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  • Speeder
    Full Member

    +20 or +40? I assume it’s meant for 180mm disc and I therefore need a +20 but not sure.

    Full Member

    What’s with all the nose down saddles – do you guys actually ride your bikes like that?

    Full Member

    LHS under bar but I’m running 1×9 so it’s easy.

    Full Member

    Why are you bothering? It’s not as if anyone even puts these things on their forks any more – the sealing’s actually quite good these days.
    I certainly wouldn’t, you’ll just do more damage as it’ll hold the muck against the post as it goes up and down and it’ll act like grinding paste. Better off just giving it a good clean after every ride.

    Besides that you’ll just look a clueless fool running a mud guard in summer.

    Full Member

    Can recommend* The Stinking Rose[/url] though not if either of you isn’t a fan of Garlic.

    * That’s based on going there 18 years ago so may have changed a bit

    Full Member

    The Hustler – if they’re copies or seconds I literally can’t tell the difference and I suspect neither could you. They are of the quality and “performance” I’d expect of Oakley just without the price tag.

    I suspect that they do a few low start auctions as loss leaders/good advertising. I got the glasses, case, warranty card etc – no hint of anything untoward.

    Anyway here they are if anyone is interested

    I got a great pair of glasses and a great service for a great price. Happy to recommend them to anyone.


    Full Member

    Got my current pair of Oakley Transistors from a guy on eBay. Total I paid was about £90 including lenses and they threw in a spare pair of glazed glasses for free. They came all the way from Hong Kong too . If I remember the name of the eBay shop I’ll post it later. Couldn’t fault the service or the glasses and I’d advertise their services anywhere if asked.

    Oh and the equivalent in the UK were well over £300.

    Full Member

    They work fine most of the time but they do come with a good (lifetime?) warranty if they don’t. My current set are a warranty replacement for my first because the clasp that holds them together broke.

    Full Member

    Anyone? – Don’t even know if this bumps posts anymore . . . . . . .

    Full Member

    If they were dual air I’d say you didn’t have any air in the bottom chamber as this happened to my Pikes the other week but being solos I have no idea unless the equalisation vent is blocked (I’m assuming there is a way to go fom one chamber to the other)

    Full Member

    There’s a Spicy in the classifieds where the owner said he did this, ask the fella . . . . .

    Full Member

    Thought it was awful myself, not sure how anyone could call anything that depressing a “good film” but hey that’s me.

    Full Member

    Finished ours on Monday night and learnt a hell of a lot from it. I really hadn’t looked into it all that much, just assumed most things would come naturally or be common sense but I’m very glad we went as I think it was really beneficial. We’ll see if it actually makes any difference when we get to the big day but it’s definately made the wife a lot more relaxed about the prospect of the birth (she was gettin a wee bit nervous about the mechanics of it) and I now know how I can help with that.

    Admittedly some of it was a bit hippy dippy (well the teacher was from Stroud) but everyone left their egos at the door and got involved, we even had a 95% attendance from the guys and that was only due to work commitments in one session. Everyone got on well and the girls have already organised some lunch time stuff for later in the week.

    There’s nothing like being in a group of people who are all scared of the same thing to generate cameraderie, reminded me of the blitz. ;o)

    It’s not going to be for everyone but if you’re reasonably open minded I’d recommend it.


    Full Member

    Also thinking about a similar trip to Morzine or the like in the late summer, though due date is a month away yet so that may be a tad optimistic. The plan for me will be riding every other day over 2 weeks with the rest of the time spent with wife and child but we’ll see how that pans out. I’m guessing we’ll have to rent a whole chalet as no-one will want to stay with us. ;o)

    Full Member

    Can’t believe no-one has mentioned the Lotus Elise yet – a proper step change in the evolution of the small sports car. Shame they’ve had to go porky along with everything else since the first one though.

    Buy now to get in at the bottom (ish) ;o)

    Full Member

    The extra 3.5mm/side is so that you can use a bolt through axle with the ease of fitment of a QR (so long as you have a Maxle type araangement). It’s just like a regular bolt through 135x12mm but with a cup at each side for the extended axle to fall into while you try and line up the axle to go through the hub. Simple but clever.

    Explanation Here

    Full Member

    Do a search for Carbon bars on SDH – there's a recent thread on it with some input from an F1 Materials Technologist – if he says don't use carbon bars (and he does) I wouldn't. It's the wrong applications for the material and simply not worth the 50? gramme saving over a decent ali bar.

    Full Member

    If it does nothing more than make you think about how you ride rather than just get down the hill it's worth it. There's some good stuff in the but don't buy it if you get annoyed at Yank hyperbole, there's a lot of "challenging" language.

    Full Member

    I'm with duntmatter on swap-out – what does this mean? It's those damn language muddling Yanks again.

    another would be

    absolutely – don't you just mean yes?

    Full Member

    Just go to your LBS and ask if they've got an old threaded axle with the end nuts on it – they'll probably be glad to get rid of one – adjust to suit your frame, push your qr through and tighten. Drop-out spreader done.

