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  • Orange launches its lightest ever mountain bike!
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    The ‘Christwire Handbook’ is hilarious. Need to save yourself from any of these?

    – gays causing hurricanes
    – puppy-eating Chinese astronauts
    – exposed female milksacs


    Full Member

    Commandos on the 64

    Blooming addictive and with a classic Ron Hubbard soundtrack.

    Full Member

    How about harking back to the miner’s strike a la the original Monty Mole?

    Javascript version here.

    Twas bloody hard back in the day.

    Full Member

    Re Manic Miner, I remember playing it on the GF’s laptop about 10 years ago. The weird thing about it was that I completed stage one (at the first attempt) exactly as I would have back in the 80s – and without losing a life. Was an odd feeling – like interactive deja-vu.

    Full Member

    As others have said, you’ll need to post more info first.

    If he’s had it a few days then he can have a word with his dealer. Depending on warranty and the response he receives, he could escalate to Audi’s central Customer Service team (if they have one).

    I had to do this on an AUC M3 bought from BMW Sytners. Dealer wouldn’t play ball so I contacted my local BMW dealer who wanted 4 figures but suggested I contact CS … which I did. CS immediately authorised local dealer to do the work and made Sytners foot half the bill. CS paid the remaining 50%. So I paid nothing and got everything sorted.

    Full Member

    Wasn’t Tindall made captain while on the same charge?

    Full Member

    I’m thinking of getting a couple of these but can’t yet see the attraction of replaying the same session again and again. Sure, they get rave reviews everywhere, but I just can’t see the ‘fun’ in going over the same route/’instructions’ etc.

    Anyone had the same expectations but ended up converted?

    Full Member

    Aye, proper talented she is. Grounded and down to earth? Probably – difficult to comment without actually being mates with her.

    Full Member

    Another +1 for Skyrim.

    How many of you remember not having ‘saves’ available back in the day? Plus games like Jet Set Willy, Knightlore, etc taking weeks to complete?

    Full Member

    Like Jambalaya says, SL ain’t what it used to be (pre-deforesting). Even back in the day it wasn’t really anything special. I/we only hit it these days if heading off down to Wolvens/Rookery.

    Try a Nirvana ride but be prepared for it not to be to your liking. Or just explore the ‘lesser known’ trails around Leith/Holmbury/Pitch etc.

    EDIT: Starvael has usually being the CP of choice. Means you can warm up with some of the short/fun stuff west of the tower before taking the mainly downhill Greensands link into Holmbury and go from there …

    Full Member

    MSE. End of.

    Full Member

    Mini Insurance here (4 different cars I think over the last 4-5 years). You don’t need a Mini so give ’em a try. English speaking people in Englandville too.

    Full Member

    Took monkey jnr and his furry brother round some lakes earlier followed by 1:15hr of sickly intervals on the turbo. Time to start drinking now methinks 🙂

    Full Member

    Full Member

    You can’t beat a retro-tastic thread such as this 🙂

    Here’s my 2p for now:

    Full Member

    Depends which Mini and what you want to achieve with the machine/screen?

    When I picked up my 09 last year I ended up calling Apple to get the part codes of cable options. It’s easy to spend £10-25 on the wrong cables/adapters and achieve nothing. I’d give them a call just to be sure. Or post your spec here and no doubt some Mac monkeys will be along to help …

    EDIT: I might have misinterpreted your question … I’m using a VGA screen with mine and it works perfectly. I’d even say it’s clearer than the 6870 powered HDMI screen on my PC. No idea what a TV will achieve.

    Full Member

    One of my brother’s mates has been out there for a few years. Ex-army with a talent for languages and IT. Earns a fortune, has a phat Merc with chauffeur, huge gated home and all the toys/accoutrements he’d ever need. Will return here at some point but only when he’s bored of making stupid amounts of cash.

    Full Member

    Excellent work all three of you.

    Welcome to the world of not getting much done for the next few years 🙂

    Full Member

    Used to until 5-6 years ago.

    Be watchful of what they really do though. One (who wasn’t very sociable) started doing less and less so I had a work with ‘er indoors. Subsequently a voicemail was left and said cleaner never returned the call or came round again.

    The next one was great for a couple of years – and a cheeky girl too. But she (and her cleaning buddy) soon started turning up for half the time and doing less work. Had a quiet word and they bucked up.

    Full Member

    Sadly wife is allergic so dogs not an option

    Keep dog in shed and wife in house.

    Wife won’t go near shed which means you can buy all the spangly bikes and bits you can dream of without her finding them 🙂


    Full Member

    That made me feel good just reading it!

    Nice one 🙂

    Used to be a tennis coach and ‘worked’ a lot with kids (9-16yrs). Also set up 4 district leagues and 2 tournaments with a friend (and fellow coach) – despite local LTA rep being against the idea. Held end-of-year awards presentation ‘do’ each Sep. At the end of our first ‘do’, one parent stood up and thanked us both for all out efforts – then everyone stood up and applauded. Was quite an emotional moment.

    Full Member

    +1 for seeing your little monkey(s) nestled down asleep.

