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  • Stanton Switchback Gen 3 Review
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    Linky to big screens …

    Full Member

    Nice one Swedish. I’ve now found the ladies …

    Women’s Startlist
    12:30:00 24 FERNANDES SILVA Clemilda BRA19790625
    12:31:30 23 SUNDSTEDT Pia FIN19750502
    12:33:00 22 de VOCHT Liesbet BEL19790105
    12:34:30 21 MOOLMAN Ashleigh RSA19851209
    12:36:00 20 CORDON Audrey FRA19890922
    12:37:30 19 ANTOSHINA Tatiana RUS19820727
    12:39:00 18 TCHALYKH Elena AZE19740325
    12:40:30 17 GUDERZO Tatiana ITA19840822
    12:42:00 16 RAMSDEN Denise CAN19901121
    12:43:30 15 ZABELINSKAYA Olga RUS19800510
    12:45:00 14 FAHLIN Emilia SWE19881024
    12:46:30 13 WORRACK Trixi GER19810928
    12:48:00 12 CANTELE Noemi ITA19810717
    12:49:30 11 GILLOW Shara AUS19871223
    12:51:00 10 van DIJK Ellen NED19870211
    12:52:30 9 ARMITSTEAD Elizabeth GBR19881218
    12:54:00 8 JOHANSSON Emma SWE19830923
    12:55:30 7 NEBEN Amber USA19750218
    12:57:00 6 POOLEY Emma GBR19821003
    12:58:30 5 HUGHES Clara CAN19720927
    13:00:00 4 VILLUMSEN Linda Melanie NZL19850409
    13:01:30 3 VOS Marianne NED19870513
    13:03:00 2 ARNDT Judith GER19760723
    13:04:30 1 ARMSTRONG Kristin USA19730811

    Full Member

    Still no sodding news on start lists. Stoooopido.

    Full Member

    What do you bring to the role?
    What do you want to get out of it (personally, financially, developmentally, etc)
    What experience do you have that’s of value?
    What sets you apart from other candidates?

    No need to answer those here – just have something prepared.

    Full Member

    List 3 reasons you’re having the interview in the first place …

    Full Member

    Up until this year I seemed to get/keep in shape by either 1) eating/drinking really healthily or 2) exercising well. Now I have to do a fair bit of both. Some might see that as a 😮 but I don’t – it’s more of a 😛 because the benefits of combining both simultaneously are really making a difference.

    Am kind of fusing iDiet with Primal without cutting milk/cheese/etc. Tend to blow out on both Sat and Sun. Walk/run (mixing in hills/intervals) 90 mins Mon/Tue and Fri plus ride total of 5-6 hrs throughout the week.

    Started this 4-5 weeks ago and have only lost a few lbs but I’m a lot leaner. I dare say a fair bit of muscle mass has been converted. Previous to this was having to do Tabata due to time constraints – whilst this had some benefits it wasn’t a ‘cutter’ IME.

    Full Member

    Oh and just so you all know, she is reading the thread.

    I was going to ask that last night because if she knows you’re a STWer then you’d have to be pretty damn shrewd to cover what’s going on in a post like this. That is, if you want to cover anything more than your username of course. Maybe you’ll feel it’s partially a weight off your shoulders now that she can see what you’re airing/venting …?

    Full Member

    A mate bought some kind of Claude Butler for a bit more than that. He’s chuffed with it for sure.

    Full Member

    Seeding would make sense. Think I’ll take in the latter part of the women’s race too – might as well, eh?

    Full Member

    And does anyone have a copy of the starting order? Seems like the powers that be want to hold this back for security reasons until Tue or Wed.

    Full Member

    Why would you go for any deal at all? I’ve been out of contract since march waiting for the new iPhone.

    And not using your phone?

    Full Member

    Roses lime juice and soda tonight, sober night number 3.

    Still eating crap though.

    I wouldn’t worry too much about the latter. We all handle change in our own way, and IME you’re doing just great if you make inroads in cutting down on the booze followed by improving your everyday diet over the coming weeks. We’re not all designed to hit everything at the same time – some of us create change (even permanent change) over time.

    Keep at it fella.

    Full Member

    The variety of topics covered in both episodes illustrates the scope available, but IMO it’s just not doable unless you have:

    1. likeable presenters
    2. decent links
    3. proper interviews that don’t just show 90 secs from a 20 min chat
    4. a method of connecting with newbies as well as the ‘more experienced’

    Everything just seems compressed/concentrated into a 3-4 min skit – there’s no room to elaborate. If it was properly produced and an hour long then it would have serious potential.

    Full Member

    the name of the guy from The Clothes Show who asked the question.

    Jeff Banks.

    Full Member

    Wasn’t planning on going to this but &*(^ it, I now really want to. Will probably ride to the Cobham stretch so keen to see who else if up for this and/or any recommendations as well.


    Full Member

    Seeing as my iP4 contract is up on 1st Aug it’s likely I’ll go with a 90 day deal in time for upgrade – it the phone is justifiably more revolution than evolution.

    Full Member

    CNET saying the same thing …[/url], but based on iMore.

    Full Member

    pets are like bum sex………some people do some people dont.

