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  • UCI Confirms 2025 MTB World Series Changes
  • Speeder
    Full Member

    If this is the bike juggler, I’m not watching that again, gave me the willies thinking he was going to crash at any moment.  It was like watching my kids on a bike.

    Full Member

    I’ve learnt something – I had no idea there was such a thing as a World Team and that it was a closed shop.  Sounds about right when compared to the future development of MTB World Cups . . .

    Full Member

    Isn’t he already an RB athlete?

    Full Member


    Over-rated, mostly by himself.

    Multiple World Championships across various disciplines say he’s definitely not over rated.  The sheer ability to rock up at any MTB race he choses and wipe the floor with everyone should demonstrate that.

    I don’t get and don’t follow road at all but it does appear that Ineos have not managed to figure out how to get him to be a GC rider.  Maybe being small requires a different setup?

    Full Member

    I like the idea and it looks great but not being able to change the bars is a definite deal breaker and damn it’s expensive!

    Full Member

    Isla was, last I read, running a spares store for them.

    Buy Islabikes parts and accessories

    Worth getting in touch.

    Full Member

    Is the large Privateer not the obvious thing? Or are they no longer part of the team package?

    Full Member

    We had a power cut as the mason was cutting the stone round the rsj…..

    i doubt they’re related.

    Full Member

    Or you could buy one of these for the silence and WCDH kudos.

    “Zero Drag” DT Swiss Internals — Williams Racing Products

    Full Member

    Given it’s of unknown provenance, it’s at this point that I’d be getting to to one of the suspension tuners for a rebuild/setup.  I’m sure they’ve seen it all before.

    Full Member

    220 deliveries a day?  Over 8 hours that’s one every 2 minutes! Including travel between drops – I hope they give you a fastest route map for that!  What area would that cover?

    Full Member

    Can only see socks in the biking section. My guess is that they love cycling and see the fit with the brand but struggle to shift it because either the styling is off or the recognition’s not there.

    I’ve got a great pair of the old seamless bibs for the once in a decade times I go out on the road and they’re lovely. Did buy them in a sale though.

    Full Member

    Very pleased for Troy and his win but surprised to see his long term mechanic Aarron is leaving the team. I heard a comment regarding Fort William by Bernard Kerr and he complained that it was too much hassle to get to and he wasn’t bothered about it being dropped from the series, he’s a bit of a self centred prick ain’t he?

    I’m in partial agreement with BK. FW is the only place in the UK with a chairlift so it’s the default UK venue. It does have a long history and hosts great events BUT there’s no arguing with the isolated location (it’s a long 8 hr drive from here, I’d rather double that and go to the alpes personally) and the midges. I expect part of the attraction is that it’s relatively mild weather early in the season so can be one of the first races when the bigger hills still have snow on.  Who could say if there was another suitable UK location (big hill with chairlift) that the atmosphere wouldn’t be at least as good, if not better being as it would almost certainly be more accessible for the UK fans..

    Full Member

    Not sure what I was expecting on opening this but it sure wasn’t a road bike.

    This place has changed.

    Full Member

    Bunking off work a bit early to head over to FOD this afternoon for exactly that reason – these decent conditions can only last so long.

    Full Member

    Couldn’t figure out why they didn’t just hire a Bumpa lift for the slates,
    because they wanted to come in under budget. That’s how you make savings, lots of little areas, not one big one.

    If you, for one minute, believe that they carried several tonnes of slates up that ladder, 10 at a time in a rucksack, I’ve got a bridge I’d like to sell you.

    Full Member

    I feel for your daughter but you’re trying to make her (and your) problem, everyone else’s.

    I don’t know what the solution is, but going nuclear is not it.

    If she’s having this problem in school, Real life is really going to **** her up.

    Full Member

    I imagine that they were quite savy and that a lot of the “featured” suppliers were assisting with the financing in some way.  The we’re influencers and are going to be on Grand Designs will certainly help in that regard.

    Did anyone notice that the farmer’s son’s Tshirt getting blurred out in one scene – I wonder if it was just a swoosh or if he thought “I’ll get a tshirt printed for GD”?

    Full Member

    My wife swears – a lot.

    Full Member

    I can’t see the problem. Wasn’t Johnson famous within the civil service for never ever reading briefing notes?

    That was exactly my first thought.

    Full Member

    I don’t think the midges. will be missed.

    Full Member

    Someone at the MTBHoF has a sense of humour.

    Full Member

    I thought it was great, thoroughly enjoyed it, in spite of Paddy, who I usually cannot stand. He seemed alright outside of his “comedy” persona.

    Full Member

    You’d think there would be some private schools that would be falling over themselves to offer Gullis a job – if it weren’t for the negative publicity it would bring.

    I guess it just shows what an echo chamber the Con party has been.

    Who’d have thought there’d be consequences eh? Love the way he’s doing his best to build bridges with the profession in order to get himself (back?) in . . . . oh hang on. . . .

    I do feel sorry for his kids – must be terrible to grow up with a dad like that.

    Full Member

    Cotton wool buds.  I don’t let it build up and I’ve got great hearing.  Can’t bare it when it builds up.

