had to do about an hour at vo2 max to get back for my pre-Christmas haircut appointment. Tomorrow definitely a rest day!

    Full Member

    I bought a pair of these a couple of years ago and they have not missed a beat through Dirty Reivers, GT7 and general abuse. My BIL has the same ones and has also had a great experience with them. Laces are still in great condition impressively.

    Full Member

    BWD, yeah I sometimes love his theories too as if he has had a new Archimedes-style insight :) He’s not too good when he gets distracted or interrupted either! At least they are trying to do proper science although the evidence is often pretty scanty. Their podcast also does full out and back commute which helps.

    Full Member

    Ooh I really like their podcast but I am a bit of a geek. You should try “the triathlon show” if you want real boring attention to scientific detail!

    Full Member

    Yeah, I’m having a similar issue. I think unless you are someone who has no other commitments, 2 weights sessions plus 3 rides a week is very difficult if not impossible. I am trying to do 4 sessions of exercise a week. What form they come in is variable but I’m of the opinion that if you can do things that maximise each session, you can get away without some of the longer miles that won’t have added as much to fitness. TBH I would rather just go out and ride my bike but it’s a real problem even getting out for a long ride at weekends with weather plus commitments some of the time. I think for my mental health actually getting an outdoors ride once a week is something I need to strive for as my turbo sessions are great for fitness but don’t have the same calming, stress-forgetting effect. Although the Tweed Valley is closed for business after Arwen and goodness knows how long it will be before proper rides are available again…

    Full Member

    Currently for me with a young child, the spare time and energy I used to devote to cycling has become filled with looking after him. I am finding the persistent night time wakening, constant colds and the simple requirement to monitor and keep a child with way too much energy safe is taking a huge toll on any desire to do anything but go to bed early and try and rest as much as possible. Personally, I am hoping that the situation I am currently in will change and I will find more energy to pursue things in the way I used to. I am definitely not going to sell any of my stuff as it’s all perfectly set up for me and my riding and will be sitting there waiting for when I am able to go again. I think it’s very easy to get catastrophic at these low points but it sounds more to me that psychologically that is where you are at and you will naturally bounce back again, probably as winter nears it’s end. This time of year is notorious for making us all feel as if things are not worth it and a change is required.

    Full Member

    TBF he looks to have lost it all on the power stage which, knowing that track, is hard enough going downhill but going uphill might actually make me want to chuck biking for good :D

    Full Member

    Sorry, mtnboarder is right. Don’t remember it being too technical? I had to sack of doing Community Service for family care so no chance of walking stage 5! Wouldn’t make any difference tbh

    Full Member

    Lol nope Dave’s trail basically as far as I can see! Spanner is it’s usual frisky self though

    Full Member

    @JonEdwards I think gravel is going that way unfortunately. Tbh it seems every cycling specialty goes that way sadly. I guess if you weren’t given an official time then it might limit it a bit but the world of ego is well and truly in gravel now. MTB events have gone the same way eg. Glentress 7 used to be about turning up and getting round while having a laugh. These days I’m not certain I saw a single person smile all day 🤣 Not sure there’s an answer tbh

    Full Member

    Fair enough, I guess that would allow me to only stop once as I would take less time too theoretically. Will need to think how I can fit all that fluid on my bike and person!

    Full Member

    Let’s hope so for less midges 🤪 I don’t know how folk do it with almost zero stops?! I needed 2L water from every feed stop…

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    Full Member

    I had a mechanical nightmare and slipped my chain about 10x in the first half. Managed to get it to sort of work in most gears although my BB from my spares box that I was forced to put in the day before turned out to be very worn and the bike started to make a lovely rasping nose with turning the cranks that got louder as the ride went on! I had 10’45 riding time overall including a last minute wrong turn in the dark that added another kilometer :D The last climb was horrifically brutal and one I will remember for some time.

    Was so glad to get in and drove home to a warm bed which was luxury. See you next year?!

    Full Member

    Grump, that is something I never would have thought of doing! Is it something you are running or have done? Guess it’s dot oil in both.

    Full Member

    Zipp 303s. Used to love my 404s and these are just as awesome!

