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  • Monday Mini Review: Nukeproof Horizon V2 Wheelset
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    There seems to be a somewhat experienced bunch of ‘swag’ gatherers though who race up the verge literaly just after the cyclist have passed hoovering up mussets and bottles.

    What a bunch of sad ****.

    Full Member

    Has several properties, earns good money – and only works a few hours a week.

    He’s an MP.

    Nah, he’s straight 😀

    Full Member

    hopefully some money-grabbing slut will snap him up and make his life a misery

    Unfortunately he pulls fit birds too! He’s pretty bright and I’ve yet to see him attract someone we have doubts about.

    Full Member

    All I envy (and this isn’t restricted to my friends) is people with perfect eyesight and a full head of hair. The bastards. The amount these two restrictions have held me back is incredible. I’d be a god by now if I had a thick thatch on my head.

    The bastard ticks both those boxes too 😯

    Full Member

    Admittedly that’s an anomaly for him as he didn’t have a plan when he bought it. It was just something he did on a whim (because he could afford to blow the cash).

    Normally he’ll say something like “I’m going to run X marathon next June” then he’ll go away, train and end up doing said marathon.

    Full Member

    Diigo so everything syncs (with notes, tags and highlighted bits) across all devices!

    Full Member

    Thankfully not as sensitive as Redlands. I miss some of the trails that have disappeared over the last 10 years.

    Full Member

    Pork fillet cut into slices > marinate in thai spices/creme fraiche > 180deg for 20 mins. Serve with salad of choice. Job done.

    Full Member

    The Police were superb today. The first outrider holding his hand out along the crowds on the finish straight and then the others waving and mucking about with the sirens – looked like they were enjoying themselves.

    Lots of them did the same during the Olympic road races and TTs (and the torch run). Was good to see them joining in. Probably makes a change to be involved in some kind of “national sporting celebration” as opposed to a car chase.

    Full Member

    Fishers[/url] do a pretty decent mobile chippy around Surrey.

    McDermotts[/url] in Addington takes the crown though. Bang on every time. Tad pricey for eat-in but worth it.

    Full Member

    Atlaz, can you email me his details please … my mate is in a similar position and he’s in Sussex. Cheers

    Full Member

    +1 all the above.

    Doesn’t matter to me if SPOTY is a big deal or not. Just makes a change to see so many worthy performances being celebrated.

    Team award to Sky or GB? Tricky one that.

    I now reckon Wiggins > Weirwolf > Ennis.

    Full Member

    got the details off my best man

    I was born and raised in that very pub/hotel for the first 2 years of my life 🙂

    Hope you enjoyed the ride and weather. I love the SDW.

    And all the best for your big day!

    Full Member

    iPad Mini possibly being announced this week. Not necessarily the best fit with an Android phone but I’d certainly hang fire for a few more days anyway.

    Full Member

    Goes along my road on Sunday 🙂 Hoping to see them at the start, finish and somewhere in the Surrey Hills.

    Full Member

    I used to pack my footie socks with ice cubes and just keep em raised (a la broken legs in hospital) until soaked. Other than that I did more miles on the bike as well as changed my running method; run 15 mins, walk 5, repeat. Combination of those did the trick for me 10 years ago.

    EDIT: I remember getting some customised orthotic soles made up too. I’m pretty sure they made a difference because of my over-pronation. Worth looking into.

    Full Member

    One of my martial artist mate’s favourite films. He lent me a copy about 7 yrs ago and I’ve only managed the first half in all that time. I dig a lot of weird stuff but this really isn’t my cup of tea. Missus loves it though 😯

    Full Member

    I started down the volunteering route for the Olympic road races but found the comms messy and uninspiring. Decided to opt out and grabbed a spot by the roadside instead.

    Didn’t think about it for the ToB though.

    Full Member

    I’m up for this too. Will have a look at live video/cam streaming tomo. Could do worse than use something any standard web conferencing app, eg WebEx, GoToMeeting etc. have you got a web cam?

    Full Member

    He’s been looking at jobs for a few weeks and really stepped up his efforts this month. There’s every chance he’ll move on in Oct if nothing changes even if he has nothing to go to. I think he can afford to do that but probably not for longer than a couple of months. And we all know how hard it can be to get another job right now.

    I forgot to mention there’s a load of bad-mouthing (of him) going on behind scenes by the other Directors too. I only know this because our networks overlap and already people are telling me (and him) the stuff they’ve heard. All very wrong.

    Full Member

    I’ve forwarded him your comments, so cheers for your time.

    He’s already a Director (maybe in title only?) and there’s no chance of restructuring. I know the company well and they just won’t follow that through.

    Hopefully he’ll get some joy from ACAS, DG and some kind of lawyer.


