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  • Bike Check: ICE Trikes Adventure Trike
  • Spankmonkey
    Free Member

    Crazy – I mean shop front assistants, not mechanics, I know a mechanic will need exp, shop front would prob just need shop exp, so most front of house may not have bike knowledge of any depth… potentially :)

    Free Member

    my best was in halfrauds asking for a hope olive… he said they were not a food shop, I called him a twit and asked to speak to the manager, he was!…. I then found it on their ordering system for them

    Free Member

    ton did she sell you a spade and a book of big holes, as well? most blokes I have met in shops are clueless, I think in general a lot of shops employ people who are not into the sport, its just a job to them and they need to learn on the job which could take time, nothing to do with being male or female.

    Free Member

    there are quite a few colon's being posted, or is that Colon's posting ? :lol:

    Free Member

    try ebay for park tools I have picked some up cheap as new 2nd rate tools, sometimes used but still great quality at a decent price

    Free Member

    i dont have much sympathy for very over weight people, I mean very.. unless they have a medical condition.. other than that if it is pure binge eating then they need better will power, only they did it, however being rude, mocking, slagging them off makes you 10 times worse as it will only make things worse for them

    Free Member

    To be fair here – that's all they've got to go on

    but comes back to my, wait till morning and then make the decision locally, why take people out of work unnecessarily? imagine if no snow had fell? now that would have been damn funny, and Met office do fek up that much.

    Free Member

    mike – everyone knows the weather man botches yup every week, so closing 100's of schools the day before the actual result is plainly not a good idea, met office could not predict a storm in a tea cup. Bristol is no where near what they predicted, and the proof is in the pudding….

    so of all those bleeting on about safety; non are from Bristol and non with kids in the area, so you cannot understand why it is a joke, ok I appreciate some on here are surrounded by 2ft of snow and black ice, and think going out is suicide, well it may be in your area and fiar enough, it WERE that bad i would not venture out; but come and have a look at Bristol and you would understand why its a joke! a simple wait till morning to make a LOCAL decision is not much to ask for.

    Dave – when I have to take time off i do, I just prefer a week or 2 long proper holiday instead of a forced day in soggy slush

    Free Member

    Mike – Like I said earlier, they always made the decision on the day before and it worked, this is prime example of doing it the day before and it feking up!

    its funny the amount of people having a go, how many of you are from Bristol? and how many of those from bristol have kids? so are being forced to take time out of their holiday entitlement?

    Free Member

    MAybe you should have not had kids if you find them such a hassle to look after.

    take a hike pillock… I look after my kids very well and dont at all see them as a hassle so shove that sentance up your @rse.

    I expect the schools to open when they can / should; and provide my kids with an education, schools closing 5-10 days a year for non urgent reasons costs me days holiday, I should be saving for FAMILY holidays…. it takes my wife who works at the Bristol Royal Imfirmary out of work also, but I guess you have no kids right? so I guess you would not see that logic! all this feking about and we end up with a lost week of holiday days. precious days when you need to find 6 weeks cover for summer, then easter and then xmas. Parents cannot afford to rush home everytime there is a petty panic… add that to having a 1 year old in nursery who at times have staff shortages, its every bloody month you need to take multiple days off…

    Like I said and obviously you are not from Bristol, so again the roads are clear, so clear 30-50 cars queing for a supermarket, the playgrounds were clear, all the local roads are clear. people out everywhere, so not dangerous at all in Bristol/ Just because I dont sit and cry at home over a bit of snow and actually get off my backside and get to work…. because it is safe, sorry but I expect the rest of public service to do the same!

    Its funny seeing all the kids out today running around, throwing snow, making skid patches, parents driving them around, going out for lunch, to the mall… yep severe weather that be. god there is around 5cm of snow left, non on the roads, in fact its a damn nice day, hardly a blizzard and 5ft of snow is it. Oh and on that note if you have just had an op and are laid up, you have not been out and tried to drive with 1st hand experience have you? and not in Bristol?????? NO. just listening to the TV and radio hype!

    Free Member

    Schools don't provide one to one supervision :o)

    No they dont give any supervision at the moment ;)

    anagallis_arvensis – Member
    actually I'm off work sick at the moment.

    Frost bite? Hyperthermia? or snow day sickness?

    Free Member

    lots of money in animal farm :)

    other than that chances of getting a living are very very slim

    We have a friend who is supposedly daftly good looking (part greek with a permanent tan… git) and has done over 200 shoots for mags, web sites etc but still cannot make a living out of it. He was told you need to be in the top 0.01 % of models, I think women get a far better living from it, As a side line it is prob a good earner.

    Free Member

    anagallis_arvensis – Member
    So the teachers could all park on the road outside and the school run mums in their 4×4's could have a field day crashing and running over kids.