    Which would equate to something like 40% of the UK being into bum sex 😯

    Full Member

    Fair enough, but you’re not a freeloading religious zealot/pr1ck head.

    Full Member

    Ar5e. You get that and we get the bloomin’ Antiques Roadshow 🙁

    Full Member

    Did anyone have any joy (yesterday) along the A25/Running Horses section? Was it jammed?

    Am thinking of starting on the Headley straight and then going XC to the RH. Probably stupid of me though.

    Full Member

    P.S. I tried to pick a piece of the garden that couldn’t be criticised

    After the front wheel is 80ft of shrubbery garden with a path winding to the garage.

    I’m confused … you ask us to believe you have a shrubbery garden yet you chose to show some ugly old bricks n slabs.

    Full Member

    I tried to pick a piece of the garden

    That’s not even a bit of garden – it’s courtyard.

    Full Member

    “Both the Road Race and Time Trial are predominantly free for spectators to watch in Surrey. The exception is a 2.5km stretch of road on the Zig-Zag Road incline and Donkey Green on Box Hill where up to 15,000 ticketed spectators will watch the Road Race. The rest of the Box Hill loop is free for spectators to view.”

    Which means the Headley Road section should be fine.

    I which there was just one site with all the relevant info. So many sites/people have said the whole loop is out of bounds for non-ticketeers.

    Full Member

    Like sputnik says, you could easily navigate your way to a spot between some trees/bushes. Whether there’ll be security every 50yds doing spot checks is anyone’s guess. I doubt it, but then there’s every likelihood of the H&S/RA brigade clamping down on exactly this.

    Full Member

    AFAIK only the A24 section where they loop round towards the Mickleham bends.

    Full Member

    Well I went over to the bottom of the Zig Zag this morning and a couple of burly policeman told me a shall not pass.

    box hill was closed to public today for teams to have official practise.

    I was there yesterday at 8:15am and although the barriers were up (at the official start to zig zag) security were pleasant and there were no police. Wasn’t allow up though, so I went round Headley Heath instead.

    Still don’t think any of us can guestimate how chaotic it’s gonna be until we arrive tomo. Will be arriving with chimp in tow and am hoping there’ll be enough ‘paths’ to get around without heavy-handed security intervening.

    Full Member

    Have decided against walking/running around and will now tow little monkey in his trailer. Am hoping there’ll be enough space to navigate from the A25 up to the A24 etc. Could be a right bind otherwise.

    Full Member

    Seeing as Lion bu88ered up my MBP’s wifi at random moments I think I’ll be waiting a while longer. Don’t honestly see what Lion brought to the table in terms of everyday functionality either. ML’s IOsness might be pretty useful though …

    Full Member

    And if we use tacks like the French Spanish you get to see wheel changes aswell

    Full Member

    I live across the fields and am still trying to figure out the best plan of action. Tis a tad more complicated because I’ll have little monkey in tow, hence riding isn’t really an option. Will prob watch from A24 > A25 > Denby’s party > back home.

    Don’t think many of us will know until we’re there exactly how simple or chaotic it’s gonna be.

    Full Member

    The challenge with making this type of show more ‘intelligent’, e.g. having the presenter ask ‘better’ questions, is that it’ll risk alienating the casual (non-cycle-savvy) viewer. Yet keep it as is and you do the same to those into biking.

    Full Member

    IMO cycling is such an expansive, diverse and subjective sport/past-time that it’s gonna be pretty damn difficult to please everyone who chooses to tune in.

    Didn’t connect with the presenter. Thought Mansell was actually alright – surprisingly. Obree illustrated his insanity. Fisher played the nutjob role with aplomb, but was also pretty grounded. Cafe and hangers-on – not sure about them. Hemingway slot should have been expanded upon.

    With a 30 min show no doubt cut down to something like 23 mins of actual play time on a commercial channel it’s no doubt gonna be hard to cover enough ground AND be relevant.

    Hopefully the next few shows will show some spark and get people off their couches and onto a saddle. Won’t happen though if it’s anything like this.

    Full Member

    In a 1 mile radius

    quite literally no more than 25.

    Full Member

    Personally don’t see much sincerity in Dave’s post above. Hopefully I’m wrong.

    If I was one of those owed money , given a fresh ‘guarantee’ of a refund in say 7 days only to receive nothing, then I’d be the first to hammer his Twitter feed.

    Full Member

    IMO it was particular interesting in the first 2 weeks because of the GC standings + crashes + the possibility of things kicking off in the Pyranees after nothing really happening in the Alps.

    It’s simmered down since and is Wiggo’s barring a crash.

    Toblerone stages never really delivered.

    Impressed with Sagan, TJ and Voekler.

    Full Member

    Hardly the point though is it.

    Full Member

    glenp, are you talking about this [/url]being hosted up on Denbies?

    Full Member

    Hopefully the “expected” British success in Le Tour and the Olympics will come off and encourage people to take this type of program more seriously.

    Might end up with a Wimbledon-esque 2 week spell of racket (bike) purchasing and court hire (pavement wibbling) though.

    Full Member

    What are other people doing?

    Walking across some fields 🙂

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