    I know in theory they’re bad but I’m not stabbing myself with them.

    Full Member

    Don Letts does seem to be flogging his “The Rebel Dread” to death.  I’ve never heard anyone quote their nickname so much.

    I really like Chris Hawkins interviews, I think he often shows real insight and appreciation for the interviewee.  Only thing I find a little irritating is that they often sound re-dubbed after the fact, so it sounds a bit like one of those syndicated interviews you get on local radio (or used to get on Steve Wright).  If the sound’s crap leave it in, that’s life and it’ll sound more genuine.

    I really don’t get the hate for the fella.

    Full Member

    RX7 here and it’s good – has the occasional false start but wait a few secs and punch the button a few times and it starts ok. It’s a 2 minute job and wil cope with a few days growth.

    Full Member

    I love the Hawk for balance @rockbus but echo your impressions of NG – he’s ben great and def has a place on 6M when/if LaLa returns (which I’m looking fwd to),

    Re Chris Hawkins – was just coming on here to say how much I’ve enjoyed hearing him in the afternoon slot while WFH.  It’s been a nice afternoon.

    Full Member

    Oh it’s for gravel bikes – don’t care.

    Full Member

    I expect that give it a couple of months and it’ll be bleeding rust out of the render given the lack of attention to detail in the rest of the build.

    Full Member

    About time the big heavy, overpowered and over-tyred EVs start paying their way towards the road damage they’re almost certainly causing.

    Full Member

    I think my wife is playing cupboard jenga with me. When I need a certain bowl, towel, cup, baking tray etc, I can either try to remove it from the perilously balanced pile without the pile collapsing. Or what I normally do is take everything out and then put everything back in so it’s not a trap for the next person.

    She’s using you . . .

    Full Member

    I’m with the lid off for boiling things party, sticking the lid on just means it will boil over and make a mess/stink.  I’ll live with the few pence wasted in electric to save on cleaning up chemicals.
    Put the lid on and turn the heat down once it starts to simmer – you use less electricity and less of the contents evaporate away. You can simmer covered pots  at a couple of settings lower than is needed without a lid and they don’t boil over. (Obviously, if the intention is to reduce the contents down then leave the lid off…)

    Fine if you have glass lids that enable you to see what’s going on – ours are Schrodinger’s pans.

    Full Member

    As an organisation trying to present a professional image to people who have to pay to participate or they don’t have a product to sell. It’s very much in WB’s interest to get the schedule out as early as possible so people can work out how much sponsorship they’re going to actually need for next year.

    Full Member

    Ah I forgot one – the grill.  I tend to grill things with the door open because I have more chance of remembering it’s in there and I can catch it if it starts to burn because I’ve forgotten it.  Apparently that was how it used to be done, in the olden days, but modern grills should be closed. So we get a lot of closing of the grill door and a lot of “oh ****! It’s burnt” moments.

    I’m with the lid off for boiling things party, sticking the lid on just means it will boil over and make a mess/stink.  I’ll live with the few pence wasted in electric to save on cleaning up chemicals.

    Full Member

    Hidey tidy – yes. With added “I don’t know where I put it, I just put it away!”

    Dishwasher – not as bad as so me by the sound of it but it’s usually not great.

    Lids – never on anything and if they are they’re not tightened – the excuse is usually a passive aggressive “I was busy/in a hurry . . .

    “1/2 a job – seemingly nothing gets finished ever then it’s on to the next 1/2 arsed job. Yet I have a few things “in progress” and they get tidied away. See above

    Car keys or anything regularly used and important.  I have a place for my keys, I come in and they go there.  That way I don’t have to think, I just know where they are. If I didn’t do this I’d forget, it keeps life simple. The wife on the other hand, keys stay in whatever item of clothing, bag, whatever she was last wearing/using and that gets dumed wherever so every time it’s “where is my key?” – give me strength.

    The online shopping – I’ll admit it’s something I know nothing about as I don’t get involved and it does seem to be quite awkward with multiple “do you want THIS?” and “are you sure” popups  but the amount of times she doesn’t complete checkout and we end up with 1/2 the bits missing or it arriving at the wrong time are ridiculous. Surely she should have learned by now how to do it.

    The washing up – why does the counter have to be swimming in water every time I go to do it?

    Dumping stuff on the kitchen counter where it will get wet (see above) – bags, clothes, work writing pads important paperwork.  All just gets dumped on the kitchen counter where it will get ruined by the flood of water from the sink. No “what if” thinking.

    Sure that’s not exhaustive and I’m sure her’s is as long as mine.

    Do love her

    Full Member

    As a counterpoint to Northwind’s experience, I spent a week riding Morzine this summer with a 2.6 Ultra soft Super Trail Mary up front and a DH Betty on the rear – no issues at all.

    Would love to try a radial but I stocked up on cheap tyres in the spring and have enough for a few years. They can wait.

    Full Member

    Is 3mm going to make the slightest bit of difference? MAXXIS WTs are ace

    Full Member

    This one, I think…..? Looks good.

    Oops yes that one _ I do need to check links after posting. Thanks

    Full Member

    Just spotted this – think they might be new.

    Sliding Bike Storage Track With Hooks -Others (

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