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  • Ribble launches 2 new hardcore hardtails that are ready to rip!
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    Tacx have a range of turbo tyres too; MTB and road.

    Full Member

    Check out the Mr Gum books … colourful and genuinely laugh out loud funny.

    Full Member

    Which ever way you go monkeyboy, good luck with it

    Yep, from one primate to another: best of luck either way.

    Full Member

    Unfortunately I am not getting this….

    The Accused: Last night, BBC 1, 9pm[/url]

    Full Member

    We are all too long dead.

    We’re not all tranny f^&kers though 😆

    Full Member

    In case anyone isn’t sure, THM has not been clobbered with the Perma-Ban Hammer.

    Full Member

    A fair few people with thyroid (and other related/endocrine issues) swear it makes a big difference to their well-being.

    We use it in a few dishes, mainly coconut-oriented stir fries a la Mr Sisson. Substitute breadcrumbs (e.g. shallow frying chicken, prawns, pork fillet) for dessicated coconut, normal oil for coconut oil and you’re onto a flavour winner.

    Full Member

    Posting on here helped & if theres one subject that binds this whole place together its the passing of a loyal hound.

    Unfortunately not. IIRC Chipps posted here (a year or two ago) re his hound’s passing and received a few bang-out-of-order comments. Others have experienced the same.

    Full Member

    +1 Bepanthen
    +1 Metanium (only use a tiny bit cos it seems to ‘expand’ as you apply it)

    Full Member

    So what’s gonna happen if everyone here starts getting on 😯

    Full Member

    +1 Gimp. Loads of tutorials around too.

    Full Member

    Thoughts are with you BH.

    Just wanted to add something that may or may not be relevant depending on how much you’ve thought ahead … Our beloved Bert passed away 2.5 yrs ago (had a stroke during the night – one of the most distressing things I’ve ever encountered). Wasn’t sure what to do re burial/cremation so I did some research (again, not the easiest thing to do) and called the local pet crem. They were great and couldn’t have been more warm and understanding. Invited me down to get a feel for the place etc. They even included a chapel and service! All in all, those few minutes made my mind up for me – Bert would have a little box and be with us always. Prior to that I just didn’t get the “keeping your pet’s ashes” thing. If I hadn’t done the legwork I reckon I’d have regretted my original choice (scattering). So all I’m saying is you might like to take some time to figure out your next steps …

    Big hug from the furry fella (Springer) sitting next to me.

    EDIT: just noticed you’ve posted while I was writing the above, so please don’t take my words (re scattering) the wrong way.

    Full Member

    Saw the last 5 mins and am strangely looking forward to checking out my recording later in the week. Didn’t think I’d be saying that 2/3 weeks ago.

    Would be great if it matured throughout the series and gained enough of a following to be taken somewhat more seriously.

    Full Member

    So the recorded output is normally anything from pretty good to amazing – it then changes for the better (if you have the s/w, the time and the effort/skill) but can then become worse once online?

    If that’s (kind of) the case and I only wanted to share videos with family/friends etc (not online) then the quality should remain as per the recording?

    Full Member

    @Euro: Ah, didn’t realise there was a non-HD version. So I guess my question to _tom_ is “Is that the HD 1?”

    A mate reckons Vegas Pro is better than Final Cut – maybe it is, but it’s also twice the price. Can’t justify that right now. Have an O/C i5 3.4GHz 760 + 8Gb + HD 6870 but would prefer to use my (somewhat lower spec) MBP or Mini.

    Interesting that quality is dipping on published output. Maybe hosting via something like Vimeo Pro or Brightcove (both paid subs) would provided better?

    Full Member

    Hmm, interesting comments guys.

    Still concerned that nothing I’m seeing comes close to the promo vids.[/url] Lots of shaky/grainy footage regardless of light etc. Could it be that people aren’t recording on highest settings?

    I rented a GoPro for a day last year and was really disappointed with the quality.

    Was that the Mk 1?

    Don’t yet feel comfortable shelling out £250+ on something that might not be all that good.

    Full Member

    Depends mainly on budget, what type of activity you want to use it for and your objectives.

    There have a been similar topics in the last year so try searching – not sure search goes back more than a few weeks/months though. I’ve a Tacx Flow 2200 with TTS and it’s awesome. Costs collectively about £500 if you shop around (about £750 if you don’t).

    Full Member

    Children are the most amazing gift. You did the right thing. You the man!

    Full Member

    Furry children rock. End of.

    Time is a healer … it really is … but be sure to keep your favoured memories close to heart. Always.

    Full Member

    Metro is absolutely hideous. Can’t even look at it.

    Full Member

    Springpad[/url] – one of the most counter-intuitive apps I’ve ever used. God knows how/why people like it.

    Full Member

    A mate went to one of his gigs a few years back. Lasted pretty much the whole day and by all accounts was very interesting.

    IMO he’s a proper nutter BUT I do believe there are ‘people’ out there who are somewhat not of our kind.

    Check out Them if you’re interested in similar beliefs/ideas, e.g. the Bilderberg group etc.

    Full Member

    Apologies for the slight hijack, but we’re looking to get the Hero HD 2.

    Can anyone comment on how much better it is than its predecessor or indeed the competition (Contour etc)?