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    Hopefully the iPad Mini/Nano/Whatever is more than just fiction and offers another genuine competitor. Roll on 12th Sep (unless that’s just another imaginary PR date too) …

    Full Member

    TBH I wasn’t expecting much from this show but it’s had me in stitches. Josh Widdicombe is still a tit though.

    Plenty of cracking highlights tonight 🙂 “The Weirwolf” and Peacock were immense as were so many other performances. Shames my mate’s daughter only managed bronze in the 200m individual medley (albeit her 7th medal in 2 games 😯 ).

    Full Member

    ACAS – didn’t think of them.

    CAB seemed to think that if the company are struggling financially then there’s no point pursuing outstanding salary or fighting a dismissal case. Maybe they’re right – if so then it gives employers carte blance to pi55 on their employees and avoid redundancy payouts etc.


    Full Member

    I wish the bloody e-ink page updates weren’t so “in yer face”. That’s the one thing that puts me off these devices altogether. Ggghhrhrh.

    Full Member

    Been there a couple of times myself, most recently with Bert back in early 2010.

    Time is a healer though, even when there are days that just seem to throw something like this at you.

    Healing vibes of the furry child variety …

    Full Member

    Prostate tumor.

    Haven’t you got a life to sort out? Or is that put off until next week?

    Full Member

    They might have it all but that doesn’t mean they’re showing it all live. Haven’t found one single stream (offical or unofficial) to any TT/road cycling all day.

    Full Member

    How about looking into setting up your own nursery 🙂

    Full Member

    How does a nursery school differ to a nursery? Do they expect kids to ‘go into’ their own reception then school straight after? Provisional places etc?

    Full Member

    This isnt a financial problem.. it’s a social problem. There are far too many people in this country who simply have no idea how to handle their finances. Far too many people who put smoking/alcohol/drugs before food/shelter/clothing for their children.

    Which is why the Gov are rolling out a plan to give benefits cash straight into the hands of those receiving it instead of into the accounts that they should be paying into each week/month, e.g. council tax. The aim being to help them learn to manage their finance. Yeah right, that’s really gonna work innit? Parts of the country adopting this already. Tis gonna be a right royal **** up.

    Full Member

    Actually this does make you wonder about the tactics these scrotes could adopt on certain trails in certain well know areas. I’m not going to publish anything here but I reckon we can all think of a few sections where sadly their chances of “success” could well be higher.

    Full Member

    @davetrave: do you know anyone who has used that spray, are you generally aware of it or did you just Google it? Just wondering because I can honestly see a fair few riders getting a can so long as 1) it works and 2) it’s totally legal.

    Not only that but they will be covered in a bright red foaming dye that will get into their eyes and nose and mouth and is quite difficult to wash off. Making their way home from any such incident leaves them looking like they are covered in blood and that will attract attention to themselves, something they really do not want!
    This acts as a brilliant Criminal Identifier as well because the red dye also contains an invisible Ultra Violet Tracer which only shows up under UV Light (which of course, the police have!)


    Full Member

    Be honest about it and give Spesh a call. They’ll probably offer you a replacement for half price at worst. Legendary CS.

    Full Member

    @gonefisin: I should have iterated that I was aiming at the “What’s it like to be a parent?” side of things. Likewise the other side of the coin is more for the non-parents because of the reason you stated.

    Full Member

    My other worry is that ,as much I want a child, I’m fairly sure the world is going to go tits up within my lifetime let alone my child’s, I genuinely think this recession is a drop in the ocean of what will come in the not-too-distant future. I’m seriously questioning if that is a world i want to bring a new life into

    I too believe the world, or at least the UK, will spiral downward for another generation or so before grabbing hold of anything that offers some kind of resurrection. I’m taking re economic, social and educational issues predominantly. I’m also kind of scared about the what monkey jnr is going to experience once he too starts school. As a firm believer in “Education begins at home” I’m hoping I can do my bit.

    Full Member

    @thegeneralist: yep, I know it’s a bit of a generalisation but the point I’m illustrating is that IMO non-parents (most or indeed all?) can’t possibly know what it’s like to be a parent.

    Put aside arguments such as “I’m 25y years old and have had to look after my younger brother for 15 years because dad walked out and mum is too unwell to look after us …” or “All my friends have kids so I know what it’s like” or “I babysit evey Fri night for my mate down the road” etc.

    The bond between parent and child is unlike anything else I know of. Hence I can’t see how that can be mimicked in any way. Sure, there’s the “everyday” stuff that most people can chew over. And I’ve nothing against anyone who doesn’t want kids – unless they believe kids are worthless/a pain/too much hassle etc.

    I’m just saying that to know what it’s like to be a parent kind of requires speaking to parents.

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