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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • Sparky77
    Free Member

    A slight hijack.

    I’ve recently bought a second hand kickr core and using an Android phone to connect to Zwift. I’ve been finding the whole experience a little frustrating and struggle to connect each time. This is mainly with the controllable aspect, the power meter and cadence are always quick to connect, but the controllable seems to take an age/not appear at all.

    Do you have a similar problem on the start up screen?

    Free Member

    A few of you have mentioned that you’ve taken the plunge on an Enyaq. How are you finding them?

    We’ve just grown to a family of 4, so the leaf that we’ve had for the past 2 years isn’t now going to cut it in terms of luggage space. Our requirements are now to have a car that will do 150 miles in the winter in one hit (Leaf struggles to do much more that 100 miles on the motorway in winter), option to put a towbar on for a bike rack and have a big enough boot for the family.

    We drove the MG5 EV at the weekend and were suitably impressed, but no towing currently until the facelifted version arrives in Q3 of this year. So question is whether we wait for this or splash out on the Skoda as this will cost us a bit more.

    Free Member

    We’ve recently had a Ohme tethered charger installed to charge our new leaf, with Octopus on the Go tariff and seems to work very well. As we’re not using the car too much at the moment it’s been charging perfectly well overnight on the cheap rate. When I start commuting as normal (50miles each way) I will look as to whether it may be worth considering switching onto the agile tariff (although we are charging a Mk1 leaf as well, so this might not work for us).

    Free Member

    I’m just over 6 foot and ride a large, wouldn’t want anything smaller as I think that I would end up running on the seatpost limit as I used to on my chameleon (the main reason why I upgraded).

    I’ve now just bought my second soul frame so have got a large Mk1 Soul frame available in builders tea if your interested?

    Free Member

    There was some gloves in there, but the pads weren’t attached to anything upon pulling them out of the washing machine…

    Free Member

    Cracking fun this afternoon! Was doing the 2hr and wish that I had done the 4hr as the conditions were so nice!! Hats off to pants and the crew, even riding some of the trails regularly there was a good mix of new and old in the course that made it jolly good fun. Look forwards to AYTE in July!

    Free Member

    the first most people on here heard about it was either this thread or coming accross the trail closed signs.

    I’ll second that. Between the guys at work and myself we ride Swinley at least once a week, if not more and to not hear anything of this until it was announced on here was a bit dissapointing to be honest.

    I’m going to be interested to hear how they are going to police riding in the ‘banned areas’. There is still quite a few of well used trails that don’t look as though they are going to be encompassed within the new routes.

    Free Member

    mboy – YGM.

    Free Member

    Would be interesting mboy. I’ll drop you a mail later on, would you be able to get some pics for me?

    Free Member

    180mm steerer min

    Free Member

    Not too fussed at going down to a 15mm front axle, just don’t want to go back to a QR as I think that I would miss the stiffness of the front end straight away.

    Free Member

    Do you use your commuting as training or as transport?

    Half and half, I tend to try and squeeze in some intervals miles on my way home from work as ‘training’. Normally try and keep a pretty steady HR on my way in to not kill myself for the rest of the day. Doing a 30 mile round trip is enough in itself for me.

    Free Member

    Does anyone commute offroad? I commute along the toe path which is brilliant 90% of the time, but there are patches of it that get pretty boggy at times so I normally end up plastered in mud by the time I reach work. I normally managed to strip off most of my muddy gear near the front door and place most of it in my bag cover, is just a bit of a pain not trying to get mud everywhere when I get to my locker.

    Clothes wise I manage to get clean shirt, boxers, socks and lunch into my dakine nomad. It is a bit of a squeeze, but shirts seem to stay reasonably crease free. Helps having the locker to keep everything else in.

    I’ve been using some dakine gloves for a while that I can’t recommend highly enough, they’ve got a fleeced back to them which seems to keep my mitts warm in most temperatures 🙂

    Free Member

    Literally just made the switch from my Chameleon as I had the same problem as you, it was just that little too small for me.

