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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • Spankmonkey
    Free Member

    just one thought, were you fully out of the saddle? if not you should be, otherwise the saddle can kick you up

    Free Member

    but no one has asked.. is the brake ok????

    Free Member

    just search ebay listings ending very soon that are very cheap or people who sell decent stuff on buy it now very cheap. then put it back on ebay at a sensible price. I got a thomson post once for £18 in A1 condition (sold for £45), Set of m4's for £60 (sold for £180), Fox 36's for £110 sold for £230) etc etc etc. Or buy bargain parts and build a whole bike, then sell that, £700 profit on my last one :) Ive made around £2500 profit in cash over the last 2 years. Well if I didnt someone else would :wink:

    Its time consuming but hey, it beats the credit crunch

    Free Member

    really hope he decides to let people know he is ok

    Free Member

    I do have justification for my choice.
    whether my justification is relevant to your friend, I have no way of knowing..

    if you post your reasons up im sure people can decide if they are relevant

    for all I know he may not even need a chaiguide!

    thats not the question here, he is asking which one to choose, he is more than capable of deciding if he needs one, he is a very good and experienced rider just trying to choose a new guide.

    BTW all chain devices need spacing to fit different chainline/frame set-ups?

    in my example I was not refering to the spacing from the frame, I meant the gap between the top plates, I had to put a washer between them to make the gap larger as i had chain rub, the chain hit either side in top or bottom gear

    tbh I think your reading too much into this post, its a simple question which guide is the best for the cash. lg1+ or the mini g2, not "do I need a guide at all", "what guide for a pub trip, or "what guide for riding over sheep"

    Free Member

    GW simply put you said LG1 with no justification, sure there have been lots of posts about 1×9 but the Op asked a specific LG1 vs G2, your post did not say anything about why LG1 and therefore offered no useful information. Do you think he should got the LG1 just because you said so? some more helpful reasons why may have been useful.

    Knowing the OP personally I can say he knows how to fit a chaindevice and fully build a bike from scratch, as I also do, he is obviously is trying to make a decision on which would be the best value for the cost and was looking for answers to

    any niggles, problems, good points, bonuses etc

    there are a ridiculous amount of tedious "which chainguide for 1×9?" etc.
    threads on here these days.

    If it bothers you why post?

    Oh the joys of happytrackworld

    Free Member


    Great advice GW… :roll:

    LG1 imho the space between the plates on the top, well its narrow so getting it adjusted for the full range without rubbing can be a pain, the space was not much wider than the chain!!!! I had to space mine out with washers which was not ideal! in a nut, pain to set up but once on very nice! cannot comment about the mrp

    Free Member

    I brew my own "real ale" around £10 for 5 gallons :)

    Free Member

    the tips in Bristol are pretty good, ive done over 30 trips in a few years including an old bathroom suit, walls ive taken down, whole house worth of carpet, boulders, rocks, connifer trees the lot. I have a large picasso, with the chairs down its as big as a van :) really hacks them off if I do 3 trips in a day… I do think the rule of vans, not being able to walk in etc sucks, I have seen locals (prob who dont own a car) walk in, get turned away, then they dump the junk by the gates and walk off, dont blame them… blatant descrimination against not having a car

    Free Member

    still that leaves 29 lady boys making up the rest

    Free Member

    40 voices, and how many ladies? 3… does that mean 37 lady boys? :o

    Free Member

    pollox… as many may know I have nacked spine around the neck, now found out I have a nacked lower spine as well, think I can scrub this whole year of riding, where's that knitting needle

    Free Member

    no riding for 6 months now and prob a good 4-6 months till I can ride again…. great :(

    Free Member

    konabunny – Member
    Spankmonkey: don't take this the wrong way but your post is exactly the sort of unhelpful cut & paste guff that you find on bulletin boards.

    Most of what I put there related to my experience with a private parking co, and that information was 90% handed to me from lawyers and those fighting against their dispicable practices, I have no issue with a parking co saying you forgot to pay or accidently stayed over your time so please pay your £3 or whatever, my charge was £80 or so but £120 if not paid within 7 days…. utter BS based on nothing, just a figure plucked out the air! if anyone thinks £120 is reasonable they need their heads testing!. Not only did they back down and appologise but they also got done for their acts. They were a very large parking co for Moto services. I think they got fined around 10k, quite an expensive bill to send me.

    After my defence against the company in question companies house upheld my complaint and did them for using a PO box address and not disclosing their full registered address, they got done also for using the phrase "penalty charge notice" as they are not legal able to issue a charge (only the council / police can). Also the ICO confirmed they did not have a legal right to send me a bill as they were registered for "Crime Prevention and Prosecution of Offenders". Parking is a civil matter, it is not a crime when it comes to private parking. Doing me for a civil matter was against their registered use, and most private parking companies are in the same boat and are registered the same! issuing you an invoice for a civil matter is not within most of their registered terms. So the ICo did them as well, not bad 3 epic fails that 95% of private parking companies do on a daily basis, problem is no body ever questions or fights back!