    Is anyone getting quality similar to that on the GoPro site? I mean, their (particularly Hero 2) promo vids are incredibly slick which makes me wonder what else they’re using to get that quality. Have seen a fair few YT/Vimeo vids that are nowhere near as good.

    Surely if the source output is excellent then it won’t matter if using something like iMovie vs Final Cut (or Windows equivalent)? I’m talking in terms of quality, not adding fancy effects.

    Any pointers appreciated.

    Full Member

    You mean like the post before yours?

    Hmm, odd – that post wasn’t there 20 mins ago (for me anyway), hence my response. Oh well, sadly looks like there’s some life in this thread yet …

    Full Member

    You missed out that said businessman man claims he’s sorted it all out, yet none of the complainants have confirmed this,

    <not siding with DS> But by the same token you’d expect the complainants (quite rightfully IMO) to be on here complaining if refunds hadn’t been made? </not siding with DS>

    Full Member

    Synctoy is known to have its bugs – do a Google.

    I’ve been using Easus Backup for a few months and it’s awesome (and free).

    Full Member

    Cracking lass. Came out looking like the Dark Destroyer in the first couple of rounds – Chinese girl couldn’t live with her. Awesome stuff.

    Full Member

    Why are you SO keen for this to drop Don?
    Until iDave comes good this thread should remain to serve as a warning to prospective clients.


    Plenty of people come on here asking about Dave’s diet/training plan etc. If one of them never saw this thread (because it dropped several pages) and went and bought a training plan from him only to receive nothing, then they too would be most displeased. Sure, they should do due diligence (searching etc), but ATEOTD if they’re busy and trust Dave because of his ‘previous’ reputation, then there’s every chance they’ll just stump up the cash expectantly.

    Punters need to be aware of what’s happening.

    Full Member

    kept on falling off clipped in as result.

    I’ve never understood how people manage this. Maybe cos I’ve been riding SPDs since my teenage roadie days, but even then I found them easier to use than clips.

    Anyway, I recently opted for a pair of Shimano XC50N and so far they’re awesome. Good clearance, easy release, stiff enough, waterproof uppers (walked through a bog this morning and have dry feet for a change) and slipper-like comfort.

    Maybe it’s your style/mind that’s causing the issue, not your pedals/footwear?

    Full Member

    That made me smile a lot. Love it!

    Did you film using one of these?

    Full Member

    I did smell one once though.

    Your’s or someone else’s?

    Full Member

    It’s doing no favours whatsoever to encourage more cycling.

    Full Member

    I’ve just remembered what happened to one of my mates on a school trip to the Lakes. He got caught/grassed doing a wild poo and one of the teachers made him gather it into a plastic bag and carry around inside his rucksack for the remainder of the day. This was the late 80s when we had some seriously hot summers – and on this occasion it was proper scorchio. Not nice.

    Full Member

    I shall refrain from sharing the most grim of my dumping tales and stick to these:

    – lots in the wild, the worst of which was up Skiddaw with food poisoning
    – in the downstairs bin (in the middle of the night and later that morning) as the result of a bug
    – outside a mate’s shed (at about 3am) because he and his missus had the audacity not to answer the door to me and a mate as we walked home from clubbing

    Full Member

    Or maybe football can take a good long hard look at itself and realise it’s become a self-regarding circus destroyed by people trying to make money for themselves

    This has already been the case for years but nothing’s changed for the better. Too much money, sponsorship, power, greed etc. Crowds will always pay over the odds for season tickets and so on … agents will always take their pound of flesh … players will always demand incredibly inflated salaries … clubs will always pay up … sponsors will remain … as will the power of TV rights/money.

    The TdF and Olympics et al will pretty much be forgotten once the Premier League kicks off again. Tis wrong.

    Full Member

    Stop riding for a few weeks whatever exercise you used to do, start going to the pub and eating takeaways every night and put on as much weight as possible, see how she likes that.

    I’ve got mates that do that having given up things like football, tennis etc (no ex-riders though). I just can’t understand it. Each to their own I s’pose but even so, it’s just so not right.

    Back on topic, the good lady knows biking (plus running and generally doing something outdoors) is what keeps me sane. She understands it’s not a fad because that’s the way it’s been for years. She’s only occasionally been pi55ed at me heading off on the bike but it’s usually because she deems there are other ‘more important’ things that needed doing instead.

    Full Member

    Whatever you do, you must have them finish with a set of doggies. You’ll win their respect forever 😯

    Full Member

    If you get on well with your LBS (or make friends with another one) there’s every chance they’ll go through their spares and give you a few freebies that they otherwise wouldn’t make money on, e.g chain links (either exact same or at least compatible). They might not save you in the way a Powerlink would, but they’re better than nothing.

    Full Member

    For a start PH is free (or has been every time I’ve used it) so no harm sticking it there. It’ll soon be off the first couple of pages though.

    Persevere with AT but face the reality of having to drop your price.

    Check out places like ”We buy any car”[/url] but be prepared to get fisted over a barrel.

    Full Member

    Cracking day all round. Rode jauntily up to Cobham to see the women’s race before taking in a pint and some fine samosas from the Indian chappy. Then headed up towards Esher for the men’s race which was positively awesome. Sat on the very edge of the kerb for every pic – Sanchez in particular whizzed past literally within inches. Retired to the big screen only for it to lose signal with 3-4 mins to go … Aaaarrrghghgh … had to be re-installed and came back to life just in time for the finish.

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