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  • Canyon’s End Of Season Sale Starts… Now! Up To 30% Off
  • Spankmonkey
    Free Member

    34 on the front but I need to change that to a 36, as for the back.. mmmmm its a roadie cassette so that needs to be changed as it is very close ratios!

    Free Member

    Im really happy with my 456 ti, that said worth an extra wedge over the normal 456… im not sure, yes its better but not £800 odd. At least scratches dont show up!

    Free Member

    I just did this XT with an LG1, just had to get some Single chainring bolts!

    Free Member


    drop me an email on if its PCIe I will take it! can you take paypal?

    Free Member

    Oh now that could be ideal, is it PCIe?

    Free Member

    thanks for the help guys! its installed and working, HOWEVER.. the seller said it was a 2600 512mb, it was a 3450 or something with 256mb ram. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR but I cannot be bothered to remove it and mess about seding it back. Anyhow can anyone let me know about Geforce cards and how the numbering works or which ones to look out for. Im after a 512 or a 1gb card, max £30 2nd hand so prob ebay! any advice on whats good, and are nvidia leading ATI? so basically £30 which 512 or 1gb card off ebay, ATi or geforce?? cheers

    Free Member

    Thanks samuri you have been great, any idea what it is?

    Oh btw it has an HDMI, a DVI and a DP output, one of each

    Free Member

    My pc is a packard bell Imedia 2414, not being at the pc im not sure is it is ATX new or old, that said my card is this one below, no power supply needed, would I need to upgrade the PSU? as it does not have its own supply?

    Free Member

    thanks for the advice, whats the major difference with ATX or ATX v2?? does this PSU look ok?

    Free Member

    Opening a door is not an invitation for them to come in! they just use the foot in the door tosh!

    I had the previous owner of my house leave, then we had the Customs & Excise, Police, baliffs, Investigators all nocking, I told them 100 times he left, that carried on for 3 years, I finally started saying to them Get off my property, even to customs, Big burly debt collectors and Investigators, they were harrasing me for information I did not have, I said I would sue them if they carried on.. or remove them from my property by any means, never heard anything since. Since found out the old owner had over £200,000 of debt and lots of bad dealings. My tip, he helpful but if they persist, remove them from your propery and threaten to sue!

    Free Member

    thanks that kind of what i thought, always had 05 tabs before so not an issue, my new frame has no ISCG tabs.. shame the seller said it has a BB mount, nope…. grrrrrrrr

    Free Member

    cheers will do, I assume ISCG also means ISCG OLD? and there are only 2 old or 05/new?

    Free Member

    but they're a bit too nice (to me)

    isnt that the idea of that build? the whole thing is nice, retro but nice. Just think it would be a shame to change it from what the original person did, imho and its begging to be ridden…

    Free Member

    new set of wheels and drivetrain…

    Why oh why would you change what is a very nice bit of history, if you sell off parts and replace them, its not the same story / bike

    Just get it riding and enjoy it, splitting it, changing it or the like would be a sin!

    Free Member

    thanks, I am trying to find the best 10meg BB and talk evenings & weekends package to include line rental, there are far too many comparison sites!

    Free Member

    You do have to say though spending a fortune to shed 5 lbs would it not have been better to spend that on a full build? just a thought!. Problem with lightening a bike is knowing when to stop before you have changed everything bar the frame!

    Wheels and tyres are the biggest culprit, I had some sun singletracks with some snakeskin evo nic's, I shed almost 1000 grams off changing just them both

    Free Member

    joolsburger – Member
    I'm contracting for a chap

    there is a law against that!! :lol:

    Free Member

    here you go rafe8t7

    Free Member

    just to throw in a curve ball, surley disc rotor size is the most important factor and how effective they are to distribute heat? I once ran mono minis on a demo 8 with 203 rotors, worked a treat, didnt overheat and just enough power, ok the m4's with 203's was better, but the Tech V2's with vented rotors was just overkill, perhaps at the mega or a similar course they would have been perfect, just not round any 5-10 min decents in Wales. That said if I lived in BC I would prob choose V2's

    Free Member

    I guess I was refering to general riding around the uk and not the extremes of the mega

    Free Member

    Any bike with EX1750 wheels gets my vote :)

    looks a good play spot, where is it?

