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  • Specialized Trail Pants review
  • Spankmonkey
    Free Member

    I saw a new remedy in the LBS where someone sat down on a big jump…. his 3 day old ride is now snapped

    Free Member

    In all fairness i never said anything about pumping, on the approach to a jump I do pump the bike down ….. well before the jump so by the time I hit the lip the bike has travelled back up and in effect boosts me off the lip I do not however pull up on the bars, the tech for a bmx is a bit different as you don’t have any suspension to aid / hinder you. I have seen lots of people hit jumps and pull up on the bars really hard… they never get a smooth transition and tend to loose the pedals a lot. I do agree if you want to do huge boosts you need to work the bike hard, not really something a person learning to jump needs to know or try, if anything they could end up crashing trying as there is so much going on, im relating this to a simple smooth jump without trying to go for a height record, I will find a vid of my mate pulling a gap jump into a step down, small pump into the jump, lean back a bit to get the front level and job done. If your near Bristol I am happy to demonstrate, im no steve peat but I can jump well enough (unless I crash), another good video to watch is Sam Fowler, if you search for Sam Fowler at Still Woods he is very smooth and his technique is spot on!! There are some photos of my mate jumping to give you an idea of what the local jumps are like… I will sort the video out, this all said do whatever works for you and have fun!

    Free Member

    Slightly ott of HT but the Fritzz one looks perfect and gets great reviews, lot of cash though

    Free Member

    davidtaylforth if your hitting a lip / jump you dont need to lift up…. gravity does it for you when you hit the jump. Like I said watch some films of the pro’s! not pulling up was the biggest thing I learnt, it lets you focus on the trail and your body position…………

    Free Member

    correct jumping you should not pull up at all, you should have your weight distributed in the middle, make sure you hit at a good speed, slow speed on a jump is not good. You need arms and legs slightly bent, not right down. once you hit the lip if you have your weight correct you should just be able to float it and spot the landing still with your weight central for a nice even landing. Lots of shifting weight in the air can create problems, oh and never look at your front wheel, spot that landing. My last tip is commit to the jump dont go half hearted and dont go for the brakes… watch a video of rowan sorrell, when he hits a jump his body hardly moves until the landing

    Free Member

    it is an air dhx, it came with the frame….

    Yes the bottlerocket has gone, it was actually a mates bottlrocket, I sold my commencal furious to build this up.

    No the back end of the outbuilding has been used as a spraying spot :)

    Free Member

    I was fitting a RF x-type, never had a problem prob nstalled over 30 of them but this is stuck, but off to the LBS today to make sure I dont damage the frame, I only tried by hand 2 turns, just hoping it is not the frame I just brought…………………..

    Free Member

    ah…. good news as mine will be built this weekend…. hoping it is done in time so he can have a go before shelling out on anything.. just hope crc are on form!

    Free Member

    well lets just say he has found nomads and intense full builds for around £1200-1400…. very cheap compared to a new remedy or lapierre, but on the trek you need to go up the models to get fox forks or you get the rock shox (not great reviews)! plus they have tapered steer tube so not easy to replace the forks with fox and sell the rock shox on!!

    Free Member

    right, he likes the remedy but its expensive, very expensive. A friend has the zesty and its nice plus the reviews all say its a perfect do anything bike, I think he wants to keep his options to those 4, the lapierre and new trek he cannot get 2nd hand so will be spending a lot, the 5.5, nomad he can get 2nd hand for a lot less (about £1200 less) I did point out he could get a nomad or 5.5 and have cash left for a 2nd hand DH bike. I think he knows the remedy will do most jobs well but there is a huge cost so wants to know if the 5.5, lapierre or nomad will do as good a job or if they fail in any areas enough to avoid them?

    Free Member

    no I wouldnt :) its for a mate, I am as we speak uilding a 5.5 which is enough for me, he is a bit more of a jumper, but wants a happy medium so he can ride all day but do a few jumps as well. steve, are you sayingthe 5.5 wont handle it?

    Free Member

    Had one and loved it, soaks everythough up, beggs to be thrown about and in the air, its the 05 that snapped not the 06…. all in all I loved them and the design was perfect breaking under load! great suspension design

    Free Member

    thanks, I need external adjustment for ease of fettling on the trail to get them right, I love the F100’s I have seen but they are on the shorter side of travel the frame will take

    Free Member

    The Bottlerocket is my mates who I work with also.

    I would be selling this for the AM bike. I love the thing but just not what I need, taken me a long time to realise

    Free Member

    Yes Mark I am serious :) Cant take anymore accidents and as such DH is not for me! or the kids or my wife. Fun while it lasted though

    Free Member

    fair point Mr Agreeable!

    Free Member

    just on Mr Agreeable’s point, have you contacted RM Hora? Put in a claim? I sure as heck would have if they lost my post! like I say Hora I dont think you posted it because you really dont seem that bothered in any way, must be the same PO as IWH uses.. or

    Is Hora IWH?

    Free Member

    is the refund fake? omg is it actually IWH?

    Free Member

    Kylie – now that I could do

    Free Member

    1000 well done all

    Free Member

    Are we there yet??

