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  • 502 Club Raffle #2 WIN a Niner Jet 9 3Star RDO
  • spacey
    Full Member

    456 for me, just always fancied one.

    Full Member

    I’m off to see them in Manchester tomorrow and have now had my expectations lowered slightly, still very excited though. One question -Dez – surely it’s Karl Hyde and Rick Smith, Underworld without Karl’s lyrics would be like a bike without wheels….

    Full Member

    My 6yo loved the Minortaur and skills park, even took him down there for a night ride. Took took two 4 year olds round the first part of the Minortaur too, they’ll love it!

    Full Member

    Good point rhbrhb, apologies if my post came over that way, would be interested to hear how you think we could approach that. As you say maybe a discussion to be held over a pint.

    Full Member

    I’ll second the move to the Beech….

    email sent….

    Agree with HP, scallies could be an issues, but if we don’t try then we’ll never know, shouldn’t let the idiots deter us.

    Full Member

    Yeah, I’m keen to get involved, have had similar thoughts in the past.

    Full Member

    This is worth a look

    Rockfax are sort of the commercial arm of UKC, producing guidebooks and the guides to different styles of climbing that you’ll find at the bottom of that link are a nice accessible way in.

    BMC also have excellent publications

    Full Member

    Doesn’t quite meet your requirements OP but these are lovely maps from BMC/Harveys

    The Lakes one for example fits the whole of the area on one map so great for route planning but loads of detail too, waterproof too, what’s not to love, says it 1:40,000

    Full Member

    Different folks have different strengths, being a stubborn git I managed a sub3 marathon, best half is 1:24, 10k of 37. What am I most proud of? Definitely the marathon. 10k is just a world of pain for me, always feel like I should be able to squeeze more out of it but just doesn’t feel like a natural distance for me. Did my first ten mile race before Christmas and that felt like a lovely distance, can’t put my finger on why, guess it’s how you approach it.

    To answer the op, I needed to be running 6 days per week to get sub3. Still managed some fun on the bike though!

    Full Member

    Are those numbered 2&3 worthwhile as decents? I’ve never dropped off the back, if that makes sense, it looks steep – is it any good?

    Full Member

    John Maddens on Megadrive, winning the superbowl with rushing plays only, no throwing allowed, I was so proud.

    Love that chuckie egg one, I was explaining chuckie egg to my 6 year old at the weekend, I could see in his eyes that he thought it sounded shit, he needs educating!

    Full Member

    Another +1 for that there pretzel one, keep mine just the right side of painful.

    Full Member

    If you want more popular stuff then head off to radio 1 or 2…

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I used one of those raceface ones when in the same position with a semi trashed thread and it held up well.

    Full Member

    Double twist v good too, simple and easy to use.

    Full Member

    The B&W one is Strapadictomy at Froggatt, classic.

    Full Member

    I’ve replied to the generic email making the point regarding the sympathetic maintenance of Roych and that walking routes, for me, are more interesting when rocky. I don’t think it will make the blind bit of difference, but we can’t let them stop us having a voice. Keep at it one and all.

    Full Member

    Anyone else get this response:

    Thank you for your interest in the work we are currently carrying out to repair erosion at Chapel Gate.

    We realise the Peak District National Park is an area which is close to many people’s hearts and they feel very passionately, as we do, about its protection and maintenance.

    Up to 16 million people visit the park every year. We want as many of them as possible to have an enjoyable experience, whether they’re out for a drive, walking, running, or cycling, and to encourage them to return to boost the local economy.

    However, the very nature of the park’s varied uses mean we’re never going to be able to please everyone with the work we do to maintain and repair its rights of way.

    Mountain bikers prefer challenging, rockier routes, whereas these might not be suitable for horse riders or walkers.

    We carry out maintenance on paths in the greatest need of repair or with potential to benefit the greatest number of users.

    The work at Chapel Gate was approved in November last year, as part of our Green Lane Action Plan, and has been discussed at the Peak District Local Access Forum, which includes representatives from many different interest groups and comments on planned improvement works. It is expected to take around six weeks to complete.

    Many areas of the path are in a serious state of deterioration. Work is needed to combat erosion, prevent further deterioration and make the route safe. Currently, many people are unable to use Chapel Gate because of the rocky ‘steps’ which have evolved due to damage over time.

    We’re not killjoys and don’t want to stop people having fun, but we have a legal obligation to maintain our routes. Unfortunately, this means we have to carry out some maintenance work which won’t be popular with everyone.

    We understand that you may not agree with the work we’re doing but hope you can appreciate the difficult position we find ourselves in.