    Full Member

    I definitely think gravel bike for the Reiver btw, having done it on both. There isn’t enough bumpy stuff to satisfy a mtb and I was definitely slower on it (Anthem 29er) whilst at the same time my rear end was probably more comfortable! Re long-distance mtb, the Glentress 7 is good for atmosphere and showing up lack of fitness.

    Full Member

    I have actually become friends with my Code Rs as they give consistent braking and feel confidence-inspiring enough when they are working. Gone are the days of the Avid bleed nightmares. What I have found by riding them lots on two bikes is the pistons get very sticky through mud etc so need quite a bit of fettling once they lose their out of the shop newness. Also the lever is susceptible to blowing seals as you can actually put quite a lot of oil pressure in due to the bleeding edge process. I am now burping them slightly at the lever to reduce some of the pressure after bleeding. Not sure if they are any more or less faffy than other brakes though?

    Full Member

    Broon trout can do one. That is all.

    Full Member

    Sorry, had nursery-induced lurgy so tentatively getting back on the bike. Might be able and keen next week.

    Full Member

    It may well be what plants crave but I can assure you if you also don’t ingest adequate electrolytes, you till will become a plant or at least plant food fairly swiftly!

    Full Member

    I’m due to be doing it although I am on nights that week leading up to it so might be too much of a mess. It’s usually more mellow than the other Tweedlove enduros and a good mix of trail centre and off-piste. My first piece of advice is to not try and ride faster than you have ever done previously as that will result in crashes. You should practice going at the speed you want to go before the enduro and accept whatever pace you can handle on the day. It’s usually great craic although sadly still missing the end party that usually results.

    Full Member

    Over hydration without electrolytes can actually cause your brain to cone through the base of your skull so yes it’s a very real issue! It’s probable that the warmer and slightly longer ride caused you to lose a bit more electrolyte and fluid that might have been exacerbated by drinking too much water without anything added. I use electrolyte fluid for every ride I go on as a result. Cramp can also occur just by overdoing more than you’re used to as well as I found out around the 5.5 hour marks of the GT7 where both calves felt like they were going to pop out the backs of my legs!

    Full Member

    I’m going to start training for road again so could be interested in some Thursday TT action. I’ll try and stay on top of this thread.

    Full Member

    TPBiker, where exactly was that on the course?

    Full Member

    I would expect so. The battery makes a bloomin great load of difference and if she can already operate a geared bike she’ll be laughing.

    Full Member

    Yeah fine ride although longer than it maybe looks on a map. Done on a gravel bike so no issues on a mtb. Proper well constructed path most of the way.

    Full Member

    Buying an e-bike then falling backwards onto my fence when I tried to put it on the roof carrier the first time. One side of your body needs to be pumped like Arnie.

    Full Member

    Early night the night

    Full Member

    After a toddler-inspired broken sleep i’m on the double espressos so if someone has a wild look in their eyes and is riding a green megatower, don’t stand in their path as they probably won’t see you. Good luck everyone!

    Full Member

    Lol Phil shouting at me to get to the front on the descent and i’ve spent the past 10 minutes trying to sprint back onto the back on the small lumpy bits :D Couldn’t actually talk for the first 2 or 3 minutes. The pace set by Phil and Paino is so impressive I think the rest of us should be proud of sticking with them.

    Full Member

    Ach I’ll join! Weather’s so b******* here I’m ready to lodge a complaint. I’ll add my name.

    Full Member

    From my own experience, I am faster on steeper climbs >maybe 8% on my gravel bike which has a 32/40 ratio vs my normal road 34/32. I am 95kg and I find above this kind of gradient or even below it when more fatigued my cadence gets so low I am really pushing far too much through my anterior muscles and properly straining vs being able to keep a cadence of 80-90 RPM on the gravel bike for the same gradient. I think the rule should be if you can’t get an adequate cadence on the climbs you want to do then going to a lower ratio will definitely benefit you.

    Full Member

    You soon find if you stick it in turbo everywhere you run out of battery very quickly! I find eco on the gravel roads is more than adequate for still flying along. Think it’s part of the misunderstanding that all e-bikers are going everywhere in turbo?

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