    Free Member

    Surley there comes a point where the wheels will lock out on any brake and if you pump the brakes to stop this happening wouldnt slightly less powerful brakes such as the M4's get the same result? ive never had a brake "not grip" due to lack of power, even on DH… (usually m4's) I guess what I am trying to ask is, if a brake starts to lock a wheel at 60% of its potential stopping power why do you need more power or the extra 40%.. if that makes sense? I found with the tech V2's that the addtional power was just never used, you get to 60/70% of the possible power but by then your either stopped or the wheels are locked up or your pumping the brake at 60% of its ability…. I will get me coat now

    Free Member

    rs – Member
    mark_b, I think he was taking the piss out of you, not being sarcastic towards your mother

    He’s a hormonal stalker

    Free Member

    I think this is the vid mentioned,

    Free Member

    now with super powerful brakes I just dont see the point! I had tech V2's with vented rotors… they were stupidly powerful but they just make your wheels lock up and

    loose grip!

    I much prefer mid range power

    Free Member

    plate and 15 screws out my wrist, with the battering it go it took around 3-4 weeks to get the strength back, I would say its a case by case job and your recovery will only be as long as a. how easy it was to remove them, b. they dont crack a bone doing it c. no screws snap which is common! delay it if you want to be sure to ride!

    Free Member

    Wiksey – Member
    What tyres for pipe smoking?


    Free Member

    CrAsH_TeSt_RiDeR…. Attracting stalkers since 1974

    Simple as this Mark, if you insist on posting every time I do on here or Bike Radar to try and get a reaction from me…. guess what, you will get one! but don't then moan about what you get back, you cannot be sarcastic in every post directed at me but then whinge when you get it back! funny to see you always start without provocation. If you throw stones in glass houses things will break! now please tootle off and stalk someone else

    Free Member

    See, it worked

    Congrats, your mum must be very proud of you

    Anymore BFE's around, mate has just ordered one so interested to see them built up!

    Free Member

    mark_b – Member

    Cobblers – re-read where it was raced DH – in the Forest of Dean – so i assume on the mini-DH event ? Hardly going to get a 'proper' DH bike up to speed over a 30 second course are you ? 5 minutes in and it'd be a different story. Horses for courses and all that

    I guess Mark the problem is they have not invented a HT to take your godly skills and mass, ego.

    Like I said in my previous post in the right hands a HT is very fast DH, its lighter, more manoverable etc but ofc it needs to be in the hands of a very good rider…. the rest of us mortals need a a FS to compensate!

    mark_b – Member
    5 minutes in and it'd be a different story.

    Please explain why it takes 5 mins for a FS to pawn a HT? most UK courses are only sub 5 min anyway… so basically what your saying is any 5 min decent and a HT will win? a FS should only be 10 seconds at most slower to get up speed… fail

    Free Member

    im 35 and went a few times with 14-30 year olds on the bus a few times, some had some very good riding skills and nice bikes but it is fun, ok you get the odd one who thinks they are god and will try to show off but on the whole its just a groupl of people having fun. I have even seen the odd XC rider on the uplift with their 100mm hardtail, just go and dont worry about other people! just make sure you ride with the group, its a fair wait for the next group if you crash…

    Free Member

    god… just ignore the BS comments, yes its old but its a classic and prob the best and newst example in the world, its a retro bit of history so enjoy it, I think its great and should be enjoyed.. funny the comments around its ugly, but then on another post same person will say function over form.

    Free Member

    a dhx 5.0 would take it but it may be an upgrade from stock, but with 3k to spend hardly an issue

    Free Member

    I think the HT being used for DH answered some questions about VS FS bikes

    Free Member

    very nice indeed

    Free Member

    thanks all, does anyone know of anywhere that sell the short Chainring bolts cheapish? either that or in Ti to last a lifetime?.

    Free Member

    ohhh good point forgot that I would need shorter bolts

    Free Member

    you could hire banksy to spray it… may cost over 100k though

    Free Member

    singlespeed as well.. you must have got a lot of stares from 8" DH'er?

    Free Member

    benjag… is that a 456 your racing DH??????????????

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