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  • Top 10 Stories of 2020
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    Depends on your line of work TBH. I know people who’ve done well out of it and others that haven’t. Worth joining any relevant groups and basically getting yourself known.

    Full Member

    Nah, McDermotts just southeast of Croydon[/url] is where it’s at. Bang tidy.

    Full Member

    Can you brush your teeth and put your socks on without grunting? And have fun sleeping for the next 6 weeks 🙂

    Full Member

    and most of the summer my shins are just scabs.

    Are you about 7 yrs old?

    Full Member

    Jesus, there are some nasty images going on here.

    Thankfully most of my injuries have been breaks:

    – broken arm jumping off the back of a moving London bus (had missed my stop!)
    – broken arm falling off a rope swing when the branch snapped
    – broken wrist from an accident I suddenly can’t remember any more
    – busted ankle falling down a bank while stoned playing football in the woods
    – busted ankle falling over (on wet moss) while playing tennis
    – cracked ribs from bike crash (Ranmore)

    Full Member

    Taping it.

    Not another of those pseudo-scientific survey type things where they study a team of netballists and give half one thing and half another and then come up with some galactic breakthrough?

    Full Member

    I genuinely don’t think bishop is doing it for any help up the fame ladder, he’s had a meteoric rise to fame already an has a massive sell out tour in the pipeline. I think he’s a genuinely funny bloke and is doing it all for the right reasons.

    Here, here.

    I’m the same. I can’t help but think they have seen what it can do for your career and think i’ll have piece of that.

    IMO Mr Izzard’s career has hardly taken a leap forward in the 2 years since. Still an unfunny bloke (saw him live – 2 hrs I won’t get back). And Walliams didn’t exactly need more exposure.

    Full Member

    Shirley a sub-forum for Big Hitters is called for … as is one just for Awesome Matt? Separating the wheat from the chaff n all that …

    Full Member

    There’s also a site where you enter the YouTube URL and it gives you the MP3 to download. Worked fine for me when I used it.

    Full Member

    Yep, Finder is appallingly counter-intuitive and generally rubbish. Why Apple tried to be minimalist with something that needs to be feature-rich is beyond me.

    Full Member

    Am digging this thread … but have to go out and pick up our curry 🙂 Back later – will have a proper peek.

    Full Member

    Yep. Much of this place is falling apart and I’m not sure I want junior monkey to come out the other side of a failing education system with little or no prospects. And don’t even get me started on society’s issues.

    Full Member

    he feined indifference because he was Italian without good English

    You sure it wasn’t this bloke?

    Full Member

    So it’s your first day is it Roland?

    Don’t worry, you won’t find any childish behaviour from any of us …

    Full Member

    Sounds like yet another self-help book with (transparent) references to self-coaching and NLP etc. No doubt I’ll buy it anyway and add it to the pile I’ve been promising myself to read for years.

    Having said that, the ‘chimp’ element will sucker me in more so than if he’d called it something like “The Inner Turtle”.

    Full Member

    The missus is on the case as I write. Good lass 😉

    Full Member

    If you do happen to be working at a certain large pharma at WOTH then be sure you’ve got your travel sorted. They run their own minibus service but it’s getting cut left right and centre at the mo. No bus stops or train stations in the vicinity either. So it’s either minibus, drive, cadge a lift or commute. If doing the latter, then the aforementioned circle of Dorking > Leatherhead > Ashted > Epsom > Redhill > Reigate will be fine.

    Full Member

    Sausages are a no-no from what I’ve learned.

    Stir fries are fine so long as you’re not serving them with noodles/rice etc.

    Full Member

    Yep, loads of us in a similar boat it would appear.

    Was perfectly healthy over Chrimbo – did something like 7-8 turbo sessions from 20th Dec until NYD, then got flattened with a bloody annoying 3 week cough/cold. Shifted that and 2 days later had a 24hr sickness bug. Shifted that and got a heavier 7 day cough/cold that left me in bed several hours a day. Shifted that and got another cold. Now coming out of the woods again.

    Pretty pi55ed off because I never get hit like that. Am putting it down to junior monkey and his nursery germs. Missus also having various bouts of cough/cold as well as sinusitis and now an ear infection.

    Have managed one turbo session since NYD 🙁
    Missus has had a few snidd

    Full Member

    Impressed with Chisora’s speed too. Reckon one of them is going to run out of puff and get caught – or it’ll go 12 rounds with VK winning by 3-4 points.

    Full Member

    Really weird arena though. Looks like they’ve stuck the ring inside the middle of a club and invited people in off the streets.