    I will leave this as this, how many private parking instances ever go to court? 0.01% or perhaps 1, I have spoken to a few solicitors about this and none of them could think of a case that was won by a private parking company. If however you want to pay the scam these lot try, well thats up to you!

    I always pay my dues and pay for parking, if however I slip up and overstay, i would be ok with paying the original charge £2-3 or whatever, however I will never pay a joke of £120 or whatever, its bordering on sick. that said any car park which is free for 2-3 hours technically made no loss at all, in my case the car park was empty so they lost nothing! had I left the next car would have parked for free… see?!?!

    Proofs in the pudding, little old me vs one of the largest national parking companies. Them done on 3 counts.

    im off to tesco now, whats their cctv like :)

    Free Member

    I cancelled mbuk last year (dec) and got stw on subs from my wife, its the worst present she has ever brought me, at least mbuk have an opinion about stuff and review tons of kit, group tests, they review everything you could ever want them to! where as singletrack sit on the fence, just full of trail and route news, usually trails way out of peoples reach, would be nice if they could actually review stuff the masses actually use, bar the naff gifts mbuk is the best choice imho as it covers all types and styles, all budgets etc. I only use singletrack as toilet material now, or an emergency if the baby wipes run out

    Free Member

    Mark – Resident Grumpy
    These things are governed by standard contract law. Assuming they followed the rules on placing the signage in the correct places around the restricted parking area then the person who parked the car has legally entered into a contract with the parking company and in fact IS liable for the charge.

    Not quite correct, a contract needs to be balanced and agreed by both parties, you cannot agree to a contract when a. you have to be already on their land to read said contract, even then you have not agreed to it, as it is unbalanced! just a few of my points on where they fail

    1) Sections 82 to 84 of the Companies Act 2006, if a PCN or any correspondence from a Private Parking company does not have their registered address and Co Number they are in Breech, most use a PO Box so they are illegal.

    2) Data Protection Act, most Private parking companies are registered to process information for the prevention of Crime, parking is a Civil matter so they are breaking the DPA by processing your information.(I mean to process an invoice / bill) getting your address is not illegal sending an invoice is as they are not registered to use information in this way!

    3) Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 & Statutory Instrument 1999 No. 2083. Basically as you have not had pre-sight of their T&C’s or had any influence their terms are biast and unfair, you are already in the car park before you can read them. Their T&Cs wont hold any substance.

    4) The Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) Representations and Appeals Regulations 2007 si 2007 No 3482. A PCn must include details to appeal to an adjudicator, most will only give their own address, they are not adjudicators and as such they do not comply with the regulations

    5) section 40 of the Administration of Justice act, by contacting you or sending a debt collector they are in breech for harassment, if the PCn states charges will apply or they can legally charge you they are also in breech. Also if a PCN stages any legal right, or portrays to be from an authority they are illegal.

    6) If a parking fee is £4 and you don’t pay it, they can only claim consequential losses of £4… most companies say you owe £50-150…………… this is utter rubbish. They can only claim the lost earning.

    7) If you stay in a car park for too long, i.e. service station, take a motorway (you have seen the signs, take a break don’t drive tired) well if your knackered and fall asleep for too long and overstay their free time, you cannot be of sound mind and body to held liable to any contract because you were too tired! + they would have to give you the t&c’s on the motorway before you exit the motorway so you have pre-sight.

    8) They have to prove you were the driver, the owner / keeper of the vehicle cannot be liable, this is their burden and for them to prove

    9) They have to prove you were the driver and did park for the entire duration, if its 2 hours free and they say you stopped for 3 hours, they need to prove your car did not move then come back, i.e park for 1 hours come back after and hour and park again!

    10) They must prove that you did park the vehicle, most CCTV footage is rubbish and wont identify any driver, however Most Parking Companies delete CCTV and Photos after 21 days.

    My last bit of advice, Your own Terms & Conditions!! They are as legal as theirs!

    Send them your own terms & conditions for contact, basically say to them any correspondence from them will be chargeable at £150 each letter or email for admin costs, any visits to your house charged at £200 per visit, at the end of the day it is your private address so your terms are as valid as theirs and we all know that means not at all in a court of law!

    If you dont want to have fun, just ignore them. Im my case against CP Plus who work for moto Services I had them done by the information commissioner and by companies house, they work illegally and work on fear, they also work on the basis of never going to court and just hope 1 in 10 pay up the daft fee. this site is great, it has lawyers on there who are trying to get these companies regulated and stop them from ripping the majority of innocent motorists off

    have fun!

    Free Member

    Peter. I have actually had a parking company done for this. they are in breach of over 5 acts. Now all the can claim is consequnetial loss of th ecost of parking so £3 their claim would never stand up. But the big issue is HOW did they get your address, through the DVLA, now they are registered for the prevention of crime, parking on private property is a cival matter so they have breached their use of information! if they chase you they are further breaking acts, I can send you the full list. Oh any they have a po box address, thats illegal they mush show their full address. As I say I can send you a good 5 acts they are breaking, they cannot charge you anyting other than the cost of the original parking. Its a joke and companys make millions out of this scam. The ones who tried it on me got a nice hefty fine for their efforts. Shove it the bin. If they ever sent a debt collector you can have them done for harrasment, they cannot get a bailiff only a court can do that!!