    Coaching kids to get pretty damn good at something they love and then handing out awards (and getting a standing ovation from a collective group of parents).

    Being ‘at one’ with the woods/fields/hills/mountains on foot or bike.

    In the company of proper friends with some right good food and a tipple or two.

    Full Member

    Is shit. End of.

    Do as Skywalker advises.

    Full Member

    Bit too much dabbing going on there for my liking 😉

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Ebay have a fair few most of the time. I am in no way a Mac aficionado, but picked up my MBP and Mini off there for a bargain. Both were upgraded and came with loads of other kit.

    My Mini is an 09 that I picked up last year for around £300 (inc magic mouse, another kb, extra 2Gb and some other bits). Mint condition and does everything I need.

    And the MBP was £2k of stuff that I got for £650. 18 months old too. Bargain.

    Depends what you need it for though …

    Full Member

    Go across the road to China Town plenty of good quality restaurants

    Unfortunately plenty of shit ones too. Beware.

    Full Member

    I should also add there’s another type of coach/practitioner: the one that’s nervous and/or doesn’t really know what they’re doing – and IS totally aware of this. Sometimes this is as a result of being poorly ‘trained.’ Other times it’s because they’re new to the game or coaching etc really isn’t for them.

    Nevertheless, they seek a few clients (typically friends, old colleagues and people they don’t know but who are desperate for someone to ‘help’ them). And invariably they make a balls up. Is that good for the name of coaching/NLP? Sure as hell, no – regardless of that fact they had the best of intentions.

    Full Member

    do any of these counsellor / life coach thinks work?

    Yes and no.

    Are there cowboys out there? Yes

    Are there excellent coaches out there? Yes

    Are people being ripped off? Yes

    Are people making positive changes (small or large) in their lives? Yes

    I know some shit coaches (and coach training organisations) and I know some brilliant ones. I also coached for 2-3 years.

    Full Member

    Can’t say as I’m totally shocked.

    Meeting today’s project deadlines vs spouting about NLP … hmm, let me think about how best to spend those last 2-3 hours of the day …

    Full Member

    Then why don’t you enlighten us?

    If we were one-to-one in a room 😯 then sure … but I really don’t have the time right now to go into the nitty gritty of how I see NLP.

    My little summary above is about all I can offer right now, other than: IMHO, it is a model for understanding how we communicate on all levels. Once you’ve got a handle on that, you immediately change the way you see yourself and those around you. The upshot of this is you become more effective at creating positive ‘change’ in yourself as well as getting clear about what others are ‘saying’ and ‘not saying’.

    Gotta go.

    Full Member

    Pseudo-scientific quackery.

    Tis the argument of the ignorant.

    I agree it can appear like a load of salesy/American BS – that’s what I thought of it until about 6-7 years ago. Then I studied some as part of my coaching and when ‘applied’ correctly/effectively it’s bloody good.

    I see it as helping one:

    – communicate better with oneself
    – communicate better with others
    – understand what others are communicating
    – understand what others are not communicating

    Can apply it in everything you ‘do’.

    Full Member

    Anyone using a Tacx 1680 or 2200 with a MTB? Or maybe any similar system? I’d like to know how much ‘easier’ it is compared to using a road bike. The last thing I want is to splash out £400-£600 and find I can only use a handful of higher gears because the lower ones just spin. Cheers

    Full Member

    There’s a recipe sharing thread right there… did one in Coca-Cola last year then a honey and mustard glaze… started picking at little bits that had flaked off it whilst drunk on Xmas Eve… good job there was someone there to stop me.

    I’m with you on that one 🙂 Here’s a few (homemade only) we do:

    – spaghetti carbonara
    – pizza (the best food in the world)
    – risotto (with leeks, shrooms, pine nuts and parmesan)
    – quiche (typically with red onions, gruyere and shrooms)
    – coleslaw (traditional but with apples and celery)
    – numerous sandwich/bap/wrap combos

    Full Member

    Good local butchers and free range chicken, you’ll thank me for it.


    Can’t be faffed paying £stupid for a bloody turkey. Hence we’ve done chicken/pheasant and duck in recent years.

    And while you’re there, pick up a smoked gammon joint. Easiest thing in the world to cook, tastes damn fine and soooo versatile for Boxing Day onwards.

    Full Member

    Am looking at getting a Tacx 2200 with some semi-interactive Real Life Videos.

    Am hoping it’ll keep me engaged for 45-120 min sessions.

    However, the Tacx forum won’t even allow me to register so I can’t ask my pre-sales questions … Gggrhghghgh!

    Full Member

    Sounds competent so far … until you read stuff like this.

    Poor CS is not where it’s at.

    Full Member

    That’s how he chooses to pay his bills and further his career

    He also chose to be an actor. And IMO a pretty shit one at that.

    Full Member

    Yep, I’ve also found him annoying for years, even since he took off with Mcgregor. Hence I tend to avoid anything he’s in. Did watch parts of last night’s episode and I though he came across alright for change.

    Have to say I can’t stand Mcgregor. That last round the world thingy he did seemed to be ‘oh look at me and my bike … ok, just look at me because this is all about me’.

    Full Member

    Man, that takes mincing to new heights 🙂

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