    Our school car park is clear, so are the roads. have you had to take 2 days annual leave to look after kids? just went to sainsburys in Filton almost 50 cars queing to get in, tons of parents (Mums and dads) with their kids… oh so they CAN drive and go shopping but not drive to do their frigin jobs…. absolute class

    Free Member

    no dont ignore reports, take them with a pinch of salt

    oh see what I did there :)

    Not all areas are as bad as the reports suggest. All I am saying is each school should be able to monitor the local conditions and make a 1st hand imformed judgement as to staying open or closed. Our shcool uses sms meassages which they did last snow and they sent a txt at 7am each morning to advise if they would be open or not. This works perfectly as they make the decision on the day, ok a school 10 miles away may be a different story and may need to close, for some reason the high almighty closed them all this time the day before, however the local school in their txt yesterday and today intimated the closure was beyond their control (from the high almighty) and they could not open for this reason. I sure if they had control they would have opened because local conditions were ok… so begs the question why the school is closed when the mighty decision making lord does not know the local conditions. All I am trying to state is schools should have the decision making themselves. my kids school teachers are all local, most live within 5 miles so they can all get to the school very easily. Meanwhile 100's of parents have had to take days off work which in this instance is not necessary.

    Free Member

    your just making yourself look foolish now

    I live in the real world and get on with life, I dont watch TV and panic at BS weather reports. Bristol is not Severe by any means. However if people want to stop life and stay at home for no reason……. carry on

    It sounds to me that those sitting at home having a snow day are trying to justify huge closures in safe driving areas when they could should be at work! like I say this is not aimed at any other area than bristol

    Free Member

    I have a 1 year old and a 5 year old and no I dont let them take risks, in fact I am quite strict in that way, I wont let my son use his scooter or bike in snow or ice as he does not have the skill to, but I think he is fine walking, jumping and playing in it, I am very happy driving them both as the roads are clear so no danger you just drive sensibly. Sitting at home when travel is ok in bristol seem unresponsible to me, the country cannot grind to a hault when roads are useable. If he is safe playing in snow at home, in a park how is that different that a school play ground? if they can get to school safely where is the problem? Like I say, Bristol is fine, buses are running, roads are clear… so take Filton college with 17/18 year olds.. why is it closed? I know many places in england are really bad and thats fine and I agree with closures, but bristol is not a problem

    Free Member

    or perhaps you are the type who sees a snow flake and closes down the hatches and hides at home and looks for an excuse to have a snow day? do you live in bristol? have you seen the roads? I suggest not otherwise you would not in a million years say they are right to close. I will take some footage later of the cars driving on the roads, you would be surprised how clear the roads are here.

    Free Member

    I think uplinks post says it all, my school said "hope we get a day off to play in the snow" I said "i thought you were closing as snow was too dangerous" the teacher did not reply! ……

    Free Member

    no mark you personalised it, every time I sell a bike you have a dig without knowing the facts. I have little I can do bike wise which I hate, I used to be very active and love biking, not being able to much sport wise grates me a lot, building bikes has become a hobby and yes I have sold a lot but I have not much else to do with biking to keep me interested. Likewise writing an article about bikes etc was filling time and doing something bike related again to keep me hooked.. if you dont like the article or my selling dont comment. I have too much to think about a forthcoming op to deal with sarcastic comments. No doubt over the net 6 months I may end up selling another few bikes, thats my life right now!

    Free Member

    and the difference between and adult and a child? 20 years ago you went to school come hell or high water, whats different in this day of age? politics.. plain and simple, people afraid of law suits, over 80 cars in my work car park, and the roads are flowing well. the only reason they are closed is politics. Im not commenting on anywhere else as I dont know but bristol is fine, doing a blanket closure on all schools is plain daft!

    Free Member

    they closed the schools (for today) Yesterday at 2pm, 18 hours before the event…………. jesus even my boss drove in from chippenham to filton with no issues today, the roads are clear so why close the schools? I looked out at 7am and cars were driving fine. God help us when autumn hits and leaves fall.. close them again in case someone slips on a leaf, what about a hot summer and sun burn?

    great bit on s glos web

    School closure information
    All schools in the district will be closed on Thursday 7 January for the safety and welfare of pupils and staff. The situation will be reviewed in the afternoon of that day.
    Filton College is also closed

    Council buildings

    During this period of severe wintry weather South Gloucestershire Council buildings remain open. However, there may be some adjustments to their opening hours which will appear here.

    So whats the difference between council workers and schools????????? why can they expect council workers to travel and work but not schools? if it is dangerous for one its dangerous for all. Or not as the case may seem, busses are running, trains are running and gov dept are running. How odd, but I bet as I said yesterday most skiving off work will travel to cinemas, malls, drive to friends or will go out for bike rides..