    Free Member

    this needs photos so we can share your pain!

    Free Member

    if you say money is no concern then Hope tech x2 for XC, either that or Juicy Ultimates, Formula Rl or whatever the top of the range are called (super light and get top scores)

    Free Member

    feel for you i did my wrist about 2 years back, shattered in 8 places and 3 operations, but it will get better so just sit back and take it easy and dont push the recovery!!

    Free Member

    CHeers guys, Hope your fully sorted Dan. Im not far off being bed ridden, my wife wants to hire me a wheel chair! I have emailed Patient Advice service to see if they can help and look into the dates. My surgeon was very speific and said the injections would not delay surgery! obv a fob off. God I just want this done

    Free Member


    Just the Ellsworth now…. this one will be staying, Im done with fettling with bikes. I built up a very nice 456 Ti, but my surgeon and other health professionals said a HT would be too harsh once I have had spine surgery so I needed some bounce, shame as I really wanted to get back onto a HT and keep it simple. Bang goes that idea!! so in a way my choice to a point was made for me. Put new brakes and pedals on, its around 28 lbs which I am happy with!

    Here are the old ones

    Free Member

    not as yet, no… but I will get some! that said i got my bathroom scales out, 2 stone on the dot. Fitting some Tech X2 brakes this w/e…

    Its me I think, just too bloody weak at the moment!! so it feels heavy, im sure if an able bodied person picked it up, it would be light :)

    Roll on operation and back in the saddle late summer


    Free Member

    The PayPal fees are so low

    3.4% on a large item is a fair bit, would have been £78 on a bike I sold, may be peanuts to some but that a lot of cash to me!

    each to their own I guess

    Free Member

    Oh Btw, Its free IF

    You have the cash already in your paypal account OR

    You are funding it from your bank account NOT Credit card, if your Paypal is linked to a credit card there is a charge!

    Hope this helps!!

    Free Member

    Paypal make far too much cash, I have just brought a bike, set of brakes, graphics card, pedals, headset and a saddle all by paypal gift, no problems so far, at least the sellers get the full amount I sent them, I guess its having a bit of faith! Ok I only send by gift where I can see someone has posted a lot for a good year or so, and not some unknown person. If your selling its nice to get the amount you agreed and not minus x% to paypal. Someone brought a bike off me recently for £2300 by paypal gift, but then I do have a long history of selling and buying so wotn run off :)

    Free Member

    well im on number 7 in 12 months :) 14 in 2.5 – 3 years :o

    Free Member

    Northcountry – Cheers, I am very happy with it, it is prob just me and I am sure it will ride very nice indeed!! thanks again, a happy buyer!!

    I-Ache – yes 1st time I have thought my bike was heavy, I have some Tech x2's on their way, after that I will just see how it goes!

    Free Member

    a ton, its electric :)

    Free Member

    about 12.5 stone without kit on

    Free Member

    Thanks all I will start with the brakes and probably go for either mini pros, tech x2 or avid ultimates, and see if there is too much sealant in the tyres, I think the spyder saddle feels just right on the thomson so will leave them, tbh the wheels did feel heavy considering they are tubeless, perhaps that is where the weight lies.

    Free Member

    LAT – they are tubeless apparantly with stans sealant

    Free Member

    sands good, I can build a beach in the garden. Can anyone explain what UST and LUST are? never used tubeless before

    Free Member

    The tyres are high roller lust UST tubeless, as I said it may be my weak body picking it up, im not a weight freak but it felt just too heavy last night, I think I will try some new brakes with smaller rotors and go from there

    Free Member

    my scales are not accurate at all, however it does feel heavy, more than

    Intense 5.5 with 36's
    Ransom with 55's

    That said I do have spine damage with weak muscles at the moment so it may just be me :)

    Any views on Juicy ultimates vs Hope techs? I am thinking of changing the brakes regardless

    Free Member

    for the weight alone I would leave a Bottlerocket, mate had one, its nice but heavy and they dont pedal that well, depends if you want a full sus or a HT, hardtail I have to say your Bfe would have been the gap filler, get another :) mate is waiting for one of the new 2010's, full susser that can take a hit and pedal… orange 5, Ransom…. the ransom has been ridden by the winner of mega 3 times, good testiment to their ability!

    Free Member

    looks like a 2001 Patriot LT to me, 160mm forks, seen lots go on ebay around £150-200 perhaps more if its in VGC.

    Free Member

    let him get away with it and he will do it again, keep the deposit, how much does he owe you and how much was his deposit? get the locks changed asap and put his stuff outside (covered) tell him to leave quietly or you will get the plod there, if he gets agressive call 999.. he would be a fool to push it!

    Free Member

    all in all around 9 months 3 operations, some get back on after a few weeks others over a year. really depends on exactly what you did, the damage and what was done to repair!

    Free Member

    you could always try a demo 8, they are pretty roomy and will cope with any DH track, also pretty cheap to pick up now!

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