    Full Member

    As some one in the trade mentioned to me the other day – it's the new purple. Just the industry's way of flogging us more stuff that we didn't know we needed.

    Can't say I haven't done it though. :oops:

    Full Member

    Just take a file to the front of the dropout on both sides and you should solve the issue – ok it'll get a bit baggy as time goes on but it shouldn't ever fall off. (have done this on an aluminium frame before to get a magicish gear)

    Full Member

    I bought one for a fiver that this had happened to (turned out the spring had popped out) tried for ages to find a way to assemble the thing but it just wouldn't go back together – as said above, you need 6 hands and a lot of luck. I assume there's a fixture or something for assembling them in the factory . . . . . . .

    Full Member

    What do you mean by pre tests? Do you mean the bit where you have to see how many lines you can read with your glasses on bit? If it is I can't see it has any bearing on someone's test at all so there's no risk to anyone's health. The only thing it might do is slow down the test as the base line measurement may have moved and they'll have to take time to get where they would have been.

    Best wishes to your mum hope it all works out ok.

    Full Member

    As everyone has said you should split it as the build is pretty personal if I was in the market I'd be tempted by the frame (though it's too big for me, it does look lovely in that colour)but there's a load of bits on there I'd never fit to one of my bikes and I'd just have to sell them anyway which is a pain.

    Your eBay mistake was putting it on with a reserve – it's utterly pointless in it's current guise and just demoralises people. It's doesn't matter if you're highest bidder if you still haven't reached a reserve, you just don't create the same bidding frenzy. Personally I don't think the "reserve not met" should be shown before the end of the auction anyway but that's a separate argument.

    Full Member

    fair enough – some people just can't be arsed to split bikes and end up selling the whoel for a lot less than they'd get for the parts. It's a good little side line if you have the cash and the time. A pretty good way of acquiring the money for bike bits anyway. Especially if there's one part you want and a load you don't. I'd consider buying a bike for the frame and flogging the rest of the stuff I didn't fancy.

    Full Member

    It's what I use on mine so yes, can confrim.

    Full Member

    Back in the summer of 2001 I won an Elise on eBay for £4k under the book price of the time. I'd only seen pictures of the car and had a brief email conversation with the vendor but sorted the finance in the week, took a train to London at the weekend where I handed over a bank draught and drove it home.

    Best decision I ever made.


    Full Member

    Put mine in with an ISIS tool too.



    Full Member

    Once you're used to it you're used to it – like a bent pedal axle, after a while you just don't notice it until you get on someone else's bike.

    Having said that, I won't now buy any cranks longer than 165mm as I've got short 29" legs and I'd and I'd prefer to have the ground clearance.

    Full Member

    Do they still make cully's?

    I thought not but THIS seems to suggest otherwise. ;o)

    I love my Cullys, they're just the best shape and size, in fact I've got 3 pairs – one for each bike and a spare – just in case, though I am thinking of chopping them in for a pair of those Point One racings they look quite special. There's a hell of a lot of thought gone into them and they're fairly light which is the one downfall of the Eastons. . . . .

    Full Member

    Was in Tignes Val Claret last week and couldn't recommend it highly enough. I was concerned about the elevation and the consequent lack of trees but when it was raining below 2000m I was quite chuffed about it. The terrain and the extent of it is pretty awesome, especially if you factor in Val D'Isere.

    Full Member

    Thought it might be – my last phone was a Samsung and it looked great and had loads of potential but just ended up being crap because of the interface being all ar$e about face. Not sure I'd trust them to have worked out some logical way of doing things yet.

    Full Member

    Wasn't the "almost an iPhone but better" Samsung thingy was it by any chance? They're offering me one as a cheap upgrade and I'm wondering if it's cos it's shite?

    Full Member

    As said above, they're utterly useless and the just blow down the tube trick doesn't work if you fall over lots as the water just comes back up and freezes solid.

    So speaks the voice of experience. Now I just put a bottle of water in my bag, if I'm taking one.

    Full Member

    As said above, they're utterly useless and the just blow down the tube trick doesn't work if you fall over lots as the water just comes back up and freezes solid.

    So speaks the voice of experience. Now I just put a bottle of water in my bag, if I'm taking one.

    Full Member

    edc seems to have friends in high places (relatively speaking) – SDH thread locked. :roll:

    Full Member

    So the climate changes and some animals plants etc., maybe even us humans become extinct, so what? The only thing that's constant in this world is change. We've been what we are for seconds, if that, in the day of the life of the planet and I dare say it won't remember us as much more than a skin infection it got once. Who cares if some people die? We're not the most important thing in the universe. If we're disrupting things, I'm sure the planet will find some way of restoring it's equilibrium.

    Ok we are most probably harming the planet and most of it is being done out of greed or other self interested motives but that it just part of life's natural struggle – survival of the fittest or he with the most money/influence gets the best looking girls and has the healthiest most successful kids.

    It wouldn't be the end of the world if the Earth managed to find a way to get rid of us, I mean we don't add anything to the world do we?

    We're just parasites.

    Full Member

    What's a set of Middleburns with an SKF BB?

    Full Member

    Cheers Boatman that's encouraging.

    Anyone else?

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