    Don’t regret it at all, the soul seems to climb so well compared to the SC, but then still seems more than able to hit downhills reasonably quickly with a pretty good level of control. I mainly ride XC so it was an obvious choice, but if your after the little more travel I think I would be heading towards the Bfe instead.

    Free Member

    Not technically classed as swallowing, but had a wasp sting me on my toungue before I finally managed to spit it out!

    Free Member

    +1 on a cracking weekend! Course was brilliant, was really worried after my first lap that I was going to end up having a few issues with trees in the latter stages of the race, but managed to avoid them all!! 😀

    Was my first 12hr and think that I’ll be signing up for a few more!

    Free Member

    I’m there, doing the 12hr as a pair. The first proper enduro (other than gorrick 100) that I’ve done, thus dead excited! Lets just hope the sun stays out for it!

    Free Member

    SV’s a great bike, I’ve had one till recently and a friend still has one. Brilliant little bikes, still have a massive amount of fun on normal roads without going at speeds that will loose your licence!!

    Just go for one that hasn’t been in the mini twin series 😉 I did have some starting problems with mine, but a new battery solved that.

    Free Member

    Just seen this, yup I did Windmill Hill. I came in 18th in the end, dead chuffed, not able to do the one this weekend, but will definately be doing the ones later in the year!

    Don’t think that I have ever ran up quite so many hills in such a confined area. Really enjoyed it, was trying to think of a bog that they would send us through before hand, didn’t contemplate the canal!!

    Free Member

    Get some curved soft jaws for your vice so you don’t damage your seat post and then clamp as hard as possible. I used some masking tape on an old post to avoid damage.

    Free Member

    I keep on missing the Lidl ones, the x-tools one is cheap from ribble!

    Free Member

    you take inner tubes with you when snowboarding?

    Just had it in my bag from cycling, cable ties wouldn’t work as they just became too brittle with the cold and kept on snapping after 100m’s of riding!!

    Free Member

    Also not one on the bike, but broke a binding whilst snowboarding, managed to use a inner tube section to replace the broken section to board the whole way back down the mountain to get a replacement 😀

    Free Member

    I also did the 2nd of Jan one at Longmoor. Was expecting it to be something like the Grim Challenege that I did in Dec, but it was quite a step up from that. Did really enjoy it, thus have signed up to the windmill hill one.

    Elevation change wise, there where a couple of pretty steep hills, so the more that you can to do in training the better I suppose!!

    Free Member

    I had the same problem with my pikes, went in the same place as Grum’s. Took them apart, rubbed the worst out with some wet and dry then have left them as is. Am just a little more religious at replacing oil etc probably once a month or so.

    Read about the nail varnish and liquid metal filler. Tried the liquid metal filler as could get some from work, but ended up taking it all off as couldn’t get it smooth enough to not mark the seals. Not sure whether or not to give nail varnish a go or not now…

    Free Member

    Just got one of the exodus’ from Four4th ( ), can’t rate it enough. They also do the Genesis version to go on the bars.

    Free Member

    Redefined the word muddy. Cracking.

    Free Member

    Fitted mine last night with a upside down 32mm socket. Little bit of grease on the outside and went straight in.

    Free Member

    I haven’t noticed any sort of oil leaking from them at all, thus never servicing them. I was under the impression that they were working as expected. Think that I’ll give the repair a go with some new seals.

    Free Member

    I’ll admit it that I have never serviced them, how naive I have been….

    Free Member

    Had one of these for years, can’t really recommend it enough. Simple, easy and very secure.

    Free Member

    I ordered one from here last night, suppose to be in stock, but we shall see how long it takes to come….

    Free Member

    @DezB, it’s both I’m after, would be good to get both from the same place to save on postage etc

    @Simon1975, that’s the one. There out of stock though, have e-mailed them to see when they shall be expecting them back in. Cheers.

    Free Member

    Yer was going to pop into town to see how big it looked as that was my main worry, that it might be too big.

    Thanks for your thoughts.

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