    Full Member

    Vitali playing it solid here. At least 3-4 rounds ahead and in control. But Chisora still in with a chance.

    Full Member

    As much as I think Chisora is a ****, I have to admit to being impressed that he’s at least having a go. If he lands with one of his wild haymakers then he could be in.

    Full Member

    When I shift my latest cough/cold I’ll have a go at this on the turbo.

    Dave, when you say do no other training on top of if, I assume you’re referring to extending the session or then spending another hour in the gym or whatever. I.e. do your warm up > 4 mins tabata > warm down > end of? Repeat 4 times/week and do as you like on the days inbetween?

    Full Member

    What proof do you have that they nicked your image? If they suspect (or hope) you have none, then their decision not to respond effectively means they got away with it.

    Full Member

    Commercially clever, but an arrogant cock.

    Full Member

    This is incorrect, you can have your vehicle serviced at any vat registered garage so long as oem or equivalent parts are used.

    Not with every manuf. Both BMW and Land Rover warranties made it clear we could not use any VAT registerd garage and OEM parts etc. That was up until about 2 yrs ago – so maybe things have lightened up since?

    Full Member

    I only set mine up a few months ago and I get £243 a month

    Are you definitely in the upper earnings threshold (albeit after taking into account certain deductions that are accepted)? I had no joy with any provider I spoke with directly or HMRC. All they could do was backdate the £124s from application date (prob June) to Apr I think.

    Full Member

    For a full service I wouldn’t pay more than £125. Is that a dealer price?

    Not many 3-4 yr old cars are going to be serviceable for that price – small ones maybe, but at main stealers?

    Full Member

    Have you still got manuf warranty? If so, the small print tends to stipulate using main stealer or approved centre for any kind of work. If not, then I’d still go main stealer for something like £250 on a 3-4 yr old car – and then work towards indie specialist if I was keeping for a while.

    Full Member

    Last year you could claim £243/month (pre-tax) if you applied before start of the FY even if you were earning something like £40k+. That changed to something like £124/month, which equates to maybe £50/month in ‘take home’ less than you could have got. Bit of an arse but there you go.

    Full Member

    We seem to only be saving about £50 a month when ours get the ‘free’ places.

    Sounds about right what with you being up north an’ all that 🙂

    Full Member

    I did look at childcare vouchers from my employer but they still cost.

    You mean they cost the employer a tiny admin/commission fee? Won’t they stump up for that? Other than that they cost the Gov, not you.

    Full Member

    The 15hrs free thing doesn’t necessarily kick off when the child turns 3yrs. It’s dependent on DOB, so sometimes it can be 3yrs 4 months etc. Not the worst deal in the world – but still means, e.g. if your child is born in Sep, that you’ve got to cough up full wack until the New Year.

    Full Member

    My iP4 (on Yodafone) calls me 3 times when a VM is left. Can be annoying, can also be useful.

    Full Member

    Depends on a fair few variables, e.g.

    – what are the key training aims (if any)
    – noise
    – level of resistance
    – want to be able to change resistance on the fly (and emulate slopes etc)
    – want to hook up to a computer and track stuff like HR, cadence, speed, watts, etc
    – want to record sessions for comparison
    – budget
    – floor space (and portability)
    – want to be able to use it anywhere, e.g. indoors/outdoors
    – want to race against other people (online?)
    – want to ride virtual tracks/routes as well as pro routes

    Answer those and you get might some more pointers. Sounds at the mo that she just needs an entry level jobby. If so, I’d recommend talking with Fudge Cycles and Cycle Sports UK.

    I did a lot of research end of last year before opting for Taxc Flow 2200 with the PC upgrade kit. Excellent piece of kit but around £500 (in the sales). I can do everything listed above though (except virtual racing – can’t be bothered with that).

    Full Member

    Bloody hell. I feel equally inspired (all over again) just reading those few paragraphs as I did following Mark’s original thread.

    Full Member

    Me likey.

    Beef casserole with root veg yesterday (slow cooked the day before). Still got leftovers for today’s lunch and dinner. Major nom.

    Full Member

    That and the whingy characters – such as the ginga in Fireman Sam, Jake from Tweenies or the bassist from Zingzillas. They all need good slaps.

    Leave Tang and the rest of his primate friends alone. They’re cool.

    Full Member

    I can put up with it in the background but can’t say I’m a fan.

    Current favs inc;

    – Koala Brothers (except Mizzy – she’s annoying)
    – Octonauts (always good)
    – Ministry of Curious Stuff (weird but wonderful – image Vic n Bob/Angelos for kids)

    Can’t stand Waybaloo – all they do is invite children to run after them then do some kind of floating yoga.

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