    Free Member

    well the roads in Bristol were BETTER than yesterday and I drove in no problems, in fact the roads were bloody fine, hundreds of cars out, not crawling, all at normal speed… pmsl

    Free Member

    Hey, it just amuses me that you have to live out the changing of bikes via the interweb

    the internet is a resource wher eyou can get opinions from people who own and use kit, others knowledge can be very beneficial in making choices. as for living it out on the net, no i am asking for informed opinions on a couple of bikes. as for validation seeking, no I will do whatever I like, I dont justify my choices as it is my cash and my choice, I am simply asking for others views. You know mark you are lucky that you have not been crippled, I cannot ride and have not for almost 6 months, I may not ride for another 6 months, it may be a case of if ever..

    changing and building bikes keeps my interest in the sport while I cannot ride, it is one of the few hobbies I have left that I can do at this time. Staring at a bike I cannot use is no good to me, I would certainly end up quilting, Building bikes keeps me interested and sane while I get sorted out…. in a word Get over it

    Free Member

    selling another bike… he has had he same patriot for a million years so thinks others should keep theirs for the same. ho hum, this time its being sensible, I have no use for 160mm travel when I am about to have bones removed from my neck, jumping & dh are out for me and the remedy is too much bike for the future, just need 120/140 max

    Free Member

    oh GREAT all south glos schools closed tomorrow………. how the F do they work that out today?

    oooh I WILL be ill in 36 days time so cannot go to work,


    Free Member


    Free Member

    im pretty set on the ST4 or the rush Hi 2.. just not sure which, the rush hi mod is carbon and comes with 32 F-RL 120 forks the ST4 would have the same forks… however the ST4 would have better brakes and wheels, similar finishing kit on both.

    Free Member

    thanks si but this would be a 2nd hand px for my remedy

    Free Member

    cookeaa – Now today in bristol there is snow everywhere, however I can say hand on heart it is not dangerous, as from 8.30 am most roads were clear and possible to drive, from 9.30 they were as normal, so why are the schools closed? why have 10000's stayed at home? my office is open, so are the 10 next to me, the supermarkets are open, all the local shops are open FULL of skiving workers, as I said above, how can they drive to a shop but not drive to work? I laughed today i heard a bloke outside a shop "great a free day off work, I love the snow, oh cr@p the shop is closed, why the fek are they closed" another person said "because they are skipping work like you" he laughed and walked off… ironic

    Free Member

    this is all BULL I dorve 5 miles to an appointment this morning, back home and now at work, also drove my 1 year old to nursery but the bloody school for my 5 year old is closed, the roads are CLEAR in bristol so why cant the teachers get in? if I can then they damn well can, they put up a notice last night BEFORE the snow saying they would prob close…. wow talk about planning a closure, as others say millions are in work today why the world stops because of a bit of now is nuts, its a bit of snow, go to canada and see what they still drive in, the country is full of lazy sods looking for any excuse, funny thing is most of the skiving sods are STILL driving to the Mall @ cribbs (500 meters from me) to shop when they should be in work, oh so you cannot drive to work but you can drive to a mall … PMSL

    Free Member

    monty… 3k installed? can I ask how much the fitting was and did that include any gas, electric, tyling etc? I am very good at DIY and have done electric, plumbing, tyling, door fitting etc but a nackered spine means that is a no go for now :(

    Free Member

    photo of mr Soul on here, it lands around 10ft down in the bottom of a bomb hole which then launches into a step up… only ever did the step up, the thought of over cooking that jump is just nasty! took around 9 tries to get any half decent piccies. Sadly all gone, was at still woods :(

    Free Member

    DezB you have to be the 2nd one… your justifying yourself ;) simples :)

    Free Member

    you dont always know if you have broken something, came off at cwm carn once and broke my ribs, still did another run of the DH in a lot of pain… mate also fractured his hip and rode home.. he found out the next day!

    Free Member

    if you look at modern crash tests on carbon they actually fair better and are far easier to repair and cheaper to do so!

    Free Member

    thanks all I will take the injections and hope they work, at the moment I have prolapse c6 & c7, the nerves in my left arm and not working as I have no reflexes, muscles are wasting away and are very weak… strangly I am getting pain and cramp im my legs which is strange as ceverical region should not effect them, they did say I have signs of arthritis in the joints…. I guess they need to find out why this is happening, 7 months now :( be nice to be pain free for xmas and able do drink a shed load without drugs in me :) and more important back on the bike…… now on 3000 mg of gabapentin a day, god knows what my liver is doing

    Free Member

    sandwich was yours prolapsed disc's; if this could do the job for a long time then that would be great.. just not really getting how this could sort it out as in their words I needed pretty quick surgery. Hope they do sedate me.. be good to have a rest with no pain :)

    Free Member

    thank you squire… just needed to vent, the letter came out of the blue saying the above, felt a bit out of the loop not getting prior notice direct from them verbally.

    Free Member

    crikey – you are right, I was just concerned that having only 24 hrs from being able to speak to him to having them was a tad short to get the full sp and make an informed decision thats all….

    Free Member

    Hi Nico.. had physio for 5 months with no effect at all, im just worried that the injections are a temp measure as they wont fix the problem

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