    Councillor Andy Botham
    Deputy Cabinet Member for Jobs Economy and Transport

    Full Member

    don’t listen to them……

    I use these from Ikea
    looks like wood, does the job nicely, at least 100 on each unit

    Full Member

    plusnet is pretty much BT but with the massive benefit that you never actually have to deal with BT, that’s what makes it awesome.

    Full Member

    I had it as a teenager, on my face, I had some cream which made the blisters heal a little quicker – or in fact it just made them burst and ooze puss, then scab and heal. They gave me this to try and stop it spreading towards the eye. I think the cream was zovirax which is often used for cold sores, but could be wrong. I don’t remember feeling ill while I had it, I just looked a mess with an oozing scabby face. I still get the odd twitch from the nerve where the scars are which I assume is pretty standard, I say scars but just can’t really notice them, only I know they are there. Hope you recover quickly.

    Full Member

    I’m off to his wedding next weekend, my wife’s cousin 😀 Looking forward to seeing what the musical entertainment is. The Last of the Summer Wine slot sounds great, gutted I missed that.

    Full Member

    Withnail & I

    Full Member

    Prodigy Smack my bitch up 😈

    Full Member

    Old tooth brush, turn pedals, job done.

    Full Member

    According to wiki he won the Bundersliga in 09-10, then in the next season won nothing. He’s then been managing the Netherlands since 2012 and qualified for the WC without losing a game, only drawing one and winning the rest. Seems quite impressive to me.

    He’s a big time manager with experience of leading at the top level, seems exactly what Utd need right now, strong leadership and a clearing out of egos.

    Full Member

    I walked it once in August, during a dry spell and it was boggy…. very boggy.

    Full Member

    My two boys both got it precisely at the point where I started to think they’d never get it, maybe I stopped trying so hard at that point and just let them get on with it. The key with my second was to take them to the top of a small hill (well not even a hill to us but a decline in the park, which equated to a mountain to him), then let him go – soft grass either side but a nice Tarmac path to speed down. When I got to the bottom he was in a heap on the grass, I turned him over and the grin was massive, ear to ear, magic! He then had the motivation to want to get it sorted as he had the realisation that bike equals fun and grins. Result is he’s never far from it since that point. There is a clicking point for all of them I reckon, you just need to find it for yours.

    Full Member

    Yeah it’s great. It is very popular, they were taking bookings over a month in advance last time we booked. Good if your little one is pretty confident on the bike first, but lots of parents run around close to their kid anyway to pick them up, dust them down and send them on their way. All kits provided. Do it!

    Full Member

    Hindle Pie, that looks interesting, contours look enticing be good to hear how it rides.

    OP there is a nice little extension as you reach the gate out of the forest from the fire road climb, it zig zags down into Tegs Country Park. The black dashed line here

    Full Member

    Yeah I do, like it a lot, although would benefit from more people contributing. Agree, about your social media point, great way to share info and create a community.

    Full Member

    Was out that way on Monday. No snow. If you pick the rocky options then there’s plenty of fun to be had. We went up the roman road from Hope which was wet but fine. Hope cross has the obvious pools, down the beast which gets sticky towards the bottom. Hoggs farm was ok, as was the other decent from the top of there (don’t know what to call it but heads east from the top of hoggs). We got lucky and had no rain all day.

    Full Member

    +1 for Plusnet, they can piggy bag BT fibre optic and it’s quick enough to stream HD, great customer service and nice and cheap.

    Full Member

    Called Hoppipolla, classic.

    Full Member

    Yeah Takk is lovely, it’s got the one that the BBC used on the planet earth series (I think, could be wrong, just running off to check……)

    Full Member

    One big reason not to use spotify, so I buy albums and use google play to get them on my phone:

    “I have met many fans over the years who are proud to find and listen to music on Spotify. They are under the impression that their subscription fees are helping to support us and that the ever-growing catalogue they enjoy is due to their subscriptions. But music fans have been sold a lie.

    To give you an example, 4,685 Spotify plays of my last solo album equated to £19.22 (that’s 0.004p per album stream). The equivalent to me selling two albums at a show.”

    doesn’t seem fair does it?

    article here

    Full Member

    This is what you need

    I have one, it works well if a bit fiddly,

    Full Member

    Depends on the level of sugar in each I would think. More sugar will decay teeth quicker and increase calorie intake. Fundamentally they are both sugary drinks as you say so won’t be doing you much good.

    The other side is that I don’t drink coca cola as they are such a monstrously huge multi national and I try not to had to their profits.

    Full Member

    Got a couple of these waiting for me

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