    Free Member

    Don’t eat Yellow snow

    Free Member

    Use if you have one the adaptors you can get to blow up a football, basketball etc etc, just attach it on the clear hose!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    no the monkey is spanking me, just don’t tell mrs S :)

    Free Member

    I have a photo of me without DH gear on…. if you want like :)

    Free Member

    B&Q do one for £20 or so, seems good although your floor needs to be good to take the bolts.

    Free Member

    I think it’s a case of a genuine bloke, got out of his depths buying & Selling, may have done as per another post, retrospective selling items he had not yet received….. and stupidly tried to blag his way out thinking it would buy him time. If he was a con artist why would he give his address, numbers and be on his own web site? Prob just a deserate person trying to bail himself out of a hole. Prob had ideas of being Sir Sugar of the biking world! I doubt if he sorts this out he would do it again, Sad really. Just mho

    Free Member

    If rrr is IWH then he has just dug the channel tunnel straight down

    Free Member

    So what’s the Spankmonkey = CAD in the tag’s? lost me…..

    I found a hobby though.. Taunting Hora :)

    Free Member

    I call BS……. very fishy

    Free Member

    Part 2 – Hora get’s rushed to A&E after slipping on his own verbal BS

    Hora – No I never put a tag on about you, the swear filter would not let me ?, as for why would you pay for one item and not another, who knows but your reputation for being a pillock kind of answers that one. As for the bs you spout

    From: Mark Purchasing Recruitment []
    Sent: 22 April 2009 08:01
    To: Matthew xxxxx
    Subject: RE: Thomson post

    Hes closed his paypal. If its still available I can post the cash (padded envelope) recorded delivery?

    Regards, Mark

    I said yes ok go ahead…. mmmmm 22nd April, 13 days later it was the b/h…. Laxed, rigamortis more like. And once again you seem very non plused about cash missing until I brought this up, not really how I would expect someone to act who is out of pocket! Why am I hacked off? Yes I have not lost a thing but like I said I would rather have good manners and dealings with someone instead of dealing with someone who is rude enough to wait 2 weeks to post payment (allegedly), is more laxed than wind ease and then tries to make himself sound lighter than light despite being more famous than the THE King

    Oh please do sink to my level, you may become a nice person!

    Free Member

    lol Hora your priceless! at no point have you seemed bothered that it may have gone walkabouts until I started questioning you… Oh I know why… because you never sent it!

    I suggest when you get a new post you shove it up your @&$£ and clear yourself out because your full of $h1t

    Tags: lying preaching hypocritical blagger

    Free Member

    Hora – Im not calling you a thief or a scammer or anything like that, I just don’t believe you ever posted the payment! and if you did sent via stamp and not recorded delivery then your plain daft. Your commenting how people should trade, but your history is a joke, you say how people should stay safe but post something (supposedly) in an envelope non recorded. I just don’t believe you ever posted it and your comments to others are just hypocritical. If by some miracle it turns up I will send your envelope back to you unopened. Oh and the value is beside the point, it’s the principal of being fecked about. £35 is sweet money to which I do not care about…It’s about manners!

    Free Member

    still no post Hora

    it’s a bit like alice in wonderland…

    A complete fairy tale

    Free Member

    in month 4 now and its worse not better…. now where is that beer?

    Free Member

    Well at least just over a grand from the quick tot up, no doubt a lot more so no small change. Sounds to me like he has sold items, spent the cash and is now over his head. So either has not got the parts to send or has a back log of about 30 parts to post but cannot face it. From his web site he says he is a dedicated biker and cannot imagine life without it.. Even if he has personal issues… no excuse for months of blagging! 4 years ago my son was born at 27 weeks and was in NICU for 3 months.. A week after the unexpected birth I took 2 days off work and caught up on packaging up parcels, posted them and emailed the buyers to say sorry for the delay! Likewise 3 months ago we had our 2nd child, horrid birth and has colic and feeding issues, well all the problems and issues round that my life has been lets say the pits! Despite this I have posted a few days late, but I have……. Unless you have been in hospital, jail or the like there are no excuses for this kind of tosh! And the bloke needs to pull his finger out and stop making excuses. Sadly he will obviously never be accepted by the community again for something that is such a big part of his life! As for his family, well as they say don’t sh1t on your own door

    Free Member

    I have not parted with the goods so no real harm, just a waste of 3 weeks when I could have sold it the same day and received funds. I just cannot beleive you sent it in an envelope via normal mail, at least recorded you could have tracked it and been covered. Selling / Buying on here is just not worth the hassle, people moan about ebay but at least you have some protection and its more official. Think I will stick to the chat section from now on and ebay for buying / selling :(

    Free Member

    noted – I will set up the web site soon :)

    Free Member

    No I said I was going to but Im idler than idle (i.e. I never go near a post office) hence I stuck it into the postbox with a stamp on.

    What you said was you wanted it and would send cash via recorded delivery, you never mentioned there would be a delay, a week later you blamed the bank holiday (1 day out of 21) and you never said anything about no going to a post office. All you have ever said is it’s in the post.

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